00:00Today's guest is Osami Nabe.
00:03Nice to meet you. I'm Osami.
00:06I didn't know you were so young.
00:08People would be surprised if I said my age.
00:11I'm 85 years old.
00:13If I say I'm 85 years old, people would be surprised.
00:17I don't have a single tooth.
00:21I still have three teeth from head to tail.
00:24You have strong teeth.
00:26I also have strong teeth.
00:29I just ate a bento with salmon.
00:31I still have my bones here.
00:33You still have them?
00:35It's a celebrity's habit.
00:37He eats fast.
00:38That's right.
00:40When I drive,
00:42I make sure to chew more than 100 times
00:44so that I don't swallow.
00:46That's amazing.
00:48When I eat Chinese food,
00:50I eat a bun like this.
00:52I eat it with a lot of sesame seeds.
00:54Sesame seeds.
00:55Fried sesame seeds.
00:57I eat it in three bites.
00:59If I don't chew it 200 times,
01:03I can't chew all the sesame seeds.
01:05You can't chew all the sesame seeds?
01:07If I don't chew it,
01:09the sesame seeds will come out.
01:11I can't eat it.
01:13It's not ground sesame seeds.
01:15I use my jaw.
01:16If I use my jaw, I can't swallow.
01:19You were busy when you were young,
01:21so you couldn't eat it for a long time.
01:23That's right.
01:24Did you start to chew slowly from a certain point?
01:28Yes, I did.
01:30In other words, I experienced a life
01:32where I couldn't work at all from a certain point.
01:36You were very busy until then, weren't you?
01:39I didn't have time to sleep because I was embarrassed.
01:43I finished shooting at Nikkatsu around 11 o'clock.
01:47At night?
01:48The next day,
01:50I left for Shochiku, Uzumasa at 7.30.
01:53In Kyoto?
01:54Yes, in Kyoto.
01:55I had to go back by car.
01:57How did you do that?
01:59You didn't have a bullet train,
02:01so you had to go by car.
02:03I told my manager,
02:05I should sleep while moving by car.
02:07He said,
02:08That's right.
02:10At night,
02:11he said,
02:12I'm going to drive.
02:14It's still early.
02:16I couldn't sleep when I couldn't sleep even on the moon.
02:19How did you sleep?
02:21I had it.
02:23That's why you took a long break.
02:26I didn't take a break.
02:27God told me to take a break.
02:29Because I worked so hard.
02:32From the night you arrived in Yumizuhara,
02:35you went to Katsushintaro's house.
02:40What do you do on the moon?
02:43He told me.
02:45He lived his life as the moon man of many legendary actors.
02:50And then?
02:52At the time of the incident,
02:54Mr. Takeshi was the only one who came to me.
02:58A letter from Mr. Beat Takeshi
03:00to Mr. Nabe Osami
03:02during a break.
03:05The last words
03:07his wife Remiko left him.
03:11You are Nabe Osami.
03:14Nabe Osami is Nabe Osami.
03:18Don't lose.
03:19Don't lose yourself.
03:25Tsurube and Sawako.
03:28Showa's great seniors.
03:33Shin Watanabe.
03:34Hiroshi Mizuhara.
03:35Hajime Ano.
03:36Kei Tani.
03:37I will devote myself to this person.
03:40Let's live that kind of life.
03:42Let's live that kind of life.
03:47Mr. Nabe Osami
03:49lived his life as the moon man of many legendary actors
03:52during a break at Shabondama Holiday.
03:56The beginning of his life
03:58was a movie that captivated Mr. Nabe in his childhood.
04:03I watch movies every day.
04:08At first, I saved money.
04:11I saved 30 yen every day.
04:14I was worried that my mother's wallet would decrease.
04:18I asked her if she was doing anything.
04:21She said yes.
04:22She said yes.
04:23I said yes.
04:24But I couldn't say sorry honestly.
04:28she said,
04:29why do you watch movies all the time?
04:31I said,
04:33I promised you.
04:35I won't fight.
04:36Until then,
04:37until the fourth grade of elementary school,
04:39I lived in a rural area in Ibaraki Prefecture.
04:43With my local children,
04:46I lived in a place where there were about 300 people living in Tokyo.
04:51There was a big difference in living conditions.
04:54We didn't know how to cook.
04:56It was a village where we had to learn from the mayor.
05:01After all,
05:02there was a big difference in living conditions.
05:05For that reason,
05:06I had to fight.
05:08If I didn't fight,
05:09I couldn't get what I wanted to eat.
