• 2 weeks ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Collector Edition Superman 1978 Superman Figure


00:00You've got me. Who's got you? Apparently Todd McFarlane. Here to look at the brand new McFarlane
00:05Toys DC Multiverse McFarlane Collector's Edition, Christopher Reeve Superman.
00:30From the doomed planet of Krypton, two parents launch a spaceship carrying their infant son to
00:39Earth. Here he grows up to become Clark Kent, a mild-mannered reporter with powers and abilities
00:44far beyond those of mortal men. Sure, yeah, we can thank Jor-El for offering up his only son to the
00:49people of the Earth, but I think we can also now thank Todd and his team for releasing finally a
00:54Christopher Reeve Superman. I never thought this time would come. Not only are we going to be
00:58looking at a classic looking Superman in the colors you're seeing right now, but we're also
01:02going to be looking at an evil version of him. About the only thing that's really good about
01:06Superman 3, that and Richard Pryor, and there's also a comic version of the same Supes. All of
01:11those reviews will be coming your way. In the meantime though, let's back up just though a bit
01:15and see how tall Christopher Reeve Superman stands. The best Superman ever if you ask me.
01:20Taking though the tape measure, let's see just how tall. Yeah, he's seven inches in height,
01:25or Christopher Reeve is going to be 18 centimeters tall. As for a couple of comparisons, here's first
01:30what the figure looks like with the 60s series Adam West Batman. Adam West would be a lot shorter
01:35than Christopher Reeve, so I think the scaling is pretty good there. Here's also what he looks like
01:39because I don't have an 89 Michael Keaton, but I do have the one from the Flash film.
01:43Again, he's going to be a little taller than Michael Keaton, so I think scaling-wise he's
01:46pretty good there. I've kind of kept really all the Batman over here to free up some space for
01:50some Superman, and seeing as we just recently also looked at the Henry Cavill Superman now
01:54with a fabric cape, scaling-wise I think Christopher Reeve is still pretty good when
01:58you compare them against a lot here. Aside from one accessory that doesn't make much sense to me,
02:03I think they've done pretty good with the offerings here that they give this Superman.
02:07First, the figure does come included with a trading card. It does say McFarlane Collector's
02:10Edition on the side. I feel like I may have had this poster as a kid growing up. I'm not during
02:15the time of the 78 film because I would have been way too young for that. I would have been born in
02:1978. Oh great, now I've dated myself, but I mean I think for Superman 3 there was a lot of things
02:23going around. At one point Shopper's Drug Mart. Anybody remember Shopper's Drug Mart? They're
02:27still active here in Canada. They had a full one-to-one scale poster of Christopher Reeve
02:32walking through the flames. I wish I still had that poster. I don't think anybody had that
02:36poster anymore. If they still do, it's probably going for some crazy stupid money. Anyways though,
02:41this poster is pretty neat. You've got Christopher Reeve standing in front of the American flag.
02:45On the back though, the read-up that they provide is pretty small, and yet though it gets the job
02:50done I think well enough. I don't think we need necessarily a whole lengthy read-up about
02:54Christopher Reeve or Superman that he plays in the film. It does though have, as you can see,
02:59Superman the movie 1978, but you have to kind of tilt it to the side because it's a bit of a more
03:04of a reflective surface. I'm going to move that card off to the side. The figure does also come
03:08included with a flight stand. Now I like flight stands. I feel like though in a case like this,
03:13now this is only speaking from a collector that has already a lot of these flight stands anyway,
03:17so if I was to be missed out on one with this figure, I could always really say,
03:21well I've got a whole bunch of them anyways to work with. Based on only solely my opinion,
03:25I feel like that the plastic maybe should have not been dedicated for a flight stand,
03:29but instead maybe dedicated for more specific accessories that are linked to the film.
03:36Anyways though, the display stand is a clear variety. It's acrylic plastic. Of course you've
03:40got the DC logo printed down below. Stand alone on its own, you can actually have Christopher
03:44standing on top of it. There's a peg right there. You don't have to commit to the idea that he has
03:48to be flying, but if you wanted to, he does have again that, I don't want to say adjustable,
03:52it's only really adjustable here on the top. You take though this piece right here, this little
03:56ledge of plastic, and you fit inside the groove. I know we've already looked at this lots of times
04:00before. Snap it in place. Now it's not going to be going anywhere, and again you've got yourself
04:04the adjustable flight stand waist clip. So you take yourself your Superman, fit this around his
04:09waist. I'm not sure what review I mentioned this in, but I feel like when it comes to larger framed
04:14figures, not that Christopher Reeve has a wide frame, but I feel like maybe they should adopt
04:18the idea of giving a wider c-bracket to accommodate some of the characters that maybe have a wider
04:23torso. If it's okay around Christopher Reeve, I mean I feel like it probably could have done a
04:28little bit better. I mean again if you if they adopted a larger c-clamp, I think it would have
04:33fit around the character's torso a little bit better. Of course you can also put this in a
04:37flight stand pose. Mileage may of course vary how exactly you want to have this posed. I mean it's
04:41not the most interesting way I've got him displayed right now, but I'm sure as we get to the end of
04:46this review and the wrapping up of this review on the rotisserie, I'll come up with a more clever
04:50way of displaying the figure. Taking him off right now and we'll just put the flight stand over there.
