• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Sviluppare le competenze specialistiche e dare loro un riconoscimento giuridico ed economico, rendere più attrattiva la professione e mettere a punto nuovi modelli organizzativi perché, investire sugli infermieri è investire sul futuro del Paese. Si è chiuso con questi obiettivi il terzo congresso della Fnopi, la Federazione nazionale Ordini professioni infermieristiche, a cui è stata affidata la vicepresidenza dell’European Nursing Council.


00:00FNOPI's 3rd Congress
00:05FNOPI's 3rd Congress has concluded,
00:08the National Federation of Nursing Professions,
00:11which in its return to office has set a record number of
00:155,000 members, 33 speakers, 15 hours of debates
00:19hosted in the plenary room and in the Rengo room,
00:22and again 24 hours of training and 3 hours of shows.
00:26On stage, President FNOPI Barbara Mangiacavalli
00:29remarked how nursing must be a strong project,
00:33capable of facing today's and tomorrow's challenges.
00:36We need to develop the specialist skills,
00:39recognition and legal and economic value of these skills,
00:43because nurses go hand in hand with the country's health system,
00:47they go hand in hand with the social and health needs of this country.
00:51We have said it, the country is among the oldest in the world,
00:54it is a country that needs to think, reflect,
00:57put on the ground important solutions to face in the coming years
01:01the challenge of non-self-sufficiency, fragility and disability,
01:05and nurses are the heart and pulse of this system.
01:08I believe that we must act on two fronts.
01:11The first is to make the figure of the nurse more attractive.
01:16This is fundamental because in Italy, objectively,
01:20there are a number of nurses per inhabitant
01:24who are inferior to those of other European nations.
01:28So, making them more attractive means, certainly,
01:32having increases from an economic point of view,
01:35but not only, having greater career opportunities.
01:38For this reason, we look with great attention
01:41to the establishment of new specialist degrees in the nursing field.
01:45There is a need for new organizational models
01:48and in these new models the figure of the nurse will be fundamental.
01:52To be a professional who completes a cycle of university studies
01:56is a professional in all respects.
01:59Today she can play a fundamental role
02:02in the delivery of health care, even territorial.
02:06The role of connecting this extraordinary figure
02:10must be evidently exploited by all of us
02:13to make better services.
02:15From the Italian scenario to the European one,
02:17thanks to the participation of President Mircea Timofte
02:20and CEO Teodoro Scotrubas,
02:22who sanctioned FNOPI's entry into the European Nursing Council,
02:27an organization founded in 2004
02:29that brings together the regulatory bodies of the nursing profession in Europe.
02:33FNOPI will be entrusted to the Vice-President,
02:36in the person of Maurizio Zega.
