Diamond Select The Walking Dead Comic Series 1 Michonne Figure
00:00Hawthorne may be here, but she has no color. Here's a look at the Diamond Select,
00:04The Walking Dead, comic Michonne deluxe action figure.
00:22A former lawyer, Michonne survived her initial outbreak despite losing her
00:25boyfriend and her best friend to a walker attack.
00:27Unable to finish them off with the sword she found, she instead rendered them
00:30harmless and brought them along with her on her quest to find her daughters.
00:34Her eventual connection with Rick's tribe gave her family and a home.
00:37She never stopped dreaming of those she left behind. This 1-10th scale figure of
00:41Michonne is based on her appearance in The Walking Dead comic books and graphic
00:45It features multiple points of articulation and a variety of accessories.
00:49Before we look at this self-made samurai, let's take the tape measure and see how
00:52tall The Comic Walking Dead's Michonne stands.
00:54And while I'm doing this, I'd like to thank the folks over at Diamond Select,
00:58which, much like the review of Rick Grimes, were kind enough to provide this
01:00sample of Michonne.
01:02Michonne, though, is going to stand at about six and three-quarters of an inch in
01:06translating, though, to a figure that's about 16 and a half centimeters tall.
01:09And speaking of Rick, sliding over Michonne, bringing in the
01:13earlier looked at Rick Grimes. If, by the way, you haven't had a chance to watch my
01:17review of the comic Rick Grimes, feel free to give it a watch after we wrap up
01:20things for Michonne.
01:21Rick Grimes is, though, going to be taller than Michonne, as it would be the case in
01:25the comics and the TV series.
01:26As for her accessories, she's a little less than Rick's. In fact, one thing that
01:30Michonne can say that she has, that Rick's been bragging about this whole time,
01:33is that he had an alternate head portrait. Michonne only just has the one
01:36that's attached onto her neck.
01:37She, in fact, though, does bore one other thing from Rick's release, and that's the
01:40M16 rifle.
01:42Going to bring in, right now, the M16 rifle and flip this around. You can see they're
01:45exactly the same to one another.
01:46You know, it does kind of beg the question, if you are collecting the comic
01:49Walking Dead figures, and you already have a Rick Grimes,
01:52what's the need, then, to have another M16 that's exactly the same?
01:55Of course, thinking that again, you have thousands of these walkers. The more fire
01:58power you have, the better.
02:00The M16 works the same way as Rick's. You basically take the strap and feed it up
02:04the side of her shoulders, like this.
02:06She does also have quite a lot of space that's going to be filled up quickly,
02:09because she does also have a couple of other things that can be strapped around her
02:12The figure does also come included with a sashed bag. The bag is a much lighter
02:16coloring, and, of course, it does stand a lot more, and we can also fit that on her
02:19shoulders as well, but we're not done just yet.
02:21The figure has, like both in the comics and the series, she comes with a sheath.
02:25She comes also with a samurai sword. You would imagine that if you have this, and
02:29you have this, that you'd be able to slide one into the other,
02:31and you can. Just take the sword, sheath it into that,
02:34and then you can just basically sheath that around her shoulders as well.
02:38I haven't yet tried this. The problem with, I've noticed, Michonne,
02:41is that her head, being that she doesn't have an ultra head portrait, it's kind of
02:45hard to kind of get it off the ball joint.
02:46Now, I haven't yet heated this in hot water, and I probably should have prior to this review.
02:50I think there's enough clearance here on the back here that you could probably
02:53strap this across her shoulders,
02:56as opposed to just putting on the one side. I haven't yet honestly tried it, though,
02:59but at least for right now, you can easily take the sword and sheath it on the side of her
03:02shoulder like that.
03:03Of course, talking about swords and all, if you did want to actually put it into her
03:08the figure does have actually several hands, and the ones I'm using right now
03:11would be perfect to hold the sword. One thing, though, I did notice when
03:14sheathing, I guess holding the sword in her hand, it does look like it's flaked a
03:19little bit of paint on her fingerless gloves.
03:20Everybody was wearing fingerless gloves. Basically, you just take the sword,
03:24slide it into her hand like this, but with the quarters being so close like this,
03:29I mean, it's inevitable that the paint's going to start to flake like this.
03:32Of course, I'll have Michonne displayed on my shelf, very predominantly featured here
03:36with her sword,
03:36but she does also have some alternate hands as well. Now, Rick, I think, had
03:40eight alternate hands. She actually only comes in clear with six.