04:55So here are his accessories. Now one thing to note though is when we look at the evil Superman,
05:00he's essentially going to come with everything here that you already see. I'm kind of... there we
05:04go. Get him a stand. He's going to essentially come with all the accessories that you currently
05:08are seeing. The Platinum Edition also is going to have one other head portrait. So like each figure
05:13is going to come with two different heads. The thing that kind of has me interested though and
05:17kind of perplexed, more perplexed I think than interesting, is that the figure comes in clear
05:21with the evil Superman profile. Now it not necessarily applies the idea that this has to
05:26be the evil Superman. It could be more stern Superman. Like he's seeing of course the body
05:31of Lois Lane. He's about to like and then fly towards the camera and of course rotate around
05:36the earth. Yeah maybe as a more stern looking Superman I could buy that. But being that this
05:42seems to be the exact same head sculpt as the Platinum Edition evil Superman, I feel like maybe
05:46they could have offered a different portrait where he's smiling instead. I mean if you look at the
05:50head that he has already, it's again already a stoic pose. He doesn't have a smile necessarily.
05:56Would it not have been a great time to incorporate a head that had maybe a smiling face? I mean
06:01Christopher Reeve was a gentle soul certainly when he played like the Boy Scout role of Superman.
06:06I just feel like a smiling face would have worked a little bit better. This is an okay head but being
06:11that we already have this head with the evil Superman, why are we getting this again? So let's
06:16move that off to the side. By the way if you did want to change out the heads we'll do that more
06:19in a second. I don't want to take too much away really from one of the best head sculpts we've
06:22got for Christopher Reeve. Short of maybe just saying that he's a little darker in gray down
06:27below here. It almost looks like he's starting to develop a bit of a stubble. I do think the
06:31head sculpt is fantastic on this. Of course they've got the ever trademark Superman curl there on the
06:36top of his head. The eyes are colored well in blue. I don't think I could have gotten a better
06:40looking Superman. Now to say that though with a retail release figure, you have to kind of put
06:45that in a different category altogether. If this was like a sixth scale figure or a statue company
06:49where you're paying hundreds to thousands of dollars, could there have been a better looking
06:53Superman? Yes. As a figure though for retail release, I think this is probably one of the
06:57best Superman figures we've gotten of Reeve's likeness. The only other one I can really think
07:01of is the one that we got released by NECA. Now for this body, oh by the way though if you did
07:06want to see what the head sculpt looks like and you just want to pop the head off the ball joint,
07:10you'll notice too that they're using a blue plastic ball joint instead. I'm just going to
07:14pop the head in place. There we go. I mean like what other head could we have also gone with as
07:21well? I mean like a smiling face would have been right wave number one for me. An angry expression,
07:25yeah that could have also worked as well. I just don't know if I would ever really see myself
07:29displaying this, especially seeing as the Platinum Edition is doing the exact same head sculpt
07:34again. Let's just pop that back off, put the superior Supe's head back in place. There we go.
07:41And look at the rest of his body. Now one of the issues I really had with this figure when I was
07:45first looking at images of him online is that the plastic seemed really shiny. Not so much for the
07:51face, certainly not for the neck, but I feel like for the blue body here it looked really overly
07:56shiny when I saw images of him online. It doesn't look as bad though in hand. There are aspects
08:02though to it and maybe it does change from Superman to Superman because I've certainly
08:06seen other reviews where the Superman's plastic looks a lot shinier than what I'm getting here
08:10with mine. I do feel like they probably could have gone more with a matte plastic rather than
08:14the shinier plastic because I feel it takes too much away from Superman's body. Body proportions,
08:19I think it looks pretty good. I was trying to look at this and see if they've used the body
08:23body parts before. The only thing I can kind of arrive on, I'm going to just grab back Adam West.
08:28I know clearly they're not using Adam West's legs. His knobby knees are very unique to Adam.
