• 2 weeks ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Silver Age Batman And Ace The Bat Hound


00:00Every city has a hero but does every hero have a hound? Here's a look at the
00:04brand-new McFarlane toys DC Multiverse Silver Age Batman and Ace the Bat Hound.
00:30The 1950s was a decade of change for the Dark Knight Detective, one that introduced new friends
00:38and foes. The tales include debuts as Ace the Bat Hound, Deadshot, the original Batwoman,
00:43Kathy Kane, Mr. Zero, who would go on to greater fame as the nefarious Mr. Freeze,
00:47the original Red Hood and the pesky interdimensional pixie known as Batmite.
00:51This was a new era of great inventiveness with the tales that revealed how Batman's own father
00:56Thomas Wayne was once a Batman himself, how Batman became Superman, the hero on the distant
01:01planet Zurinar, the secrets of Batman's utility belt and the introduction of the all-new Batmobile.
01:07I sure hope Alfred's been stocking up on bat kibble because Ace looks like he's a little hungry.
01:11Before we actually find out just how hungry Ace the Bat Hound actually is and the master
01:15comes along with him, let's take though the tape measure and see how tall the Batman and Ace the
01:19Bat Hound two-pack stands. Now these are actually from the Silver Age and that has me kind of
01:24excited. I really like the look of Batman here and Ace is not bad either. Batman on his own is
01:29going to stand at seven inches in height, translating though to a figure that's about 18
01:32centimeters tall. Clearly though Ace is a lot shorter. He's also got no posability either. I
01:37hate to be the bearer of the bad news but he's actually only going to stand at three and a half
01:41inches in height or about eight and a half centimeters tall. As for comparing him with
01:45other Batman, who's the Batman we always bring in? Yeah, Nightfall Batman. Nightfall Batman compared
01:50along with the one that we're getting here looks like they're sharing a lot of similar molds. In
01:55fact, you can see down below here the exact same legs, same arms, same similar torso. Though with
02:01the Nightfall release he actually had the sculpted emblem. This one actually only prints it on instead.
02:06Now we don't have a Silver Age Robin just yet but we do have a Golden Age release and here's the
02:10gold label collection Robin to be displayed along with Batman. In fact, I'm actually kind of thinking
02:15about lending over the Robin maybe being adopted by the Silver Age release because I think they
02:19work a little bit better on scale and size. Also as well speaking of Silver Age, how about
02:24Silver Age Smile? Here's what the figure looks like though with the Joker. A more cartoon accurate
02:29Penguin. Here's also what he looks like with a very muscular Riddler and hey why not more classic
02:34colors for Mr. Freeze. Along with Ace, Batman includes the following. The figure first does
02:38have a black display stand that does have still the DC logo down below in black as well. Does it
02:42come in black? It does come in black. Off to the far corner as well there's the peg that can plug
02:47into either one of Bat's boots. The figure also does come included with a very Silver Age style
02:52of card. This is Detective Comics way back when it cost only 10 cents. Featured on the front it
02:57looks like there's a couple of criminals that are shooting arrows at Batman. A harpoon gun? Ace is
03:02going to be backfiring that plan real quick. Silver Age Batman is featured. Silver Age Ace is also
03:07included. Couldn't help but off to the far corner even though half his body's been cut off there's
03:11a Silver Age Robin. I would hope though that if Todd and his team are working diligently to give
03:16us a two-pack like this that the ward for Bruce Wayne is going to be somewhere down the future.
03:21Somewhere down the path in the future. On the back though of the card a very long read up. There's
03:26something actually a couple of tries to get through from the top to the bottom. His real
03:29name still is Bruce Wayne. That doesn't change whether you're in the Silver Age or the Modern Age
03:33but if you want to pee pause you can read for yourself. You don't have to go and pee if you
03:36don't want but yeah if you want to pause and read for yourself I've already taken the liberty of
03:40reading it for you though. Let's move that off also off to the side. So figure wise Batman does come
03:45included first of all with his batarang. He's going to do really no good in holding it unless
03:49he has swappable hands because right now out of the packaging the figure does have closed fists.
