Stealth Mode Engaged 🚐
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00:00What if I told you I built a tiny home on the inside of this work van?
00:04Well you'd probably believe me because you clicked on this video but in real life you
00:07would have been more skeptical and that's because it's stealthy.
00:12Now I'm doing this because one day while scrolling YouTube I clicked on this video
00:15that led me down a rabbit hole of watching other stealth camper van videos and logically
00:20the next step was to try it myself with no experience.
00:23The goal, build a stealthy tiny home in a normal work van.
00:26To test the goal, survive overnight in the Taco Bell parking lot.
00:30Guys I think we're in the right spot to pick up the van.
00:36Oh yeah real quick I had to actually buy a van first.
00:38I went through Facebook Marketplace and as you can see they're pretty expensive.
00:42But this beautiful 2011 Sprinter van was more budget friendly at $7,900
00:46so I got the keys from the seller to do a quick test drive.
00:52Is it on?
00:53Yeah unfortunately it didn't start which was kind of important so we didn't get this one.
00:57I don't know what happened.
00:59I drove over a couple hours away for that one so it was disappointing but
01:03the next day I found this beauty.
01:05A 2006 Mercedes Sprinter van listed for $7,400.
01:09It'll shift sometimes to first and then it won't shift to second.
01:13Yeah the transmission was slightly cooked but at least it started.
01:15Now behold my negotiation skills.
01:17I think it was listed for $7,400.
01:20Would you guys do six grand?
01:22Uh, I'll take the six grand.
01:28Now although I've never done this before I did at least do my homework and watch
01:32countless videos and how-to's.
01:34Not gonna lie after a while it started making me more confused but at the very least I have a plan.
01:39Step one cleaning time.
01:40This is actually a very important step because remember we're trying to camp in the Taco Bell
01:44parking lot and I want to eat and sleep in a clean van.
01:46And let me tell you some of these random things with $20
01:49And let me tell you some of these random things with 20 year old screws and nuts in them were
01:53pretty hard to get off.
02:15Floor time.
02:16Guys I'm excited because we're about to use power tools.
02:19Maybe one day I can have my own workshop but until then.
02:22Okay first big test of the project and I have to start out by cutting a wooden frame and that'll
02:26serve as a good base to put our insulation down and of course our actual floor on top of.
02:30Then I used a caulking gun with premium adhesive.
02:32I was excited for this part because I've never used one before and let me tell you it was fun.
02:36It didn't disappoint.
02:37And to make it stick I laid heavy objects on it and even screwed it down to the metal floor.
02:41We're all screwed in time to do the insulation.
02:43The insulation helps regulate the temperature inside the van so it's actually livable.
02:50And I like the thought of not freezing so much that I
02:52also installed a layer of reflective bubble insulation.
03:00Guys that took way longer than I thought it was going to take and it's pretty satisfying.
03:04I feel like I can lay down in the bed of this van without getting tetanus or something.
03:08Like I could just roll around in there if I want.
03:12Someone just drove by and saw me doing that.
03:14I think the authorities might be called.
03:15Little did I know that was subtle foreshadowing because later on I was
03:18asked to leave this spot by the president of the HOA.
03:21But anyway now I'm installing the base for the vinyl floor panels.
03:24And for that I'm using a thin sheet of wood that I will drill down into the frame.
03:28I had to custom cut the pieces so it fit nicely on our
03:30expansive square footage of our mobile tiny home.
03:40Someone just saw me.
03:46Folks I present to you a little something called underlayment.
03:50This is another moisture barrier but more importantly it
03:52needs to go on before I put on the fancy vinyl tiles.
03:57Right out the gate I love this color.
03:58I was going to choose this or purple.
04:00Please enjoy this satisfying time lapse as I put the peel and stick vinyl tiles in.
04:04And as you can see I was able to put a lot down as is
04:06but I also had to cut some to fit the floor plan perfectly.
04:29that was a big step done.
04:30Now it's wall time.
04:31So first I cut this box that fell out of the sky and inside I found what's called deadening
04:36This is a peel and stick material that's supposed to help reduce rattle sounds in the van but you
04:41tell me.
04:46Yeah I don't know if that test was legit but either way I'm putting a lot of these in the van.
04:50And then I'm gonna screw on wooden planks to serve as the base for the walls.
05:03Ah would you look at that.
05:04It's a new day and I'm putting insulation in the walls.
05:06It's so funny how this took forever when I was doing it in real life but I can just sit
05:10here and edit it to make me finish in less than a minute.
05:15Uh do you have a permit?
05:17Oh and towards the end of the day my friend Josh showed up to help me put the fluffy insulation in
05:21and his wife Maggie also showed up with some boba which I appreciated.
05:24Comment down below if you like boba.
05:27I personally love boba.
05:28The gelatinous balls inside make it a fun drink.
