• 2 weeks ago
McFarlane Toys DC Direct Page Punchers Superman '78 Comic Superman


00:00here's a hero that's protecting in every panel here's a look at McFarland toys DC
00:05direct this is the Superman 1978 comic inspired Superman
00:30from the doomed planet of Krypton two parents launch a spaceship carrying
00:37their infant son to earth here he grows up to be Clark Kent a mild-mannered
00:40reporter with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men I think just
00:45before we look at the boy in blue well and a little bit of black let's take
00:48though the tape measure and see how tall the DC direct page punchers Superman
00:52stands even though it's DC direct it seems to be using a lot of the same body
00:55obviously is they already looked at Superman 78 Superman that we've already
01:00gotten from Todd and his team because that as well the figures gonna stand
01:03about the same the figures at about seven and a quarter inches in height or
01:07about 19 centimeters tall thank you to everybody by the way that has been
01:10watched my Christopher Vries Superman reviews this would now be the third time
01:13we've looked at this mold the first time obviously would have been this mold of
01:17Superman where he had the colors the primary colors of the blue the red and
01:20the yellow we've been then jumped over at Superman 2 and went directly a
01:23Superman 3 where he battled himself going now more the darker red the
01:27colors and getting a grumpier expression that happened to be borrowed over from
01:30the head that we got with this figure as well and I didn't get the chance to do
01:33this with either one of the reviews booked in on either side of soups in the
01:36middle I didn't want to bring in the one that we got from NECA toys now this was
01:40one of the first time we got ourselves a Christopher Riva although to be fair
01:43he's a much smaller scale for even we're gonna kind of get closer looks to the
01:46face in a moment this figure also got the body borrowed over not the same head
01:51sculpt though but NECA did double dip to this mold again as he got released
01:55and a two-pack along with boxing great Muhammad Ali so what does come with this
01:59Christopher Reeve well more about the same the figure first of all does come
02:02in clue with a display stand although both cases of Christopher Reeve up to
02:05this point have come in clue with fight stands so I guess we're doing things a
02:08little bit differently this time around still has the DC logo branded down below
02:13still has of course the neighboring peg that can plug into either one of
02:16Superman's boots the figure does also come in clue with a trading card I was a
02:19little disappointed right away getting this out of the packaging that the
02:22trading card they taped down I'm thinking oh no I'm gonna ruin the card
02:25when I try to peel away the tape I've already successfully peeled the tape at
02:29the bottom of this I just wanted to show you guys the top even though they had
02:32adhered this to the plastic clamshell you can see though that the tape is very
02:36easy to remove this little mark by the way though was me I tried to actually
02:40cut the tape along the top and I nicked it with my knife so even though the
02:43scotch tape didn't damage the card this guy certainly did this by the way though
02:48is going to be pulled from the comic comic I just have over here I should
02:51really have been grabbing that as well and then on the back of this it gives us
02:54sort of again a generic read up for the 1978 Superman film starring Christopher
02:58Reeve it's a good enough read up I don't expect them to do anything
03:01differently here in fact if you look at the original Christopher Reeve Superman
03:05this also pulls it from the movie this would have pulled it from the comic the
03:08back though of the readups are seeming to be exactly the same what's though
03:12interesting is that the font on the DC direct page puncher Superman has the
03:16font smaller I don't really know why it had to be smaller I'm sure you know even
03:21if they made it the same size font what font size is that is that 11 10 I don't
03:25know that looks like it's probably like 8 I don't who really cares I think though
03:29what cared what I care about it though is if they made the font a little bit
03:31bigger they could have just printed the exact same way and it would have just
03:35gone to a right around here does anybody really even okay nobody cares about that
03:38but that's the two different kinds of cards that we get here I'm gonna kind of
03:41hold on to this car for at least right now I did also want to bring in the
03:44comic that also comes include the Superman Superman 78 ties in at least
03:49from the sense that of course we got all the same characters from the original
03:52trilogy I guess the quad trilogy yeah I mean like Luke Lex Luthor Lex Luthor
03:56really isn't in the third one although you know again like the benefit of
03:59Christopher Superman in the third one is at least he battles himself but we enter
04:03into this Brainiac and I think that's really cool it's actually a one of six
04:07issue run although the only one that we're getting here is issue number one
04:11connects of course also to the original origins Marlon Brando appears only I
