• 12 hours ago

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00:00I have 20 players from each console,
00:03all going head to head to see which console is superior.
00:07Cypher, who do you think's gonna win?
00:08You know, I gotta go with the PlayStation boys.
00:11They're some of the sweatiest competitors in the world.
00:14It has nothing to do with me being sponsored by PlayStation.
00:16I know everyone watching this video,
00:19they all have a platform they're rooting for.
00:21There's Xbox players who want them to win.
00:23There's PC players who want them to win.
00:24Interested to see how this breaks down.
00:25I'm watching a mobile player run
00:27into the corner of a wall right now.
00:30And then stand still.
00:32Hey bro, cell phone's low battery.
00:34Buddy, plug it in.
00:35Someone FaceTimed him while he was playing.
00:37Yeah, that's crazy.
00:38We're gonna throw so many shots at mobile players.
00:40Listen, you're going PlayStation.
00:41I feel like the safe pick would be PC,
00:44but you know what, bro?
00:45I'm gonna go Xbox, man,
00:46because growing up, I was an Xbox kid.
00:49I do love my PlayStation family,
00:50but I feel like the center of the console war
00:53is Xbox versus PlayStation, you know?
00:55Yeah, those are the two that go back and forth.
00:57And what about Switch?
00:59You know, people always make fun of Switch.
01:00Switch somehow has worse performance than mobile.
01:03I don't think the Switch players have loaded in yet, bro.
01:05They fell through the map.
01:07The map didn't render for them.
01:08Wait, dude, I'm watching the PlayStation players
01:10open the vault at Seaport City,
01:12and with a bunch of people opening the vault at once,
01:15it's flying.
01:16I just went to my favorite Switch player right now.
01:18His name is SueAllCheaters.
01:21They've got the mobile player vault,
01:23and I think they got the medallion spawn too, Syph,
01:25which is a big deal.
01:26So they have the Mammoth Pistol, which can be key.
01:28Yo, what are you guys doing?
01:29Go farm mats.
01:30Let's go, lock it in, please.
01:32Watching Xbox players right now.
01:34Wait, wait, this guy's aiming at everybody.
01:36He's not too sure who's on whose team.
01:39Why are you representing the PC squad
01:41at Gridding in an open field?
01:42Unlike most videos,
01:43you're representing something bigger than you, Radiant.
01:46Come on.
01:47I hope the mobile players just show out
01:49and really prove everyone wrong.
01:51Apparently, there are some top-level mobile pros in here.
01:54We searched far and wide.
01:56Some of them are playing from Europe as well.
01:58It's like this whole thing.
01:58We did our research this time around.
02:00Shout out to the mod team.
02:01I'm wondering what team's gonna have the best teamwork too,
02:03because they're actually all in their individual voice calls.
02:06I wanna quickly go join the mobile team
02:08and ask them if they get a FaceTime
02:10while they drop from the game.
02:11Yo, mobile squad, what up, guys?
02:14Yo, what's up, Jack?
02:16Yo, question, if you guys get a FaceTime,
02:18does that mean your game's gonna break?
02:22Yeah, that actually happens when I was playing FNCS.
02:24Wait, in the FNCS, you got a FaceTime?
02:26Hey, Siri.
02:27Yo, that's crazy, Cypher.
02:29Yo, no, no, Cypher and I are leaving.
02:31We're not gonna greet you anymore.
02:33Cypher, Cypher, join PlayStation, join PlayStation.
02:35Yo, PlayStation, PlayStation.
02:37Listen to what Cypher has to say.
02:38Listen to what Cypher has to say.
02:39I'm rooting for you guys.
02:41I want you guys to win it all for Team PlayStation.
02:44Thanks, bro, appreciate it.
02:45And guess what, guys?
02:46Thank you, Cypher.
02:47I have something special from PlayStation themselves
02:49if you guys win today.
02:51No, you don't.
02:52You're lying, bro.
02:53CurseAD has committed to giving all of you
02:55brand new PlayStation 5 Pros.
02:57All right, I'm going back to the stage.
02:58Get out of here, bye.
02:59This guy's pretending he's gonna give away a PlayStation 5.
03:01Why is this dude, Cypher, scamming our viewers, bro?
03:03He's pretending he's gonna give away a PlayStation.
03:06What are you doing, dog?
03:08Unreleased PlayStation 6 is available if you win today.
03:12These kids are foaming at the mouth over there
03:14for what you're about to,
03:15what you're just lying to them, dude, shameless.
03:18Yo, these mobile players are smart.
03:19They're in the vault.
03:20They're buying all the shockwaves for good movement.
03:23They did add shockwaves to the black market.
03:25They also added some new mythics.
03:27But I think just like, you know what?
