• 2 weeks ago
NECA Alien Romulus Accessory Set


00:00The best thing about not being in space is it's a lot easier to pick up the
00:04pieces. Here's a look at the brand-new NECA Alien Romulus accessory sets.
00:11The 2024 sci-fi horror thriller Alien Romulus takes the phenomenally
00:32successful Alien franchise back to its roots. While scavenging the deep ends of
00:36the derelict space station, a group of young space colonizers come face to face
00:40with the most terrifying life form in the universe. Add your alien collection
00:44and build amazing scenes with a film in this accessory set pack from NECA. This
00:49set comes with model F-44AA pulse rifle accessory that can be used with most
00:547-inch scale figures, an asteroid with fossilized xenomorph, XX-121 and a face
01:00hugger with two chest bursters and wire tails for posing. This amazing set also
01:04includes a cryo frame case with face hugger and interchangeable damaged
01:08plastic parts and a face hugger that can go around the heads of most NECA
01:117-inch action figures. Oh great, everything in this movie is going to go
01:15to hell just because of a previous movie's hand-me-downs. Before we get a
01:19close look though at the Alien Romulus accessory set, first I'd like to thank
01:22the folks over at NECA that were kind enough to provide of course the sample
01:25we can have a look at here. I'm not really sure really what I could measure
01:28in this. I guess I probably could measure off the xenomorph big chap
01:31fossilized remains, which is one of my biggest issue really with Alien Romulus
01:35is the fact that we had to have a surviving big chap. Either way though
01:38let's go ahead and grab the tape measure here. I'm gonna do my best just to do
01:40this all in camera. From one end of the asteroid to the other you're looking at
01:45the fossil being about what seven inches in length or roughly about 18 centimeters
01:50long. I guess I can't really hate the film's plot holes that much. Because of
01:54that we actually got this guy. Here's what the Alien Romulus accessory set
01:58looks like with one of the best aliens around. This is the earlier looked at
02:01NECA xenomorph, the scorched xenomorph from Alien Romulus as well. Previous
02:06Alien movies aren't the only thing that gets borrowed over for Alien Romulus. The
02:10accessory set in fact does come included with two other accessories that were
02:14already released with the scorched xenomorph. Try not to get this too close
02:17to your face. The set first comes included with a facehugger. I'm gonna
02:21bring in the facehugger that we got with the scorched alien. It seems to be
02:23exactly the same. I would say maybe there's some additional pink that's on
02:27the top of what I'm guessing to be its mouth that wasn't on the original
02:30facehugger. But other than that they look like they're almost identical. They both
02:35also feature wire tails as well so you can actually bend the tails. I don't
02:39tend to do this too often just because I worry that the plastic may crack over
02:43time but having a wire built into the tail allows these little critters to
02:47scurry along on the floor. Something also that gets carried over as well is one of
02:51the chest bursters. Now you get two of these but only this one seems to be
02:55identical to the original one from the scorched xenomorph. They seem to have the
02:59same pose. They seem to have the same wire tail and they seem to have the very
03:03similar style of face. This guy imagine popping this up in the middle of lunch.
03:08Everybody's just keeping calm and eating their food and all of a sudden this thing
03:11bursts out of somebody's stomach. Hi everybody. I am the chest burster of the
03:15of the new crew. Don't worry if you don't recognize me right now. I'll grow up real
03:19fast. Still survives. I don't know how he manages. The big chap survives for alien
03:24Romulus. Anyways I'll talk more about that in a moment. Yeah it seems to be
03:27exactly the same the two chest bursters that is until you start looking at this
03:31one. There's a stretched out tail version and I don't know why looking at this
03:35this reminds me of GI Joe the movie. Serpentor, the villain at that time
03:40before Cobra Commander later takes over the role in Operation Dragonfire. Now I'm
03:43kind of getting off on a tangent. Serpentor would take off one of his
03:46snakes wrapped around his collar, extend the snake out like a javelin and throw
03:51it at people. Duke got it penetrated in the front of his chest. We all assumed he
03:55was dead but because Optimus Prime had saddened the kids already. Hasbro of
04:00course and Sunbow just decided to course-correct it and Duke survived the
04:03coma. I mean apparently being impaled by a snake you managed still to survive a
04:07coma. Anyways I'm getting away off tangent talking about GI Joe. You can see
04:12though that the chest bursters are a little bit different from one another. I
04:15feel like this one's a little bit smaller in size. Certainly though it has
04:18the benefit of a much longer tail. The tail also does have breathing holes here.