03:54I'll be fixing that shortly. Batarang wise it's molded about the same coloring of the plastic as
03:59his glove his underoos and his and his lower boots and it does I think we've I'm sure we've gotten
04:04this batarang before. The figure does have a couple of swappable hands. I mean again we already have
04:08closed fists on the ends but he does also have like mauling hands. I mean I guess that could be
04:14petting hands if he wants to pet the pound. That just seems like you're petting it a little too
04:19furiously. Maybe a softer gentler pat would maybe make Ace maybe a little bit more approachable by
04:25others. Maybe he just kind of wants to keep riling up the dog so everybody else stays away from him.
04:30Still like mauling hands I mean I guess you could kind of close the fists together. Batman's kind
04:34of contemplating things like oh boy the cost of this bat kibble is skyrocketing. I mean look at
04:40the price of what I was paying before and the price I'm paying now. What am I going to do? What am I going
04:45to do? Well I mean I do like the Ace the Bat Hound. He never talks back to me. Alfred on the other hand
04:50seems to be debating with me all the time. If I get rid of Alfred and I train Ace the Bat Hound to
04:56wash the dishes at Wayne Manor, could I maybe be offsetting the cost of the food? This is nonsense
05:02talk by the way. The hands themselves can be swapped out. You could also go the route of swapping
05:06them out with the following hands. The figure does also have some closed grips. Now if you did
05:11want to change the hands it's just a case of picking up Batman here. I could help but don't
05:15notice that the hands that he has right now seem like they're a little small. Don't they? Anyways
05:19though we're going to hold on to the forearm here. Just wiggle the hand and remove it from the post.
05:23Take the hand that we want to use. Plug that in place and just like that would you believe now he
05:27has the means to hold the batarang. The batarang though I will say you want to make sure it's
05:32far enough in there because if you only have it just the tip. Just the tip? Stop that. If you don't
05:36have it far enough in there then it seems like he wants to drop it. In fact I've actually dropped it.
05:41Speaking from example I've dropped this now a couple of times but you want to make sure like
05:44yeah you've got it far enough down there. Just like that. There we go. He doesn't have any other
05:49accessories which is a bit of a bummer. I mean I guess you could say really that Ace the Bathound
05:53is more than enough for an accessory and from a budget standpoint a lot more plastic tooling had
05:58to go into going into him. That may be like a grapple gun. You know some of the like bat gadget
06:03pellets for example probably had to be unfortunately omitted. I guess that's not
06:07a bad thing. So let's go ahead and just remove the batarang before I lose it. Let's put it off to the
06:10side. Getting actually one you know what before we actually look at Batman let's pick up though
06:15the Ace the Bathound. I want to look at him and I want to talk a little bit about something that
06:19is bothering me about the figure. I don't know if I first of all would say it's a figure because
06:23like what you're looking at is what he's all going to do. I mean the moment you take this guy to the
06:27packaging he's going to continue to do what he's doing the whole time you're going to have this
06:31guy on your shelf. He has no articulation at all. He's essentially just a stachion statue.
06:36Here's one issue though I have with it is the way they've sculpted this particular paw.
06:41Now I've had enough dogs in my day. I mean as a pet certainly. I could tell you though when a dog
06:46has his paw like this it usually means he's injured. I mean not that I've had a lot of
06:50injured dogs. I've certainly seen enough in movies that dog is usually then limping. He's going
06:54I don't know if he's stepped on something. Maybe he could have even stepped in his own doo-doo. I
07:01don't know but I don't I don't know if I like really the pose on this particular paw. Every
07:07other paw and the leg attached to that is posed fine but it's this particular leg right here that
07:12seems to be bothering me and maybe I'm the only one that's bothering being bothered by it. Other
07:16than that though I like the look of Ace. He's got some nice dark browns being used for his fur.
07:21I mean clearly growling so stay away from this guy. He's also got himself the bat mask which
07:25is always one of the things that was a laughable thing about the silver age.
