Reactions to arriving home after 2 months away on the road..
00:00Guys, it is officially the last morning of the trip.
00:05We will be home in a couple of hours.
00:07I think it's about two and a half hours home.
00:09Are you looking at Aurora?
00:15Are you looking forward to getting home?
00:18She's got no idea.
00:19I'm actually so excited to see Aurora's reaction to getting home.
00:24I am very excited.
00:26Jay doesn't want to go home.
00:27He wants to stay in a van.
00:29Forever, my whole life.
00:31Jay wants to live in a van.
00:32Jay is his dad's son, aren't you?
00:35He wants to live in the Arctic.
00:39My whole life.
00:40Mila, do you want to go home to the brick house?
00:43Mila wants to go home to the brick house.
00:48Jay is fully packed his bag and ready to go.
00:51We've got about a two hour drive back to the brick house.
00:56I am going to have to go straight to Asda.
00:58I'm going to go home and then I am going to have to go straight to Asda to get some food in.
01:03Usually when we get back from a trip like this, I would just do like the one stop.
01:07Like just to get some essentials, some lunch in, something to eat for dinner tonight, some milks, some breakfast and things like that.
01:14However, and then I'd go the next day.
01:17However, tomorrow Isla has very, very conveniently arranged a shopping day at Meadow Hall with a group of friends.
01:26Not only that, I've got to go pick up all of the friends.
01:29All of them.
01:30I've got to go pick each individual friend up from each individual house.
01:34So that's fantastic.
01:35I'm only joking.
01:36I don't actually have a problem picking up the friends at all because Isla has been really looking forward to this little shopping trip.
01:41So I don't have any issues whatsoever going to pick up the friends.
01:47But yeah, that's why I need to go and do the Asda food shop tonight and then I'm busy the next day.
01:53And then we're going back to Meadow Hall the next day with some other friends.
01:56Esme's friend, Isla's friend and my friend.
01:59So we've got a busy few days coming up.
02:01That's for sure.
02:03But I'm looking forward to it.
02:05I am actually looking forward to going to Asda today to get some food shopping.
02:09I always, it sounds crazy, but I always really enjoy when we get back from long trips like this.
02:13Whether that be a trip up to the Arctic Circle, whether it be a trip around Europe.
02:17I always really look forward to getting home and going to Wildey or Asda.
02:22It's probably because I'm born and raised in the UK.
02:25I know the food, I know the prices, I know what I'm buying.
02:28And it's a heck of a lot cheaper than anywhere else in the world.
02:31Even though we do always complain in the UK like, it's so expensive, the prices are rising.
02:35Which I'm not saying they're not.
02:37But compared to Europe and Scandinavia, it's cheap as chips.
02:42It's a big price difference, that's all I'm saying.
02:46So yeah, I'm looking forward to going and doing that today.
02:50But we're about to get on the road.
02:53I think Chris and Iz just went over.
02:55We slept in a service station last night here in the UK.
02:59So I think Chris and Isabel just went over to the toilet.
03:03Oh no, Isabel's here.
03:04I think, is that Isabel?
03:13Say Abel!
03:24You have a morning, Isabel!
03:29She genuinely misses the three girls when they sleep in their caravan overnight.
03:33And she loves it when they come in the next morning.
03:36It's so cute because every time we see each other she goes, Abel, Abel!
03:40She saw you through the window this morning when dad opened the door, she's going, Abel!
03:46The boat yesterday, when she was running down the corridor, after we came out of dad's room,
03:50she ran down the corridor and I was going, Abel, Abel!
03:54It was so cute.
03:55It was, Aya!
03:57Or, how do you say it?
03:59She doesn't say it a lot.
04:00She doesn't say Esme a lot, but she has started saying it recently.
04:03She has started saying it, but it's more just Esme.
04:07She's only just recently started saying Esme.
04:09Let's see if she does it when she opens the door.
04:11Oh yeah, see if she does it.
04:12What is that?
04:16Is that what she said?
04:18Because I thought she was saying mummy at first.
04:22Who's that?
04:26Esme, so cute!
04:27It's so sweet how she shouts them all by their names.
04:31So adorable.
04:32You call me Esme.
04:33I've not said Mila much.
