(Adnkronos) - Con un fatturato di 295 milioni di euro nel 2024, in aumento del 12% rispetto al 2023, il Gruppo Davines, presente sul mercato con i marchi per l’haircare Davines e per lo skincare [ comfort zone ], si propone come modello di business attento all’ambiente e alle persone in un settore, quello dell’industria cosmetica, in continua crescita. Una crescita alimentata anche dall’innovazione che il Gruppo propone al Cosmoprof 2025 puntando sulla ‘longevità’ e attirando così l’attenzione del pubblico sia maschile sia femminile.
00:00A constant growth turnover, that of the Davines group, an active company in the sector of professional cosmetics.
00:11In 2024 it closed at 295 million euros, recording an increase of 12% compared to 2023.
00:19The group, present on the market with the brands for L'Air Care Davines and for the Skin Care Comfort Zone,
00:25proposes a business model that is attentive to the environment and people.
00:29Today it has reached 82% of export quotas and its main markets are North America and Europe.
00:36The cosmetics sector is an anti-cyclical sector that, despite the poli-crisis we are experiencing, is growing a lot.
00:44Beyond the polarizations, it is a sector that continues to grow constantly, at a single figure, a couple of points above the growth of the world's GDP.
00:56Innovation plays a key role in the cosmetics industry, the brand does not remain to be seen and presents itself to the Cosmoprof with many novelties.
01:03But one in particular has great attention from our audience.
01:08We are talking about something that particularly interests men and women, because we are talking about longevity.
01:14Longevity is more and more an attention that leads many of us to observe it and scrutinize it, to desire it.
01:23We have realized Longevity Lift, which is a new way to face, in a natural, non-invasive way, those that are the most classic aesthetics.
01:33Working with four particular areas, with detergent, working with a vacuum effect, working with mesoporation and finally with particular currents,
01:43combining them with specific products, you can see a person's face again, lift the cheekbones and above all give a sense of freshness and youth to the skin.
01:56This in a few minutes, 45 minutes are enough, with visible effects from the outset.