04:22The holes actually are there just to guide the wire in there because this
04:25also does have a bendable tail. Moving those all off to the side, one thing I
04:29do really like about this set is it comes in clear with the cryoframe case.
04:33Now the cryoframe case will have also something to do with the two other
04:37facehuggers or more importantly one of them. In the movie though we actually see
04:41rows upon rows of these things and unbeknownst the people that stowed away
04:45on... well I guess not necessarily stowed away. Stowed away sort of implies that they
04:49were already on the derelict ship at the time that it left. No they got on board
04:53the ship but unbeknownst to them all of these rows upon rows of facehuggers
04:57didn't realize that some of them were starting to crack and we all know bad
05:01things started to happen. The thing I like it though about the cryoframe case
05:04is that you can actually open it up. Right now there's nothing inside. That
05:08kinder though is gonna have a surprise very shortly though. When you get this
05:12out of the packaging this was a hard thing to actually get removed. I was kind
05:15of following around the frame. I'm like okay like where am I supposed to put my
05:18finger? After a while though I just got my finger ledged in there and sort of
05:22just work your way around it. You don't certainly want to start to pry from the
05:26handle but just because the handle is the thinner of the plastics. But you can
05:29actually open this up and you can take one of the two facehuggers. Now there's a
05:34difference between the two. This one's a little bit more relaxed. This one's gonna
05:37fit around the face and frame of a 7-inch figure. This one's more compact.
05:41Kind of looks like a date. I'm sure nobody's gonna be wanting to eat dates
05:45now. This one can't fit around the face so don't try to fight this one. This one
05:50will. So you don't want to use this one because this one's gonna be a little bit
05:53smaller. If you try your best to fit this one in it's not gonna fit. Well it's
05:57gonna fit. You're not gonna be able to put the other lid on it. What you'll do
06:00though is take the smaller one and you just want to kind of line everything up
06:05here. You'll know right away when you've got it in the
06:08right place. Then take the other half of that. Now these extra glass pieces that
06:13even though they're not glass they're plastic you can swap them around. So
06:17we're gonna kind of stick with keeping these things contained for right now.
06:20Oh man I'd love to get a couple of these. Basically you just take the other half
06:23of that, snap it together and now you have for at least right now a
06:27self-contained facehugger. Don't let it get too close to you. Whatever you do but
06:31at least it's not gonna be going anywhere. There is a couple of options
06:35also available as well. So you get some replacement glass pieces. This one already
06:39has the puncture holes on the bottom of this and this one is completely cracked
06:42open. This one you may want to be in the yellow. This one you're gonna be line it
06:46for green right away and get get the heck out of there. To swap these around
06:50again you're all you're gonna have to do is just get your finger in there. There
06:56we go. There we go. Take that and just basically pop one of the glass pieces
07:00out. I know I keep calling it glass. It's not technically glass. If you look at
07:04these there's little tab pieces in each of the corners and there's
07:07actually holes right here. So you're just gonna line everything up. Snap it in
07:11place. You want to make sure of course you've got it facing. I've got the wrong
07:14one here. If you look at them they actually kind of look like file folders.
07:17The tab piece has to go on one side. So with that all being said let's go ahead
07:22get the right piece going. So fit it inside the tab piece of the file folder
07:26goes right into here and finally under F for fear then you're gonna take
07:31yourself the face hugger. You're gonna put that back in place. You're gonna take
07:34the other half. I know we're spending so much time talking about this. I'm
07:37so sorry. Plug that also in place and then you just take the other half snap
07:42it together. I'm not gonna snap it together completely but you can see
07:44that's what it ends up looking like if you want to use the cracked front glass.
07:47I know again it's not glass it's plastic. So that's pretty cool. We'll kind of move
07:52that off to the side. By the way though there is also a handle so I don't really
07:55have we don't have a rain right now but I do have at least myself and Amanda
07:59Ripley. This is from Alien Isolation. Probably just gonna be using her at
08:03least for right now as my standing keratin until of course I don't even
08:06know if NEC is planning to release any more of the people that stow away on the
08:10derelict ship or if we're only gonna be getting probably like the alien
08:13accessory set. Obviously we already got the the big chap the scorched xenomorph.
