• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il Gruppo Davines esporta all'estero l'82% della sua produzione - spiega Bollati - in particolare in Europa e nel Nord America”. Così, Davide Bollati, presidente Gruppo Davines, in occasione della 56esima edizione di Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, la manifestazione dedicata all’industria cosmetica, fino al 23 marzo al Quartiere fieristico del capoluogo emiliano.


00:00The cosmetic sector is an anti-cyclical sector that, despite the poli-crisis we are experiencing, is growing a lot.
00:12Beyond the polarizations, it is a sector that continues to grow constantly at a single figure, a couple of points above the growth of the world's GDP.
00:24Davines is a group that exports 82% of its production abroad, in particular in Europe and North America.
00:34The cosmetic industry is a very innovative industry, so we also have a lot of innovation in this area, both in the face and in the body and also in the hair.