05:12For that reason,
05:13before I went to elementary school,
05:15I had to fight to win.
05:19After I went to elementary school,
05:22I fought every day.
05:24I started fighting when I entered the school.
05:27I thought I'd beat the strongest guy.
05:30I was a kid.
05:32I was in the front.
05:33I said,
05:34Be careful!
05:35Everyone said,
05:36Be careful!
05:37Everyone did this.
05:38But I did this.
05:40Me too.
05:42There was a big boy in the back of the line.
05:47If I beat him,
05:48everyone would be surprised.
05:50I was getting closer.
05:52I looked up.
05:54I did this.
05:55This boy cried.
05:58I was in the front.
06:00Everyone looked at me.
06:02They thought I was crazy.
06:06That's crazy.
06:08But I was a kid.
06:11I looked up.
06:14Every time,
06:16I had to fight.
06:20For about six months,
06:22I fought a lot.
06:24Did you have the willpower?
06:26I didn't have the willpower.
06:28I couldn't beat a big boy.
06:30But if you fight,
06:31it hurts.
06:32If you get beaten up.
06:34I didn't have the willpower.
06:36I got a gun.
06:38I got a star.
06:40I got a gun.
06:42You were a brave boy.
06:44Did your school life change after you fought?
06:48Yes, it did.
06:50My teacher was from the countryside.
06:54It's time for lunch.
07:00open the lunch box.
07:02We came from Yamato.
07:05We were told to open the lunch box.
07:08There was a big sweet potato.
07:11It was in the lunch box.
07:14Everyone looked at it.
07:17It was a sweet potato.
07:19My teacher said that.
07:21Everyone laughed.
07:24On that day,
07:27I gathered everyone.
07:30I told everyone to leave the lunch box.
07:33I told everyone to leave the lunch box.
07:37I told all my classmates
07:40who came from Yamato
07:43not to eat the lunch box.
07:46I told them to leave the lunch box.
07:49There was a hole in the lunch box.
07:52I opened it.
07:54There was a lizard.
07:56It came out of the hole.
07:58I told everyone to eat the lunch box.
08:01I told everyone to eat the lunch box.
08:04After that,
08:06everyone ate the sweet potato.
08:09No one was embarrassed.
08:11I told everyone to dig a hole in the lunch box.
08:14I told everyone to dig a hole in the lunch box.
08:17I told everyone to die.
08:20I lit a fire.
08:22I burned it.
08:25You came from Tokyo.
08:28You have a life force.
08:31You have a leadership.
08:33Until the fourth grade,
08:35everyone was conquered.
08:38Everyone was conquered.
08:41You had a pot kingdom.
08:43Everyone followed me.
08:46I fought every day.
08:49My mother came to Tokyo when I was in fifth grade.
08:52I asked her not to call me to school.
08:55You promised your mother.
08:58You said you wouldn't fight anymore.
09:00I said I wouldn't fight anymore.
09:02I said I wouldn't fight anymore.
09:04But I couldn't speak.
09:07I couldn't speak.
09:10I couldn't speak.
09:13It is easy to say,
09:18I said I would be a stupid child.
09:21The moment I heard that,
09:24I called out your name.
09:26But I told my mother not to do it.
09:28She called me stupid.
09:30Fights happen in the first try.
09:32Fights happen in the first try.
09:35You are stopped if you do not say that.
09:38You are stopped if you do not say that.
09:41Do you know why I did it?
09:43Because I like you. I want to get along with you.
09:46That's why I did it.
09:48Even if you cry and ask me to get along with you,
09:51I won't hate you for shaking hands with me.
09:54I can get along with you.
09:56I've been doing this until I was in high school and college.
10:02However, I couldn't stand it.
10:06I came to Tokyo and went to school for a week.
10:09Before I knew it, I was mentally unstable.
10:14On my way home from school,
10:16I put all my underwear in my socks.
10:21I couldn't stand it anymore.
10:23So when I came home,
10:25I thought I had to wash it secretly.
10:29I couldn't show it to my mother.
10:31Because it lasted for three days,
10:34I couldn't stand it anymore.
10:37So I decided to do it.
10:39I decided to do it.
10:41When I went to school,
10:43I decided to do it.
10:45On that day, I went to the movie theater
10:48at Kamata station
10:51to see a movie called
10:54The Man from the Sea.
10:57I went to see a movie called
11:00The Man from the Sea.
11:03When I saw the movie,
11:06I thought it was a wonderful place.
11:09I was alone in the dark.
11:12I didn't have anyone to talk to.
11:16I had my own place.
11:19I thought it was a wonderful place.
