• 2 weeks ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Silver Age Batman Platinum Edition


00:00when it comes to walkies Zoran R goes pretty far here's a look at McFarland
00:05toys DC multiverse the silver age Batman and ace the bat hounds platinum edition
00:30the 1950s was a decade of change for the Dark Knight detective one that
00:35introduced new friends and new foes these tales include the debuts of ace
00:39the bat hound dead shot the original Batwoman Kathy Kane mr. zero who would
00:43go on a greater famous nefarious mr. freeze the original Red Hood and the
00:46pesky interdimensional pixie known as batmite this was also an era of great
00:50inventiveness and a tales that revealed how Batman's own father Thomas Wayne was
00:55once a Batman himself how Batman became Superman like hero on distant planet
00:59Zoran R the secrets of Batman's utility belt and the introduction of an all-new
01:04Batmobile it may have taken a password for Bruce to be a brightly colored
01:08Batman it takes though only a shaking of a milk bone box for ace the bat hounds
01:12to be interested before we get though interested in the new release of
01:15McFarland toys the platinum edition silver age Batman with ace the bat hound
01:19who currently isn't present right now let's first though take the tape
01:22measure and see how tall the figure stands he is though for the most part a
01:26recoloring of the original Silver Age Batman with one notable change taking
01:31though the tape measure but Silver Age Batman is gonna stand at seven inches in
01:34heights or roughly about 17 and a half centimeters tall so did we get this
01:39figure before we did get this figure before a stellar looking Silver Age
01:43Batman with again one real big change between this guy and this guy here and
01:47you can see it's in the expression of Batman's face of course we did also get
01:51a couple of Zoran R Batman's he's one of my favorite I don't know why I'm so
01:55interested so invested in a Zoran R Batman but we've also gotten two
01:59versions of him I'm just bringing in right now the fluorescent one that's
02:02gonna brightly color a little bit brightly when you got him under the
02:05blacklight we also of course got ourselves the superpowers release of him
02:08as well ah ace there you are good boy to come in
02:11clear though with Silver Age Zoran R Batman first the figure does come in
02:14clear with the same trading card that cap packed already but the Silver Age
02:17release of him I don't know foolish thieves think that you can shoot a
02:20harpoon gun at Batman with having ace the bat hound nearby he's gonna hook
02:24that harpoon lickety-splits just like that the artwork is nice because of
02:29course it gives us a Silver Age look to Batman I hope still that we're gonna be
02:32eventually getting ourselves the boy wonder fingers can only be crossed eyes
02:35can be crossed where where am I right now stop that on the back though of the
02:40card a substantial read you can either pause and read for yourself I've already
02:43beaten you to it though his real name if you didn't know already is the brute is
02:47Bruce Wayne did you already know that I would hope to think that you already
02:49know that let's move that off to the side did you also know as well that
02:52Silver Age Batman does come include with a display stand duh yes it's still
02:56the same black display stand it still has the branded DC logo down below right
03:00there and it does of course have a neighboring peg that can plug into
03:04either one of Zoran R Batman's boots then the figure does also come includes
03:10some swappable hands and a batarang all of these if you could believe were
03:14basically read tools of the original Silver Age Batman so let's just grab the
03:17one off to the side here same batarangs now Silver Age Batman prefers to have
03:21everything in blue or gray or black Zoran R Batman prefers to have I mean
03:26other than the outlandish colors that he has majority wise I think he likes to
03:29have a lot of his gadgets being purple those purple gadgets also blend in
03:33really well for these required hands that he has to hold these accessories
03:37the figure does first of all come included with a couple of gripping
03:39hands these are though the same hands I want to make sure I've got there oh at
03:44the other hand I have already on Batman just to bring in a like-for-like what's a
03:48like-for-like there's a like-for-like purple hand for Zoran R blue hand for
03:52Silver Age Batman is easy to tell right away which belongs to who the figure
03:56does also come includes some mauling hands I don't know why I always describe
03:58these as mauling hands that's the best way I could describe it sometimes he's
04:01also plotting do I really need Alfred he's the bat-hound I know I've already
04:06taught him to empty out the dishwasher do I really need Alfred anyways these
04:11plotting hands can interlink with one another you can also of course swap them
04:15out with the hands that he has right now by the way though the figure does have
04:18devil horns the figure does have closed fists on the ends of his forearms let's
04:21fix that quickly just pop the hand from the forearm take the hand that we want
04:25to use when we want to use that mauling hand there we go we'll just plug that in
04:29place I shouldn't even really say plug in place I find with these hands kind of
04:33helps just to twist them a little bit there we go and finally in place they go
04:38the figure also of course does come in clear if we're gonna be talking a little
04:41bit about Silver Age Batman with ace the bat-hound clearly though Batman also
04:45does come in clear with his dog as well I've got to say I'm a little
04:48disappointed that first the dog is the exact same color as the original ace the
04:52bat-hound I mean if to look at the two I can't see if there's any difference
04:55really between the two did I even really talk about at all the fact that ace does
04:59have himself a dog collar that has a little bat symbol on that I don't know
05:02if I even mentioned that when we were looking at the Silver Age before colors