08:17Maybe if anything we might get ourselves the hybrid. Anyways though if you did
08:20want to I should have really brought in ash for this but you can basically put
08:25this around the handle and they can carry this around. That's one of the most
08:28deadliest briefcases I think I've ever seen. If there's a conference call, a
08:32meeting, I think I'm gonna pass on the meeting altogether. So we get that and I
08:37guess we're also doing this too. Remember that face hugger we looked at
08:40earlier that was relaxed? It's just right over here. What you can do is you can
08:44open up the legs here. Kind of open and widen up the tail too. And I just so
08:49happened... Hi Ripley. We're just gonna go ahead and take the face hugger. Now it
08:54seems to also work on slightly smaller heads so she's gonna work pretty good
08:58because she was already having a small head anyways. A lot of people have
09:02displayed this with the Alien 3 Ripley just because she doesn't have... she has a
09:05shaved head. So it makes things a little bit easier to get that. Let's get this
09:09face face hugger facing the right way here. So basically just want to wrap this
09:12around her face. I'm sure she's not loving any of this by the way. And then
09:18we'll just take the tail here and wrap this around. Do your best. It doesn't have
09:21to be perfect. There we go. So as you can see there's the there's the fingers all
09:27wrapped around her face. Sorry what? Just slipping asleep. Slipping asleep. And I
09:35also got there the tail wrapped around her throat as well. A good stand in at
09:39least. You know I mean you probably could pull up. I mean I have some Marines. I
09:43probably could have grabbed some a couple of Marines as well. But yeah man
09:47it's gonna do fine. And it's gonna do just fine for right now. So let's put her
09:51right over here. I don't really want to have her going too far anyways. The set
09:55also does come included with a model F-44 AA pulse rifle. The thing that
09:59really bothers me about seeing this in the movie is that it auto targets. So I
10:03mean really you don't even need rain to have a proper aim at all shooting these
10:07alien bad guys. This thing's automatically just gonna start shooting
10:11at. The biggest issue I really have with that if this predates aliens wouldn't you
10:16think that this would be the rifle that oh I don't know all the colonial Marines
10:19would use moving forward? Why do we create tech for prequels and then we
10:24never see them ever again? The pulse rifle by the way though... mind if... sorry
10:28bothering you again. We're just gonna go and take the pulse rifle here and we'll
10:32fit it into Amanda's hand. It's not that much different of a size than regular
10:36pulse rifles but it seems so much more plot... just as a plot hole device. Just as
10:41a way for somebody who knows so little about firing off a rifle. Now all of a
10:46sudden she... I mean she could do it with her eyes closed. This thing's just gonna
10:48auto target anyways. Let's stop talking about the complaints of this movie. The
10:53one last thing that we also get in this set too is the probably the coolest
10:56thing is we also get ourselves the fossilized asteroid containing the
10:59chestburster. I think by now we've already probably established most of the
11:03spoilers for this movie so if you haven't already seen Alien Romulus I
11:07apologize. I mean it's really hard to kind of talk about things like this
11:10without also already establishing plot problems and giving away plot devices in
11:16the movie. Well the chestburster clearly... well the chestburst... the big chap
11:20clearly survives at the beginning of the movie and then sort of explained
11:23off-screen that this thing basically just wreaked havoc aboard the ship. Why? I
11:29mean aliens are getting exploded and blown away by pulse rifles. This thing
11:33gets jettisoned outside of the escape pod and then somehow gets blasted by the
11:38thrusters and it still manages to survive. It survives nicely though cast
11:42here in plastic. The one thing that's really neat about it though is on the
11:45back of it there's a hole so if you wanted to for all intents and purposes... I
11:48don't have this right now... but imagine an imaginary wall behind us. This would
11:52basically just sit against a thumbtack or nail and you would probably have one
11:56of these or if you were smart like I am I probably will end up getting a couple
11:59more of these and just you know again have them displayed like this. In fact
12:03you could probably even imagine that we're on... I don't know... even like on a
12:06planet that's already been colonized by aliens. The idea that any of these aliens
12:10would also contain themselves in the wall sort of just fossilize themselves
12:14in the wall I think that would be a nice little effect. I could see why more
12:17people are probably getting a lot more than just the one of these. Now for the
12:20big chap he's colored well here all done in more of a bronze. The bronze... he's not
12:25removable by the way. There's no poseability at all but he looks pretty
12:29good and he makes up the majority of the weight for the alien accessory set. The
12:33one thing though I do wish that they could have included is maybe taking
12:35again another borrowed over idea from alien Romulus's a scorched xenomorph in
12:39that they probably included a display stand. Just a circular clear acrylic
