• 2 weeks ago
McFarlane Toys Batman V Superman Batman Armor Suit Figure Platinum Edition


00:00Bruce is a big believer there's a tool for every job. Here's a look at the
00:04brand-new McFarland toys, DC multiverse, Batman v Superman platinum edition Batman
00:08armor suits.
00:11Gotham City's formidable forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis's most
00:31revered modern-day savior while a new threat quickly arises putting mankind in
00:36greater danger than it's ever known before.
00:39okay everybody everybody we're about to start the game of mothers that start
00:42with M. Oh Clark I see you want to go first. Before we get a closer look though
00:46at the Batman v Superman platinum edition dawn of justice what there's a
00:49whole bunch of things squished together there. Basically the recolored armored
00:52Batman. We've already looked at this figure before but maybe not with the
00:55greenish tint that you see currently casting on the side of this figure's
00:59body. Before we get down to the details though on the figure let's first take
01:02the tape measure shall we and see how tall the figure stands. Batman is still
01:06gonna be the same at seven and three quarters of an inch in height. He is. You
01:09can see for yourself that translates though to a figure that's 19 centimeters
01:13tall. Gotten this figure before? No way! Yes way! In fact we already got the exact
01:18same mold before although the one that we've already had a look at is much
01:21shinier of a chrome finish. Also the original one never came in
01:24clue with the kryptonite spear that's now been rectified. That figure, this
01:27figure right here has the kryptonite spear he's gonna use to kill the
01:30Kryptonian. Funny though enough that we already got that Kryptonian spear. He
01:34came in accompanying actually both Superman and Doomsday. I've now since
01:38retired the Snyder cut release Superman. Not only was he too tall but he also
01:42this one now features a fabric cape. And speaking of fabric capes, wouldn't it be a
01:47good opportunity as well to bring in the original Batman that also had a very
01:51similar style of fabric cape. Speaking of Samesies though the kryptonite spear
01:55isn't the only thing that gets borrowed over from another figure. In fact Batman
01:59also comes included the exact same trading card and the proof is in the
02:02pudding. The exact same trading card that we've already gotten before. I think this
02:06could have been an opportunity that they could have maybe used a different card
02:08but to be fair though as well it's a platinum edition release they tend to
02:11use a lot of borrowed over accessories. The trading card though also has the
02:15exact same information on the back so if you look at this you'd also be looking
02:18at this one as well. Usually when a case like this comes around where I have
02:22like duplicate cards, somebody has asked me this in another review, what do you do
02:25with extra cards? A lot of times though I'll just kind of double them up like
02:28this. Put one on top of the other. This one will just be suffocating. I'll put
02:33this one over top and I'll basically just slide the two together into my
02:36trading card sleeves. That's usually how I roll. You roll a different way, roll a
02:40different way. Don't let somebody else tell you what you need to do with your
02:43life and your trading cards. That's a big learning lesson for today's video.
02:47Something else to be learned in this video as well is that the figure does
02:50come include the exact same display stand. Say what? Yes! The DC logo is branded
02:55down below. The neighboring peg? Don't need to be branding that. That's gonna
02:58plug into either one of Bats boots. Then on to the figures other accessories. He
03:05does also come include a couple of swappable hands. I was gonna say closed
03:09grip hands but technically that only would apply to the one hand. As you can
03:13see this is a good punching hand until of course the kryptonite mist starts to
03:16wear off and then he realizes, oh Superman, I'm gonna have to spray him
03:20again. Spray him again! Spray him again! The figure does also come include with a
03:23gripping hand so either one of these hands could easily then be swapped out
03:27with the hands that he has right now. Why do I look like I'm milking a cow? Pop
03:30these bad boys off from their forearms. Replace them with these bad boys
03:34although again like when you're looking at them obviously you can only put the
03:38put the punching hand on one side. This other hand everybody knows when you make
03:42when you have to punch somebody a form of fist because if you don't you're
03:46gonna run the risk of breaking off fingers. I say that though I've never
03:49really been in some serious fights. I've been into verbal fights. I never had to
03:52use these bad boys to do that though and I've always felt like I was
03:56victorious in my verbal onslaughts. Anyways moving these things off to the side.
04:01Fights aside though the figure does also come included with the kryptonite spear
04:04which I guess would be settling any fight he would have with a Kryptonian.