05:30And yeah this fluffy insulation is really good at getting those nooks and crannies.
05:34I'm excited for Crunchwrap Supreme.
05:35Me too.
05:36Breaking news YouTuber Hangtime aka Michael Turk has been asked to move his van by the
05:41president of the HOA after having it in the same spot at the neighborhood park for over
05:45a week.
05:45And to be honest no one blames him.
05:47Guys we're at a new location.
05:48Yeah that's actually a true story by the way but thankfully a church let me use their
05:51parking lot and that's where we are now.
05:53Anyway I'm going light speed as I show myself insulate the rest of the van even the ceiling
05:57because if I don't show it I don't want anyone thinking a full-on crew came here
06:00and built the tiny house for me.
06:02And now that it's fully insulated I can work on the exterior of the walls by
06:06screwing the wooden slabs into the side frames.
06:13For the walls I chose blue wallpaper.
06:19This feels like I'm putting on a really big iPhone screen protector.
06:33It's ceiling time.
06:34This is a fun one trust me.
06:35As you can tell something super technical and carpentry is about to happen.
06:39I am making the crown molding.
06:41Is this crown molding?
06:42I don't know probably not but that's what I'm calling it.
06:44Yeah I just looked up some pictures of crown molding while I'm editing and it's definitely
06:47not but I did paint it and try to make it look really nice.
06:50And as I was waiting for it to dry some random dude came up to me and said something.
06:55Thanks bro amen I appreciate that.
06:57Okay just kidding I actually know that guy that's my boy Grant and he was going to prepare
07:01for a message.
07:02I'll link it in the description in case you want to check it out.
07:04But I checked on my crown molding and it was done drying so I put it up.
07:13That wasp is trying to break into my van.
07:15You guys see it?
07:21Guys National Geographic reached out to me after this.
07:24Be on the lookout for me on the next survival tv show.
07:26But anyway time to actually put the roof on and this was without a doubt the hardest part
07:30of the entire project as you'll soon see why.
07:32Oh dude that wind's insane.
07:35Oh my okay I'm actually not joking ow.
07:37And no I wasn't talking about the wind almost making me go parasailing.
07:40This is definitely at least a two-person job if not a four-person job okay.
07:44I'm gonna try to drill this into the van ceiling but I don't know how I'm gonna hold it up
07:48while I'm drilling.
07:49Okay I forgot to paint it first which killed about an hour but yeah little did I know this
07:52was about to be very difficult.
07:55Where's my drill?
07:56Oh crap.
08:03Oh I might have gotten a little whiplash but I'm not giving up that easy.
08:18Not the drill where's it?
08:25Okay the drill seems to be the hard part.
08:30Ow my head.
08:32This really hurts.
08:35Ow ow my head.
08:39I don't know whether to laugh or cry right now.
08:41Yeah this definitely wasn't the best way to do this but there was no one else around so
08:44I didn't know what to do.
08:45Also I had to make sure I drilled a big wooden slab balancing on my head into the metal part
08:49of the van and not the insulation otherwise it wouldn't stay.
08:55Yeah I was actually getting super frustrated and decided to give it one last try by myself.
09:02Ow my head.
09:06Fine I'll admit it I might need to phone a friend tomorrow.
09:09Did I buy donuts and kolaches for my friend who works at the church just to ask him to
09:13help me with the ceiling?
09:14Not entirely but it did cross my mind.
09:16And then let me get my okay there we go.
09:20Well guys I sure am happy my boy Matt agreed to help because now it wasn't impossible but
09:24I needed him to hold it up strong while I drilled it in multiple times so the wood didn't split.
09:28Keep holding keep pressing.
09:32All right I can't do this much longer.
09:34Bro grow taller tippy toes dude.
09:36Come on imagine being sent back.
09:40Burn feel the burn bro.
09:43I think I need to go back further yeah like right there.
09:45You need to do something.
09:47Come on no.
09:49The shoulder burning workout extended only a little longer and I think I had enough screws
09:52in to let Matt go.
09:53I hope it doesn't fall.
09:54I still have to screw in some more but I think uh you're free to go back to work.
09:57Everyone please say good job Matt in the comments he watches my videos and I couldn't
10:00have done it without him.
10:01Okay this part was a bold choice on my end and quite frankly looking back at it I don't
10:05know why I chose to do this.
10:06So I'll give you guys a pass to roast me on this if you want but I was kind of going for
10:09the cottage look I don't know but evidently I liked the way it looked after I did it.
10:13Step four secret opening time.
10:15How'd that even happen?
10:16I should probably put on gloves for this part so I don't have tetanus by the time this video
10:20is done.
10:20Taking that out was easy but the rest not so much because remember these are like 20
10:23year old screws and nuts.
10:27Come on brother!
10:34Oh I hate this part because I can't reach these screws.