11:24When I was a kid.
11:26After school,
11:29I always went to the movie theater.
11:32I thought I could put up with it.
11:35I thought I could put up with it.
11:37That was in 1925.
11:39I was deeply immersed in the culture of Tokyo.
11:42It's only been five years since the war ended.
11:45It was a time when Japan was still poor.
11:48When Japan was still poor,
11:50fortunately, in 1925,
11:53on June 20,
11:56the Korean War broke out.
11:59On the open day of the movie theater,
12:02I went to see the movie.
12:05On the way back,
12:08I saw salaried workers
12:12telling me how difficult it was.
12:15They said they were going to have to
12:18buy some kind of metal in order to increase the price.
12:21They said they were going to have to
12:24buy some kind of metal in order to increase the price.
12:27There was an old man who I always got along with, but he wasn't good at Japanese.
12:33He said,
12:35''Hey, where are you going?''
12:39We got along from the first day.
12:42He said, ''You are a strange dog.''
12:47I asked him.
12:49''Because you are black.''
12:51''Black dog.''
12:53''Big black dog.''
12:55He said, ''This dog can't be anyone but me.''
13:00''You are a black dog.''
13:03That's what he said.
13:06Then he bought me a lot of things.
13:09When I asked him to buy me a lot of things,
13:11he made me eat a lot of persimmon rice cakes.
13:14He said, ''Let's split it in half.''
13:17I got along with him.
13:19He said, ''I have an idea for you.''
13:25He said, ''Do you know where the money is?''
13:31I said, ''Your house is a steel mill.''
13:36He said, ''Yes.''
13:38I said, ''Take the money and come to me.''
13:42He said, ''I'll give you money.''
13:44I said, ''What?''
13:46I said, ''I'll give you money.''
13:48I said, ''I'll give you money.''
13:50I said, ''I'll give you money.''
13:51He said, ''I'll give you money.''
13:52I thought something would happen.
13:54I was playing baseball during lunch break.
13:59I was playing baseball during lunch break.
14:03I thought, ''It hurts.''
14:05I thought, ''It hurts.''
14:08I was playing with a sledgehammer.
14:11You were cleaning up?
14:14I was cleaning up.
14:17My father, Mr. Koi, said,
14:19''You're great, Osamu-chan.''
14:21''We know it hurts.''
14:24''Thank you, thank you.''
14:26I collected the money.
14:29I collected the money.
14:31The first steel mill was 30 yen.
14:34The first steel mill was 30 yen.
14:36The first steel mill was 30 yen.
14:41The steel mill was 80 yen.
14:45The brass was 60 yen.
14:50The steel mill was 30 yen.
14:53I told him to collect something like this.
14:56He thought, ''Skun!''
14:59He said, ''Skun!''
15:01I said, ''Skun!''
15:02I said, ''Skun!''
15:03I collected the money.
15:04I collected the money.
15:06I gave her a lot of money, like this much.
15:12What's great about her is that she doesn't cheat on me, even though I'm a kid.
15:18I was like, is this really going to make me rich?
15:25I put about 300 yen in here,
15:29and she knew that I didn't want to get into a fight with her,
15:33so she told me that I had to change the hiding place
15:39because she didn't want to get caught by Osami.
15:44She put the island between the futons on purpose.
15:48She's a kind mother.
15:51She probably thought that I was trying to relieve her stress so that I wouldn't get into a fight.
15:57So I put 300 yen in there.
16:02Osami, did you do something to your mother's wallet?
16:07I told her, I'm not going to die.
16:11She cried when she saw me.
16:16I was so happy.
16:19I have a movie theater that costs 30 yen and 15 yen for children.
16:24I have a movie theater that costs 30 yen and 15 yen for children.
16:28I bought bread for 10 yen.
16:31I bought two of these small bread for 10 yen.
16:35I told her, don't eat this, buy bread and collect bread.
16:40I still have it.
16:42You still have it?
16:44I still keep it.
16:46It's an old version.
16:49It's a museum.
16:51You bought it when you were in elementary school, right?
16:55Yes, I bought it when I was 25 years old.
16:58It's been 70 years.
17:00I've collected it since then.
17:03It's a great value.
17:05How many movies did you watch before you graduated from high school?
17:09I watched more than 200 movies in a year.
17:12But when I was in high school, I did something else.
17:18I played rugby.
17:19But didn't you want to work in the world of movies later?
17:24No, I decided when I was in 5th grade.
17:26You decided?
17:28Hibari Misora's movie, Showa 24, which was a hit with a sad whistling.