05:05are exactly the same I find I still don't like the mold that they chose for
05:09this it still looks like he's broken a leg but he gets two of them I mean like
05:14to go back and look at the card again I can't I can't speak for whether Zoran
05:18R would have had a darker brown ace I feel like if you're gonna go and use the
05:22card like this harpoon grabbing ace and all I feel like I would have gone with a
05:25lighter brown because then at least the ace the bat-hound would have had two
05:28distinct colors could I have also asked as well that maybe his his cowl piece be
05:33also purple instead of just the black I mean if you're gonna have Batman being
05:37purple does it come in purple no apparently it doesn't this time around
05:41same head sculpt though same no pose ability at all I mean you can't turn the
05:45head you can't move the legs either as well he's basically just a staction
05:50accessory it's not a bad thing at all putting him down here for a second he'll
05:54stick around for the rest of this review hopefully somebody's already taken him
05:57for a walk oh right yeah I already fired Alfred I'm gonna have to make sure I
06:00take him for a walk a little bit later if not he's gonna make messes we don't
06:03like to have messes in the studio off though to looking at Zoran R Batman
06:07which again is essentially the same mole for the most part as Silver Age
06:11Batman the big thing though that's changed is first of all his jaw doesn't
06:16seem as long as Silver Age Batman if you're like looking at the two I can't
06:20help but notice that Zoran R Batman has a slightly smaller face but no the
06:25changes don't just stop there if you're looking at also the expression on his
06:29face Zoran R seemed to have a more sinister I don't wanna say sinister when
06:33I just think of Zoran R I tend to think he's an evil Batman he seems to have
06:36more of a smile on his face where again we had the more heroic stoic face on the
06:41Silver Age release I feel like they could have easily just used this head
06:44sculpt and just transferred it over colored out the paint of course in
06:47purple instead and just not to use the exact same head sculpt but you know I
06:51gotta have some respect for Todd and his team that they actually chose to use a
06:54different head because they could have so easily phoned this in with something
06:58completely the same still though I mean I do really like the coloring I do love
07:02the fact that even though his head does seem a little shorter I do like that
07:05they gave him a smile instead of course he's got the front little point there
07:08for his cowl that's in purple while all the rest around it is all in black I do
07:12like the way that they've also had the eyes brightly colored in white they do
07:16pop I mean they popped really just as well when we also look the Silver Age
07:19release of him as well one thing that though that doesn't stand out as much as
07:23the fact that they also gave him purple eyebrows can even tell that he has
07:26purple eyebrows maybe you can with this camera yeah I just really like the
07:29coloring of this I don't know something about Zoran R's colors so outlandish
07:33I mean you got like an orangish red you got yellow in his arms what are we doing
07:37with our lives here purple on the cowl purple gloves purple down below here
07:41although it's not all purple though in his trunks you get some black there on
07:44the front and only just the suggestion of purple on the side something also to
07:48that they've changed is also the bat logo it looks really less like the wider
07:52logo for the Silver Age release and it actually kind of looks a little bit more
07:56like the 60s Batman logo and if you really like the look of that you'll love
08:00the fact that it's also down below here on his utility belt to the only
08:04criticism I could make maybe about the symbol is it doesn't seem like it's
08:07center I just kind of feel like it looks a little like it's off to the side
08:11other than that though I think it looks nice of course one of the benefits also
08:15of this figure now being released now is that he also has the benefit of a
08:18fabricate now the fabric that they're using is very similar to the blue fabric
08:23that they use for the Batman cape before what they've done done still is they've
08:26also added a wire frame so while there's no wire down below here where
08:31the points of the cape are they certainly is though would you believe
08:34wires here on this side and wire here on this side too so what do we always do
08:40here I was just kind of curve the tail curve the cape up just a little bit to
08:44show you what it can actually do I mean you could do a whole lot more than what
08:48I just did I mean we're kind of crunched for time producer Tony's looking at me
08:51right now he's already off eating his sandwich I know we kind of have to rush
08:54this long but if you had a little bit more dedicated time and you spent some
08:58time so quality time I'm sure you probably could do a little bit more
09:01interesting of a cape mold than what I just did let's talk though a little bit
09:05about the pose ability for Zoran our Batman so if you're familiar already
09:08with the Silver Age release the articulation is gonna be the same on
09:11this guy that's gonna rotate all the way around the heads gonna look up and down
09:15and you can also rock it back and forth as well as for the arms though they
09:19rotate all the way around there's a hinge out for those so you can get a T
09:23pose there's a swivel there for the bicep a double hinge on the elbow it's a
09:27little harder to pull off because he's got such a big bicep Oh Batman you've
09:31got a big bicep what figure does also have a swivel in his hand you can hinge
09:36them back and forth as well the figure does also have an upper torso ball
09:39joint lowered from that he also has an abdomen ball joint the legs split out
09:44you got your ratcheted joints they're working behind the scenes working making
09:48good money I hope you can bring those legs forward you can bring them back of