04:37Do you know, Mila's the one she struggles with the most.
04:41Jase says Jase.
04:45But Mila's the one that she struggles with the most.
04:49Say Ayla!
04:51Say Ayla.
04:53Good morning everybody.
04:55Aurora, say...
04:56I'm sorry.
04:57Aurora, say Jase.
05:01Say Mila.
05:06Say Ayla.
05:08Say Ayla.
05:16Wow, we're definitely back in the UK.
05:19Look at the weather, it's so great.
05:24It's so great.
05:27Oh my goodness.
05:32Guys, there's nothing, nothing quite like it.
05:36Getting home, to your home, after such a long trip, just walking in, there's just nothing like it.
05:50I know Jase and Mila have been desperate to play with this.
05:55That looks way more than it did on the picture.
06:01I think I can hear the little ones coming round now.
06:06The grass is not too bad, I thought the grass was going to be really long.
06:09They're here.
06:18How do you feel now, Jase?
06:20A little bit better.
06:23Aurora, where are we?
06:25Oh, look at Aurora.
06:27Oh my gosh, look at her face, she's like, wait, what?
06:30Wait, where are we?
06:31Where are we?
06:33Where are we?
06:37Oh my gosh, I'm so...
06:41Aurora, where are we?
06:43Oh my gosh, she's so cute, she's so confused.
06:47I know.
06:48Aurora, where are you going?
06:51Buddy, where are you going?
06:57She's like, wait, what?
06:59She's like, I know this place, but I feel like I've not been here for a while.
07:05You got a ball?
07:11What's that?
07:14What, darling?
07:15I want to go to my princess shop.
07:17You want to go play with your princess kitchen?
07:20Princess kitchen.
07:23She just said, I don't know if I can bother doing anything.
07:27She's done it for six years, hasn't she?
07:29Times have changed.
07:32The reason she's sat here, by the way, for anyone wondering, is because the heating's been turned off, so the floor's cold.
07:38So Dasha's going to get her slippers from the van.
07:41It's so beautiful.
07:42It is so cute.
07:44We can't run from here.
07:46We do upstairs.
07:47We start on the landing.
07:48You can't do it like that.
07:49Oh, right.
07:50We have to run upstairs.
07:51We have to put our MacBooks and stuff down.
07:53Right, oh, right, right, okay.
07:55We have to watch it.
07:56You've never watched Star Wars?
07:57You've never watched Star Wars?
08:00Listen up to everyone.
08:01We've literally done this.
08:02Not even just like road trips, but on holidays, we've done this like in the old house.
08:05We used to run.
08:06Well, Aurora's running with me, so I'm just going to listen.
08:17One's gone that way.
08:18One's gone that way.
08:24Aurora, get down.
08:26Get down.
08:27Come on.
08:28We're watching the stairs again.
08:29I know, we will.
08:31Excuse me, little missy.
08:33Come on.
08:35Let's go play.
08:36Let's go play.
08:38Come on.
08:53Esme's winning that.
08:55Come on, you.
08:56Come on.
08:58Let's go play.
08:59Come on.
09:06I just saw all my stuff I got for Christmas under, on my little corner in my room.
09:10Yeah, we left quite soon after Christmas.
09:12There's quite a lot of stuff that I didn't like get time to open or haven't opened yet.
09:16Yeah, yeah.
09:17So, I've got a lot of stuff under there.
09:20What you got?
09:22What is it?
09:25Let me see.
09:26Oh, it's Princess Baby.
09:30You got her a hug?
09:33Aw, hugs for the baby.
09:38Yes, Isla.
09:39I'm really excited about these because,
09:43I'm really excited about these because I haven't tried this type of like bun thing yet.
09:48You like roll them up so there's no spare head.
09:49It's round.
09:50That's cool.
09:51It's cool.
09:52Straight in the packages.
09:53Straight in there.
09:54What's that doing in there?
09:57What's that doing there?
09:59Goodness me.
10:01Goodness me.
10:06What's this family like?
10:09Yes, Jase.
10:13Come in.
10:14Oh, straight in, straight in the presents we didn't get to open.
10:18Oh, that's my favourite eye.
10:19Is that your favourite?
10:20Yeah, it's my favourite eye because I can't see.
10:22So, you got some cars then to play with it?
