(Adnkronos) - Presentato a Milano l’aggiornamento del Piano Industriale 2024-2028 del gestore della rete di trasmissione nazionale. Al centro della strategia per la transizione e l’indipendenza energetica del Paese, lo sviluppo infrastrutturale sostenibile, l’integrazione delle rinnovabili e dei sistemi di accumulo e le interconnessioni con l’estero. In questa occasione sono stati illustrati dall’amministratore delegato e direttore generale, Giuseppina Di Foggia, anche i risultati 2024 che registrano un miglioramento di tutti i principali indicatori economici, che hanno superato le guidance dell’anno comunicate al mercato.
00:00The investments provided by Terna in the 2024-2028 industrial plan to make the national power grid more efficient, digital and resilient are rising at 17.7 billion euros, with an increase of 7%.
00:20A plan that is proceeding expeditiously, with 90% of the projects authorized and about 80% covered by supply contracts, and that confirms the commitment to sustainability.
00:32At the center of the strategy for the transition and energy independence of the country, in fact, is the sustainable infrastructure development, the integration of renewables and accumulation systems, and the interconnections with abroad.
00:46The main goal will be the integration of renewable energies in order to guarantee and facilitate the energy independence of our country and the electrical safety.
01:03And 2024 was a year to remember for Terna, which recorded an improvement of all the main economic indicators, with the highest investments in the history of the group, which reached 2.7 billion euros in double-digit growth over the previous year.
01:20I would like to underline the record in terms of investments, but also the double-digit growth of all the main economic and financial indicators, in addition to the guidance that we had updated during the course of the year.
01:37In 2024, finally, authorized works for a value of more than 2.3 billion euros, including Adriatic Link and Elmed, crucial infrastructures for the energy transition of Italy.