03:43Now, she already has gripping hands on the ends of her forearms. The figure does also
03:46come included with a...
03:47well, let's just grab their proper hands here. Kind of like, again, mauling hands or
03:51partially relaxed hands. They don't really seem so relaxed.
03:54You can see all of them, by the way, have the painted-in fingered gloves,
03:58and the figure also does come included with a couple of gripping hands.
04:01Just want to make sure I grab the right ones, the right hands here. Yeah, she does have a
04:04couple of gripping hands there, too.
04:06I mean, she only really has at her disposal, technically,
04:09the M16,
04:10and then she has the sword. At least she does have two gripping hands to hold both.
04:14What's rather interesting, also, about the hands for Michonne,
04:17when we looked at Rick Grimes... I'll actually grab one of Rick Grimes' hands right now.
04:21Where did I put it? Right over here. Rick Grimes' hand actually had the dedicated peg with
04:26each one of them.
04:26Michonne's, though, is actually the reverse of that. When you do remove the hands, you'll be
04:30surprised to see
04:31that each of the hands don't have their own pegs. What you do get, though, is a
04:35universal bulge at the end of the forearm,
04:37and you basically just have to take every hand that you want to swap out and just
04:40plug it back onto the peg,
04:41just like that. I guess because the hands are so small anyways,
04:45the risk that would probably go along with having pegs on the end of them...
04:48the pegs probably would be very small, very thin, and most likely to break.
04:51With all those accessories out of the way, though, let's get a closer look at Michonne.
04:55I will say, though, while I do really like the Rick Grimes, Michonne might be the
04:59better-looking figure of the two.
05:01The coloring, though, again, is very neutral here with the grays, the blacks, and the
05:04beiges... I guess not beiges, the whites.
05:06But the coloring looks really quite good. It's a nice contrast, too, because when
05:10you're looking at Rick Grimes's jacket, his pants,
05:13and even, for that matter, his deputy hat, everything is kind of in the shade of
05:16a really dark
05:17gray or border-lining black. Michonne is actually a nice contrast to that,
05:21because the majority of the colors for her costume are more of a lighter gray.
05:25The head sculpt, though, is really good on this one. I'm not disappointed, really,
05:28that the figure doesn't have an alternate head,
05:29because the one that we get right now is perfect for Michonne. Of course, she does have
05:33the bandana there across the top of her head.
05:35She also has the scarf there featured on the front, and she does have, like similar
05:38to Rick,
05:39a jacket that almost seems like it's removable. I mean, you probably, in theory,
05:43could take the sleeves off, or take the arms off,
05:45and just take the jacket off altogether, and you would still have what seems to be
05:48a finished body underneath.
05:49What wouldn't be, though, finished is the fact that the sleeves for the jacket would
05:52still have to be there. I mean, there's no way, really, around that.
05:55But the coloring, though, for the character... I mean, again, you're
05:58dealing with only, really, again, grays, whites, and blacks, but the colors and the
06:02shades that they use
06:03work really well. In fact, the only thing that's really black on her is the lower
06:06legs here, and, of course, the darker sections of their boots down below.
06:09It's a really, really nice-looking figure. I really like the way that this one turned out.
06:12You've got some wrinkles there on the back, the way that's been stretched across the
06:15back of the body.
06:16You've got some nice wrinkles developed there on the sleeves, as well. She also has,
06:19not only fingerless gloves, but some wrappings there around the
06:23areas of her elbows, too. For the figure's articulation,
06:26starting going back to her head sculpt, Michonne, because she does have a ball joint,
06:29allows the head to rotate,
06:31I would say, all the way around. But because she has a higher collar,
06:34as you are rotating the head, you're going to find there's a little bit of resistance.
06:38The head looks down only that far. It can look up,
06:41and, of course, you can rock it back and forth, too. For her arms, though, they rotate
06:45all the way around. You can also bring the arms up. But, again, I did notice, though,
06:49with these figures,
06:50getting anything more than a pose like this is impossible.
06:53The idea of a T-pose, or a 90-degree angle bend, just doesn't seem to work with
06:57these figures.
06:58But 45 degrees is about the stopping point where you can actually bend the arms.
07:02Is that a big deal for me? I mean, again, I'm not going to be giving these
07:05characters poses like they're in jumping jacks.
