McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Batman Spawn 1996 Platinum Edition Batman
00:00what's the deal with caped heroes and clowns here's a look at the brand-new
00:04McFarland toys DC multiverse Batman vs. spawn platinum edition Batman
00:10two dark heroes cursed by tragedy find their paths again crossing but not by
00:34choice what sinister foes at work pitting the dark knight against the hell
00:38spawn from the shadows of Gotham City to New York City I can't really see Bruce
00:42making a deal with Mal Bulger when he's already made a promise to his parents
00:46before we get a closer look though at the Batman vs. spawn platinum edition
00:50Batman let's take though the tape measure and see how tall the figure
00:52stands from what I can see he's using essentially the same body as the two
00:56pack Batman that got paired along with spawn you'll see in a second
00:59also they've given a brand new head sculpt and they decked him out in
01:02different colors the figure though is gonna stand about the same though as
01:05seven inches in heights or about 18 centimeters tall wait almost about the
01:10same size wouldn't they be the same size that they're using after all the same
01:13body yes and no they're using the same body yes but the one that was in the two
01:18pack actually is notably longer ears completely different head sculpt
01:20altogether but because he has the longer ears he's therefore a taller looking
01:24Batman when you compare him along with this version of him and of course this
01:27was the Batman of that two pack here's the spawn that made up the rest of that
01:31two pack a good-looking spawn by the way let's just bring in a couple of other
01:34Batman as well here's what he looks like obviously obviously with the
01:37nightfall Batman and the recently looked at silver age Batman that happened to
01:42have the sporting fabric cape if you were to bring out your accessory clipboard
01:46now what was an accessory clipboard yeah checked off on that clipboard to be able
01:50to check off the figure does come in clue with a display stand and he also
01:53comes in clue with his trading card you don't have to make that noise while
01:57you're doing it though first the figure does yes come in clue with a black
02:00display stand logo has the DC logo down below and just not that far away enough
02:04from yelling distance so if somebody was like hey you're here you shouldn't be
02:08mowing your lawn so early in the morning I have neighbors that do that you'd be
02:13able to yell and I think they'd still be able to hear pretty well I mean you
02:16could just pretend like what what I can't hear you what should be cutting
02:20the grass so early in the morning what you're a jerk a little off to the far
02:24corner of that obviously is the peg the plugins either into one either one of
02:28Batman's boots keep this on the red even though I have like 500 these over
02:32there just because between the combination of loose ankles on this guy
02:35and a pretty hefty weight on the back of his body they have some stability issues
02:40the figure does also come in clue with a trading card the trading card I think is
02:44from Batman versus spawn and I think this is the one that Todd actually drew
02:47then the DC Comics one was ugly I don't know who was responsible for drawing
02:51that I know I could easily have just typed it up on the keyboard who was
02:54responsible for typing who drew the spawn Batman cover I'm somebody could
02:59just tell me down below I do like to look at this Batman though you wouldn't
03:03be able to see spawn spawns kind of like off to the side here you only basically
03:06see his knee some actually say that if you look at certain kneecaps in photos
03:10it looks like a baby's face I don't know if that necessarily looks like spawns
03:14got baby face knees certainly if he does I don't think I'd be telling him that
03:18though the back of the card though for the most part it's just given a generic
03:22read up about the fact that the two characters are combining together in a
03:25comic run real name is Bruce Wayne just in case you didn't know that what you
03:28may have not known though is Batman and spawn came out in 1996 what were you
03:33doing in 1996 were you for that matter even born in 1996 let me know down below
03:39it's without the side the figure does come in clue with accessories that he
03:43was already packed with when he came with that to pack so like for example he
03:46comes with the very large I would say abnormally large batarang I mean it
03:51happens to be though the same batarang that was already with that Batman before
03:54instead of being in black does it come in black no this time actually comes in
03:58like a navy blue same batarang it's pretty large though I'm here he has the
04:02means obviously on the ends of his forms I don't want to say obviously you may
04:05not already know that on the ends of his forms though he has gripping hands so he
04:09can hold the batarang if he wants he doesn't have to hold necessarily the
04:11black batarang he does come with the blue one so I'm gonna display him with
04:14the blue one figure does also have swappable hands so he has a closed fist
04:19hand and you would think though that the other hand would then be another
04:22closed fist no it's not you would fail the test right away he does come with
04:26another gripping hands not really sure why he needs another gripping hand
04:29technically when he already has two of them are the ends of his forms anyways
04:33but yet he does come with another gripping hand I guess if you wanted to
04:36where's the batarang this big giant mustache butter battering let's fit that
04:40into his hand I guess this one holds it a little bit better I mean like the
04:44other one is kind of more of a wider grip hand does it survive the blizzard
04:47test okay yes it does survive the blizzard test so let's move those all
