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(Adnkronos) - Favorire l’integrazione delle fonti rinnovabili e incrementare la capacità di trasporto della rete elettrica nazionale. Sono gli obiettivi del Piano di Sviluppo 2025-2034 di Terna, presentato a Roma dall’ amministratore delegato e direttore generale di Terna, Giuseppina Di Foggia. All’incontro hanno partecipato il presidente di Terna, Igor De Biasio, il ministro dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza energetica, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, e il presidente dell’Autorità di Regolazione per Energia, Reti e Ambiente (Arera), Stefano Besseghini. Entro il 2030 saranno operative le infrastrutture elettriche che abiliteranno la transizione energetica del Paese, fra cui: Tyrrhenian Link, Adriatic Link, il collegamento tra Sardegna, Corsica e Toscana e il ponte energetico Italia-Tunisia. Terna consolida sempre più il proprio ruolo per un futuro sostenibile e decarbonizzato.


00:00In the next 10 years, more than 23 billion euros will be invested to promote the integration of renewable sources and increase the capacity of the national power grid.
00:14These are the numbers of the 2025-2034 development plan of Terna, which consolidates its role for a sustainable and decarbonized future.
00:23According to the PNIEC and the energy scenarios for 2024, 65 GW of renewables are expected by 2030 and 94 GW by 2035, of which 43 are connected to the national transport network.
00:48All this is to achieve the goals of decarbonization, but also to make our country independent from the energy point of view compared to other countries, in particular compared to the gas that now weighs on the costs of energy.
01:10Therefore, the 23 billion invested in the plan are likely to achieve this double result.
01:19The main works of the plan, which alone amount to 6 billion, are the Tyrrhenian Link, the Adriatic Link and the SACOE 3.
01:31I am proud to tell you that we plan to deliver the Tyrrhenian Link, which will be the most important energy infrastructure in our country, by 2027 and by 2028.
01:53I give you an appointment in May or June, when we will close with the installation of the submarine cable that we started to install in January, starting from Termini in Merese, and we will arrive in Battipaia between May and June.
02:12By 2030, the electric infrastructures that will enable the energy transition of the country will be operational, including the Tyrrhenian Link and the Adriatic Link, the connection between Sardinia, Corsica and Tuscany and the Italian-Tunisian energy bridge.
02:26The goal is to create a mix of production that can meet the energy demand that is growing rapidly.
02:35Today we have had the demonstration from the data of Tern that the demand is growing and that the renewables must automatically grow, which is the goal of decarbonization.
02:48So all those that are the renewables in view of neutrality by 2050.
02:5423 billion is an important thing, because this is the bone of national energy, because if we do not have the bone of the network, we cannot meet the demand of the citizens and the enterprise.
03:10These interventions, together with the others planned in the plan, are essential for the pursuit of national and European goals of energy transition, independence, resilience and efficiency of the electrical system.
03:21For its strategic position in the center of the Mediterranean, our country represents an energy bridge between Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
03:29Tern's interventions in the 2025 development plan will allow a significant increase in the capacity for energy exchange between market areas, with an increase of 22% compared to the previous plan.