10:40Yeah that wasn't the right tool to cut metal so I went and bought this hoping it can do
10:47Unfortunately that didn't work very well for me either so I was just gonna have to
10:50get out these stubborn screws one way or the other.
10:52Screw is stripped.
10:57The problem now is whatever genius installed this made it so that the screwdriver doesn't
11:04fit because this part is jutting out this metal part so I can't even get a proper angle
11:09to unscrew it so I might just have to barbarically rip it down.
11:17You thought you could beat me?
11:19After vacuuming and sealing the crack with aluminum tape I found something pretty cool.
11:23Guys look what I found while I was vacuuming.
11:26I mean this is good to have in a tiny home but I feel like we should make sure it works
11:29you know?
11:30I don't know.
11:36That was exactly as fun as I thought it would be.
11:38Anyway now I'm putting up some curtains as a simple solution to privacy and for the
11:42back ones I made sure to add a rod for a more homey touch.
11:49Step 5 camping world.
11:51Guys this is the first time I've been to this store and let me tell you it's incredible.
11:54I found a portable power station with solar panels for our electrical solution.
11:58I found a myriad of portable wifi options for our connectivity solution and even a toilet
12:03for our taco bell solution.
12:05I think your boy found a solution to use the restroom.
12:07Do you mind just recording and see if light can pull me in?
12:09Thank you so much.
12:11Oh yeah oh this guy he's he's demonstrating.
12:13Guys it's a little small for me but overall I loved it so I dropped a bag at camping world
12:17and even got some free pizza they had on the way out.
12:19I became a member today.
12:21Oh really?
12:24No seriously I actually got a membership at camping world at the checkout.
12:27I think this is the day I officially became a dad.
12:29But in other news when I got back to the van I discovered I had a big problem.
12:33The problem is the bed couch I got isn't tall enough to fit over the wheel well.
12:37But don't fret I put those dad handyman skills to use and figured out a solution.
12:42The solution is to make four thick wooden blocks that will elevate the legs of the couch.
12:46They'll also serve the purpose of holding the couch in place so it doesn't move around
12:49when I drive.
12:50To secure them in the floor I used five inch nails and even liquid nails underneath the blocks.
12:57Step six decoration time.
12:59This step was amazing.
13:00Before we start decorating like our lives depend on it I thought it'd be smart to charge
13:04the power station.
13:07Bro there's no way my neighbors don't think I'm insane.
13:10But yeah hopefully this is actually catching energy even though it's cloudy outside today.
13:14I don't really know how the science works.
13:15This bench I'm putting in now I definitely didn't get from my house.
13:18Okay don't tell my wife.
13:19She's probably watching this video after I upload it.
13:21Honey I'm sorry.
13:21That actually fits perfectly over the wheel well and maximizes the space and functionality
13:25in here.
13:26So I figured I'd grab another piece of furniture from my house and I drilled this small table
13:30to the wall.
13:32Now this toilet I just had to make sure I knew how to use and then I put it in the front
13:35between the seats.
13:36But we might use it later.
13:37Hey check it out some slide out drawers.
13:39I'm gonna put clothes and bedding in there but right now I wanted to install just a few
13:42of the lights.
13:43We need good entertainment in here.
13:49I can finally go camping.
13:53What's that?
13:54Did someone order a stocked mini fridge?
13:56Now the rest of the things I'll show you during the all-nighter but I did want to show you
13:59that I actually folded all these clothes without my wife's help and it fit nicely right under
14:03the couch bed alongside our bedding.
14:05My first actually questionable purchase.
14:10Wait are you repeating me?
14:12Never mind this is sick.
14:14Before rolling out I had to make sure we had ample lighting which is why I bought like
14:1812 of the Energizer rectangular lights.
14:26I'm sorry if I just jump scared you but guys it's camouflage time.
14:30We have a crucial step in making sure that this stealth camper van is undetectable.
14:35And it's ironic because I'm back in the spot where I got kicked out by the president of
14:39the HOA.
14:39In my right hand are two construction vests which I'm gonna set on the dash.
14:43Nothing screams like a work van more than construction vests.
14:46But to truly make it a stealth camper I ordered something.
14:51That looks so good.
14:52I love it.
14:52And I have one last surprise before we go to the Taco Bell and try to spend an all-nighter.
14:56By the way I'm freezing right now so I guess I'll test the quality of the insulation tonight.
15:06Ladies and gentlemen give it up for the one and only Cedric.
15:11Cedric how you doing?
15:12I'd be better if you'd shut up and take us to Taco Bell already.
15:16I'm starving over here.
15:17Final step stealth camp at Taco Bell.
15:19The goal?
15:20Survive overnight and be the first ones for breakfast.
15:40We are currently stealth camping.
15:42Well actually Cedric is because he's the only one in there.