12:44display stand with a post that went like this and that little peg could
12:48then fit on the back of this. So you could mount this and even just have it
12:51displayed like this. Now I brought in the display stand that came included with
12:54scorched xenomorph in the hopes that I could have done something similar. It
12:58doesn't it doesn't work. I mean it's first of all it's way too heavy and I
13:02would really hate to have this buckle against this and snap the plastic just
13:05to prove a point. It does look good though. I'm guessing it is hollow
13:10because you can kind of feel by the way it knocks and also by the fact of
13:13seeing there's clearly a hole on the back of it as well. It is hollow but
13:16there's a whole lot of cool details going on for this. Again did we really
13:21need Big Chap in the movie? Alien Romulus could have easily existed in its
13:24own timeline or further into the franchise's timeline. It didn't have to
13:28basically exist between alien and aliens. Needless to say though I do really like
13:33the look of the scorched xenomorph. The Big Chap that will eventually be what
13:37will be all the aliens in the movie. It is also probably one of the biggest
13:41things probably the biggest reasons why you'd want to get this set because if
13:44you start to kind of subtract things like the asteroid the only thing that we
13:48really then get in this set is also obviously we get the cryo frame case. We
13:52get a couple of a face hugger a chest burster usually generally when we get
13:57like alien accessory sets or any accessory sets they usually like to
14:01fill the ranks with a lot of just accessories that you can then use for
14:03other figures. So like if smartly all the colonial marines from aliens all decide
14:08instead to use the f-44 AA pulse rifle it probably would make a little bit more
14:12of a sense and I think they would have survived a little bit better in aliens.
14:15Still though it's a nice-looking set overall. I mean whatever issues I really
14:19have with alien Romulus extends only from a story standpoint. It's still a fun
14:23film and I do really like that now we've got some a few extra accessories that
14:27can go along with the scorched xenomorph. In the end though I do kind of hope
14:31though that we're gonna be getting a few extra other figures. I think if again
14:34anything we're probably only gonna be getting the hybrid alien rain I'm sure
14:37would probably make sense. I think we're actually getting a Hot Toys release of
14:40rain keratin but again I would love to certainly see NECA maybe to go even
14:45further into the depths of the alien Romulus franchise and maybe again
14:49release some other figures. Even if we don't get that though the alien
14:53accessory set is really cool set to get. I mean not only if you'd like alien
14:57Romulus but if you're one that just likes to have dioramas set up your
15:00alien xenomorph figures having all these little things especially the fossilized
15:05remains of the big chap whether you like it or not all work really well if
15:09you're looking to display a really cool looking alien set up. Now I'm gonna
15:13reiterate the same thing I said for the scorched xenomorph. Alien Romulus is a
15:17fun film if you go in it with the expectation that it doesn't need to
15:21connect to anything else canon. The moment that you start though to connect
15:24the dots you're gonna get more and more bothered by the idea that we have to
15:27change all the events that take place after Romulus because alien Romulus has
15:31to do everything first. You like a hybrid alien and alien what alien
15:36resurrection? Don't worry Romulus already beat you to that. Get away from her you?
15:40Well yeah that's also already been used in alien Romulus. If it didn't need to
15:44borrow so much from other the alien films and it could have just easily
15:47stood on his own I think I've honestly would have enjoyed Romulus a lot more
15:51than what I did. I do certainly though compared to the movie really enjoy the
15:55alien Romulus ultimate accessory set courtesy of the folks over at NECA. Now
16:00this is slated to drop at least some of the online sites right now show a
16:03pre-order of February 2025. I know though in brick-and-mortar stores the alien
16:08accessory set has already popped up and people are already now grabbing it. Grab
16:11one if you'd like to have it modestly in your collection. Grab many if you'd like
16:15to go crazy town with all the fossilized remains of the big chap. A big thank you
16:20again to the folks over at NECA that did provide the sample of the brand new
16:22alien Romulus ultimate accessory set that we had the chance to have a look at
16:27this review. Did you guys enjoy the movie? Let me know down below in the
16:30comments section. And how do you feel when it comes to movies that need to
16:34canon correct everything else that exists in that movie's timeline? Alien
16:38Romulus isn't the only film that's done that. Generally when it comes to prequels
16:42and funny enough though it's prequels that always used to have something to do
16:45with xenomorphs. Why do we have to always feel the need to shoehorn in their new
16:50information that nobody asked for in the first place? If you guys though enjoyed
16:54this video you can do it a solid and throw it a like. If you guys want to
16:57stick around for more so, and I certainly hope so, you can hit that subscribe and
17:01you can turn on that Bell. As always thanks for watching see you guys next
