• 2 weeks ago
Jada Toys Mega Man Hyper Bomb Megaman 1:12 Scale Action Figure


00:00Rockman just beat a boss who had a bit of a short fuse. Here's your look at the
00:04Jada Toys Mega Man Hyper Bomb Mega Man.
00:22From the groundbreaking video game Mega Man comes this iconic robot character
00:27action figure in 112 scale by Jada Toys. After defeating Bomb Man, Mega Man
00:31obtains the Hyper Bomb, a special edition of Mega Man's arsenal to take on foes
00:35like Copy Robot and Guts Man. Mega Man comes equipped with alternate hands, head
00:39and bomb accessory and stand. The packaging also includes nostalgic
00:43details from the original game. Sometimes you just can't get rid of a bomb, but if
00:47you though are interested to pick up Mega Man who's been infused with the
00:51defeated Bomb Man's powers. Hyper Bomb Mega Man currently is in stock, he is, at
00:55Entertainment Earth along with both Elec Man and Cut Man we've already had
00:59a look at in two previous reviews. Taking though the tape measure, let's see how
01:03tall the figure stands. He's essentially going to be a recolored of the original
01:06Mega Man from the first wave. In fact he's still gonna be standing the same
01:09at 4 inches in height or 10 centimeters tall. If the proof is in the pudding,
01:13where did that phrase come from anyways, you can see though that the yeah Hyper
01:16Bombs Mega Man is gonna be using pretty much the same mold other than just the
01:20retooled head. Even though I will let you in on a secret, the head that he has
01:24right now is a head that was already included with the first wave released
01:27Mega Man. One thing though I want to say a little bit about Funko's releases of
01:31Mega Man's in the past, and we've looked at some of them here on this channel,
01:34they seem to focus a lot more though on Mega Man and a whole lot less on the
01:38level bosses. Why I say that though is that Funko did in fact release a Hyper
01:41Bomb Mega Man, but then they also released a whole bunch of other Mega
01:45Man's as well. I mean again like when you look at the list of Mega Man's
01:50that we've gotten from Funko, I could probably see why the company didn't go
01:53any further with the franchise. Though it seems to be the case that Jada is in
01:57fact going on with the franchise. Let's bring in the other level bosses we've
02:00already had a look at. The Ice Man, of course there's a Lek Man off to the side.
02:04I just finished dropping him. Here's Cut Man and here's also what they look like
02:08with Fire Man. And even though I mean we have to keep consistent here, we've done
02:11this already in how many reviews, this Dr. Wily was released again by Funko. It's
02:15one of the only things I will say that Funko did right with the Mega Man
02:17property is the fact it did actually give us a Dr. Wily. He is my stand-in at
02:22least right now until we get a serviceable Wily from the folks over at
02:26Jada Toys. As for Hyper Bomb Mega Man's accessories, the figure does first of all
02:30come in clear with display stand. The display stand is though a little bit
02:33different from the one that we got from Cut Man in the fact that on the very end
02:36of it there wasn't that little pincer that held on to the scissors. Other than
02:39that though it's pretty much the exact same stand. It does have adjustability in
02:42two places, two knuckle joints. It always seems to be like these are way too long
02:46especially if you're looking to have like the bomb for example. One of the
02:49more notable things about Hyper Bomb Mega Man is the fact that he obviously comes in
02:52clear with the bomb. There's a little hole on the bottom. I say little, I mean look at
02:56the size of this thing and that basically just plugs onto the end of it
02:59like that. If you're looking at this to make this look like he's actually been
03:02throwing it, nowhere, I mean why would you even want to have it that high? I feel
03:07like if anything they probably could have made it a little bit lower but
03:09again I can't knock it. At least they get adjustability in there so if you wanted
03:13to have it a little bit lower then it looks like at least like Mega Man is
03:15actually throwing the bomb. Speaking of the bombs though, let's go ahead and just
03:18take this off the stand for right now. I did want to show you though the wick is
03:21lit right now and it seems to be burning down so I want to make sure I probably
03:25discard the bomb quickly. Adam West Batman never had any easy feat of trying
03:29to get rid of a bomb. Running back and forth on the dock, he went to throw the