07:07Having the arms out at 45 degrees, I think, is more than
07:10honestly enough. At least one thing we do get, though, is they didn't have to
07:13sacrifice the sculpting on the top of the sleeve,
07:15just to give them, then, the affordability of having a T-pose.
07:19I mean, having at least it looking like it's more finished than the rest of the jacket,
07:22I think, is more important
07:23than an elbow, an arm bend, I should say, that would be able to bend out
07:26all the way at 90 degrees. So again, like, while you're only getting only 45 degrees,
07:31you're still getting a single hinge, though, in the elbow. The elbow, or the arm, I should say,
07:35rotates all the way around.
07:36And Michonne's hands were to use these hands. The other hands do rotate all the
07:40way around.
07:40Now, they're on ball joints, too, so there's a little bit of give to that, too.
07:44The upper torso, though, for the body seems to be on a ball joint. And if you're kind of
07:48moving everything out of the way,
07:49underneath, though, the scarving, scarving the scarf,
07:53you can see that there's the ball joint there on the top of the torso. So you've got
07:56the ball joint movement there.
07:57And then the figure does have a secondary ball joint at the base
08:01of the abdomen. The legs do split out, but because the quarters are so tight with
08:05the skirt,
08:06that's as far as you can really get the legs. You can kind of move it a little bit
08:09further, but
08:10that's about it. The legs move forward and move back, but again, they're going to be a
08:15little bit more on the limited side.
08:16She does have a swivel there at the top of the thigh. Now, with Rick Grimes, when we
08:20looked at his figure,
08:21the figure did have a swivel cut three-quarters the way up the thigh.
08:25I'm looking, though, at Michonne, and it doesn't seem to be the case.
08:28No, there doesn't seem to be a swivel or anything like that. There almost even
08:31seems like there's an outline or faint trace of a line.
08:33We would suggest that you be able to rotate it, but if anything, she could
08:37rotate at the top of the legs.
08:38She can't rotate lower down on the legs. She has a double hinge
08:41on the knee, or sorry, I should say a single hinge on the knee that allows at
08:45least the lower leg to rotate all the way around.
08:46She has also, again, articulation there in the ankle,
08:49and you can rock them back and forth as well. Rick Grimes is a nice-looking figure, but
08:54I kind of, again, feel like maybe Michonne is the better of the two figure releases,
08:58which is, again, kind of funny to say that because
09:00she has, first of all, less accessories than Rick. Rick had a whole lot more.
09:04Rick also benefited from having a secondary head sculpt.
09:07Michonne only just, again, had the one, but while I do really like the look of Rick,
09:11I do think, though, that Michonne might be the superior figure of the two.
09:14I think, as far as I know, again, these are the only two figures that we've gotten so
09:17far from the comic Walking Dead figures.
09:19I certainly hope, though, more is on the horizon. Sure, you may look at a single
09:23hinged elbow and think limited possibilities for possibility. Yet, though, Michonne can so
09:28easily hold the M16 with both her hands. Mind you, though, with her hands being occupied,
09:32there's no way she can hold the sword. Don't worry. The sword can be sheathed
09:34and stored on the back of her body. I do think, though, that there's enough
09:38slack in the strap that you probably could cross that across her torso,
09:41but you can't do it with her head there. I would recommend, though, first heating
09:45the head in either a hot water treatment or just running a few passes with the hairdryer
09:49just to soften up the joint. I haven't done it yet, though,
09:52in this review, and I didn't want to fight it either, but I might just leave it the way
09:55that it is. I don't have too much of a bother with the sheath being on one side of her body,
09:59whereas I felt like with Rick's bag, Rick's bag worked a little bit better,
10:03I think, being across his torso instead. Now, Michonne doesn't have as many accessories at
10:09her disposal as what Rick Grimes could say that he had. I mean, she doesn't have an alternate
10:12head sculpt, but I think the head that she has alone is more than enough. I don't think
10:17she necessarily needed a secondary portrait. If one was to be included, I feel, with the figure,
10:20they probably would have just given her maybe an angrier expression instead. Still, though,
10:25between the two figures that we've gotten so far from Diamond Select, I think that Michonne
10:28is the better looking figure. I like Rick Grimes, but I think I like Michonne a little bit more.
10:32A big thank you, again, to the folks over at Diamond Select that did provide the sample
10:36of the comic version, Walking Dead, Michonne, that we can have a look in this review. Of so
10:41far the two figures that we've looked at, which one would you say is the better one? Let me know
10:45what you guys think of it down below in the comments section. If also you guys did enjoy
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