10:23need to go and find your cars
10:27in fact i took a load of your cars away with us
10:29so some of them might still be in the van
10:31my locket
10:33my locket
10:35one second
10:37oh my gosh
10:39i'm throwing it
10:41oh look how cute that is
10:45one second jace
10:47ayla got a little locket with her and her friend inside
10:49so cute
10:51look at this esme
10:53isn't that cute
10:55jace what are we doing mate
10:57i thought we were playing with this one
10:59oh you're getting the cars out
11:01the water goes in his brain
11:03how do you know how it works
11:05i'm just a clever mummy
11:07and then you pull this
11:09and they come out wet
11:11yeah when you put water in
11:13can i go put the water in
11:17so as you can see
11:19it's a pile of stuff
11:21and it's all that
11:23so that is definitely not as bad for me
11:25saying that
11:27has isabel taken hers es
11:31ok so this is all mine then
11:33what darling
11:35rara where's your baby
11:37where is she
11:39where's your baby
11:41where's she gone
11:43is she on the table
11:45near jace
11:51aurora look at mumma
11:53is she there
11:55i can't squeeze it down
11:57it's really stiff
11:59so you've got to push that
12:01there it makes the water come out
12:03you've got a car
12:05that's it it's really stiff actually isn't it
12:07really stiff
12:09and then i made a puddle
12:11that's it
12:13ok you ready
12:17ok who wants a haul
12:19i'm not going to do one today
12:21i'm not doing one today
12:23because i need to get myself to asda
12:25i need to go and get some shopping in
12:27what have you got nila
12:29i love how
12:31those are they
12:33they're really nice
12:35are you doing a haul as well
12:37can i show you my bedroom
12:39yeah i'll come look at your bedroom
12:41guys i'll do a full youtube haul
12:43i'll do a full youtube haul
12:45they're so nice
12:49can i sneak a peek
12:51they're so cute
12:53can i do a haul
12:55of my stuff
12:57one thing that is so sweet
12:59and i absolutely love
13:01some people say this is a negative
13:03but i genuinely feel like it's a positive
13:05the children don't get to play with their toys
13:07they didn't even get to open everything for christmas
13:09but to me that's not a negative
13:11it's not just something that they open
13:13over the christmas holiday
13:15and then it's done and put away in a drawer
13:17it's something that they
13:19go back to over and over and over again
13:21because when we go away they get a break from their toys
13:23so when we come back it's all brand new
13:25even things like
13:27you don't have to open these
13:29they pretend to be rings
13:31even things like their bedrooms
13:33can i come and show you my bedroom
13:35i want that
13:37i'm going to open them for you one second
13:39yeah it's just really
13:41i absolutely love it
13:43i love that when we get a break from
13:45everything that we have
13:47when we come back we've got a new found appreciation
13:49for everything
13:51even our bedroom like jay's just said
13:53it's really sweet
13:55anyway i'm going to open these for mila
13:57i don't need to do that
13:59i'm always going to be quiet
14:01for the rest of the week
14:03i'm going to be occupied
14:05come here mila choose some earrings
14:07which ones do you like to wear
14:09which ones would you like
14:11just the green ones please
14:15just the green
14:17i love these pink
14:21do you want me to put them in you
14:23they're not rings
14:25they're not rings darling
14:27these ones are earrings
14:33it won't hurt
14:35jay's can i do it to you
14:39look watch
14:41come here aurora
14:49i'll do it
14:51i'll do it
14:53are you ready then
14:55i want to do these hot ones
14:57which ones
14:59those ones
15:01are you ready
15:05next one
15:07aurora don't be missing them all
15:11i love these
15:13look look in here
15:15look at yourself are you ready
15:21so pretty
15:23do you want some in
15:25mum i'm just going to
15:27mum i'll do it for you
15:29i'll clean them up
15:3110 are you ready
15:35where's the other one
15:37this one
15:39give me your other ear
15:41turn this way
15:45just like amelia
15:49that's me
15:53that's me
15:55they're beautiful
15:57they're so cute
15:59can you do it for me
16:01one second jace
16:05can you make me some cup of tea
16:07oh i can't wait for a cup of tea
16:11i'm coming to see your bedroom jace
16:15you all know
16:17how much i love my family
