(Adnkronos) - “Entro il 2030 sono previsti 65 gigawatt da rinnovabili e 94 gigawatt entro il 2035, di cui 43 gigawatt connessi alla rete di trasporto nazionale. Tutto questo per la decarbonizzazione del Paese, ma anche per rendere indipendente dal punto di vista energetico l’Italia. I 23 miliardi di euro di investimenti sono volti per raggiungere questo duplice risultato”. Così l’amministratore delegato di Terna, Giuseppina DI Foggia, a margine della presentazione del Piano di Sviluppo 2025 della Rete di Trasmissione Nazionale di Terna.
00:00In accordance with the PENIEC and the energy scenarios for 2024, you have seen that 65 GW of renewables are expected by 2030
00:19and 94 GW by 2035, of which 43 GW are connected to the national transport network.
00:31All this is to achieve the goals of decarbonization, but also to make our country independent from the energy point of view compared to other countries,
00:47in particular compared to the gas that now weighs on the costs of energy for Italy.
00:56The main projects of the plan, which alone account for 6 billion, are the Tyrrhenian Link, the Adriatic Link and the SACOE 3.
01:07I am proud to tell you that we plan to deliver the Tyrrhenian Link, which will be the most important energy infrastructure of our country,
01:18between 2027 and 2028.
01:29I give you an appointment in May or June, when we will close with the installation of the submarine cable,
01:40which we started to install in January, starting from Termini in Merese, and which we have extended for 260 km out of 490 km,
01:55and we will arrive in Battipaia, as I told you, between May and June.