• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - La sede di Assolombarda a Milano ha ospitato la quarta edizione del Learning Forum intitolata ‘Co-intelligenze in azione’. Tra i temi centrali della giornata la Formazione continua, l'innovazione, la valorizzazione delle competenze tecniche, emotive e sociali, l'intelligenza artificiale e lo sviluppo di una cultura aziendale orientata alla crescita e alla responsabilità condivisa. Attraverso talk show, business matching e benchmarking group, infatti, l’appuntamento firmato Comunicazione Italiana coinvolge professionisti, aziende e istituzioni, offrendo un'opportunità di confronto e discussione sui principali driver che guidano la trasformazione della formazione e del benessere aziendale.


00:00Continuous training, innovation,
00:06appreciation of technical, emotional and social skills,
00:09artificial intelligence and development of a business culture
00:12oriented to growth and shared responsibility.
00:16These themes at the center of Cointelligenza in Action,
00:19the fourth edition of the Learning Forum,
00:21held in Milan at the headquarters of ASSO Lombarda.
00:24Through the Talk Show, Business Matching and Benchmarking Group,
00:28the appointment signed by Comunicazione Italiana involves professionals,
00:32companies and institutions, offering an opportunity to compare and discuss
00:36the main drivers that drive the transformation of training
00:40and corporate well-being.
00:42The training has been profoundly changed,
00:45more and more digital, more and more personalized,
00:48invested by the artificial intelligence cyclone.
00:52Teleskill has reacted well, as in its DNA
00:56there is the development of learning platforms,
00:59so we don't have a rigid mechanism.
01:01We are strongly convinced that technology must adapt to companies,
01:06not the opposite, because companies each have their own paradigm
01:10and training union.
01:13And so a multinational that has different souls cannot adapt
01:17to a single platform that is not customizable.
01:20There is a need for engagement, there is a need for interaction,
01:24there is a need for co-involvement.
01:26But let's go back to engagement, which is the main ingredient
01:29of every learning project.
01:31We have invented Teleskill Virtual Studio on a method that is not only
01:35a technological transmission of content, but a new paradigm of communication.
01:39We have immersed teachers and speakers in immersive virtual scenarios,
01:43customized for them, and we have broadcast these events live
01:47or recorded them.
01:49We have noticed that the reception is much, much, much bigger.
01:52From the end of the pandemic, the approach to corporate training
01:55has changed and has become integrated, continuous and strongly digitized.
02:01From this point of view, we have strengthened our learning compartment
02:06with micro-learning courses, so much shorter, super-focused courses,
02:13where even in the 4-5-minute round, a learning cycle opens and closes.
02:19This is to meet the needs of companies that need to insert
02:23more and more fluid, flexible training, impacting as little as possible
02:29on the workload.
02:31Compared to the approach, we have a 360-degree approach,
02:34so we can start with consulting tools, such as assessments,
02:41mapping of skills that help us then to develop
02:44the real growth plans of people within the companies
02:48in a more targeted way, but above all with the support of
02:53financing tools. I am talking about interprofessional funds,
02:57regional funds, new skills funds.
03:01In short, there are opportunities.
