• 2 weeks ago
Jada Toys Mega Man Cut Man 1:12 Scale Action Figure


00:00I guess this could be one time when scissors beats rock. Here's a look at the
00:04Jada Toys. This is the Mega Man's Cut Man.
00:19From the groundbreaking video game Mega Man comes this iconic robot character
00:23action figure in 112 scale by Jada Toys. It's the robot master himself and he's
00:27here to conquer the world. Cut Man is created by Dr. Light with the ability to
00:31throw a pair of sharp like scissor like blades at opponents from a distance. Cut
00:35Man comes equipped with alternate hands, head accessory and stand. The package
00:39also includes nostalgic details from the original game. He really shouldn't be
00:43running with scissors but then again I guess the scissors are on top of his
00:46head. Before we get a closer look at what's on his head and the rest of the
00:49figure let's take the tape measure and see how tall Cuts Man stand. I always
00:53keep calling him Cuts Man feeling the need to add an S on the end of it.
00:56Technically it's Cut Man. We're gonna actually go only to the top of his head
00:59because technically the scissors are a separate piece. Cut Man on his own though
01:03is gonna stand at 4 inches in height or about 10 centimeters tall. One of the
01:07easiest ways to beat Cut Man in the game is to use the power-up that Mega Man
01:10gets after beating Fire Man. So we're gonna bring in him first. Then of course
01:14for the other figures here's what the figure looks like with Ice Man, the
01:17recently looked at Elec Man and of course Rock Man himself or Mega Man. I
01:22did do this in the other review as well when we looked at Elec Man even though
01:25technically Dr. Wily wasn't part of this wave and still continues not to be
01:28released yet. This was one we actually got from Funko and you can see actually
01:31says Funko on the bottom of his foot right there. Again he's still
01:35pretty poseable. He moves everything else and scale-wise size he's a
01:39pretty good size though to be compared with him. So even if we don't get
01:42ourselves a Dr. Wily yet from Jada Toys, if you can find one for a
01:46decent price I would certainly recommend getting the one from Funko. Unlike Elec
01:49Man who was advertised with a stand and never got one, Cut Man not only is
01:53advertised with one but also comes included with a display stand too. That
01:56stand though isn't so much though for Cut Man. It's actually for the blade
01:59scissors on top of his head. Like in the game though Cut Man actually will throw
02:03the scissor on top of his head. So you just go ahead and detach these like that
02:06and then you take the scissors and instead of actually put them on the end
02:10the slice is only big enough in fact to actually take the blade of the scissors
02:13and you just sort of put them like that. Then of course you can just angle these
02:17accordingly. One thing though I do think is that the pegs or at least the length
02:21of the neck is way too long. I wish they could do something take a similar page
02:25to Diamond Select where you could actually have component pieces. So if you
02:28didn't want to have the full length like this you would just detach one of them.
02:31I mean I guess you would have to take this piece and move it down below here
02:34but in the meantime though you can just kind of lower it down like this and have
02:37it sort of displayed like Cut Man's throwing his blade. Or of course for me
02:42at least I mean unfortunately when he throws it he's pretty bare on the top of
02:45his head so I would probably be more inclined to feel just to take the
02:48scissors and leave them on top of his head. He does come with also two heads
02:52and both of them have holes on the top so you can just easily route the scissors
02:55in there. Coloring wise though for a Cut Man he's not quite really what he looks
02:59in the game and the game is actually a little bit more of a red color but like
03:02I do like the orange and I think being that we already have a red character
03:06with Fire Man having him more in orange stands a little bit easier I feel. The
03:10figure does also come include some swappable hands. Cut Man already has
03:13closed fists on the ends of his but you can also swap them out again for a
03:16relaxed palm and also sort of a gripping hand and to change those out is
03:21super simple. Actually in fact I found with Cut Man his hands are very simple
03:25to remove so you just attach them one and just plug the new one in. You can
03:28kind of see though like the pegs don't feel like they don't stay in there as
03:31well as really they should. You can then go ahead and take the other hand off
03:35also and just plug that new hand in place and now you got Cut Man. Not so
03:39much I guess what you could do is sort of have the arm out like this extended
03:42so it looks like Cut Man's then throwing the blade out at Mega Man. The one last
03:46thing though that comes included with Cut Man is an alternate head portrait
03:49whereas when we looked at Elec Man I feel like I kind of like the more stock
03:53neutral head that came included with the figure before we start swapping things
03:56around. I kind of feel though the opposite when it comes to Cut Man. He's
03:59such a cool cocky looking face for the alternate portrait that I think I'm
04:04gonna end up swapping it out with the head that he has or what he has when you
04:07get him out of the packaging. Go ahead and let's just remove the scissors just
04:10take them off like that then we'll go ahead and remove his head all the way
04:13and we'll take the new head and of course there's the ball socket on the
04:17inside. We'll just plug it onto the ball joint. I'd say simple shapes but it does
04:22require a little bit of pressure on your part. Just plug that in place then again
04:26he's got the hole on the top so we go ahead and take the scissors. I know I
04:28haven't yet even talked about this but scissors do have
04:31supposability so you can open and close them. Let's go ahead and just put him in
04:35his head and you can being based on that you can either have the scissors closed
04:40I prefer to have them honestly open and that's what Cut Man looks like with the
04:43alternate head portrait. One thing that's rather also interesting about this I
04:47think Iceman is so far the only figure that has had a unique body. Elec Man
04:51shared the same body with Fire Man and while he doesn't share the same body
04:54with Elec Man he certainly though does share the exact same body with Mega Man.