04:07The kryptonite spear, if you're looking at this, happens to be the exact same
04:10spear that we got with Superman. I gotta say right away I like the color of the
04:14darker gray. Oh is there tape right there? Did I never notice that before? Look at
04:18that piece of tape. Look at that right there. We're wasting up time. We're eating
04:22up time. Let's move that off to the side. Okay same kryptonite spear as it came
04:26included with Superman. Now Superman's was a lighter silver. I actually think
04:30the darker silver works a little bit better. They're still pretty crooked.
04:33Look at the packaging. Look at the sad state of these. I don't know if
04:37you necessarily would need to heat these with hot water. I mean even just a
04:40hairdryer would be more than enough but I feel with like with the thinness of
04:43this and the fact that there's so much more of the plastic dedicated to the end
04:46spike, I think it's always gonna be a case of it being crooked. Say otherwise.
04:50All right we can get into a verbal onslaught. You and me. This does fit into
04:55his hands though. He already does have gripping hands stated already. So we'll
04:59go ahead and just kind of put this into Superman's fist right now. You don't
05:03really... I mean you can kind of pry the plastic. The plastic at least is soft
05:06enough and just sort of just get the kryptonite spear. Oh struggle struggle
05:11struggle. Get that into his hand. Although I didn't do a very good job right there
05:14did I? Let's try it again. We won't give up on this. Never give up. That's another
05:19learning lesson we can say in this video. If you feel like life gets hard
05:22just keep pushing through it. Anyways that's what he looks like though with
05:26the kryptonite spear in his hand. I mean he kind of keeps Superman far enough away
05:30so it's not gonna he's not gonna be suffering anything from that. The figure
05:34doesn't come in clue with any other accessories. Now if you're thinking
05:36yourself well where's the where's the grenade gun for example? Where's some of
05:39the other accessories? Wait for that because the two-pack nightmare Batman
05:44and another variation of this guy we're gonna be looking at them in an upcoming
05:47review and they're gonna basically like fill in all the all the little blanks
05:50that we've got right now of missing accessories. That set is gonna come to
05:54basically include with everything that you'll need. It's also gonna come with a
05:57more closer finish to looking like this guy. Although it's gonna have the battle
06:01damage face. Stay tuned for that. I'm just shamelessly plugging all the upcoming
06:04reviews that are gonna be coming to this channel. In the meantime though at least
06:07let's go ahead and just remove the spear right now put that off to the side.
06:10Getting though a closer look at the platinum editions Batman. I actually did
06:14acquire this one from the Facebook selling group. Not that that's I don't
06:17want to shamelessly be plugging the Facebook selling group but got him for a
06:20good price. I picked him up for a good price and that's what led us to this
06:24dance right now. The thing that's kind of interesting though about this this
06:27battle version of Batman is that even though he's using the same body I
06:31actually think though the darker gray works a little bit better. Now you could
06:35you could look at this really as this is the cleaner Batman before he starts
06:38trading blows with with Superman and then of course this one gets a little
06:42bit more battered down the road. Although there's nothing clearly at all
06:44smashed into his suit. The one thing that's interesting though is when going
06:48back to of course him carrying around the kryptonite spear. Not that I need to
06:52be telling you guys which side you want to really have this but if you kind of
06:55look at this as you know what's reflecting off of light. Lights
06:58projecting from this and it's casting across his body. So like you know again
07:02like it's here it's kind of you know it's going off to the side. So really
07:06though if you're looking at this this part of his body being airbrushed in
07:09green. Not that I again have to be telling you guys which way you want to
07:13do this. You could do whatever you want really but I think it probably would
07:16make more sense to have the spear on this side because again like this is the
07:19sides can be reflecting the green light. With that aside though if you don't like
07:23the green I'm sure you probably could go in there with maybe some solvents. Maybe
07:27try to do your best to take off some of that green if you want. I've kind of
07:30considered it. I mean I think the green works a little bit better. It adds some
07:33personality to the figure but let's just say you're one that likes this body but
07:37you don't really like the shinier finish. You like this body but you don't