17:37He decided to be a movie actor in the future when he was in 5th grade.
17:44I decided to be a dramatic actor.
17:47Where did you decide?
17:50I watched the reaction of the audience for the second time in the movie I was watching.
17:56At first, I watched the movie, but I laughed here.
17:59I wondered how the audience would laugh in the second movie.
18:04I decided to go beyond the screen like this.
18:13Did you have a target actor?
18:15I didn't have one at that time.
18:17When I was in junior high school, there was a movie called Kyushin.
18:23A half-assed man was saved by a doctor.
18:27He took care of me by hospitalization.
18:30When he got better, he stole things from his room from the window.
18:38When he stole things, the audience laughed.
18:45That's what I'm aiming for.
18:48It was a movie called Tatara Juntsu.
18:51When I asked Tatara Juntsu, he said,
18:54I'm going to make a movie debut.
18:57Did you see that?
18:59My family ran a factory.
19:03The factory was a little big.
19:06Tokyo was the head office.
19:07Tokyo was the head office.
19:09Niigata, Itoigawa, Amagasaki, Kyoto, Kita.
19:15My father's brother was the president.
19:18My father ran a factory.
19:21When I was in the fifth grade of elementary school,
19:25When I was eating, my uncle and father said,
19:28If you go to college, I'll leave Niigata to you.
19:32If you go to college, I'll leave Niigata to you.
19:35So I thought I had to get out of here.
19:40I went to Mr. Taiko Hirabayashi and asked him to lend me 300,000 yen.
19:45What was your relationship with Mr. Taiko Hirabayashi?
19:49He was my father's old friend.
19:52Mr. Taiko Hirabayashi was a soccer player.
19:56You lent 300,000 yen to your friend.
20:00That's a little...
20:03I asked my father why.
20:07I calculated that I would get a suggestion from my father.
20:12That's smart.
20:14I often went to Mr. Taiko Hirabayashi's house.
20:17I often went to Mr. Taiko Hirabayashi's house.
20:21I often went to Mr. Taiko Hirabayashi's house.
20:23He said,
20:25What will you do if you can't pay me back?
20:28I said, I'll pay you with my body.
20:30He said,
20:32Oh, my God.
20:35You must have misunderstood something.
20:38He was still young.
20:40I mean, I'll work hard and make money.
20:45What happened as a result?
20:47I thought I couldn't go on the path I was aiming for if I didn't leave my house.
20:53I thought I couldn't go on the path I was aiming for if I didn't leave my house.
20:56At that time, I had just become a broadcaster.
21:00Oh, I see.
21:02When I was a freshman in college, I went to the Jodan Studio.
21:09Why did you go there?
21:11It's a strange story.
21:13I was told to go to college.
21:17I was an outlaw.
21:19Were you dating an outlaw?
21:20Were you dating an outlaw?
21:22When I was a high school student,
21:24An outlaw?
21:26I'm an outlaw. I'm a student.
21:28But when I was watching a movie on the street, I was about to lose my watch.
21:35At that time, I fought to save my watch.
21:39Did you fight?
21:41I was caught and told to come here.
21:43I was taken to the dark sea.
21:45I fought hard with two people.
21:47He said,
21:49You can't grow up.
21:52You're not the kind of person who comes to our society.
21:55Aim for a higher education.
21:57That's what he said.
21:59A famous outlaw.
22:03An outlaw that everyone knows.
22:06An outlaw that everyone knows.
22:11This is my best friend's brother.
22:16He doesn't want his brother to go down the same path as him.
22:23He knows I'm his best friend.
22:26He told me,
22:28Aim for a higher education.
22:33He's a college student.
22:35An outlaw is also a college student?
22:37He's a college student.
22:39All of them?
22:42All of them are from Ginza.
22:44They're all mischievous people.
22:46They all went to college.
22:48All of them are college students.
22:50They're all outlaws.
22:52That's why.
22:54That's why.
22:56When I saw the news that this person was arrested for the case,
23:01I thought I was able to go to college thanks to this person.
23:05I went to the Ginza building where this person was arrested.
23:08I thought,
23:10Is this where he was arrested?
23:12There was a tape.
23:14I looked at it.
23:16It was like a music agency.
23:19Did you finally get there?
23:21I thought he disappeared.
23:24But he finally showed up.
23:26I have to talk about this.
23:29I looked down the stairs.
23:31It was a radio program called Jodan music, which I loved.
23:35I was so happy.
23:37I was so happy.
23:39I went in and said,
23:41I want to be an actor here.
23:44All of a sudden?