03:33over the railing. Of course there's people all in the way, there's people all
03:35over the place. Sometimes again you just can't get rid of the bomb. The thing I
03:38don't like about it is that the fuse is made of a softer plastic so I can do
03:42this and I don't have to worry as much. Don't worry, I'm not gonna keep doing
03:45this but you can keep doing this and feel at least like the fuse isn't gonna
03:49break on you. He can't hold it though at all. There's no way to really pop this
03:53into his hand. He does have a guess of a relaxed hand but I mean there's nothing
03:57really hold on to this. I guess they probably could have maybe put maybe a
04:01peg right here for example but I would imagine though that that would add a lot
04:04of unnecessary weight. I don't know if Mega Man would have the means alone to
04:07have this held in his hand but you know again like if they just put a peg right
04:11there come on and a hole right there then at least Mega Man could at least
04:15have it look like he's throwing the bomb about to throw it. The one thing
04:18that's also neat about Mega Man is that this one also has a swappable arm piece
04:22so if you don't want to have like the Mega Buster on the on the arm for me at
04:26least when it comes to Hyper Bomb Mega Man I'm more inclined to feel to display
04:29the character I think with the two regular arms as opposed to the Mega
04:32Buster arm. If you did want to change that out though the Mega Buster is one
04:36again the carried over traits that was already on the original Mega Man.
04:40Everything about this other than really just the color swap is exactly the same.
04:45So let's go ahead and just remove the arm right now. All you have to do
04:48basically just detach it here from the elbow joint and just kind of twist it
04:53back and forth. If you're having a hard time doing this first of all I would say
04:56like twist it but even then if you're having still a hard time heat this up
04:59though in hot water first. Every single time I've done this and I've done this
05:03maybe like three or four times I always end up having like paint left behind.
05:06Sooner rather than later I'm sure the paints gonna come off completely but
05:09right now at least it keeps continuing to come off. Let's just take now the arm
05:13and we're gonna plug it back in place. Basically works the exact same way just
05:18there we go plug that in and now we've got Mega Man with regular two robot
05:22regular arms as opposed to the Mega Buster. I'm just gonna put that off to
05:24the side. The figure does also come included like I said two swappable arms
05:28or two swappable hands. So he has closed fists right now those so easily could be
05:32swapped out with a relaxed hand and I don't know like again it looks like
05:36almost something like it looks like he really should be holding on to something
05:39maybe like an energy tank. An energy tank would be perfect although like Mega Man
05:43from Mega Man 1 wasn't so much an energy drink energy tank it was sort of
05:46just like a glowing sphere. To change these though out it's just again a case
05:51of removing the hand that he has take the new hand and plug it in place but
05:55again like doesn't it look like he really should have something like you
05:58can't even take like the wick for example and have that in his hand I mean
06:01it just looks like he really should be holding something. We'll do the exact
06:04same thing on this side as well just pop that off and then we'll replace it with
06:08the relaxed hand. Sort of the same thing I felt I've I noticed here with the
06:12Elec Man I think was the Elec Man or was it Cut Man I'm drawing a blank the
06:16hands are somewhat very loose a little bit more better a little more better
06:21with Hyper Bomb Mega Man but I know it's like the hands seem like they are
06:25sitting inside the sockets very very loose. For the stock head sculpt that we
06:29get with Hyper Bomb Mega Man out of the packaging would you believe in fact it's
06:32the exact same head sculpt that we get for the first wave Mega Man. If you don't
06:36believe me open up your eyes you can see for yourself. The one thing though I wish
06:40that they could have done and here's a whole bunch of wishes. I know of
06:44course this probably would have increased the cost of the figure but why
06:47I sort of have this idea is this is the alternate head sculpt that he comes
06:50included with. Just to though show you when we got the original Blue Bomber
06:55this was the alternate head sculpt that he had. Are you thinking the same thing
06:58that I'm thinking? A BLT sandwich? Actually no now that you think about it
