• 2 weeks ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Gold Label Collection Knightmare Batman and Armor Batman


00:00if Bruce doesn't change the present there may not be a future here's a look
00:04at McFarland toys DC multiverse Batman V Superman gold label collection
00:09Nightmare Batman and armor-suit Batman
00:13Gotham City's formidable forceful vigilante takes on metropolis's most
00:39revered modern-day savior while a new threat quickly arises putting mankind
00:43in greater danger than it's ever known before it seems the Kryptonian is always
00:47on Batman's mind whether he's sleeping or not before though we get down to the
00:51details on the gold label collection Batman V Superman Nightmare Batman and
00:55armor-suit Batman the first thing I'm gonna do of course is take the tape
00:58measure and see how tall the figures stand found these actually on Amazon for
01:01a steal I was kind of waiting out just to see if there was gonna be a price
01:05drop on these and sure enough there was of course we've already covered off
01:08extensively all the other releases of this mold both we've gotten two versions
01:12of the armor-suit Batman and we've already gotten a nightmare Batman before
01:15and I'll be bringing all of them in in a second first though let's get this
01:19underway let's take the tape measure right to the very top of nightmare
01:21Batman because of course he's just a retool of the original one it's gonna
01:24stand the same seven inches in heights or roughly about 18 centimeters tall
01:28then on to armor-suit Batman who's clearly a lot taller he's actually gonna
01:33be seven and three quarters of an inch in height or about 19 centimeters tall
01:37so it does seem that most of the tooling for both these figures is solely in the
01:41head to bring in the original nightmare Batman the exact same body different
01:45head though of course it does have now the scarf wrapped around the front of
01:48his face we only kind of see this for a split second in the flashback scene or
01:51the dream sequence scene the rest of the body of course is retained the same when
01:56it certainly comes to the armored Batman the closest one that we have was the
01:59regular release same color same tape for the most part just a completely retooled
02:03head sculpt there of course was also a platinum edition that introduced a
02:07little bit of green we've covered all again all of these in separate
02:10standalone reviews and of course what is the object of Bruce's affection I
02:13wouldn't even necessarily say affection but here's what the figures look like
02:17with the Henry Cavill Superman that paired along with the massive Doomsday
02:20how about the first thing we have a look at is a pair of trading cards not a
02:23matching pair mind you one of the cards for obviously is nightmare Batman the
02:27other one though for the armored suit Batman these cards we've actually already
02:30gotten before what's also the same two is on the back of these the readups are
02:34identical so if you're gonna be reading this section to flip it over here you're
02:38just gonna be wasting your time because you may be reading the exact same
02:41passage again again like we get these cards I mean right down these couple of
02:45cards a couple of times already I don't mind that they have thrown these in I
02:48just would have been nice though if they could have used different artwork though
02:51featured on the front again I think these are exactly the same they also get
02:55also while not come included with these circular display stands so this would of
02:58course been a time I would have held up a black stand try to pretend I was
03:02witty and branded down below the DC logo a neighboring peg to that would have
03:06said plugged into either one of Batman's boots I can't do that this time around
03:09because neither one of these figures come included with display stands they
03:12do somewhat a serviceable stand in the figure does come in clue with a
03:15background diorama now if you look real closely though you can see that there's
03:19a peg here and a peg here but there doesn't seem to be pegs placed anywhere
03:23else on this so you can have them really close in quarters you might just end up
03:28using the display stand for one of the figures my only real plan probably is
03:32probably have the nightmare Batman displayed on this because I think the
03:35train blend better to that characters flashback rather than the armored Batman
03:40because clearly he's on top of the building the bottom of this by the way
03:43is just hollow they've done a nice enough job though of painting it again
03:46it's something could say that's just a waste of plastic again generally when it
03:50comes to these two packs you usually get things like this what you may not they'll
03:54get usually though with some of these standalone figures is weapons I happen