23:46Then a woman said,
23:48You don't look like you're going to say anything special.
23:51You don't look like you're going to collapse.
23:53It's useless.
23:55Go home.
23:57It's useless.
23:59I'm wearing a very thin lens, like a toy glasses.
24:05She said,
24:07You don't look like you're going to say anything special.
24:09I've been doing that since I made my debut.
24:13I'm going to wear a lot of clothes next time.
24:16So I went there again on the third day.
24:19Don't you know the same person?
24:21I don't know.
24:23It's like he's here again.
24:25He keeps coming back.
24:27I went there again on the third day.
24:29There was a door in the back.
24:31Hey, come here.
24:32I said,
24:34That's Mr. Toriro.
24:36He said,
24:38Hey, bring me the script for the radio.
24:41I said, bring me a bunch of tickets.
24:45This is called a controversy.
24:47If you're an experienced actor,
24:49you have to be able to read and understand the book.
24:52That's the best way to write.
24:54You're the subject.
24:56He said,
24:58Give me a firework or a seawater bath.
25:00I wrote all the content in a week.
25:04It's a theme called fireworks.
25:07There are a lot of themes.
25:11Breakfast, fireworks, and so on.
25:16So I wrote the content.
25:21Mr. Toriro said,
25:25Did you write all of this?
25:29I see.
25:31I'm giving you a scholarship.
25:34So every Wednesday,
25:37At 4 p.m.
25:41At 4 p.m.
25:43He told me the name of the apartment and the address.
25:50I'm taking this.
25:52Then the other person will see it.
25:55I pressed the button.
25:57Mr. Toriro said,
25:59Oh, I'm listening.
26:01I put on my glasses.
26:03I didn't look at it at all.
26:06I saw an old man who talked a lot.
26:09This is later.
26:11Kinki Nosaka.
26:15Mr. Narae,
26:17Sometimes I'm surprised while pulling.
26:20What are you doing?
26:22It's a game.
26:24I want to be an actor.
26:26I have to graduate from school soon.
26:29I thought the era of TV would come.
26:32Did you think so?
26:34I thought the era of TV would come.
26:36I started broadcasting on Japanese TV in 1948.
26:41I thought the era of TV would come.
26:44I thought movies would be bad.
26:46Then the era of TV came.
26:49I thought the era of TV would come.
26:51Then the era of TV would come.
26:53All the people who graduated from college would die.
26:56If an actor doesn't go to school,
27:00I thought I would just be ridiculed.
27:03I thought I would graduate from college.
27:06I'm going to graduate from acting school.
27:12Who are you going to graduate from?
27:14I'm going to graduate from Hiroshi Mizuhara.
27:17I said,
27:19I'm going to Kyoto tomorrow.
27:21I took the Tsubame and went to Kyoto.
27:23There is no Shinkansen yet.
27:25I took the Tsubame for the first time.
27:27It's a special express train.
27:29I went to the restaurant.
27:31I said,
27:33I want to eat the same food as you.
27:35I said the same thing.
27:37My manager stepped on my feet.
27:40He said,
27:42You eat Kitsune Udon, right?
27:44But there is no Kitsune Udon.
27:45For a moment,
27:47I realized that I shouldn't eat the same food as my master.
27:52Before that, you didn't realize it.
27:55If it's the same, it's expensive.
27:57That's right.
27:59That's why I couldn't go.
28:01But he let me know right away.
28:03So I arrived in Kyoto.
28:05I went to a hotel.
28:07It was dark.
28:09The back was all glass windows.
28:12Two men were sitting.
28:13I couldn't see well.
28:15I didn't know who they were.
28:17Then Mizuhara said,
28:19It's a pot of Tsukibito from Kyoto.
28:22There was a man there.
28:24Hey, Mizu.
28:26You haven't had a disciple yet, have you?
28:31I'll take care of him from today.
28:33I'll train Tsukibito and give it back to you.
28:36What do you think, brother?
28:38Oh, that's good.
28:40That's right.
28:41When I went to Katsushintaro,
28:43I met Mr. Wakayama and Mr. Mizuhara.
28:45It was Katsushintaro.
28:47Katsushintaro and Mr. Wakayama were lined up.
28:50From the night I arrived in Mizuhara,
28:53I was in the room of Katsushintaro's house.
28:58For 40 days,
29:00I was told what to do with Tsukibito.
29:04I went to Mr. Uzumasa's temple.
29:07But you met a good person.
29:09On the 40th,
29:11I came back to Tokyo.
29:13I called him.
29:15I said,
29:17I'm Watanabe.