07:40like the green. I think there probably would be a way to go in there and try
07:43to remove the green paint. The face sculpt though is exactly the same. I do
07:46like also that they've added the blue outlining his eyes. That's not something
07:50new introduced to this figure alone because also when we looked at this guy
07:53he had that as well. The bodies are exactly the same. The arms are shared the
07:57same as well as the lower legs of his body. The thing that's also interesting
08:00too is that this figure carries also over the idea of using a fabric
08:04cape. I mean to look at this cape and then look at this one. Same fabric. I
08:08think it would be safe to say. Not that the rips are exactly the same. I'm sure
08:12somebody's not meticulously following a pattern. Somebody's coming around that
08:15mean old foreman and the foreman's basically saying like whoa whoa whoa whoa
08:19I couldn't help but notice Mary I couldn't help but notice the way you're
08:23cutting that cape. That's not the way that we followed the code of the cape
08:26and then he like points off to the back corner. There's like a little poster
08:29right there and there's just this kind of very rough design cape where it has
08:33a very dedicated idea of how you're supposed to cut that. No I'm sure they've
08:37probably just gone in there and tattered this up. Maybe even a machine had done
08:40that too but it's a little more ripped and frayed at the bottom of the cape. It
08:43still has though a wire frame that's built on the side and built on the side
08:46so if you'd want to have. I was just do this quickly rushing this along but if
08:49you guys want to just bend the cape you can put this guy in a little bit more of
08:52a dynamic pose. Like the winds blowing this way but the kryptonite light is
08:56shining this way and it's just a whole lot stuff going on here with Batman. So I
09:00like the head sculpt. I like the body, the mold and the proportions of his body
09:03work well. Of course it's got some nice little gold that they've added there to
09:06the utility belt. You've got some gold here on the sides of his boots and some
09:09gold here on the sides of his arms. The green isn't just making appearances here
09:13on the arm and the shoulder and it's not just making appearances on the torso and
09:16the head. Oh no. If you move a little bit further down there's a strip of it right
09:20here. So somebody has very very meticulously maybe it's even Mary. No
09:24Mary only works in the fabric department. No you have to talk to Catherine.
09:27Catherine handles basically all the green paints but Catherine did a nice
09:31enough job of painting more of it though on the side of her face. Batman's face
09:34of course here on this on the torso but then only adds just a suggestive strip
09:38down here down along the side of the leg. It's the only place that actually makes
09:42an appearance. The back of his body won't have that at all. Now for the figure's
09:46articulation if you're familiar already with that Batman. Hey you'll already be
09:49familiar with this Batman. The head's gonna be ball-jointed the exact same way.
09:53So Batman's head rotates all the way around. It looks up. I know you may have
09:58already missed it. It doesn't go honestly up that much at all. It actually works a
10:02little bit better too if when you're moving the head you want to kind of make
10:05sure that it's kind of more front and center so the side of his torso isn't
10:09getting in the way. If it's in the way you're obviously gonna have a harder
10:12time. So if I just turn it this way you can have a harder time obviously being
10:15able to bring the head down. So you want to just kind of make sure it's in the
10:17middle. Head looks down that low. Sombering sad Batman. Why did you say
10:22that name? Head looks up. Head also rocks back and forth as well. Now the upper
10:27torso is gonna be on a very generous ball joint. The lower abdomen area also
10:32has a very similar style as well. For again like the arms the shoulder pads
10:36are attached to here and they're not attached the tops of his arms. So when it
10:40comes to rotating his arms you shouldn't have too much of an issue doing that. You
10:43get still a T-pose so you can bring those arms out 90 degrees. The arm does
10:48have its own swivel in his bicep and both of the arms also do possess only
10:52just a single hinge in the elbow. Which again I know some people probably would
10:55have preferred a double hinge. I mean at least it keeps a kind of consistent mold
10:59to his arm. A single hinge I think does just as well as a double hinge. I mean
11:04that's just my own personal opinion. Hands though rotate all the way around.
11:06You can hinge them back and forth. Legs split out. Listen to the sound of that.
11:11That's so nice. The legs go forward. The legs go back. I didn't mean to kick you by the way.