03:58to be happy to report the weapons that the figures come included sort of do
04:01fill in the blanks of all the other figure releases that we've gotten so
04:05far tied to Batman V Superman you know when we had already looked at the armor
04:08suit Batman I'm just kind of pointing over here because that's that's where he
04:11is residing right now one thing though unfortunately was missing for that
04:14figure was he didn't come in clue with this kryptonite grenade gun I mean of
04:17course if you can be fighting Superman the thing that you'll need the most is
04:20the Kryptonian defense of course defeating gun the thing about it though
04:25is while it not being included with the original Batman V Superman armored
04:29Batman at least we do get it with this release one thing you'll notice though
04:33right away is that the figures don't come included with the kryptonite spear
04:36so again you're gonna have to kind of buy around to other figures to get kind
04:39of all the accessories that you'll need but at least we do get the kryptonite
04:42grenade gun so we'll make it some progress it looks to be only molded here
04:46in black plastic doesn't look at all like they've gone in there and painted
04:49a little bit of paint on top of that you may notice though there is a little bit
04:52of paint down below here if that's not though from Todd and his team that's
04:55actually though from the figures hand because when I was putting in his hand
04:58some of the paint from the hand scraped off and you can see some of it down
05:02below in the handle the figure does also come included with this grapple
05:05line a grapple line painted again well in silver got the handle in the back and
05:09black and of course the front of that does have the hook it's not detachable
05:13at all I mean it's all one piece but again if you missed your chance to not
05:17get obviously these accessories with any of the other figure releases you sort of
05:20can't start to fill things in with the accessories that we get included with
05:24these two figures here you get also as well the grenade gun or the grenade gun
05:28the little grenade that he has little pop the pin and of course throw that we
05:32all know kind of how gas grenades work again this is all molded here in black
05:35plastic doesn't get at all afforded a little bit of paints but again it
05:39doesn't necessarily need that of course he does also come include some
05:41swappable hands you get a closed fist hand good for punching of course
05:46Superman's face before he starts to realize these wait a minute Superman's
05:49not flinching anymore oh no I'm gonna have to start grabbing the grenade gun
05:53quickly so I get one punching hand you get then again one larger gripped hand
05:57good for really then holding like the grenade gun you can take the grenade gun
06:01for example I wouldn't say necessarily it holds the best in this hand but it's
06:06certainly one of the options available and then of course I already have a
06:08gripping hand on this side and a gripping hand on the side of his other
06:11figures forearms as well those all out of the way I guess maybe before we
06:17actually look at the figures themselves we'll kind of move our focus over to the
06:20future or somewhat of the future the nightmare Batman does come clear with a
06:24couple guns the kind of crossbow gun that he has mostly I would imagine it
06:28would be cast here in black plastic and then they would have done the top the
06:32top of this all in silver barely remember him actually using this in the
06:36movie he gets also as well a larger rifle or machine gun I would imagine
06:41because they've got some tape there on the end and some silver on the other a
06:45little bit of paint though goes a long way and then finally he also comes in
06:49clear with a pistol which I believe he actually is using near the end of the
06:52sequence it's basically just shooting the people around him and as these
06:55parademons are flying down towards him now look at this for example when was
07:00the last time we've actually seen ourselves a gun with a DC multiverse
07:03release so again like you may want to venture off to try to find this set if
07:07you can find for dirt cheap let's move this display stand out of the way we'll
07:11kind of focus our efforts I think first on nightmare Batman I'll kind of move
07:14our attention over to Batman in armored suits so like the nightmare Batman if
07:18you already picked up the original one the one thing that was different is
07:22clearly first of all he has the scarf in the front of his face we only see
07:26this for only fleeting moments at the beginning of that sequence before the
07:29scarf comes down and we see basically Batman's face underneath goggles are
07:33also down in this instance as well whereas this goggle the pair of goggles
07:36on this version of Batman had to be applied separately done the reviews for