04:50off to the side getting though a closer look I don't know why I was doing that
04:54with kind of jazz hands jazz hands the figure does also for it from the
04:58standpoint of his mold it's pretty much going to be a carbon copy this guy right
05:02here I didn't mind this Batman the one thing I really didn't care about though
05:06was his head sculpt first of all look like Batman was it anguish or he stepped
05:09on a little like a Lego brick off you ever stepped on a Lego brick barefoot
05:14just stepped right on it that thing is just painful but that's kind of like the
05:18head sculpt he's giving us right here the like or I guess that I don't know
05:21the anguish on his face the expression on his face that's what I was trying to
05:25think of longer ears also is this one as well I think this is kind of a little
05:29bit more like the DC version of Batman when he's you know of the Batman versus
05:33I and again I could probably just type that in the Batman versus spawn DC run
05:38kind of much uglier looking Batman I think spawned it was Todd I think did a
05:42better job on Batman and spawn for that matter obviously he's gonna do a better
05:46job on on spawn but it just I'd like this one but I didn't like it a lot the
05:51thing I really like though about the new one is while using the same body and it
05:55has yellow points there on the shoulders the head sculpts completely different
05:58first of all and it gives us a little bit more comic accurate colors for his
06:01costume the emblem is the exact same utility belt is the same and what's
06:06interesting though about this Batman I before we kind of talk a little bit
06:09about his head sculpt this one has really small trunks
06:12payments Batman's packing but I don't know if he's packing a whole lot I'm
06:16speaking of his utility belts you you perverts head sculpt wise though it is a
06:21superior looking Batman would I say it's better than the nightfall Batman maybe
06:27maybe the one thing that's interesting about this Batman is first of all he has
06:30short ears and that the way that they actually drew the ears in the comics
06:34they're more on an angle they don't stick straight up they're kind of more
06:37cut in the front I do like that they've added also black on the front of his
06:41face now there's some blue that they've also
06:43added to the front of his nose and blue around the eyebrows so those pop but
06:47they don't pop that much just because again the colors of the blue and the
06:50colors of the black are so close together in shades I do like that he
06:53looks pretty ticked off though this Batman's not messing around you got time
06:57for other people Batman doesn't have time for you though now the one thing
07:00that's kind of interesting though about this figure is that yeah he is still
07:03retaining the exact same cape so we've got the points on the sides those are
07:06rubbery plastic by the way unfortunately though this figure didn't
07:09make the cut when it comes to a fabricate I don't really think that you
07:12could have used a fabricate with this guy anyways because unfortunately what
07:16would end up happening is you wouldn't be able to do this in fabric and if you
07:19are familiar with like that was that was the norm the Brave Foggle Batman we just
07:24recently had look at I was drawing just drawn a blank for a second but Brave
07:27Foggles Batman they tried to do both so they had like a plastic cape and then
07:31they had a fabricate I don't think it was successful on both parts I think if
07:35you were trying to do this guy in a fabricate what would be end up happening
07:38is this probably would all be still in plastic and then they probably would
07:41have then put the fabricate underneath the plastic part of his shoulders and I
07:45think it would have really looked too much like an eyesore if it means though
07:48I have to stick with the idea of using a plastic cape for this figure I'm okay
07:51with it because the cape looks really good though the cape is exactly though
07:55the same as the black Batman nothing different at all there in fact actually
07:58if you even a look at his gloves for example the spikes that stick out from
08:02the sides of his gloves are in fact the same gloves same utility belt same small
08:06packed trunks and same same boots actually if we just pick the figure I'll
08:10show you guys what the boots look like so they're same at least from that front
08:14but I really like the head sculpt I'm disappointed though because they are
08:17using this sort of style of body that his head has to be attached to his neck
08:21which means that when you are moving his neck you're moving his head as well they
08:25have to go together I mean when it comes to the standpoint of the articulation
08:29while he still has the same levels of possibility as most multiverse figures
08:33would have one thing unfortunately he has to sacrifice is that the head is
08:37again attached to his neck no harm no foul it's at least more of a seamless
08:41look I would have really liked to see what this could have looked like with a
08:43head being a separate piece from the rest of his neck with that being said
08:46though the articulation for Batman versus spawn Batman because the head
08:50again is gonna be all one piece the neck collectively does all the work so the
08:54head's gonna look down it's gonna look up about that far
08:58head can also move back and forth and yes you can rotate it all the way around
09:01as for his arms the arms do hinge forward and back but because he does
09:06have so much extra cape there across the shoulders that's as far forward as you
09:09can be able to move his arms back of his arms yeah you're gonna hit the back of
09:13his cape so you're gonna have a little more of a struggle a struggle there the
09:16arms can still come out at a T pose so they're not limited at all by that he
09:20does have a swivel in his bicep double hinge on the elbows of course and the