07:28Batman what I think even did even have a horse. No that was Superman. Superman had the horse
07:33but the fact that you would actually take the time to put a mask on it like a criminal would
07:36then see Bruce walking this dog and say wait a minute wait a minute wasn't that the dog that
07:41was with Batman at the time that we were being foiled when we were robbing that bank. Now that
07:47I think about it and they they sort of start putting like they do the things with their
07:50fingers they can kind of put the mask on top. Wait a minute Bruce Wayne's dog is actually Ace
07:55the bat hound. I wonder if Bruce Wayne knows that and if he's maybe letting that Ace going out and
08:01maybe he's teaming up with Batman during nights and then not even cluing in the fact that Bruce
08:04Wayne this whole time is actually Batman but it's a well painted piece. I like the way they've given
08:10him the white eyes so you don't actually see pupils. The teeth are colored in as well and
08:13you get a little bit of a tongue sticking out the side. Other than again again like the figure has
08:17no pose ability and also the fact he looks like he's got a bum foot. Other than that I do I do
08:22really like the inclusion of Ace here. On to the old Batman here now again we've already established
08:27the fact that this is using essentially the same body as the Nightfall Batman. The only thing that's
08:32different though is first of all he doesn't have a plastic cape anymore. The Nightfall Batman had
08:36that. The new Silver Age Batman has a fabric cape with a wire built into the side. The emblem is
08:41also one thing they did away with so instead of having that raised on the on the chest the new
08:46Batman only has that printed. I like the simpler look to the the bat emblem too. I mean just having
08:51this painted it kind of looks like a bat mustache and that's all I'm sure you guys will be thinking
08:56of maybe thinking less of that and thinking more about the head sculpt. It's a classic looking Silver
09:01Age Batman short on the ears. I do also like that they've added the panel lining to the top so it
09:05looks a lot like the comic pages. It's a good looking head sculpt and I like the choice of the
09:10blue that they went with too. To bring back then the Nightfall Batman you can see it's a much brighter
09:14blue. The cape also, while being a fabric cape, is pretty close. I mean obviously the cape is a little
09:19more shinier of a material than the more matte plastic that they used for the cowl and obviously
09:23for everything else that's blue here. The wire frame also does give a little bit of leverage when
09:28it comes to posing this guy. I mean I only just did that I did that quickly. I mean you
09:32guys probably could do that a little bit more creative than I did but just with a simple bend
09:36like this you get yourself a dynamic pose. That's posing 101. Okay it's not posing 101. The inside
09:42of the cape though isn't as shiny as it is on the outside. I do again like the fact that they're
09:46now using fabric capes moving forward with all these figures. Material-wise again it's a
09:51little on the more smoother material. I kind of wish that they could have gone with more of a matte
09:55but it still color-wise matches pretty close to the rest of the blues here. The utility belt is
10:00something also like the mustache bat emblem is very simple. I don't know really how he's actually
10:05storing anything in there like batarangs. Forget about it. Grapple guns. I mean where he's going
10:09to store those. It seems nothing more than just capsule spaces. That's about it. I do also like
10:14that they've also added the reflection or the highlights there on the sides of his trunks.
10:19So while the front is black here the painting on the blue on the sides does make him look very
10:24much like the comics. Down below again we've got just regular style of boots which if looking at
10:28it is the exact same boots as Nightfall Batman. Again one thing though I like about it is that
10:33they sculpt now the the peg. So instead of the peg being a very obvious ball joint the way they
10:38sculpt it kind of looks like it's a continuation of the boots. I do like that. On to the figure's
10:43articulation. If you are familiar though with the Nightfall Batman you'll be familiar with this one.
10:47The head first of all does rotate all the way around. The head can look up that high.
10:52I wonder where I was starting to think of something clever for the bat owl. Batman have a bat owl?
10:58Batman should have a bat owl but you can look up high in the sky if he wants. You can also rock
11:02his head back and forth and you can also have his head looking down about that low. The arms do
11:06rotate all the way around. You can give this guy a t-pose bringing the arms out 90 degrees. That's
11:10as far really as the arms are going to be able to go. He does have though a swivel there in his bicep,
11:15a double hinge on his elbow and the hands rotate all the way around. Whether you want to use these
11:19hands or you want to stick with the hands that he came out of the packaging with works the exact
11:22same way. Upper torso is going to be on a ball joint. Lower torso is also on a ball joint.
11:27Stopping though for a second I just want to also say I really like the choice of gray that they
11:31went with. It's not too light of a gray and that's actually one of the issues that I really had with
11:34the Nightfall Batman was the gray was too light. I think the gray on this one works really well.