29:19I said,
29:21I'm Watanabe from Tokyo.
29:23I said,
29:25I'm grateful to you.
29:27I said,
29:29Mr. Hinako is in Gion.
29:31I said,
29:33I'm the president.
29:35He said,
29:37I'm Watanabe from Tokyo.
29:40I said,
29:42I'm Mizuhara from Tokyo.
29:44He said,
29:46You are not Watanabe.
29:48You are Nabe.
29:50I called him Nabe Osami.
29:55I see.
29:57I'm Watanabe.
29:59Your real name is Watanabe.
30:01You met Katsushintaro.
30:03I said,
30:04You are not Watanabe.
30:06I said,
30:08I'm Watanabe.
30:10He said,
30:12You are Nabe Osami.
30:14It took a long time.
30:16I'm sorry.
30:18He finally made his debut.
30:20I didn't know that.
30:22I didn't know that.
30:24Who do you think you are?
30:27I'm Watanabe Shin.
30:29I'm a producer of Watanabe.
30:31You are a producer of Watanabe.
30:36I'm a fan of Mizuhara.
30:38It's been three years.
30:40When Mizuhara left Watanabe Pro,
30:43Watanabe Shin said,
30:45Don't go to the stage.
30:47Stay with me.
30:49I got 5,000 yen per month from Watanabe Shin.
30:55Since I became a boy,
30:57I've been with Mizuhara.
30:58Watanabe Shin is a passionate person.
31:01Yes, he is.
31:03I went to Bonkure for 30 years after I died.
31:09You were in your prime.
31:11You were in your prime.
31:13Yes, I was.
31:15In the early 30s,
31:17Watanabe Pro was launched.
31:20It was the same time as the TV was going bankrupt.
31:24There were no famous actors.
31:25There were no famous actors.
31:27Makoto Fujita was not in it.
31:29Oh, I see.
31:31You weren't in it?
31:33No, I wasn't.
31:35What about Crazy Cats?
31:37There was a band like Crazy Cats.
31:39They were singers.
31:41It was a specialized production.
31:44Crazy Cats wasn't about making people laugh.
31:48It was a band.
31:50It was a band.
31:52It was a band.
31:53It was a band.
31:55You were close with the Drifters.
31:57Yes, we were.
31:59The Drifters were the people who
32:03wanted to catch up with Crazy Cats.
32:07It was the best time of the entertainment industry.
32:10Yes, it was.
32:12I graduated from university and
32:15I became independent from Hana Hajime two years later.
32:19Hana-san was an interesting person.
32:20Yes, I was independent for a year and eight months.
32:25After that, he became a moon man, a talent, and a broadcaster.
32:30Looking back at his time as a newcomer,
32:33he worked hard for three jobs.
32:38I thought if I went on like this,
32:41I would lose my motivation.
32:44So I quit my own TV show
32:47and became a moon man.
32:51Kyu Sakamoto
32:53Kyu Sakamoto's
32:55There is a tomorrow.
32:57The Olympics were held for the first time in Japan
33:01in 1934.
33:06Osami Nade
33:08Osami Nade became popular
33:11at the Shabondama Holiday.
33:13He became a moon man
33:15for a reason.
33:17You made your debut when you were young,
33:20but it took you a long time
33:22to become a comedian
33:24or an actor.
33:26Yes, it did.
33:28But when I was young,
33:30I had a radio show
33:32that I did
33:34with a disc jockey
33:36that I drew.
33:38I did a regular show
33:40on TV
33:42for about 15 minutes.
33:43It was a music show
33:45that I did
33:47for 15 minutes.
33:49You did it already?
33:51Yes, I did.
33:53At that time,
33:55I was a guest
33:57and a talent.
33:59After that,
34:01I was a teacher
34:03for the next week's show.
34:05I told my father
34:07that I would be a moon man
34:09next week.
34:10You changed so much.
34:12Yes, I did.
34:14But I thought
34:16that if I went on like this,
34:18I would lose my motivation.
34:20So I told him
34:22to stop the show
34:24and quit the show
34:26that I had.
34:28Then I became
34:30a moon man.
34:32But at that time,
34:34you were a radio jockey
34:36and you became a moon man.
34:40I thought
34:42I had to do that.
34:44When I was in the 2nd year of high school,
34:46I had to drop out of school.
34:48Of course you did.
34:50Yes, I did.
34:52At that time,
34:54my father gave me
34:56a lot of books.
34:58He gave me books
35:00by Montecristo
35:02and Miyamoto Musashi
35:04and Yoshikawa Eiji.