03:29A team rift would probably hit hard here.
03:31If they're like, if one of the vaults is in the circle,
03:34like the one in the center near Seaport,
03:36or even the one at Crime City,
03:37which is where, I think that's where
03:39the mobile players are, right?
03:40They could just camp that NPC and then hit a rift
03:43and all land on top of a mountain in circle.
03:45That would be clutch.
03:46It is pretty fascinating to see.
03:47I just swapped to the Switch team.
03:48They are rotating perfectly.
03:50They've got great teamwork.
03:51This guy's Nintendo Switch just broke.
03:54I'm watching Storm Viper.
03:55I am gonna cry laughing if his game
03:57just crashed on his Switch.
03:59I'm going to cry laughing.
04:01No, he hasn't moved, Sipe.
04:03This is bad.
04:04This is bad.
04:05No, please.
04:06Okay, he's back.
04:07It just lagged.
04:08Okay, okay, we're good.
04:09This is a 10 second lag.
04:11Seriously, he hit a launch pad
04:12with everyone in the air near him and he blagged out.
04:16Okay, finally I'm seeing some people with materials, man.
04:19These guys gotta take this more seriously.
04:20What are we doing?
04:21Yo, this lobby, though, I will say this at any game,
04:23there will be Storm Surge, yes.
04:25TikTok Losty, I believe that Losty's a mobile player
04:27from what I've watched.
04:28Just got an elim, so I think they're on the board.
04:30So mobile, well, we're getting the first elim.
04:32Because you gotta remember, guys,
04:33they queued into this as solos,
04:35so they've gotta keep track of where each other are.
04:37So I'm curious if a team's gonna be smart
04:39and trade damage with each other.
04:41Yeah, true, true.
04:42Like not with other teams, but with each other
04:44to avoid the Storm Surge.
04:45Because if each of them just hit for 20 or 40,
04:47they could.
04:48Oh, Switch player getting a Golden Llama.
04:50Yo, wait, the 1,000, Matt?
04:51The 1,000 gold, though?
04:53To go buy better weapons?
04:54Because he's got horrible weapons.
04:55That's gonna be pretty good.
04:57That's actually really good.
04:58I do wish that Golden Llama did have mats, though.
05:00Wait, Switch is moving into a big fight right now
05:02with the mobile players.
05:03Yeah, there's a fight happening.
05:04Switch versus mobile.
05:06Oh no, the mobile players and Switch, no, no!
05:09They need to be working together, oh my God.
05:11Switch player just got deleted.
05:14Bro ran into a brick wall.
05:16These are the two teams we need not fighting, bro.
05:18We can't have it.
05:20Oh God.
05:21I think there's a PC player that's just like
05:23not with the team, just trying to hunt down
05:25the mobile and Switch players.
05:27Syph, there is a massive build battle
05:30outside of Crime City between the mobile and Switch players.
05:32The amount of lag happening in that build battle
05:36must be insane.
05:38Oh, Zone pulled Southeast, which is really, really good
05:41for your team and my team.
05:43Bro, I'm watching two Switch players
05:44just hide in the staircase of the building, bro.
05:48I'm crying.
05:49No, man.
05:50I'm loving this right now.
05:51Okay, Switch players, zero kills.
05:53The medallion's been dropped.
05:54The medallion player's been killed.
05:56This Switch Spider-Man player just started
05:59hitting an emote while they're camping.
06:01And now they're gonna find them.
06:03Oh no, wait, I hear them.
06:05I hear them on top.
06:05Oh, they're, oh no, that's the Switch players.
06:08Why are they all camping in the staircase?
06:10Dude, they're terrified.
06:12The Switch team is terrified of mobile players.
06:15Are you guys for real, bro?
06:17Come on, man.
06:18Oh, more Olymps coming in.
06:20I believe Raiden's actually a PC player.
06:22They just got eliminated.
06:23The PS5 team is running like a unit.
06:26They might run up, though, on the Xbox team here soon.
06:30They've gotta be careful.
06:30Who are in a line doing emotes in Hopeful Heights.
06:34They're just vibing.
06:35StarBB, the Master Chief skin with banana shoes,
06:38banana black back bling, and a Peely pickaxe.
06:41That's great.
06:42I'm getting some shots from the PC players.
06:44I'm not sure who's shooting who, though.
06:46Oh, wait, another elimination.
06:49Wait, the mobile team.
06:50The mobile team's frying the Switch team.
06:52Oh my God, they're shockwaving in.
06:55The mobile team's going for the kill.
06:57Oh no, Switch players are getting, oh no.
07:01Dude, I'm just watching a Switch player
07:03like at Foxy Floodgate just running away.
07:05This player's building better than Legion builds, bro.
07:08I mean, that's not saying much, but he's on mobile.
