• 2 weeks ago
Mattel He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe Cartoon Collection Tri-Klops


00:00looking at one of Skeletor's men's through a filmation lens here's a look
00:04at the Mattel He-Man and the Master Universe Triclops evil and sees
00:22this Master Universe origins Triclops action figure from the cartoon
00:25collection is inspired by the original He-Man and the Master Universe TV series
00:29from the 80s the evildoer that sees all is designed at five and a half inch
00:33scale with a vintage look but the modern possibility of 16 movable joints this
00:37mo2 toy has rotatable visor and removable harness and comes with a
00:41metallic rock softener accessory inspired by the Royal Cousin episode a
00:45mini comic is included for story context well he may not be a three-eyed fish but
00:50he's three-eyed and he's fishing for details that's pretty bad probably not
00:54as bad as Skeletor's men's and lens that's the closest thing I could get to
00:59the rhyme let's take the tape measure though and see how tall a cartoon
01:03collection Triclops actually stands the answer to that question is six inches in
01:07height or 15 centimeters tall as for Skeletor's men's we certainly do have a
01:12lot of them in no particular order here's what he looks like with Skeletor
01:15clawful merman certainly front and center what I do like though is that
01:20Triclops is giving us at least one of the OG henchmen here's Triclops here's
01:25Trapjaw obviously here's Beastman Webster who wasn't used as often the
01:29cartoons there's also evil Lynn just get her to stand spike or we're not done
01:35yet and while that's all the cartoon collection figures did also certainly
01:38want to compare him as all started me to start we did also want to compare him
01:41along with the origins version of Triclops which is the closest thing I
01:44have to the original vintage toy so what do we have for stuff while the first
01:49that we'll look at is a paper pamphlet that we immediately going into the
01:53recycling bin after I show you what's exactly on air just to show you though
01:56that Triclops his head anything basically in gray the head the shoulders
02:00the lower torso and his booties can all be detached can all be swapped around if
02:04you want to make your custom origins figure or in this case the cartoon
02:08collection off into the recycling bag it goes the next thing up next we'll be
02:12looking at is the mini comic the comic included is slime Lord it's now marks
02:16the third time we've looked at this with many faces and Hordak being the
02:20other two bearers of this issue inside of the comic I know you've already kind
02:24of looked at this a couple of times if you've been faithfully following this
02:26channel thank you for that by the way you can see though that the style of
02:29animation is sort of questionable there is Triclops though a couple of times he
02:33looks quite concerned at the top he's covered though in slime and down below
02:37here as well we've got Hordak laughing away cackling away on the back
02:42advertised already the two other characters we've already had a look at
02:45many faces and Hordak this will not be discarded even though I already have
02:49two of this issue it's gonna be put off to the side over here in kind of my
02:53keepsake pile I think I just dropped it up next though the figure does also come
02:58included with a rock softener I'm sure there's a joke there somewhere the rock
03:02softener though as appears in the episode the royal cousin normally this
03:07just my own personal opinion normally I don't ever display these characters with
03:10their cartoon collection episode specific accessories unless they're
03:14gadgets gadgets like this like the one that I think Beastman had one and
03:18certainly man-at-arms these at least look like functioning weapons that you
03:21could display along with them and they don't have to reference back to an
03:24episode like the royal cousin rock softener or not jokes aside or not it's
03:29decently detailed it's got a few little lights there buttons on the sides
03:32painted here in red this can be held in his hand or hands for that matter just
03:37kind of bend the arms kind of towards them take then the handles now the
03:42handles are a little more on the softer plastic variety and I get the hands in
03:46there and now you've got himself holding the rock softener stop that I don't know
03:51why looking at this though it kind of reminds me of the mean that was
03:53circling around back then when it was Rambo everybody had somebody talent Lee
03:58had removed the machine guns out of Rambo's hands so then he there was all
04:01these images of Rambo just basically with his thumbs up and he was making