04:58Same arms, same torso, same in fact lower legs as well. I mean if Dr. Light is
05:03building these after all you would think that the bots would all have similar
05:06bodies. The only thing also different is that Cut Man's got a
05:10different head from also clearly Mega Man and he doesn't have the Mega Buster
05:13on the side of his arm either. The coloring though for Cut Man, while again
05:16not being the most game-accurate, I do really like the oranges. The grays
05:20that he's got also on the sides sort of give him kind of the look of ears. Lighter
05:24color down below for the top of his torso. He's got again like that tan
05:27colored orange here for his forearms, his mid-under-roo area and down below here
05:31on his legs. The only thing though that doesn't 100% jive is that you can
05:36see like his mid kind of waist area here, the trunks that he has, isn't nearly
05:40as bright as they are for the arms and lower legs. These seem to be the case
05:43that they've molded these in plastic. Probably seems to be the case that
05:46they've gone in here and tried to paint and match the colors but the colors I
05:49don't feel match 100%. Maybe if anything I would say like that this part of the
05:52torso maybe is molded in the same plastic. Certainly down below though for
05:56the pegs they're clearly not. It's got some decent detail being on the
06:00bottoms of his feet. Places that you probably would never see anyways. Kind of
06:04again looks like an egg. I don't know if I would be eating an egg that's orange
06:07like this with a yellow yolk. Well the yolk so much isn't so much the
06:10issue but an orange egg sort of has me questioning. I'm sure there's somebody
06:14out there that has tried to dye an egg using Tang. If you have videos like that
06:18don't share them with me. I don't need to see them. But if you guys did though
06:21certainly want to see the articulation for Cut Man. Head's gonna again be on
06:24that ball joint so it allows the head to rotate all the way around. The head can
06:27look down and up and back and forth as well. The upper torso is gonna be also on
06:32a ball joint. There is also a waist swivel there too. You can take the arms
06:35and rotate them all the way around. There also is a hinge in the
06:38shoulder. Leading in then into the elbow there is also a hinge there. The forearm
06:42can also rotate. The hands rotate all the way around with a hinge back and forth.
06:46Legs do split out. They're on ball joints. I may have in fact said when we looked
06:50at Elect Man, let's not spend so much time looking at the crotch of Cut Man,
06:53but I mentioned though that they probably would have used peg and hinge
06:56joints but they seem to be using ball joints. So just scratch what I said
06:59earlier. There's a swivel there at the top of the leg, a single hinge on the
07:02knee, but I will say like the knees are super super tight to the point where I
07:07almost feel like I didn't want to do what I just did. I've kind of just been... I don't
07:11want to be ham-handling this guy, but I certainly was spending some quality
07:15time playing around with Cut Man's posability. He has certainly quite a lot
07:18of it, but I still haven't had as much of a chance to kind of loosen up the knees.
07:22The knees are one thing. If you're having a struggle, don't force it. If there feels
07:26like there's resistance, go and maybe heat this up, maybe either with a hairdryer
07:29or hot water just to make sure that those joints don't break. The lower leg
07:33does rotate. You have an ankle pivot back and forth and an ankle rocker up and
07:37down. So collectively with all of that going on, there's a lot of good stuff you
07:41can do when it comes to posability on these figures. You can just again bring
07:44those legs a little on the arched side for those feet. Bring them up like that.