11:16Legs will go back. Nice generous swivel there at the top of the thigh. Double
11:20hinge though on the knee so at least he gets it there. And then you've got the
11:23ankle articulation. Up and down. Back and forth. I should just do this for the next
11:3010 minutes and stop that. Toe articulation as well. Still the figure
11:34does have peggles on the bottoms of his feet. Make use of a display stand if
11:37you're having any issues with this guy properly standing. I find one thing
11:41about his feet is that his feet seem to have the way that they basically put
11:45like the way they basically put the hinge joint it seems like if you have it
11:49this way and then you try to just move it up just a little bit just just like
11:53that much it seems to jump right away to the next joint section. Does that make
11:57sense? It sort of has like you know if it hits here it has to hit like up here as
12:02opposed to just the one just above it. So it usually means that if you want to
12:07have the feet flat for example you just want to adjust them a little bit the
12:10next thing you know it's popping up way up way up like that. So based on that you
12:14might have a little more of an issue getting this guy to properly stand. I had
12:17a similar issue in fact had this guy properly standing but again like looking
12:22at the two figures this isn't gonna be only the only other time we're gonna be
12:25looking at this mold. I mean I already said as well that we're gonna be looking
12:28at the two pack. Now the two packs gonna have the Nightfall Nightmare Batman
12:31Nightmare Batman that's gonna have basically like the scarf covering the
12:34bottom of his face. We're also gonna be getting another release of this guy
12:37that's gonna have the damaged face on the side of his body of course when he
12:40recognizes someone's got a similar mother's name as his. And of course also
12:45maybe I'll be bringing back in that Superman for that as well. In the end
12:48though I do feel like I like the colors better on the platinum edition version of
12:53Battle Armor Batman. The one that we looked at already was a still a good
12:56looking figure. The problem with it though I feel like it was too shiny of a
12:59chrome finish. This one kind of dilutes it tones it down just a little bit. Of
13:04course it also introduces a little bit of unnecessary green considered by some
13:07I like the green honestly because I'm always probably gonna have this guy
13:10displayed with the Kryptonite spear. But if you don't like that oh I want to make
13:14sure I'm grabbing the right one if you don't like this necessarily in Bats
13:17hands I'm sure there probably is a way to get in there and kind of just remove
13:20some of the green paint. I personally like it I do though like like the green
13:24or I like the gray a lot more on this Batman than we did on the original
13:28release. In the end though still if you're also looking to have this guy
13:31displayed not that again I want to push you guys in the direction of getting one
13:36figure over another but if you already had like the Snyder cut Superman and you
13:40felt like the size was too big could I maybe just recommend getting the one
13:43that got packed with Doomsday because I feel like certainly Superman's height is
13:47a little bit more in line. I mean also Ben Affleck is a lot taller as an
13:51actor and also in the movie but I think like this Superman and I already said
13:54this in the review of his his figure size a little bit more in scale with the
13:59Batman that we're looking at currently. Now with the casting light of the green
14:03from the Kryptonite spear sort of does lend the idea that Batman has to have
14:06the spear on one side of his body. You can break the rules and choose to have
14:09it on the other side but then you have to kind of think of the trajectory of
14:12the light. Well does it work that way because the light clearly is reflecting
14:16off this side of his body. Either way though what side you choose for Batman
14:20the biggest problem that's gonna be facing a figure like this is he's so
14:23specifically painted that without having accessory in his hand it's gonna ask the
14:28question of any uneducated friend that's walking past your collection space well
14:32I like your Batman but what's the deal with the green that's on one side of his
14:36body then you have to like let out a big sigh put down the tang that you just
14:40finished drinking and then have to explain your uneducated friend well he's
14:43about to battle Superman of course your friend has already seen the movie
14:46because you forced him to go to it and then yes well doesn't he have a spear in
14:50his hand you have to let out another sigh and then walk your friend out the
14:53front door yeah it's one of those figures that really does need to have an
14:56accessory in his hand all the time just because it then gives the reasoning why
14:59he has that green I think of the two Batman figures this is the better
15:03looking darker gray the shinier gray worked okay but I think this one looks
15:07a little bit closer to the movie some may choose in fact to actually pick up
15:10this one over the other and try to go in there meticulously and remove the green
15:14I think with a little bit of a solvent you may be able to try to take off the
15:17green successfully I'm not gonna be the guy that's gonna tell you to do that
15:20because in the risk that you could potentially break your figure or damage
15:23the plastic I don't want to be the guy that's got all these fingers pointing at
15:27him either way though between the two figures I do like the gray a little bit
15:30better on this one I'm okay with the green on on the side of his body but I
15:34know that might be some things that well one of the things that may cause some
15:37collectors to pass on this guy all together of the two Batman's that we've
15:41looked at battle armor at least what do you guys think is the better looking
15:44Batman let me know down below in the comments section if you guys did also
15:47enjoy this video you can do it a solid of course and hit it with a like if you
15:51guys want to stick around for more so I hope so one thing I will say kind of
15:55giving you the nudge that want to come back to this channel I hope it's for
15:57obviously the very well-informed reviews and a little bit of you know
16:01personality on the side but one thing I would certainly say too if you guys
16:04wanted to also come back to this channel we will be looking at the two pack
16:07that's gonna be having the variants of the nightmare Batman and it's also gonna
16:11have another variation of this one that's gonna have the damage battle mask
16:14so I hope you guys will be coming back for that I hope also you guys will be
16:17coming back checking out all the other well-informed full with personality
16:21videos that are always coming up on this channel of course as always guys thanks
16:24for watching see you guys next time