04:16believe in the first couple of pages and that spends as much he spends just as
04:19much time in the comics as he does in the movie and he probably got paid while
04:22he got paid big bucks for that then we got a jump right away to Brainiac who
04:26sees the exploding planet of Krypton then we jump right away to Clark Kent
04:30well I don't want to spoil this for anybody that wants to look at this the
04:33thing that I like about this though is that are choosing the design of the
04:36superpowers Brainiac I hope we get this figure now we've already gotten a
04:41Brainiac from like they go at the ghost of Krypton we also got a as well a I
04:45think a regular Brainiac was it the Brainiac I'm trying to think of which
04:48Brainiac it was anyways I've done reviews of I've done a reviews of all
04:51of them it was like I think the injustice Brainiac if memory serves me
04:54correct Ton is team I certainly hope does at some point release the
04:58superpowers version of Brainiac it's one of my favorite designs of the character
05:01anyways though I don't want to obviously give anything away for the issue I will
05:05put the comic aside though and certainly would recommend that you guys
05:07read it if you get the chance that's what the things that he does come in
05:10clue with accessory wise if you're familiar with all the hands and all the
05:13other you know bells and whistles that came in clue with both of the figures
05:16before then there's nothing really new here to report the figure already has a
05:19couple of gestured hands in the ends of his forearms he does also have a couple
05:23of gripping hands I didn't make this mistake by the way when we looked at the
05:27Superman 3 or the variants 1978 Christopher Reeve that he said he was
05:31strangling Clark Kent and he was the one that was throwing the tires actually it
05:34was the other way around Christopher Clark Kent was throwing the tires at
05:38Superman anyways though we got the ourselves the strangling hands not that
05:42they're really strangling hands got a couple of flight hands there as well we
05:46got some closed fists closed fists are good yeah they are and we also got
05:50ourselves a pointing hand I did say in the review that it was kind of like the
05:53pointing hand that you know when Superman kind of does that thing where
05:55he's like yeah I understand what's going on I got you somebody had also made
05:59mention that maybe this is the pointing hand that's gonna come more sport more
06:02so for a tease I think they've actually teased a Kryptonian setup where Superman
06:07is gonna be in front of that maybe that's gonna be a good hand for that as
06:09well and of course we always need to have ourselves the tried-and-true
06:13information crystal that Superman does use one thing though to note though
06:17because like this is a comic version of Superman the Kryptonian crystal is
06:21actually painted in opaque green plastic or it's actually painted all as opposed
06:26to using the clear plastic or translucent plastic that you would have
06:28used for the original Kryptonian crystal so if you don't like necessarily the
06:33Kryptonian crystal in a translucent green plastic more definitely you can
06:37definitely use the one with the painted green instead all these hands by the way
06:41can easily be swapped out so like he already has again like a relaxed hand on
06:44one side just go ahead and remove that I say easy but watch me struggle with this
06:49go ahead and just remove the hand from the peg there we go I don't know why I
06:53was having such a hard time doing that and what do we have what do we want to
06:56use for a hand I'm gonna use a closed fist all right we'll use a closed fist
06:59this is more or less just to show you guys how easy easy it would be to change
07:04out the hands the first couple of times I have actually changed this hand more
07:08so than this hand here so it might be one of the reasons why I was having a
07:11harder time but basically the hands unpeg and peg buck back in place
07:14somewhat somewhat easy as for the actual body of Superman the one that we could
07:21probably borrow the most over from is the original one obviously what they
07:25have done differently is the colors well still still being somewhat of the
07:28same a shade of blue obviously one of the things that they've now added is
07:31shadowing on the side of his body they head sculpts from what I can see at
07:35least seem to be identical although you know looking at it it almost does look
07:40like Superman has a slightly smaller face I think it's probably just more of
07:44my eyes playing tricks on me but you can see he's got the shadow all along the
07:48bottom of its chin he's got panel lining there across the neck there as well and
07:52he's got all this nice little panel lining that they've all done down the
07:55side of his body the thing that's kind of interesting though about it and oh by
07:57the way he seems to have the exact same cape I don't think they've changed the
08:01coloring of the fabric at all and both of them do have a wire built into them
08:04the thing I wanted though brings your attention is the size of the pegs that
08:08they're using for his arms I don't know why though they chose to use a different