35:06At that time,
35:08I had an idea
35:10that I would
35:12live as Tokichiro
35:14for the rest of my life.
35:16So you would
35:18be a monk.
35:20Yes, I decided
35:22to be a monk
35:24for the rest of my life.
35:26I decided
35:28that I didn't need
35:30to be a Taiko.
35:32I didn't need
35:34to be that kind of person.
35:37people around me were
35:39Shin Watanabe,
35:41Hiroshi Mizuhara,
35:43Hajime Hana,
35:45Kei Tani.
35:47There were a lot of people
35:49like that.
35:51There were people
35:53who wanted to be like him.
35:57Morishi Gessai,
35:59Hajime Hana,
36:01they were all real.
36:03I was a moon man,
36:05but I became
36:07a moon man.
36:09So, I didn't fit in
36:11as Tokichiro.
36:13Yes, you were Tokichiro.
36:15You weren't Tokichiro,
36:17but you were angry.
36:19That's because I chose
36:21to be that kind of person.
36:23I didn't want to be
36:25that kind of person.
36:27So, I decided
36:29that I didn't need
36:31to be that kind of person.
36:33I didn't want to be
36:35that kind of person.
36:37So, I decided
36:39that I wanted to be
36:41that kind of person.
36:43When I realized
36:45that I couldn't work
36:47for six years
36:49because I was so lonely,
36:51I turned on the TV
36:53at midnight
36:55and saw a program
36:57that this person
36:59and another person
37:01were doing together.
37:03I thought it was
37:05a great program.
37:07So, I decided
37:09that I would do my best
37:11with a small production
37:13from January 1st.
37:17this was my first job.
37:19Is that so?
37:21I'm glad to hear that.
37:23You didn't have
37:25that many jobs?
37:27I worked in Yoshimoto
37:29for five years.
37:31There was a drama
37:33and a stage
37:35that my acquaintance
37:37worked on.
37:39But I didn't have
37:41any movies
37:43or TV programs.
37:45I heard that
37:47there was an incident
37:49in 1991.
37:51Yes, it was in 1993.
37:53So, it was
37:55about 35 years ago.
37:59It was a bad luck.
38:01But it was
38:03a turning point in my life.
38:04You lost your wife.
38:08Did she protect you
38:10after the incident?
38:14I couldn't live
38:16without her protection.
38:18She protected me
38:20from everything.
38:22I got a lot
38:24of paintings
38:26that I liked.
38:28I sold them
38:30one by one.
38:32Did you sell them?
38:34Yes, I did.
38:36So, I sold
38:38all my expensive watches.
38:40I lived with my wife
38:42for 30 years.
38:44We had a hard time together.
38:46But my wife
38:48supported me.
38:50Did she say
38:52goodbye to you
38:54when she passed away?
38:58She was sick
38:59so I took her to the hospital.
39:01Her lungs were white
39:03and she died.
39:05I took care of her
39:07when she came back
39:09the next day.
39:11When I was about to go home,
39:13she said,
39:15she said,
39:17she said,
39:19she said,
39:21she said,
39:23she said,
39:25she said,
39:27she said,
39:29she said,
39:31she said,
39:33she said,
39:35she said,
39:37she said,
39:39she said,
39:41she said,
39:43she said,
39:45she said,
39:47she said,
39:49she said,
39:51she said,
39:53she said,
39:55she said,
39:57she said,
39:59she said,
40:01she said,
40:03she said,
40:05she said,
40:07she said,
40:09she said,
40:11she said,
40:13she said,
40:15she said,
40:17she said,
40:19she said,
40:21she said,
40:23she said,
40:25she said,
40:27she said,
40:29she said,
40:31she said,
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41:51she said,
41:53she said,
41:55she said,
41:57she said,
41:59she said,
42:01she said,
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42:07she said,
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42:11she said,
42:13she said,
42:14she said,
42:16she said.
42:18Because of this tragedy,
42:21the Colonel received the hope to live again.
42:24The fax came in.
42:25I put it in the cabinet and keep it safe.
42:29I put it on display.
42:31Oh, he's a man of passion.
42:34He wrote it himself.
42:35I wonder if they'll go drinking alone.
42:39What's that?
42:41This is what he was like.
42:43When I first moved to Tokyo,
42:46when I had to go back,
42:49he told me that if I gave it back to the president, he'd laugh at me.
42:54That's why I'm here now.
42:56I told my brother,
42:57I told him I didn't say it for that kind of compensation.
43:00He's that kind of person.
43:02It's one of my treasures.