11:40Okay for the rest of the articulation, the legs do split. They're on ratcheted joints. You can get
11:44a Van Damme splits about that far. The legs go forward and back. There's a swivel there at the
11:49top of the thigh. Double hinge though on the knee. No articulation, sad to say. No articulation here
11:54for the boots but there's again the articulation here for the ankle. They move up and down. The
11:59thing about it though is that you really have to kind of be very observant as to where that
12:02cut is. See the the line is right in the middle? That's where that joint is going to be. If you
12:08have it turned to the side you don't realize that and you go to force this leg forward. If the swivel
12:13is way over here and the foot's over here obviously it's not going to work the same way to bend it but
12:18having it though sort of more in the middle easily you can move the feet up and down. I do notice
12:23though with this foot this one isn't so much the issue but I noticed with this one it keeps wanting
12:27to kind of lean off to the side. I haven't done it yet but I probably will fix this just a little
12:33bit before we jump to the final looks of the figure. Then of course the figure does also have
12:36toe articulation as well and in case you are curious the figure does have pegs on the bottoms
12:40of his feet. Almost as if they were intended in fact for a display stand which so happens to be
12:44one of the included accessories with the figure. Including accessory wise when it comes to the
12:49Silver Age Batman, yes he doesn't have a whole lot in the way of bat gadgets. I mean also if you're
12:53going to be releasing a 50s Batman, you know Silver Age or not, just other than a batarang
13:00probably would have been nice accessories to include like a grapple gun maybe a couple of bat
13:04capsules. But in the end you have to also realize too that some of the budget also was dedicated to
13:08producing Ace the Bat Hound which I think might be also the first time we've gotten ourselves an
13:12Ace the Bat Hound. He's a little more unfortunately on the crippled side. I don't like this leg myself.
13:18It looks like he's either stepped on a tack or he's limping his way home. Still though I can't
13:23believe that Ace the Bat Hound working with Bruce Wayne and also collaborating with Batman.
13:28Stupid criminals of Gotham City. Yeah unfortunately while there's no articulation at all for Ace and
13:32while unfortunately he's got a bum leg, I do appreciate at least the fact that Todd and his
13:35team included it as an accessory with Silver Age bats. Other than Batman's dog looking like he's
13:40got a broken leg, I couldn't be more happier with this release of the Silver Age Batman and Ace the
13:45Bat Hound. I still don't know why they gave him the pose that they did. Not Batman, the dog. Ace
13:51does seem though like he's either got a broken leg or he stepped in something. He's waiting for
13:54Bruce to clean it off. Ah that's the reason why we kept Alfred around. He's cleaning up Ace the
13:59Bat Hound's mess. Accessory wise yeah it does mean though that Batman's going to have a little less
14:04in the way of offerings but really when you think about it though I mean we don't tend to get a
14:08whole lot anyways with DC Multiverse Batman. Usually it's a Batarang. Usually it's some
14:12swappable hands. Silver Age Batman has that already. He also just gets the benefit of a
14:16dog as well. The dog unfortunately though while not having any poseability it's sculpted really
14:21well. I do also like that they've added the mask. How does anyone not know that wire built into a
14:27fabric cape is well welcomed here with any of the future figures we seem to be getting with from
14:31from McFarlane toys and I like that the Silver Age release of Batman has it as well. Will we be
14:36getting though a ward for Bruce? Well time will only tell. If for the meantime I might just end
14:40up swapping in the gold label collection version of the of the Robin that we already have. It's a
14:45good size. I think it kind of it doesn't have like the little cool comical swooshes that they put on
14:50Batman's cowl or on his trunks but I think it's a good enough Robin for at least right now until
14:54eventually we get a Silver Age release from McFarlane toys. What do you guys think of Silver
14:59Age Batman? Do you also think though that the pose that they gave Ace looks a little off? Like why
15:04couldn't they just give him firmly planted paws on all four of them? Either way though what
15:09do you guys think of this? Let me know down below in the comment section. If also you guys did enjoy
15:12this video you can do it us all and throw it a like. You guys want to stick around for more so I
15:16hope so. Hit that subscribe, turn on that bell and of course come back. As always thanks for watching.
15:21See you guys next time.