08:33I was thinking maybe though like the lower arms, maybe the shoulders, but clearly though the bicep
08:39is a lot longer on Reeves Superman than it was on Adam West. Clearly it's not the torso.
08:45Maybe his abdomen? No, no, no. He's definitely got a more muscular abdomen here. So they're not
08:50using at all what I can see, any borrowed over body parts. Now his other thing that I was kind
08:54of looking at here is his emblem. His emblem is raised on top of his body. In the movie though,
09:00it would have been more so like, I don't know, just like an adhered label maybe on his... I'm
09:06sure there's a technical term for something that's actually printed onto fabric. I feel like
09:11he shouldn't have had a raised emblem like this because you can clearly even see as I follow my
09:16line across this, there's a cut line right there where this is clearly a separate piece. I feel
09:21like Tempographed? Is it Tampographed? Tempographed I feel probably could have been a better way to
09:26arrive with the Superman logo than just sculpting this on top of his body. It's a little thicker
09:30there Superman S-wise. It's a little thicker on this side than it is on this side over here.
09:34It's still a pretty good looking S though. Down below of course he's got his super trunks. Those
09:38are softer plastic. He's got his yellow belt there also there as well and down below we've
09:42also got his Superman boots. Now in the movie he has sort of these wrinkles developed here and I
09:46was actually impressed that McFarlane sculpted these wrinkles on the fronts of his boots.
09:51There are a few little areas like right here where I don't know if this was a separate plastic piece
09:56that went over top of the blue because it almost does when you're looking at it. I'm sure it was
10:01painted but it does almost seem like there's a little bit of blue bleed underneath the top of it
10:06and of course if we're going to be looking at Superman we have to discuss the fact that he
10:09does have himself now a fabric cape. The fabric cape has a wire frame right here. It doesn't have
10:13it along the bottom which I'm glad that they didn't do and he's got the wire frame on this
10:17side too. Of course the very nice Superman emblem there on the back of his body. Notably though with
10:22Reeves they tucked the cape on the side of his collar which is one thing I really don't like
10:26about James Gunn's new Superman is that not only does he have a collar but just seems too bulky.
10:31This suit kept things very simple and I couldn't have been happier with the way that we get this
10:35figure. Again I feel like the blue is a little on the more shinier side. I wish it was a little bit
10:40more of a matte finish but I couldn't be any bit happier with the head sculpt for Superman here.
10:44Now for the articulation on the figure we're going to go back to his head sculpt. First of all his
10:48head does rotate all the way around. We already kind of know the way it works so there's a post
10:52that allows the head to look up and look down and can also move back and forth. Of course also it
10:57can rotate all the way around. First rotating by the way it also continues though with the shoulders.
11:02Shoulders rotate you get a full t-pose. He does have a swivel at the bicep, double hinge on the
11:08elbow and the hands rotate all the way around. The only other thing I could also say
11:13too is that they've put lines here right where it makes me think like they have used this the forearm
11:18before. The little band right here I don't think was necessary. Clearly though they put the peg
11:23right here that's going to attach to the hand but having this right here breaks up the look of the
11:28seamless forearm. Had they just removed this all together maybe they did that deliberately so it
11:33would have hide the point where the peg plugs in but I feel like that little band right there
11:37especially for the original 78 film shouldn't have been there. The upper torso is going to
11:42be in our bulge right. Very nice movement there. Lower abdomen also does the same. The legs do
11:47split out. Ratcheted joints again working behind the scenes. You take the legs and move forward,
11:52move them back. There's a swivel there at the top of the thigh, double hinge on the knee although
11:56it's really tight on my figure which is not necessarily a bad thing. No articulation there
12:00for the boots so maybe that is something that's been painted rather than just attaching the boots
12:05separately. Of course you got your ankle pivot, you got your ankle rocker and Superman even though
12:10it's from the 70s does still manage to pull off toe articulation as well. In case you're also
12:15curious yeah he does also have pegs in the bottoms of his feet so if you want to make use of a display
12:18stand certainly make use of a display stand but boy oh boy what a nice looking Superman.
12:23The one other thing too also like we this is one of those cases where we also kind of went right
12:28to looking at the figure because I was so anxiously talking about him. I didn't spend any
12:32time at all looking at actually the other accessories so the only other things the figure
12:37does also come included with other than the anger expression is he comes with some flat hands so if
12:41you want to have him in a flight pose you can do that. It does also come with a couple of gripping
12:45hands even though really like the figure doesn't have anything really for him to hold on to which
12:50again like I feel like you know again like you're using the plastic to create the mold of this
12:55and include a flight stand which is fine and good if you want to have them in a flight pose.