09:24hands rotate all the way around the upper torso is going to be on a vault
09:27right a little lower than that he also does have an abdomen ball joint that
09:31swivels all the way around still has the utilizing of these soft trunks but
09:36because the trunks are as small as they are can we stop talking about Batman's
09:39package please because he has small trunks like this they don't look less
09:44like diapers on a figure and they look actually pretty form to the rest of his
09:48body the legs ratchet out to a full splits of course you can take the legs
09:52and move forward and move them back swivel at the top of the thigh double
09:55hinge on the knee no articulation here for the boot now here again is one issue
10:00I have with this figure and the other Batman also had that as well he's got an
10:03ankle pivot but it's because it because it's a ratcheted joint it has to be in
10:07certain points like you can't get an in-between it's either flat like this
10:11or when you go to move it up it's gonna hit the next ratcheted joint so I always
10:16kind of feel like I have to keep balancing this guy back and forth till
10:19eventually I get that sweet spot sweet spot there's what Batman looks like
10:23unfortunately though his knees have to be kind of angled out I'm gonna be using
10:27of course it displaced and we jump over to the turntable I love this look at
10:30this Batman does it beat though the Nightfall Batman and that's the big
10:34question because up to this point Nightfall Batman was the gold standard
10:37this one by comparison though is notably taller and bigger because of course he
10:42is using this version of Batman which I didn't like before I have to say though
10:46I like the mold a lot more now that they're being used for this figure here
10:49gets a lot of of course hand-me-downs so of course the Batarang is the same
10:53Batarang that we already got packed with that two-pack and yes he is using
10:56the same hands as well is it an improvement it is an improvement versus
11:00the one that we got before even though the dark grays work really well with the
11:04of course the gold that he has an easy utility belt and the gold emblem blue
11:08and gray for me all the way I didn't mean to rhyme either unfortunately
11:11though because of the time this guy got released and by the nature of the way
11:14he's designed to I don't think a fabric tape would have worked at all with him
11:17because of course the fabric tape would have to be a separate piece from his
11:20shoulders and that wouldn't look right no that wouldn't look right at all
11:23Greg Capullo wait Greg Capullo drew Batman okay now I feel bad maybe saying
11:28that in the review Greg Capullo though is a really good Batman artist maybe I'm
11:32even thinking about the trade paperback cover that had Batman and spawn on the
11:36front who's responsible for that I guess I could be probably easily typing that
11:39on the keyboard I'll leave it though for the keyboard warriors you can let me
11:42know down below in the comment section one thing though I do like about this
11:45Batman is yes while he does borrow over the body that was from the two-pack with
11:48spawn I will say though that the platinum edition does it better the
11:53gray in the black was working okay for the other Batman I didn't like the head
11:56sculpt at all this one has a considerably better head and while
11:59though unfortunately it is doesn't make the cut for fabric case I don't think
12:02honestly you could use a fabric tape with this style of cape I mean obviously
12:06with the shoulders they probably would have to keep that plastic then you have
12:09kind of the cape draping behind it like drapes I mean that I wouldn't have
12:12worked even if you put a wire in that as well at all some capes have to work as
12:16plastic and I think this is a good example of a Batman that works better
12:20with a plastic cape than how he could have ever worked with a fabric one now
12:24I'm looking at this one and I still looking over at the nightfall Batman
12:26that right now is giving me kind of puppy dog eyes well I do think though I
12:31like the nightfall Batman for being a smaller build of Batman I like the blue
12:35better on this one I'd even just say I like the head sculpt a little bit more
12:39on this one could this one now be my favorite Batman maybe maybe I'm ducking
12:46right now in case somebody decides to throw something at me he's with
12:48limitations though still has some unfortunately loose ankles that got
12:52carried over unfortunately he was one of the one of the hand-me-downs from the
12:55two-pack Batman was he has somewhat loose ankles or maybe it's just the fact
12:59that because they're using ratchet and ankles you never can quite get Batman
13:02balance but at least one thing good about this figure is like with all the
13:05other things that we're getting from Todd and his team we're getting at least
13:07a display stand a better-looking Batman for nightfall the jury's not out for
13:13that but I'm gonna say at least for right now yes yes it is what do you guys
13:18think of this Batman let me know down below in the comment section I actually
13:20end up finding this one too on the Facebook selling group and I got it for
13:24a decent price I don't think he's going for too high either expect to pay
13:27anywhere from 30 to 40 dollars for him and I guess that's the average price I
13:31think he's well worth it though if you're looking to get a decent-looking
13:33Batman and I mean just that look alone that Batman's giving you that's a Batman
13:37you don't want to mess with certainly though if you guys did enjoy this video
13:40you can do it a salt and throw it a like you guys want to certainly stick
13:43around for more as well hit that subscribe turn on that Bell the most
13:47important thing of course is that come back as always guys thanks for watching
13:50see you guys next time