16:19it goes without saying
16:21i love my family more than i love my life
16:23like if i didn't have my family
16:25i wouldn't want my life
16:27you know
16:29you know how much i love my family
16:31but if i was to tell you that wasn't the best
16:33most relaxing
16:35chilled car ride
16:37that last 10 minutes car ride
16:39that i've just had to asda
16:41in the last couple of months
16:43i'd be lying
16:45it was
16:49quiet that my ears
16:51are actually ringing right now
16:53i wouldn't change the last few months for anything
16:55the last 2 months on the road for anything
16:57but you really realise
16:59how much you miss your own company
17:01when you go on these trips
17:03and you come back
17:05and you're on your own again
17:07like that car drive
17:09i was just like
17:13where's the noise
17:15where's the hustle and the bustle
17:17where's the squealing
17:19where's the mama
17:21where's the are we there yet
17:23where's the i need the toilet
17:25where's the can i have a snack
17:27like what
17:29it was just so alien
17:31to me which is just weird
17:33and it's just crazy
17:35how you get used to
17:37a way of life
17:39and then just how quickly you just slot straight back in
17:41but how alien it feels
17:43that first time you go ahead and do it
17:45and i can't pretend like i'm not gonna
17:47just a little bit
17:49just a tiny bit
17:51drag this asda food shop
17:55drag this asda food shop out
17:57just a tiny bit
17:59longer than i need to
18:01i might do
18:03i might do
18:05i'm actually quite looking forward to going in and having a mooch around
18:07not just the bread aisle
18:09or the potatoes
18:11but the clothes
18:13i'm gonna have a little look
18:15i'm looking
18:17don't even have a pound for the trolley do i
18:19the only thing i can find is 220p
18:21and i'm sure i did this last time and it worked
18:23fingers crossed
18:25here we go
18:27see if this works
18:29no it's not gonna work
18:35i'm sure i did this last time and it worked
18:39maybe i'm not lining them up right
18:41yes yes
18:45oh my gosh yes
18:47it's super loud in here guys
18:49with the music but i just found the most adorable outfit
18:51i cannot it's so sweet
18:53look how sweet this is
18:55┬г14 but you get the trousers
18:57with the little cherries on
18:59and the little
19:01gingham pink trousers
19:03and then this top
19:05i can't get it for aurora in here
19:07so i'm not ordering it online i just checked online
19:09they've got her size
19:11they've got 12-18 months but i'm gonna buy
19:13mila this in 3-4
19:15even though aurora's in 9-12 and mila's in 2-3
19:17i'm gonna buy them so they last longer
19:19they don't need anything else
19:21in like
19:23their current sizes and i'm sure they'll be moving up
19:25very soon
19:27so how adorable though
19:29and then i also really like this but i don't like that that's a short skirt
19:31i don't know i just feel
19:33i don't know i'm not saying there's anything wrong
19:35if anybody puts their little ones in short skirts
19:37but i can't imagine aurora
19:39in this tiny skirt look how small it is
19:41it's literally the tiniest little skirt ever
19:43i wish it was like maybe
19:45shorts underneath or something
19:47not that there's anything wrong i'm not saying there's anything wrong
19:49with there not being
19:51i know she's just got a nappy on under there
19:53but i would just personally prefer that
19:55to be like a shorts
19:57still so adorable though
19:59oh my gosh
20:01just got home
20:05definitely didn't miss this
20:07oh my darling
20:09who've you got
20:13who've you got
20:15who's that
20:17who is it
20:19show mama
20:21come here
20:23who've you got
20:25who is it
20:33is it anna
20:35aww you love your
20:39and now it's to put all the
20:41shopping away
20:43what you keep coming back to me for
20:47chris has been buzzing for the cleaning
20:49stuff to arrive
20:51you alright sweetheart you look cute
20:53cutesy cutesy
20:55is that one you got from amazon
20:57looks lovely
20:59i don't want to get ballet tights that are really itchy
21:01but these ones are perfect
21:03goody goody
21:05very very sweet
21:09is that the one we just bought
21:15but it keeps coming down
21:23look at aurora with her baby
21:25sweetheart the cleaning products
21:27are spread across the bags
21:29when i'm firing in the bags
21:31i'm not organised enough
21:33to be organising them
