• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Ci sono molte novità” in questa edizione del Cosmoprof “ma, una in particolare, ha una grande attenzione da parte del nostro pubblico; interessa particolarmente uomini e donne in quanto si parla” del tema della “longevità” un tema “che porta molti di noi a osservarla e a desiderarla”. Sono le dichiarazioni di Davide Manzoni, direttore generale Comfort Zone Italia - Gruppo Davines, alla 56esima edizione di Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, la manifestazione dedicata all’industria cosmetica, fino al 23 marzo al Quartiere fieristico del capoluogo emiliano.


00:00Cosomprof has a lot of news, but one in particular has a lot of attention from our audience.
00:11We are talking about something that is particularly interesting for men and women, because we are talking about longevity.
00:17Longevity is more and more an attention that leads many of us to observe it and scrutinize it, to desire it.
00:26We have realized Longevity Lift, which is a new way to face, in a natural, non-invasive way, those that are the most classic aesthetics.
00:36Working with four particular areas, with detergent, working with a vacuum effect, working with mesoporation
00:44and finally with particular currents, combining them with specific products,
00:48it is possible to see a person's face again, to lift the cheekbones and above all to give a sense of freshness and youth to the skin.
00:59This in a few minutes, 45 minutes are enough, with visible effects from the outset.