12:58I know people going into this and buying this figure the first time without buying any other
13:03DC multiverse figures would love the idea that a flight stand is included so I can only speak for
13:08the fact that you know I already have flight stands I can easily borrow over from other figures.
13:13I mean had they included like for example the kryptonite necklace something that also we see
13:17like when Lex Luthor imprisons him again a smiling expression would have been ideal.
13:23The only other thing that he also has again a couple of swap there's a gestured hand swappable
13:27hand another kind of relaxed gripping hand he has the finger pointing hand so if you want to have
13:32him kind of pointing up to the top of his head and probably the only thing that's other other
13:36than that is which is really cool is he does also come include the little crystal that he ends up
13:41throwing to create the fortress of solitude. We don't see too much of the crystals I mean it's
13:45also really one I really shouldn't say it's the crystal that he uses to create the fortress of
13:50solitude because he doesn't clearly look like this at the time that the solitude of the fortress is
13:54created it's more so the crystals that he's using inside the chamber to get the knowledge from
13:58jor-el. I think also too is it superman four he uses one of these when he develops the flu
14:04I think he uses one of these inside the kent farmstead but a nice little included accessory
14:09again like if you want to swap out these just in case of taking the hand that you want to use just
14:13detaching it from the peg I know we're kind of doing things in reverse here this would normally
14:17be the beginning of this review plug that in place I started the review by the way having him looking
14:22with this in his hand I mean again like there's a couple of also options available where's the
14:27pointing hand here so I'm just going to detach the hand and we'll pop this back in place and
14:33also while I'm doing this to the evil superman all these same hands there we go so brand's coming up
14:39with an idea all these hands by the way are the exact same hands that we'll talk about again when
14:43we look at the evil superman now we can wrap up this review having I think covered off all the
14:48bases I think we've got everything covered here I again I couldn't be any more happier with the
14:52release of this superman some again like some of the accessories when we will we'll discuss more
14:57about this when we talk about the evil superman but just because again like that figure is going
15:01to borrow over literally everything we just finished having a look at and he's also going
15:05to come included with the same angry expression I feel like we could have also given this guy
15:10instead of smiling face Christopher Reeve led the idea that you know kids back then could look at
15:14superman and see a sense of hope and I think with giving him an angrier expression or a more sterner
15:19look like this had this already being a figure that's going to get this head sculpt anyways when
15:24we look at the platinum edition I don't think it need to be released with this figure in the first
15:27place obviously at the very end of superman films we always see that stoic scene of Christopher
15:33Reeve flying towards the screen I want to at least recreate that as the figure is rotating on the
15:37rotisserie so I guess in the end it's not a bad thing that the figure does come included with a
15:41flight stand maybe if anything he could have used less hands and maybe dedicated some of that plastic
15:46instead towards the kryptonite necklace or maybe even again a smiling face I do hope though there's
15:52more mileage to be made out of this mold Todd's always really good when it comes to platinum
15:56editions or gold label collection versions of those figures where it gives us a chance to get
16:00the figure again with a different coat of paint or in some cases different accessories would there
16:04be a good likelihood if we're going to be getting an evil superman that we're going to get a Clark
16:07Kent to tussle blows with him as well oh I can only hope we get ourselves a Christopher Reeve
16:12Clark Kent looking though back at this guy the fact that he has now a benefited cloth cape
16:18something though that maybe it was a good thing that we waited as well as long as we did to get
16:21a figure like this because now we can benefit from figures that have cloth capes a plastic
16:26cape would have been fine for its time but I'm certainly now more excited when figures have
16:30fabric capes because you can do a whole lot more with them in the end though even though he does
16:35have a head sculpt that I still don't think makes sense to be a released with this one
16:39especially seeing that the platinum edition is going to have that same head again what do you
16:44guys though think of the superman 1978 Christopher Reeve let me know if you've had the chance to pick
16:49this one up or if this is one that's definitely on your radar the thing that's interesting about
16:54it though is that this version of superman doesn't go for that high of a price online
16:58yet though the platinum edition in the darker colors goes for some stupid money and we're going
17:02to talk about that when we have the review of him coming up speaking of coming up though if you guys
17:07did certainly enjoy this video and look forward to what's coming up you can hit that subscribe
17:12button down below and turn on the bell notification we're not only going to be looking at the evil
17:16superman but we're also going to be looking at the comic inspired reeves let's have the same mold
17:22with a different interpretation of paint so there's lots of videos coming your way guys
17:25as always thanks for watching see you guys next time