21:35i thought you might have gone from the same shop
21:37no i got more from the same shop
21:39he did tell me to go to my baggage
21:41but i could not be bothered tonight
21:43you're going to be shocked hearing that come from me
21:45i genuinely could not be bothered
21:47i just wanted to get to asda
21:49get back home
21:51i'm dreaming about a bath
21:53are you dreaming about a bath too isla
21:55i'm dreaming about a bath
21:57i've got so many beans
21:59i'm so confused
22:03baby just had a question on instagram
22:05on facebook right
22:07and it was
22:09if your children were the opposite sex
22:11what would you have called them
22:13so i'm going to put you to the test
22:15come here
22:17in the camera
22:19can you remember the names of what we would call
22:21our six children
22:23if they were the opposite sex
22:25isabel brooklyn
22:27ismae dylan
22:29ismae would have been dylan
22:31isla was austin
22:33mila was
22:35we knew so we never had a boys name
22:39no wait we didn't stop at mila
22:41there's still two more children babe
22:43jace i don't know i can't remember
22:45because we knew
22:47we did have a girl name for jace
22:49but we still knew his sex
22:51we did quite early but we still had a girl name in mind for jace
22:53lost it
22:55how about aurora
22:59we knew what she was going to be
23:01we didn't know straight away
23:03we still had time with aurora
23:05mila didn't
23:07it was brian
23:11sure it was brian
23:13no it was not brian
23:15what's wrong
23:17it was not brian
23:19it was cove
23:21it was cove for aurora
23:23yeah i said that and chris was like right
23:25but i said that when you said austin
23:27for isla
23:29spelt ostyn
23:31i wanted noah
23:33i wanted noah for
23:37but chris hated that
23:39and i didn't like austin
23:41but we kind of had this back and forth
23:43the whole way through pregnancy with isla
23:45because with the older three girls we didn't find out
23:47until they were born
23:49so we were back and forth the whole way through
23:51he kept saying no austin
23:53and then i got a cute vest made up
23:55that said daddy won
23:57my name is austin
23:59i think it was until isla came out though
24:01yeah but i was going to put it on him
24:03if she would have been a him
24:05so then chris would have been like oh yay
24:07it would have been a surprise for chris because i'm kind like that
24:09but we both agreed on isla
24:11if she was a girl
24:13it was very cute that i did that
24:15and then which other one did you just not get
24:19jace's was
24:21probably we didn't discuss it too much
24:23actually so i can kind of forgive you for that
24:25but i
24:27mean we didn't have one
24:29do you remember when we came up with the name isla
24:31yeah i remember
24:33don't tell him
24:39it was in marbella
24:41it was not in marbella babe
24:43it was in portugal
24:45it was in portugal
24:47torres campu
24:51you didn't get pregnant
24:53no i wasn't even pregnant at that point
24:55but we said like because we knew we wanted another baby
24:57we said if it's a girl let's call her mila
24:59i said it to you when we were in the swimming pool
25:01anyway jace
25:03would have been aurora
25:05or everly
25:07do you remember
25:09i loved aurora and i loved everly
25:11but we didn't use our next
25:13because the next baby would have been
25:15was mila
25:17and she could have been aurora
25:19because we still loved that name
25:21i went off of everly but i still loved aurora obviously
25:23but mila just felt like
25:25it just felt like a mila
25:27i'm glad it was aurora because she has blonde hair
25:29so she looks like princess aurora
25:31she's playing with cars right now loving her life
25:33aren't you sweetheart
25:35brum brum
25:37no i just found two scotch eggs in the fridge
25:41they went off at the end of january
25:43no this is how we left the fridge guys
25:45by the way
25:47totally empty
25:49it's disgusting
25:51except the sauces
25:53and things
25:55completely empty
25:57isabel's job was taking the fridge out the day we left
25:59that is gross
26:01mine are still intact though actually
26:03right guys i'm about to jump in the bath
26:05i just nearly gave you all
26:07the biggest fry of your entire life
26:09i was facing that
26:11and i didn't even realise
26:13until after
26:15anyway it's a good job
26:17because we'd have had no subscribers left
26:19but i'm about to get in the bath