07:39those the bodies look to be exactly the same I mean obviously you've got more
07:44weathering there on the front of his chest the jacket by the way is the exact
07:48same so you could peel the jacket away can't really see there's some decent
07:51sculpting underneath that the painting though again is faded because it's
07:54supposed to be a faded suit that he's wearing in this in the film the jacket
07:58itself the only thing I will say though about the jacket is one issue I sort of
08:01had with this release I feel like the jacket is way too pale it should feel I
08:06feel be a little bit more closer to a light brown color and not necessarily
08:10sort of this you would call it like a beige brown beige gray certainly I feel
08:15is way too light the bodies are exactly the same the hands are same of course
08:19the lower boots as well are all the same peggles and the bombs of the feet
08:23they have also added the same gray weathering on the bottom which again
08:27like I feel like the coloring is really off on this because like the jacket
08:30really should still be like a lighter brown I feel like down below here if
08:33he's walking through the desert less gray I feel should be left behind a more
08:37kind of like a dark sandier brown just to feel like the colors are a little off
08:42on this but overall though I like the head sculpt on this even though for
08:45again we get so very little of this scene in the film it's a nice again way
08:49to incorporate using the same mold again and just finding a new way to tool the
08:54head it's not like a case where just like this is like sand splattered Batman
08:58that doesn't make any sense at all I mean at least this one you could look at
09:02a part in the movie and spend freeze it for again like you'd have to freeze it
09:05for that second because we only see it for such a split second but at least it
09:09is an argued point as to why a figure like this has to exist now the
09:13articulation on this guy's gonna be exactly the same as the other so the
09:15head's gonna rotate all the way around there are more limitations obviously
09:19because the scarf has to be like built to the rest of the neck so there's a gap
09:23space right here where obviously the head is separate from the body but
09:27there's not much of a space you can probably see right there so because of
09:30that the heads only gonna move up and down by just a very very small fraction
09:34that can also move back and forth and yeah you can rotate it all the way around
09:36the upper body is also gonna be the exact same you got your upper ball ball
09:41joint there and the lower ball joint is also accompanying this figure as well in
09:44his abdomen the arms rotate although all the way around you could bring the arms
09:48out at a T pose or a little less maybe perhaps than a T there's also a swivel
09:52in the bicep figure does have a double hinge on the elbow like the same before
09:56and the hands rotate all the way around hinge back and forth there too legs do
10:00split you know again you can just you have ratcheted joints working behind the
10:04scenes the legs go obviously forward and back swivel at the top of the thigh a
10:08double hinge on the knee no articulation again for the boot because the boot is
10:12just one sculpt continued from the calf and again you got your ankle pivot back
10:16and forth an ankle rocker and you got your toe articulation as well love the
10:21toe articulation the thing about it though with nightmare Batman is I've had
10:25this issue now with this figure twice he seems to have an issue kind of standing
10:28it's just because they're using like these ratcheted joints where instead of
10:33having like a gradual point where you can actually move the ankle I mean
10:36there's clearly a point where it gets to this and then when you want to bring
10:39it down it hits like the next ratchet or the next little ledge but it causes the
10:44foot to be on an angle like this that doesn't suit really having the figure
10:48standing accurately again they neither one of these do come include with
10:52display stands so unfortunately you sort of just left to kind of balance the
10:55figures and hope for the best I had hope for the best at the beginning is video
10:59where I got the figure to balance pretty good I don't know if I can actually get
11:02this guy to stand you know what I might just end up doing even though the
11:05figures don't come included stands I just happen to have myself like a stack
11:08of these things on the side yeah I'm gonna be cheating just a little bit
11:11because I know there's a fair bit I want to talk about for armored Batman and I
11:14don't want nightmare Batman to fall over okay so let's talk a little bit about
11:19armored Batman the thing I really like about this one first of all it does have
11:23armored Batman near the end of the film of course where he's got the cracked
11:25helmet of course hilarity ensues nobody really likes that scene with Martha but