08:12length peg because if you look at the original Superman and then you look at
08:15the one that we get from the page punchers it would have been so easy I
08:19think just to use the exact same arms but they're using longer looking pegs I
08:23mean certainly when it comes to bending this guy if you bend him you can get a
08:27double hinge on his elbow I know we already kind of talked about that in his
08:30review if we look at this figure he does also still get the double bend in his
08:34elbow I'm not sure why he has this much longer when really the original Superman
08:39just extending out his arm again why the original Superman he had a small much
08:44smaller length peg and it worked perfectly fine really weird observation
08:49here also one of the things obviously I can observe too is the fact he's got
08:52some dark coloring there on the inside of his bicep running down the interior
08:55of his torso he's also got in this side as well I mean if we're to kind of look
08:59at this I mean which way is the light really hitting this this side I mean
09:02like he's casting a shadow on this side maybe it's kind of hitting from I guess
09:06the top is that right we're looking at like that that the Sun's hitting from
09:10the top it's getting the shadow on the side does anybody really care okay
09:13nobody cares the Superman emblem still seems to be the same the thing that's
09:17kind of also interesting about this too is if you look at the emblem the emblem
09:20here was actually raised to the point where you can actually peel this off his
09:23torso I wouldn't recommend it by the way don't peel it off his torso whatever you
09:27do the thing that's interesting though about this is that this one doesn't have
09:30it I could do this until the cows come home this emblem is actually printed
09:34onto his chest I don't know why again maybe just because again it would be a
09:38lot easier just to print this onto his chest instead of actually having a tool
09:42a second piece even though the other one already did that the underoos again have
09:46the dark colors there the shadow added in there you've got some shade added on
09:49the insides of his thighs some panel lining there to the side of his knee
09:52just again like the thing I really like and like about this though is that what
09:56if you already were a big fan of the original Christopher Reeve mold that you
09:59used or that obviously McFarlane toys used I mean this one borrows over a lot
10:03of that but it just kind of gives us more like what Superman would look like
10:07if he was actually in the comics for again like the head sculpt it loses a
10:10little bit of the some of the realism that goes along with it because also
10:13they have to paint it a little bit differently as well yeah I actually
10:16still like this I think they've done a nice job now okay so I'm gonna put this
10:19guy down here for a second because again one thing I did want to kind of rectify
10:23here in this review hold this Superman here I did also want to bring in the
10:26NECA toys one so you guys could see the differences there I don't even know I
10:31don't even know if somebody actually asked me this in the comment section
10:34could you compare it along with the Christopher Reeve from NECA but didn't
10:36want to show you guys though the difference now that we're actually
10:39looking at this figure the third time body-wise there's a little leaner he has
10:43obviously the longer emblem there I'm thinking I kind of always really
10:46bothered me about the NECA one was that they added this kind of these line marks
10:50in his chest this one had a much smoother body not that the review is at
10:54all for the NECA one if you guys also want to see that in a separate review
10:57let me know down below in the comment section but like this articulation is
11:00also gonna be the same carried over articulation for the DC direct page
11:03punchers release sliding everything out of the way so the head sculpt first of
11:07all is gonna be on a ball joint it'll house the head to rotate all the way
11:10around the head can look up about that high and I feel like I'm just gonna again
11:15put this guy down I keep picking him up putting him down picking him up putting
11:17him down I feel like with this one he had a slightly higher head reach it's
11:21not right yeah it doesn't look like his head can really go as high up as the
11:25original rave Superman maybe has a little bit extra bulk I guess he really
11:29would because also the cape is tucked in on this side they had to kind of develop
11:33a whole new neck appliance that for this piece of Superman so maybe that have
11:37also made him a little bit thicker here where he has a little less mileage when
11:40it comes to rotating his head that does look down by the way about that far you
11:44can rock it back and forth as well and yes you can rotate all the way around
11:47Superman's arms do rotate all the way around you can get a full T pose going
11:51no no issues there at all there's a swivel there at the bicep double hinge
11:55even though again like it's a weird-looking joint that they're now
11:57using for this figure release he does have a double point joint in the elbow