04:05expressions also in his face when he was doing this I don't know why looking at
04:08triclops it reminds me of that but anyways you do get yourself the rock
04:11softener stop that let's move that off to the side don't get a closer look at
04:16triclops again I love the fact that we are finally getting ourselves kind of
04:20more the OG characters I mean there's always those characters that appear in
04:23like random one or two episodes but then you got the go-to's the triclops the
04:28trap jaws the merman's evil lens Beastman's and now finally I have
04:32another one to go along with that the thing about it though is if you're
04:35looking at this guy and you're comparing them along with the original origins
04:38triclops notably in the cartoon he had a much smaller visor that's a little bit
04:43more contour to the shape of his face the original version and the well the
04:47vintage and then the origins what I just happen to have the the origins one here
04:50in front of me clearly though has a much larger visor now with the visor on him
04:54they all basically work the exact same way they rotate with the origins and
04:58vintage you could get a little bit more differences between the different eyes
05:01so there's a blue eye that was red eye there was another kind of red eye again
05:06it kind of gave you at least something different when you looked at each
05:09separate eye from one another the cartoon version of him doesn't change
05:12things all that much the eyes look almost the same although just it's kind
05:16of really the shape the pupils and the iris are all really about the same it's
05:20just really like the primary shapes so you got yourself a triangle you got
05:23yourself a circle and what comes after a circle boys and girls a square I
05:27probably would end up just sticking I think with the square not that it really
05:31matters I mean you could do really whatever you want I didn't notice though
05:33that the visor was a little harder though to turn on him and may have also
05:37something to do with the fact that the visor is much smaller attached to his
05:40head of course though on the back of triclops just kind of routine I'll turn
05:44the figure around you can see he's got a long locks of hair on the back all
05:48painted well in brown the armor can be removed it's pretty seamless though on
05:52the front but there is a little snap right here you'll excuse me though if I
05:56don't attach these these always don't ever seem to go back the way that I want
06:00them it's like when you're trying to take out a prize from a cereal box as a
06:03kid you do your best to try to reach down at the bag and then sure enough you
06:07can kind of see where okay is it down there I can't quite reach it and then
06:10what do you always do as a kid you kind of just pull the bag out you look and
06:13see oh it's right in the corner fish your hand down you pull up the prize and
06:17then every kid did this in the 80s they put this the bag back in the box and the
06:21box look like this didn't it you can deny it but I know we all did that but
06:25that's ultimately what end up would end up happening if I tried to detach this
06:29now I know I would loosen up the slot I'd never be able to get the armor in
06:32place basically though underneath his body is a standard Master Universe
06:36cartoon collection buck I couldn't help but though notice that the torso on on
06:41triclops seems like it's a little bit lighter of a color than his arms I don't
06:44really know what's causing that considering really that they've molded
06:47this in plastic they've molded this in plastic but it does seem though he
06:50doesn't have as much spray tan in this area of his body he's got the gauntlets
06:54they're painted well in gold he's got the gold there on the front of his loin
06:57cloth and down below I'm pretty much kind of he-man looking style of body
07:01although I think with he-man he had the fur did he had the fur on the top of the
07:04boots I think he did although it's a nice-looking figure I'm glad finally to
07:09get a triclops as part of my collection now for the figures articulation
07:13starting first with his head sculpt being that it is on a ball joint after
07:16all it allows the head to rotate all the way around the head can look up the head
07:20can look down and you can also rock it back and forth as well as for his torso
07:25torso only is gonna be a straight swivel that's all you're gonna be able to do
07:28you could keep doing this all you want but it isn't gonna change the fact
07:32what's the definition of an insanity yeah that's all you're gonna be able to
07:36get from the torso for his arms though while you will be still able to get a
07:40T-pose that means that you can bring the arms out at 90 degrees
07:44rotating the arms can be a little trickier simply just because again like