11:30though I do like the fact that we finally get ourselves a cracked helmet
11:34if you are though familiar obviously with this body or even for that matter
11:38the platinum edition it's pretty much again the exact same body this one I
11:42think was the darker color I preferred a little bit more this like this one
11:46they're going definitely definitely for more of a clear more shinier silver
11:50again like the bodies are gonna be exactly the same if you're looking at
11:53the two the thing that's notably the difference between the two is well this
11:57is the more cleaner unpunched Bruce this one clearly has more of the damaged face
12:02on the front there the thing though that kind of disappoints me about this head
12:06sculpt though is if this is near like the end where he's got the kryptonite
12:09spear and he really wants to kill Superman I feel like maybe his face
12:13should be a lot angrier than this giving him just a neutral expression like this
12:16is fine and good but I feel like really they should have upped the ante and made
12:20this guy really ticked off I were talking like full visible teeth not
12:24having that I feel sort of takes away from what this this character supposed
12:28or this moment in time when this suit looks like this the head sculpt for what
12:33we see at least for Bruce Wayne underneath it's passable I think it
12:36looks enough like him but I feel like I really would have liked to see what this
12:40guy could have looked like with full visible teeth of course with the rest of
12:43the body being exactly the same there's not a whole lot of territory to cover
12:47the dents the cracks and all the scratches that were on this release are
12:51essentially carried over to this figure as well the placement oh also the cape
12:54is seems to be the same and it's also having that same kind of tattered cape
12:58down below now one thing that you've also done like with the original one is
13:01they've got a wire it wire starts all the way up here it runs all the way down
13:05follow my finger follow my finger all the way down to the bottom of the cape
13:09it doesn't have it in the middle which I'm glad actually that they didn't put
13:12it in the middle because it just always makes the cape feel stiff like it's
13:16it's covered in starch having it only on the wire on the side like this you can
13:20still get dynamic poses of course you can do it a little bit create more
13:23I'm doing right now but it then keeps the cape more relaxed on the bottom the
13:26capes for them free and able to do whatever it wants the coloring of the
13:29cape looks really good I still though I would have preferred maybe like the
13:33silver being a little bit darker than what we get here but still finally
13:36getting ourselves a damaged Batman it looks fantastic
13:39doesn't have though the kryptonite spear but we've gotten ourselves the
13:43kryptonite spear both with the Henry Cavill Superman doomsday 2 pack and we
13:47also got it as well with a platinum edition Batman so if you happen to
13:50picked up either one of those sets you've already got the kryptonite spear
13:52twice but the articulation on this guy is again it could be exactly the same
13:57heads gonna have limitations clearly when it comes to rotating it because
14:01again he's got the strap bandolier here of course he's got these the ledge here
14:05on the collar as well it's gonna cause more conflict when you're trying to
14:08rotate the head all the way around so I would say that you could rotate it in
14:11theory all the way around but you're gonna feel friction every time you try
14:15to do that it's gonna look up only by that far it's gonna look down yeah and
14:19also can rock back and forth as well the upper torso again you got yourself a
14:24nice generous ball joint generous has also been offered here to the lower
14:27abdomen area to the arms again rotate forward and back now he has still the
14:32shoulder pads the way they've attached the shoulder pads are right here and not
14:35right here so you still have the freedom to rotate the arm all the way around if
14:40you want to because this is also softer plastic you don't have to worry that
14:44like it doesn't feel like it's fighting against the arm the whole time still
14:48can pull off again a T pose get the swivel there in the bicep still
14:53unfortunately still a single hinge all the versions of the armored Batman
14:56we've looked at so far have all had only just single hinges but there's a lot
14:59more bulk and it doesn't bother me too much that you've only can bend a little
15:04less that's like 45 about a 45 degree angle bend and so again rotate all the
15:08way around whether you want to use these hands or you want to use the other hands
15:11before I looked at where they were they oh they're over there you can swap out
15:14those hands and they worked exactly the same still got your ratcheted joints
