• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “La Divina Commedia Opera Musical", acclamato kolossal teatrale prodotto da Mic International Company, varca i confini nazionali con un ambizioso tour internazionale. A partire dal 25 aprile 2025, l'opera debutterà in Cina, toccando 15 grandi città, tra cui Pechino, Shanghai e Hong Kong, in collaborazione con We Opera Studio Limited. L’evento è stato presentato ufficialmente a Palazzo Firenze, sede della Società Dante Alighieri, a Roma, attraverso un incontro con la stampa.


00:00The divine comedy-opera musical, the acclaimed theater colossus,
00:08produced by Mick International Company,
00:11will make its debut in China starting from April 25, 2025,
00:15touching 15 major cities, including Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong,
00:19in collaboration with WeOpera Studio Ltd,
00:23once again confirming how culture is a vehicle of dialogue and connection between peoples.
00:28We talked about it at the meeting with the press at the Primaticcio Lodge in Palazzo Firenze,
00:33headquarters of Dante Alighieri Society, in Rome.
00:36Dante's opera is an immortal opera that certainly,
00:40through the centuries and, I must say, always has incredible moments of modernity,
00:45so much so that in the whole path that we describe in a new language,
00:50then through music, through dance, through visual arts,
00:55we really manage to recreate a human path of a story that has no time.
01:01And so even today, I must say that many children, even in schools,
01:05have become passionate through this mode of transmission of this message,
01:10always current, of the divine comedy,
01:13and we hope that even in China it can have the same kind of success that we had in Italy.
01:18Among all the emerging markets, that of China is really very, very attentive to culture.
01:25And so, let's say, there was the opportunity to undertake this path
01:30and we believe that the starting point for an entire international tour that we are planning
01:35may be precisely that of China in an important year between Italy-China relations that takes place this year.
01:41During the meeting, it was discussed how culture and beauty are unbreakable bridges
01:46that, unlike architectural bridges or economic bridges, insist on being immaterial.
01:52It is an extraordinary operation of union, of connection, of dialogue,
01:56a deep, eternal dialogue, I would say, that can inhabit a bit like Dante's literature and Dante himself,
02:02in a time that is a non-time, that is, in the forever.
02:05And it is an extraordinary operation for us, we will touch 15 cities throughout China
02:10and in a historical moment like this, it is an extraordinary condition
02:15that shows even more how beauty and culture can be a bridge between peoples and the true language to follow.
02:22Dante is an element of enormous modernity, because Dante has mapped, let's say, the soul of man.
02:28And the soul of man persists, it is eternal, precisely because the nuances that inhabit man,
02:33that is, desires, beliefs, aspirations, dreams, even falls,
02:37belong to the men of all times and of all peoples.
02:40I would say that they belong to the human being.
02:42Here is the true modernity of Dante and history.
02:45And history, paradoxically, is the most modern aspect we can have.