07:10Oh no, oh no, this is incredible.
07:13Bye, oh dear Lord, Cypher.
07:15Oh, wait, wait, I think we might have Xbox
07:17versus PlayStation.
07:19I think so.
07:19I hear some shots.
07:20This is best case scenario for PC people then, man.
07:23Dude, the Switch players are all over the place right now.
07:26They are absolutely in the weakest point,
07:28100% weakest team right now.
07:30PC players have control of one of the vaults.
07:32They could do a team rift, Cypher,
07:34but they need to get enough gold.
07:35They need to have found a gold lava, I think.
07:37Why are you party hypsing?
07:38PS5 players, why are we party hypsing?
07:40Come on, lock it in, please.
07:41It seems like the few remaining Switch players
07:44are consolidating at Foxy Floodgate.
07:47They're all communicating with each other,
07:48so I'm sure they're picking a point to all meet up.
07:51Bro, what are these guys doing, man?
07:54They got farmed by mobile players.
07:56Oh my God.
07:57Dude, PC's looking solid.
07:58I just found the PC team, Cypher.
08:00Yeah, you see that?
08:01At Seaport City, I'm watching the same guy.
08:03Oh my God, wait, I didn't know you could do this.
08:06This guy put the Never Give Up decal on his back,
08:09and when you do the superhero,
08:10it does Never Give Up in the sky.
08:12That was fire, bro.
08:14The Xbox team is moving forward.
08:16They're, oh, they're getting shot at, though, bro.
08:1870 players left in the zone, what the hell?
08:21Who is Xbox shooting at?
08:23I don't know.
08:23Good news for you, though, Cypher.
08:24PS5 team is right below the island.
08:27They can all go up to the island.
08:28They're all beneath it.
08:29Oh, that'd be a good spot to be at.
08:30That'd be a great spot to be at.
08:31That's huge for them to get, and they're smart.
08:33Dude, they're so smart.
08:35I'm watching all the PlayStation players
08:37take the time to all go talk to the NPC
08:39to get healing items.
08:40Oh, dude, there's like 20 healing items right there.
08:43Oh my God, man.
08:45I'm telling you, man,
08:45there's some of the sweatiest players out there.
08:47PlayStation, represent.
08:48The mobile player just got another kill that I was watching.
08:51Why does this mobile player have 56 wood?
08:53Can you go get bats, please?
08:55He's standing on a hill with a baseball bat.
08:56Wait, ShogunX just killed a PlayStation member, Cypher.
09:01What are these guys doing?
09:03Guys, we can't be dying to ShogunX.
09:04Your team's dying to ShogunX, bro.
09:07I'm watching PlayStation right now.
09:0965 people left, bro.
09:11And ShogunX is a tough, tough boss, man.
09:12He's a tough boss.
09:13Okay, ShogunX just went down.
09:14Wait, that medallion, if they're all sitting in it
09:17at end game?
09:19No way, no way.
09:20That bubble shield is way too small.
09:22I don't know, bro.
09:23Okay, PlayStation has full control.
09:25I would say PlayStation right now
09:26are my favorites to win with island control.
09:29DC is right under PlayStation.
09:31Like, they're right under them on the island.
09:32They might get shot at.
09:33We're settling the console war once and for all today, guys.
09:37All right, we're about to see
09:38where this zone's gonna pull.
09:39Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
09:40Are you watching this player who just threw a thermite
09:42on the ground as mole player?
09:44Just threw a thermite and it just exploded on him, bro.
09:46It took full damage.
09:47No, no, no, no.
09:48Oh my God!
09:50Zone pulled with the island directly in center.
09:53This is rigged for PlayStation.
09:54Oh, man.
09:55This is rigged for PlayStation.
09:56Let's go, PlayStation!
09:57Did you rig this video, Cypher?
09:59I did, bro.
10:00I made a call.
10:00I need to say this, Cypher.
10:01I've been switching for the last five minutes.
10:03I have not spotted a single switch player.
10:07They might be done.
10:08I'm gonna go ask them really quick
10:09if any of them are still alive.
10:11I'll be right back.
10:12Are any of you guys still alive?
10:17PC have 15 people within one box.
10:20I'm watching it right now.
10:21Oh, an Xbox player just got a golden llama as well.
10:24They have a thousand gold
10:24if they can make it to a black market.
10:26Xbox players are kitted, though.
10:27I'm looking through them, bro.
10:28I think they've got good leadership.
10:30And they're kind of out of the way, too.
10:31If a fight breaks out between PlayStation and PC,
10:35they can third party from a safe distance.
10:37Dude, do you think PC's gonna charge
10:39at the PlayStation team on the island?
10:41I feel like that's a death wish.