09:51course the figure does have a little bit of a swivel there at the top of the
09:53thigh double hinge on the knee no articulation here again for the boot
09:57because the boots just one continued sculpt from the rest of his calf yes
10:01have gone still in there and painted in the boots but the boots aren't separate
10:04at all get your ankle pivot you got your ankle rocker and the figure does also
10:08have toe articulation as well I want to just stop myself for a second before I
10:11put the figure down and kind of start to go into wrapping up this review one
10:15thing I also did want to mention I haven't I didn't mention this when we
10:17looked at the Silver Age release of Batman he happens to have also so my
10:22guess is what they do is they run a wire in here but before they do they actually
10:25encase it inside like a sheet of plastic so you can see that on mine I've got a
10:30little lip of plastic the first time I saw this with the Silver Age Batman I
10:34initially just thought it was taped so I tried to pull it off it didn't pull off
10:37funny though enough that the Zoran R Batman has that same little bit of
10:42plastic it's sticking out from the cape so where's my other Batman where's the
10:45other Batman Batman's cape was it on that side maybe it was on the other side
10:49oh you know what it was I already have clipped the plastic because it was
10:52bothering me I don't think it's bothering me as much maybe I make maybe
10:55I might just still go in there and cut it with a pair of scissors just to trim
10:57that up a little bit but yeah it's a nice-looking Batman now now I can put it
11:01down and kind of wrap up this review it's a good-looking figure still though
11:05I kind of wish that when it comes to Ace I mean even though they are again using
11:08the exact same mold I would like to have thought that for the maybe the Platinum
11:11Edition release different colored Batman different colored Ace and yet
11:15that's not the case with Ace what we get instead though is essentially just the
11:18same color treatment so that darker brown not even changing the color of the
11:22cowl could have not have had a purple cowl I know it's a little getting silly
11:25but again like while we get essentially the same Ace we do essentially they'll
11:29get a completely different Batman at least from a design standpoint that the
11:33body is the same which also I believe is sharing the exact same mold from also
11:37the Nightfall Batman but to go in there and change the colors of the gray now to
11:41a red change the colors of the blue now to what this purple I mean it's colors
11:45that for the most part if you look at this you would just you would know right
11:48away it's such an eyesore and yet though for me the guy that's behind the camera
11:53guys been talking this whole time I love the Zoran R Batman I love it every
11:58single time we've gotten a release from McFarlane and his team I love it to the
12:01fact that I picked up as many Zoran R Batmans that we have down to the
12:04smallest of course the superpowers release of him there's a lot of of course
12:08carried over ideas that have gone into basically every Zoran R Batman the only
12:12notable different though is that the the larger DC multiverse release of him had
12:16a larger bat emblem I mean this one gun kind of goes more to the Silver Age
12:20route something very similar to what the superpowers did as well now that Ace has
12:25gone toilet we can wrap up the review of the Silver Age Platinum Edition Zoran R
12:28Batman some may not like the color choices of what Zoran R brings to the
12:32table a lot of bright reds a lot of yellows and purples don't for the most
12:36part look good for the eyes but it's very eye-pleasing for me at least I've
12:40always been a big fan of this look of Batman of course when it comes to Ace
12:43unfortunately the same Z's are still applied here unfortunately though the
12:47Bat Hound doesn't do anything really different the Silver Age Batman if you
12:51were to have the two mixed up you wouldn't be able to look at one Ace and
12:54say oh no no you swapped it around on me I know clearly that that's the Platinum
12:59Edition whereas the other one was the regular release no you could put this
13:02one behind your back and no one would be able to guess that this one is the one
13:05that belongs to this Batman versus the other accessories of course are all
13:09gonna be about the same as well just swapping out though the colors of blue
13:13and purple instead now of course when I've got this guy displayed I've got him
13:17with the cape of course making you some use I'm sure you could have done a much
13:20better job than me but at least making some use of the wire that's built into
13:24the frame you may though when you're picking up the Silver Age or the
13:27Platinum Edition release of this mold you'll notice probably some plastic on
13:30the end of it and suspect right away that it's tape it's not tape what it is
13:34I think though is just the part that's actually covering over the wire just to
13:37protect the inside from it damaging the fabric you may need to go in there with
13:41a pair of scissors I realized afterwards though I did end up doing that with the
13:44Silver Age Batman because I know it's the same with him the head sculpt is
13:48completely different though with this one which was the biggest surprise to me
13:50I was just expecting this just to be the same mold as the Silver Age Batman and
13:54just changing out the colors but Todd seemed to think otherwise I really do
13:58like this figure and I'm glad I had the chance to pick this one up I actually
14:01grabbed this one at Facebook on the Facebook selling group for a pretty
14:04decent price what do you guys though think of the Platinum Edition Silver Age
14:07Batman one to pick up or one to pass let me know what you think of it down below
14:10if you guys also did enjoy this video you can do it us all and throw it a like
14:13you guys want to stick around for more so I hope so hit that subscribe turn on
14:18that Bell come back as always thanks for watching see you guys next time