07:02I'm actually thinking about a BLT sandwich but what I was though thinking
07:05how easy would this maybe have been and probably it isn't super easy had they
07:09had replaceable face plates. I mean the ball joint socket inside would have
07:13stayed the same but you would imagine though like the face plate I'm sure
07:16could have slid off and then you would have been able to have the means if you
07:20bought multiple Mega Man swap the faces out to have which face face sculpt you
07:24want to use. So again if you want to have like Blue Mega Man having like this
07:27head sculpt obviously you can't use it because the colors aren't the same but
07:30let's just say for the sake of this had you been able to slide off the face
07:34plate oh slide in the face plate right here instantly now you have mileage for
07:39why collectors may want to pick up more Mega Man's because then you could change
07:41out the facial expression and have it customed to which Mega Man you want to
07:44have on display. That being all said if you did want to change out the face for
07:49Mega Man we're gonna take off the smiling face and I think for me I would
07:53actually rather have him displayed with this face just because he's throwing a
07:56bomb if you're gonna be throwing a bomb if I'm gonna be throwing a bomb that's
07:59probably the face I'm gonna be making I'm gonna throw it and go anyway
08:03anyways you can see there's the hole there's the peg simple shapes we're
08:07just gonna plug it in place again you may have to put a little bit of pressure
08:10a lot more than you're expecting and that just there's the alternate head
08:14sculpt and we'll show you guys the differences between the two yeah I mean
08:17this one's fine but I think this one works a little bit better for Hyper Bomb
08:20Mega Man for the rest though of his body it's exactly the same as the regular
08:23Mega Man obviously we have already taken the liberty of removing the arm so
08:26that's one thing that's a little bit different same body same arms well one
08:29one similar arm same torso same lower legs same sliced halved egg although
08:36this time again like green eggs green eggs and ham I don't know still is I
08:40don't know if I would ever eat an egg that's green for the articulation though
08:43for Hyper Bomb Mega Man it's exactly the same as the other Mega Man and for
08:47really that matters pretty much the exact same articulation as all the other
08:50level bosses to heads gonna rotate all the way around on a ball joint you have
08:55the head looking down yeah looking up sorry what and yes it can move back and
08:59forth as well upper torso is gonna be on a ball joint the lower mid waist area
09:04is also gonna be on a swivel the arms rotate all the way around and there's
09:07just a single hinge on the shoulders there's also a single hinge on the
09:10elbows so you get yourself a T pose there you can also get as well a single
09:15hinge bend in the elbow and again like the forums rotate back and forth the
09:18hands rotate also as well quick look look at this look at this you can also
09:22see there's a hinge right there in the hand how close do we need to get in
09:25these reviews the answer is yes there's a hinge right there legs split out once
09:30again they're relying on ball joints the top of the leg is a little bit on a
09:34swivel single hinge only on the knees and again you got the rotation down
09:38below a very good ball joint and I keep continuing to say this again it isn't
09:42really even so much a ball joint it's like a peg joint but I mean for how much
09:46mileage you can actually get for these feet they move up and down this way you
09:48can also rock them back and forth too but it gives you a good stance the only
09:53thing that kind of bothers me a little bit is the sensitivity for the ankles or
09:57for the the knees I feel like I'm when I'm bending them there's a lot of
10:00resistance but if you get past that level of resistance you can actually get
10:04hyper bomb Megaman in a really good pose sort of like in a surfer pose and then
10:08you can of course take yourself the bomb where's the bomb bombs right over here
10:11never forget where you left the bomb just take that plug it on to the very
10:15end of the neck and then again we'll just kind of put it sort of like that so
10:20it looks like make it make a man's kind of throwing the hyper bomb for the rest
10:24of the Megaman figures of course we'll bring back in cut man now again I did
10:28mention this when we looked at the other level bosses that it seems like
10:31jaded toys had already announced that we are getting ourselves Megaman 2 on the