43:05But you've really endured it well.
43:08Yeah, the world is already in a mess.
43:13I've already forgotten about that person.
43:17He's the only one left in pain.
43:20We all talk about it on social media.
43:24We all say a lot of things, but he's the only one left.
43:28I don't know why he has the right to do that.
43:34But there are a lot of kind people.
43:37There are 50 and 50.
43:40Oh, I see.
43:41There are people in Kansai.
43:43There are people in Tokyo.
43:45But when you go to Jundo,
43:49there's a difference in culture.
43:51You wake up in a bad mood,
43:53you're living a cold life,
43:55and you come back to the stage.
43:58In Tokyo, you get a cold look on your face.
44:03When you're on stage, you can feel it on your skin.
44:06Osaka used me as a villain.
44:09I've never been a villain.
44:11But after the incident, I was a villain.
44:14I couldn't help it, so I took it.
44:17When the light hits a dark place,
44:22I stand in a corner like this.
44:25It's Osaka.
44:28Nabe-chan, you can't lose.
44:35If you're a parent, you'll do anything.
44:39But I'm a villain.
44:41You're crying.
44:43If I was a normal role,
44:46I'd do things like Okini or Angatone.
44:50But I was a villain.
44:54I was crying like this.
44:59That's when I realized
45:01that people in Osaka
45:04understand what I'm going through.
45:09That's when I realized that people in Osaka
45:12understand what I'm going through.
45:14I'm grateful to the audience.
45:16I'm grateful to the audience.
45:18I'm grateful to the audience.
45:22On the internet,
45:24it looks like the whole world is cheering for you.
45:28But the people who are cheering for you are just silent.
45:31I'm sure there are a lot of people who are shocked.
45:35Nabe-san has been in the entertainment business for more than 60 years.
45:40He still has some words that he cherishes.
45:46There's a phrase that Kukai wrote
45:52as his last satori in his last year.
45:56It's a phrase that doesn't talk about a person's shortcomings,
45:59but it's about his own strengths.
46:03It's a good phrase.
46:04It includes the fact that such a good thing happened.
46:07It's not something to be proud of.
46:10Let's stop saying that.
46:12Let's stop talking about people's shortcomings.
46:15Everyone has their own shortcomings.
46:17If you can do this properly,
46:20I think human society will go well.
46:23That's Kukai's last satori.
46:26It's a phrase that doesn't talk about a person's shortcomings,
46:28but it's about his own strengths.
46:31It's a good phrase.
46:33It's a great phrase.
46:34In the entertainment business,
46:36there was a person like this.
46:38He never talked about people's shortcomings.
46:401. Sanpei.
46:422. Makishi.
46:433. Kanate.
46:455. Tanike.
46:46He made it like this.
46:48Hayashiya Sanpei never talked about people's shortcomings.
46:52When everyone gathers and it's time to wait,
46:55the actors and singers say,
46:57He's the one.
46:59It's a bloodbath.
47:01Then Sanpei is silent.
47:05He disappears.
47:08Makishi is the same.
47:10He's gone.
47:12When I think about it, he's gone.
47:15Tanike is a bad person.
47:17I've never heard of him in my life.
47:20I think that's exactly what satori is about.
47:25I heard a good story.
47:29Is there anything you want to do from now on?
47:32I haven't had a regular for decades.
47:37I want to have a regular.
47:39Shall we change?
47:42That's your job.
47:44I don't want to have a regular on TV.
47:47How old are you now?
47:4885 years old.
47:49That's great.
47:51That's cool.
47:53What does today mean to you?
47:59It's a day to confirm.
48:03I think the world has abandoned me.
48:07I'm going to start from here.
48:14The Great Senpai of Showa
48:17A message from Osami Nabe
48:20A message from Osami Nabe
48:23Anyway, the sun will rise again.
48:27Thank you, Osami Nabe.
48:31The Great Senpai of Showa
48:35The Great Senpai of Showa
48:37The Great Senpai of Showa
48:39The Great Senpai of Showa
48:41The Great Senpai of Showa
48:43The Great Senpai of Showa
48:45The Great Senpai of Showa
48:47The Great Senpai of Showa
48:49The Great Senpai of Showa
48:51The Great Senpai of Showa
48:53The Great Senpai of Showa
48:55The Great Senpai of Showa
48:57The Great Senpai of Showa
48:59The Great Senpai of Showa
49:01The Great Senpai of Showa
49:03The Great Senpai of Showa
49:05The Great Senpai of Showa
49:07The Great Senpai of Showa
49:09The Great Senpai of Showa