07:47he's got this torso armor piece the plastic is a little on the softer side
07:52but it still is gonna cause chaos when you want to try to rotate the arms all
07:55the way around there's a straight swivel only there in the book in the
07:59forearm right below the bicep there's also a bend just below the bicep at the
08:03elbow area the hands rotate also all the way around there's a hinge back and
08:06forth legs split out ball joints after all you can take the legs and move
08:10forward yeah take him back and move him back okay you can also rotate them
08:14slightly at the top of the thigh ah down below you also have the knee bend tell
08:21us more storyteller there's also a rotation down below here for the boots
08:24and you can also ankle pivot back and forth an ankle rocker this way as well
08:28the figure does also have pickles do I ever really mention this I'll mention it
08:32right now pickles on the bottoms of the figures feet though unfortunately though
08:36these figures won't come in clear with display stands I'm not gonna spend this
08:39time now to bring it back every single cartoon collection crony that we've
08:43gotten just because there's gonna be too much and that's a lot of time taken up
08:46but at least I'll bring in the ogs so again there's Beastman there's trap jaw
08:51merman evil Lin and of course Skeletor these are kind of like the characters
08:57that make up more the appearances in Massey inverse cartoon line and again
09:01like I'm so happy now finally add Triclops to it
09:04Triclops looks the part I mean look he looks like the way he did in the cartoon
09:07and unlike though maybe some of the other candidates in the past that come
09:11include with episodes specific accessories which let's face facts I'm
09:14never gonna display with them the rock softener at least I am even having a
09:19hard time saying it now the rock softener at least will be something I'm
09:22gonna display along with either Triclops or when maybe even my even display him
09:26with like a hair to like man-at-arms at least it's a cool enough accessory that
09:29it doesn't have to necessarily belong to the episode royal cousin you could just
09:33pretend it's an accessory or weapon wielded by anybody as Triclops wheels
09:38the rock softener which I think was owned at one point by actor Vin Diesel
09:42this was of course pulled from the episode of the royal cousin it was an
09:45okay episode I mean the only thing was really memorable really about that
09:48episode was the rock softener and at least that they included it as one of
09:52the eligible accessories it at least makes a little bit more sense and
09:55unlike though the other episode episode accessories that have been sitting in a
09:59bag for that all this time this one at least will be one that's gonna be
10:03displayed along with the figure now I don't know though if it's gonna be along
10:06with Triclops or if it's gonna be with Beastman it's gonna be with one of these
10:09characters because at least it looks like a weapon unlike a horn unlike a
10:14mirror unlike other things we've done unlike Merman's pearl how stupid was the
10:19pearl at least this looks like a serviceable weapon Triclops though does
10:23have again that functioning gimmick of the rotating visor though with his visor
10:27it's much smaller than the origins and for that matter the original vintage
10:31Triclops but it looks very much the part like it does in the episode now I did
10:36order this one from Entertainment Earth no luck at all to find these at all in
10:40Canadian stores story of my life but Entertainment Earth unfortunately though
10:44at the time I've ordered it they had it in stock right now the stock has been
10:48listed back to pre-order if you guys though are interested and still would
10:52like to get this and you haven't had any luck to find it you can click the link
10:54down below that will take you on over to Entertainment Earth pre-order or
10:57otherwise that affiliate link will also save you 10% on anything that's currently
11:02in stock what do you guys though think of Triclops let me know down below in
11:05the comment section if you guys did enjoy this video you can do it as well
11:09and certainly help the channel by hitting it with a like but if you guys
11:12want to stick around for more so I hope so you can hit the subscribe you can
11:16turn on that Bell and the most important thing is that you can also come back I
11:20will by the way be telling you guys we are kind of wrapping things up right now
11:23for cartoon collection at least for this week but there will still be more motu
11:27stuff coming your way for the rest of this week so I hope to see you guys
11:31again as always thanks for watching see you guys next time