26:21give over
26:23i'm about to get in the bath i'm so excited
26:25for christmas
26:27not those but i treated myself
26:31some of these things
26:33i saw them on i think tiktok
26:35or someone's christmas haul
26:37oh thanks babe
26:39they look really really
26:41can you get me a
26:43do you know what you could do babes
26:45grab me a brew
26:47thank you and my water from the kitchen side
26:51they had these and i thought oh they look so nice
26:53so i treated myself to some
26:55so i got this body butter
26:57which looks delicious
26:59and then i got
27:01and yeah i did just say delicious
27:03i got this
27:05rainbow body scrub
27:07that looks so good
27:09and then i also got
27:11this rainbow
27:13this rainbow
27:15shave butter i've never ever
27:17used a shaving butter before
27:19i've only ever used
27:21shaving foam so
27:23i'm intrigued to know how that's
27:25going to work but yeah
27:27i thought i would try those out
27:29today also chris will be in his bath
27:31and i absolutely love it honestly
27:33it's so like the best
27:35for him in this gorgeous bath
27:37but they put so much bubbles in
27:41going over the side of the bath here
27:43all around me
27:45so many bubbles
27:47i'm too scared to move
27:49actually too scared to move
27:51but seriously how perfect
27:53oh i need the big lights off
27:55i need the big lights off and just have that
27:57oh my gosh guys i've got such good
27:59idea for this bedroom
28:01i'm here looking at the bedroom
28:03we can definitely do it
28:05we can 100% do it
28:07i don't need to tell you guys about it now
28:09so we'll run show when we're away
28:11because obviously you forget like how big this space actually is
28:13but i hate this big gap here
28:15i know it doesn't look that big on camera
28:17but honestly you could fit another double bed there
28:19like it's massive
28:21so i was thinking
28:23maybe we could get like a
28:25sofa or something for the bottom there
28:27also excuse my clothes i've just been trying on
28:29and also my dirty clothes
28:31but instead
28:33i had this other idea
28:35where we pull the whole bed down to about here
28:37because it's just so much space all that
28:39so we pull the bed down to about here
28:41and then we create
28:43a wall
28:45i'm not sure actually how that would work with the window
28:47i think the window stops about there
28:49so we create a wall
28:51here and then we have a wardrobe
28:53here so the whole back wall
28:55would be like wardrobe
28:57but you know like those open wardrobes
28:59like from ikea without the doors on the front
29:01so all this back wall would be open wardrobe
29:03and then maybe the size of the headboard
29:05you alright Ayla?
29:07you alright babe?
29:09i can see i have a new body wash
29:11do you want to use some of that?
29:13ooh yeah go on then
29:17the wall doesn't even need to go the full length
29:19it doesn't need to be wall to wall
29:21in fact it's probably best not because of this archway
29:23we've got to the bathroom
29:25make it like just a little bit bigger than the headboard
29:27floor to ceiling wall
29:29so that we can walk around the back of the bed
29:31into the
29:33like fitted wardrobe
29:35it's kind of hard to explain what i mean
29:37but it'll make it cosier because the bed will be down here
29:39and then it stops
29:41about here
29:43with the headboard on this like wall
29:45with a gap either side
29:47to walk around into walking wardrobes behind
29:49oh my gosh can you imagine that
29:51because that's the only thing wrong
29:53is that there's nowhere to put wardrobes
29:57yeah i think that would be
29:59blooming perfect
30:01guys do you know what's better than a nice hot
30:03cup of tea
30:05my boy
30:07bringing me a pretend one
30:09ay up
30:11don't drop me cake
30:13thank you
30:15be careful because that cake actually
30:17falls on you
30:19i'll be really really careful
30:21thank you so much
30:23well i've not eaten it yet
30:25oh gosh here we go
30:27here we go
30:29bath time over
30:33neela no i'm not joking
30:37i'm looking for bubbles
30:39oh gosh
30:41go on then
30:45relaxing time over
30:47i wouldn't have it any other way
30:51oh bravo
30:53what they've done to you darling
30:55yeah we've worked
30:57it's all bubbly
30:59it's all bubbly
31:01thank you
31:03what's this
31:05what darling
31:07you want to get in
31:09you want to get in
31:11you want to get in