12:01although it's a little harder at times to bend hands of course rotate all the
12:04way around you can hinge them back and forth upper torso ball joint lower
12:09abdomen ball joint legs do split out there's the ratcheted joints working
12:14behind the scenes hard-working guys hard-working fellas legs go forward the
12:18legs go back there's a swivel there at the top of the thigh only just a little
12:21bit though double hinge on the knee there is no articulation again for the
12:25boots the boot is just a continued scope from the rest of his calf and then
12:28finally you got the articulation here in the ankle an ankle rocker and yes this
12:32version of Superman yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus does have toe
12:36articulation as well may not be everyone's cup of tea but one thing I do
12:41really like about the Superman is for the most part yeah he is using pretty
12:44much the same Superman that we had already gotten before one thing is also
12:49actually rather interesting about this I don't want to say like it's a carbon
12:51copy same to same apples apples Kryptonian to Kryptonian there were again
12:56some other changes that were made to the Superman like more importantly obviously
12:59is the where they place the cape the cape is now wider though on Superman
13:03that wasn't the case before something also too I didn't want to mention as
13:06well if you look at Superman sleeves Superman's sleeves don't have that one
13:11thing it also really bothered me about the Reeves Superman he's got that little
13:14ledge that little bracelet piece that sculpted into the end of his forearm the
13:17version of the DC Direct one even though again for the most part using I would
13:21imagine this same body most more more than anything on they're not this
13:26actually does have just more seamless sleeve so again like it's strange that
13:29they've made some allowances when it comes to just this figure that it's not
13:33exactly a carbon copy 100% carbon copy of Superman of course then there's the
13:37evil Superman from Superman 3 nice looking figure it doesn't have a
13:41displaced a flight stand it does have a display stand doesn't have a flight
13:43stand but what it does have at least instead is a little bit of reading that
13:47you can do when you're actually once you get the figure out of the packaging and
13:49you put this on display I like the fact we actually get ourselves a comic but I
13:53do hope though that this isn't just going to be making an appearance in a
13:55comic that we are at some point going to be getting ourselves a superpowers
13:58Brainiac oh let that be something that's going to be on Todd's wish list it
14:02certainly is on mine care step outside general actually no wait no it's
14:05Brainiac Brainiac not only gets an introduction in the comic that comes in
14:09clear with the page punch of Superman but also the that the Brainiac is tying
14:13back into the superpowers design of him man oh man I would love to see them
14:17release a superpowers Brainiac the only Brainiac I think we've gotten in that
14:21design that wasn't made by Kenner was that back in the day Mattel did a DC
14:25multiverse or it was I think back in the day was like DC Universe classics
14:28Brainiac very limited articulation but one that I wish I still had in my
14:31collection this though Superman does take a lot of the borrowed over ideas
14:35from the original Christopher Reeve and the platinum edition that we've already
14:38had a look at one though can't help but notice that they have clearly made some
14:42changes the neck collar being the biggest one because of course like this
14:45he's got a wider neck now showing the cape is actually isn't so much tucked
14:49into the side of his uniform or a suit whether it's actually done instead
14:53they've tucked it underneath his neck now that may make some a little bit more
14:56limitations when it comes to moving his head around you can't seem to get his
15:00head to look up as high as the original og Christopher Reeve that we've already
15:03had a look at before the other thing that's kind of interesting about this
15:06figure is that his forearms are completely changed they've done away
15:10with first of all the bracelet part that was a part of that sculpt that was at
15:12the end of his form but also that they've used visibly larger pegs hinge
15:17joints to connect the elbows to the biceps I'm not sure why they changed the
15:21decided to change and use different arms than the original two Superman that
15:25we've already had a look at you would think though it just had been in such an
15:28easier thing just to use mold to mold like to like Kryptonian to Kryptonian
15:31yet though this figure does have some notable changes made to him in the end
15:35though what do you guys think of the Christopher Reeve or the DC direct comic
15:38tie-in Superman one to pick up or one to pass let me know what you guys think of
15:42it down below in the comment section if you guys did also enjoy this video you
15:45can do it a solid and of course throw it a like you guys want to stick around for
15:48more so I certainly hope so you can hit that subscribe you can turn on that Bell
15:52and of course you can always come back as always thanks for watching see you
15:56guys next time