15:44Although I gotta be honest part of me is wondering if the hang time plumbing with a
15:48dog's face is making this stick out even more than just a regular white cargo van.
15:53But too late now we're rolling with it.
15:54But we're not rolling through the drive-thru to get food because we're too tall so we're
15:57going in.
15:58And while I go in should I set up a hidden camera to watch Cedric?
16:01All right you stay here little buddy.
16:07Okay Cedric is stealth camping.
16:09I just set up that running camera.
16:11I can't believe we're going to be here until morning.
16:15My go-to order is a cheesy gordita crunch.
16:18I was a bit ambitious there.
16:19Also a bean burrito, a steak quesadilla, and enough hot sauce to hurt you.
16:29Like my dad always said a life without goals is futile and a video without goals is futile too.
16:34Goal number one eat this entire bag of Taco Bell.
16:37It's actually a pretty good goal honestly I got a lot.
16:39If I accomplish that goal I think we're gonna have the goal of using the toilet too.
16:44Goal number two.
16:44Ah my younger audience will like this one.
16:46Get a Vic Royale in Fortnite in the camper van.
16:49And goal number three is so serious I had to stand up for it.
16:52Don't die or get arrested.
17:07Maybe he'll like Ryan.
17:08Okay that one was actually on me.
17:10I should have known not to play one of my videos with him in it.
17:12Bro wants smoke with himself any day of the week.
17:14But watching Ryan's video he was super chill
17:16and even doing some tricks for me in exchange for steak quesadilla bits.
17:21Guys I gotta say.
17:23I hear people outside.
17:26False alarm it's just people going through the drive-thru.
17:29That makes sense.
17:30Real quick let me show you something that may or may not lead to a dance party.
17:33This light shape that I have here actually changes colors when you play music.
17:37Watch this.
17:38It's dancing to the music.
17:46Let's dance, Setti.
17:48Let's dance.
17:49Let's dance.
18:07Okay dance party is temporarily done because I almost broke my camera.
18:11Guys while I was eating joyride and contemplating life I couldn't believe what happened next.
18:18What the frick was that?
18:19Guys I'm not joking.
18:20I'm glad I'm recording.
18:22Cedric who was that?
18:25Nah bruh.
18:26Nah bruh.
18:27There's actually someone banging on the...
18:30Hey hold up bruh.
18:34Now did I just grab a banana and the flower toy as a weapon against someone who's banging on the van?
18:39But important context I genuinely thought it was my friend Josh who you guys saw earlier
18:43because he got the invite but I was wrong.
18:49Hey stay out bruh.
18:53Guys it's not Josh but it is the only other person I invited.
18:56My brother Ben.
18:57I'm honestly surprised he showed up but I did know it had to be one of them
19:00and if it wasn't I definitely would have been screwed.
19:02But on to goal number two.
19:03Get a victory royale in Fortnite.
19:05I'm kind of cooking right now.
19:08What does that do again?
19:09It's kind of sus you picked this game.
19:12Guys before you get angry at me obviously that was an accident.
19:14I don't know how that happened and thankfully when we watch it back in slow-mo
19:18Cedric was merely grazed.
19:26This is a YouTube video because the Fortnite needed to update for like five hours.
19:30Guys I'm sorry about that.
19:31That just shows I don't play Fortnite.
19:32What can I say?
19:34Let's go!
19:35Victory Royale!
19:36But in other news Ben left and now Cedric and I are going into our burrito blankets.
19:40We are burrito buddies.
19:49I'm so grateful to be here watching Facing the Giants as I'm stealth camping.
19:53Oh and did I mention I have the cutest burrito dog in between my legs.
19:56Let's go!
19:57They won!
20:01I forgot how good of a movie Facing the Giants is.
20:03If you've never seen it before I highly recommend.
20:05Anyways you might have noticed I changed into my PJs and am making the bed.
20:09That's because it's time to go to sleep.
20:10And real quick can we just take a moment to collectively appreciate
20:13how cute Cedric is getting ready for bed.
20:18He loves to go in between the nook of my legs for some reason.
20:24Even at home whenever I sit on the couch to watch something.
20:26Hopefully we can make it through the night and wake up to some Taco Bell breakfast.
20:30I'm actually quite cozy and warm.
20:31Good night guys.
20:32I hope I see you in the morning.
20:44I already stood up to turn on my camera.
20:46But guys check out what it looks like outside.
20:48Please no one be standing there.
20:56No one is here.
20:57What time does this Taco Bell open?
20:59Evidently not at 6 15 a.m.
21:01But I did see another drive-thru that was open.
21:03Maybe I should go stealth camping again.
21:04If you're staying on YouTube check out the video that's being shown to you on the screen right now.
21:08I bet you'll love it.
21:09I appreciate you watching.
21:10Till next time Lord willing.
21:11Grace, love, peace, and mercy.