10:34one end I am more happier that we are getting Megaman 2 because I Megaman 2
10:38has some of my favorite bosses was man I think it's still my favorite of the
10:41Megaman bosses but on the other end though like I have to still kind of be
10:44the devil's advocate why are we not finishing up Megaman Megaman 1 first
10:49there's still of course there's bomb enemy the fact that we have ourselves a
10:52hyper bomb at Megaman and yet we don't have the level boss that gives that
10:56gives him the acquired of powers just sort of seems strange to me no guts no
11:00guts man yeah and no bomb man and then immediately it seems like jaded toys is
11:05gonna be jumping right over to Megaman 2 I think I don't think necessarily we
11:09don't necessarily needed to have a variant of Megaman so soon I mean again
11:13you knew sooner rather than later we would be getting colored variations that
11:16the whole point of Megaman is as he gets powers throughout the game he changes
11:19the colors of a suit but I feel like maybe it's too early to get ourselves a
11:23variant of Megaman when we can't even say we finished off the level bosses
11:27first bomb or not perhaps hyper bomb could have sat on the benches a little
11:31longer while at least jaded toys could have finished up the rest of the level
11:35bosses for Megaman one still is absent is bomb man and also guts man two
11:40notable characters guts man tends to always be the character that you fight
11:43first bomb man a lot of times most most experts at Megaman will tell you leave
11:47sort of bomb man near the end and use the fire attack for him but either way
11:51though I mean booked end on both sides you'd like to think that jaded toys
11:54could have released those things first before we rush things along to Megaman
11:572 I'm certainly though an advocate for Megaman 2 it's my favorite of the
12:01franchise but let's maybe if anything jaded toys can we say we've finished the
12:05goal first if you're gonna start a goal finish a goal before you move on to the
12:08next one even though I really feel like this guy was rushed too far in too
12:12quickly into this wave the hyper bomb Megaman is a nice-looking figure yes he
12:16could have maybe had swappable face plates as an ID to entertain for future
12:20waves down the road so that if collectors were kind of on the fence and
12:23thought I don't know do I need to get a color variation of Megaman the blue
12:26bombers more than enough for me at least the nudge would be there you could say
12:30well you know to be fair with a swappable face plate you could easily
12:34change it with the face of the Megaman you have right now the bomb man is a
12:37nice touch the hyper bomb certainly is a nice touch and while unfortunately
12:41though it doesn't fit into his hand at least at the very least he does have
12:43himself an adjustable display stand but really lately these display stands they
12:47was sort of seem like they're way too long don't they I mean yeah they have
12:51adjustable knuckle joints and if anything I was tend to have them dropped
12:54as low as I can so but I always just kind of feel like they're way too tall
12:57just defaulted out of the packaging what do you guys don't think of hyper bomb
13:01Megaman too early to this wave and maybe like but like maybe you agree do you
13:05think that maybe they should have finished up the level bosses first
13:07before we start to entertain the idea of color variations of Megaman either way
13:12though if you guys wanted to get your hands on hyper bomb Megaman him as well
13:15as elect man and cut man are available right now at entertainment earth that's
13:19in fact where the person behind the camera got him for himself and with $20
13:23apiece for these figures I still think that Jada toys is offering up a bargain
13:26when it comes to super poseable super detailed Megaman figures if you guys
13:29again are interested you can click the link down below in the video description
13:32and again if if Megaman isn't your jam you can certainly though use that
13:37affiliate link and save 10% knock it off slice it off the top on anything that's
13:41currently in stock over on their site if you guys did enjoy this video you can do
13:45it assault and throw it a like you guys want to stick around for more so I
13:48certainly hope so hit that subscribe turn on that Bell and it though I hate
13:52to be the bearer of bad news there's no more Megaman left for this week ah at
13:57least though there will be other videos coming your way so make sure yes you're
14:01coming back as always thanks for watching see you guys next time