07:48Bring up his arm. I mean you can really do whatever you want, but for again a
07:53$20 figure, let's just assess that for the situation right now. A $20 figure
07:58released by Jada Toys. You get two head sculpts. You get two extra hands. Of
08:02course a display stand as well if you want to display the blade separately
08:05from the rest of his head. For a $20 figure, I think again Jada Toys is
08:09doing a great job when it comes to these figures. And of course speaking of those
08:12figures, let's bring in the ones we've already had a look at. There's a Lek Man.
08:14Over here, Fire Man. Don't get too close to Cut Man. He doesn't like your weapon.
08:18And where is Ice Man? Ice Man's right over here. The only other figure that we
08:23all still have to look at when it comes to this second wave of Mega Man figures
08:26is the Hyper Bomb Mega Man. That's the weapon he acquires when he actually
08:30beats Bomb Man. Which again, Bomb Man and Guts Man are still two
08:34characters. Maybe that's why I keep calling him Cuts Man. Guts Man and Cuts
08:37Man. It's actually Guts Man and Cut Man. But still we don't have any announcements
08:42at all as far as I know from Jada Toys that we are in fact getting a Cuts Man
08:44or for that matter that we are getting a Bomb Man. Which again I still feel like
08:49and I'm probably gonna mention this in the review when we look at the Hyper
08:51Bomb Mega Man. I just feel though that why did we fill the slot in with a
08:54variant of Mega Man? As good as it may be when a character even like Bomb Man and
08:58leave maybe Guts Man as a separate possibility down the road. Bomb Man at
09:02the very least shouldn't have been overlooked in favor of a variant Mega Man.
09:05Again I'm sure we'll kind of talk about all of that when we look to the review of
09:09the Hyper Bomb Mega Man. But in the meantime though we've got the majority
09:12short of two obviously. But the majority of the level bosses I would say
09:17certainly for the second wave. Elec Man and Cut Man being my two favorite bosses
09:22from the Mega Man first first Mega Man outing. I'm happy now to finally have
09:26these guys as part of my collection. They certainly have been missed when I've only
09:29really had these two on my display stand. The Mega Man on my shelf and Dr. Wily
09:33even though again Dr. Wily wasn't released by Jada yet. As we cut now to
09:38final looks of the Jada Toys Mega Man Cut Man. I've got him currently posed as
09:41if he's throwing out the scissors blade. The blade can be attached securely onto
09:46the end of the adjustable neck. Though you may want to have the neck really low
09:49like this so it actually does look like it's leaving his hand. Cut Man is one of
09:52those exceptions where when he's throwing his weapon the weapon isn't on
09:56top of his head. So you have to make unfortunately a sacrifice of either
09:59having him displayed with it or if you want to have him throwing it he's always
10:02gonna unfortunately have this big very obvious hole on the top of his head.
10:06Coloring wise he doesn't quite match the coloring of the game but I think what
10:10they've done instead though is not matching them necessarily to the colors
10:12that they look like in the levels but rather actually giving them more
10:15a cartoon look. The Mega Man limited cartoon series was also one thing I
10:20always really liked watching because it brought back the characters and the
10:23level of designs of some of the classic games. Good news though is if you guys
10:26are interested to get Cut Man or for that matter any of the second wave of
10:29Jada Toys Mega Man figures they are currently available over on
10:33Entertainment Earth for around $19.99. I say around and that's exactly the
10:37price $19.99 or $20 on average a piece. You can click the link down below in the
10:42video description. By the way though by the way that same link will also save
10:47you 10% on anything that's currently in stock over on their site. You don't
10:50really jam with Mega Man that's okay you can certainly use that link and use it
10:54for anything that's currently in stock. Take 10% off for me. Certainly if you
10:59guys did enjoy the video you can certainly hit it as well with a like. You
11:01guys want to stick around for more so I hope so. Well so far we're down to level
11:05bosses having already covered Elect Man and the territory of Cut Man but we are
11:09now going to be looking at a leveled up Hyper Bomb Mega Man. It's gonna be a
11:13variant though to the original Mega Man so we'll kind of have a little more
11:15discussions going for him. I certainly hope though you guys are gonna be
11:18coming back for that video. As always thanks for watching. See you guys next