15:18working for the legs you for the most part can get almost a full splits for
15:22that you can move the legs forward you can move the legs back you can swivel at
15:26the top of the thigh double hinge again on the knee no articulation down below
15:30here for the lower calf but then again you've got your ankle pivot up and down
15:33and ankle rocker would you believe it again toe articulation what toe
15:37articulation yeah it's on both feet too yeah all in all though it's a nice
15:41looking set I mean to look at this I clearly know that they wanted to kind of
15:45fill in figures that may have not been able to sell all well on their own I mean
15:50again like we've already got ourselves a couple of armored suit Batman's I ideally
15:53though in a perfect world I would have loved to see maybe I don't know maybe
15:57swapping out the nightmare Batman the this version of nightmare Batman in
16:01favor of a wet looked like Superman so that again like you would have the two
16:06paired together I'm trying to get these guys to balance right now ideally again
16:10I would have preferred really a box set where it would have had the broken up
16:13helmet Batman along with a wet Henry Cavill Superman rather than actually
16:18pairing another nightmare Batman in there the nightmare Batman is still fine
16:21it's one of figured I would have liked still to have in my collection but I
16:24feel like maybe he probably could have been offered up separately as maybe a
16:27platinum edition release where he wasn't necessarily paired up with an armored
16:30suit Batman but I know to get that having then to market the idea of
16:34getting a two-pack with doomsday and a two-pack then with a variant of
16:37nightmare Batman it probably made the most sense that they split up Superman
16:41and Batman only for them to fight a little bit later on instead once again
16:46Amazon saved the day and I found this set for really cheap I want to say it
16:50was even like $54 which considering though that you've got two figures in
16:54this set instead of just the one a 54 box set is not bad at all in this case
16:59of course again not only are you filling in what all the mystic accessories are
17:02that we never got with the other releases but we're also getting two
17:05variations on two figures that weren't all that bad in the first place the
17:08nightmare Batman of course now having the scarf covering the front of his face
17:11and a smashed helmet that we get near the end of the big tussle between Batman
17:15and Superman still come some could make then the argument that they really
17:20should have packed Superman with the armored Batman and maybe either sold the
17:23doomsday separately or at the very least had the platinum edition nightmare Batman
17:27with the scarf instead I think again they wanted to get as much stretched out
17:31for the possibilities of collectors want to scoop up these sets maybe there would
17:35be probably a higher likelihood that people would want to be obviously
17:38getting a battle damage battle armors Batman along with a Superman and less
17:42likely probably people would be picking up the platinum edition nightmare Batman
17:45so obviously this I think the bigger sell of this set would likely be the
17:50smashed helmet battle armor Batman maybe people would be less interested and I'm
17:54just speaking from example maybe be less interested in getting the nightmare
17:58Batman still though nice to two nice-looking figures and the big sell of
18:02this also is the fact that we finally get ourselves accessories so if you sort
18:05of have been looking at all the other standalone releases and thinking man boy
18:09is it ever a big bummer that we don't get ourselves the proper accessories the
18:12proper weapons for at least Batman to use all the weapons are basically all
18:15been hoarded and they are part of this set instead so again if you guys are
18:20interested I don't have a link or anything for you what I could only
18:23really offer you guys is this check around to Amazon in fact I probably
18:27could imagine that the sale is still going on for this set they've marked it
18:30down considerably a good time to only get two figures that were already good
18:34in the first place when they were sold on their own but also as well all the
18:37accessories that we've been sorely missing this whole time what do you guys
18:40think of this set let me know down below in the comment section do you also feel
18:43like maybe they've deliberately packed nightmare Batman in here where clearly a
18:47Superman would have made better sense let me know what you guys think of this
18:50set down below if you guys also did enjoy this video you can do it a sole
18:53and throw it a like you guys want stick around for more so I hope so you can hit
18:57that subscribe and you can turn on that Bell as always thanks for watching see
19:01you guys next time