10:42Yeah, I don't know.
10:43I'm surprised PlayStation hasn't looked down
10:44and shot at them,
10:45considering they're right underneath them.
10:46Wait, this is big news.
10:47The PlayStation team is not gonna be safe
10:49on the island anymore.
10:50Yes, they're gonna be forced to move.
10:51So now I think it's gonna come down
10:52to who can rotate and get in the best position.
10:54Mobile are right on the edge of zone,
10:56so they've gotta move in.
10:57Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:58They're in a good spot.
10:58By the way, they can go underneath the black market.
11:00They could kind of make it rift.
11:01Yes, I was gonna say!
11:02There's the black market and they can rift?
11:04That might be the play for Xbox,
11:06because they have to go through the black market
11:08and they have 1,000 gold.
11:09They could rift late in moving circles.
11:11PC players are shooting it up.
11:13PlayStation players are dropping off
11:15and they're scattered, bro.
11:17Oh no.
11:18PlayStation, you guys gotta be locked in.
11:20Dude, why is this so intense?
11:22PC made a really good rotation.
11:24They're on dead side.
11:25No, they're making a really, really, really good rotation.
11:27Why is this actually so intense right now, bro?
11:3060 players alive.
11:31Most of the teams are still up besides Switch.
11:33They're down to just a couple.
11:34I think PC seems really locked in right now.
11:37Storm Surge!
11:38Storm Surge!
11:39Oh, and I'm seeing some PC players,
11:40because PC players haven't been fighting Scythe.
11:42Some of them are below.
11:44Some of them are below.
11:45I'm assuming some Xbox players are also below,
11:47because they didn't really fight too much.
11:51I'm watching a guy who's 10 below.
11:52He could just pickaxe a teammate,
11:53like just one time, you know?
11:55I don't know if these guys are giga-braining up, dude.
11:57Xbox players are running
11:58and they're gonna get caught in the storm.
11:59Wait, we're about to see a lot of Xbox players die, bro.
12:02They're just going on foot?
12:03They're going on foot, dude.
12:05Wait, I'm watching one of the few Switch players remaining.
12:09SueAllCheaters is still alive, bro.
12:11Yes, SueAllCheaters!
12:13Come on, bro, I believe!
12:14I don't see him near anybody, bro.
12:16I think he's the last Switch player.
12:18Oh my God, someone just...
12:19A whole team just ran by him.
12:21A whole team just ran by him.
12:22He's just hiding on a ledge.
12:25Scythe, bro, you know what?
12:26If a Nintendo Switch player wins this video,
12:28I will send them $1,000 cash.
12:30Bro, he's popping bandages
12:31and medkits on the edge of storm.
12:33Oh my God!
12:34The black market's still in play!
12:36There's 12 PlayStation players down here!
12:39They're in the black market?
12:40They're all in the black market, bro!
12:42Like, 12 of them!
12:43I'm watching a Switch player, bro.
12:44I don't know if he's gonna go out with a bang.
12:46He has all of Xbox in front of him.
12:48You gotta see this, bro.
12:49He has all of Xbox in front of him, but he's in storm.
12:53He's in storm behind him.
12:54I'm watching an Xbox player fight.
12:55They gotta back down and give up.
12:56They've gotta back down.
12:56Bro, it's like a five tick storm.
12:59He has one medkit left.
13:00PlayStation needs to just completely cut all their noise.
13:02You gotta get in, bro.
13:04You gotta get in.
13:04You gotta get in.
13:07There's medkits over there.
13:08You gotta go.
13:09The last Switch player in the game.
13:11I'm watching him, Courage.
13:12This is the most stacked lobby
13:14I've ever seen in one of these videos.
13:16He's popping his last medkit in storm.
13:18He has one shockwave to get in.
13:21Come on, Switch player.
13:21He's eight above storm surge.
13:23Hey, Xbox players are in now.
13:27Bro, even his shockwave was a little...
13:29He's gonna get him dead.
13:30Oh my God.
13:31Scythe, a guy on mobile with a mammoth pistol
13:34aiming right at the back of his head.
13:35I was watching it.
13:3649 people left in this small circle.
13:39I gotta stay on him.
13:40I gotta stay on him.
13:41I gotta see the end of the Switch story here.
13:43Okay, PC players are beginning to take some height.
13:46I can't tell who's in front of them.
13:47I think that's PlayStation players ahead of them.
13:49Oh, they're spraying all the players.
13:51Shots coming in now.
13:52Can you tell me while all this is happening,
13:54PlayStation is in the basement right now?
13:55They're just still hiding,
13:56ratting fully in the basement, bro.
13:58There's some above and then there's some down low.
14:01Oh my God.
14:01PC are stacked.
14:02Dude, what's going on out there?
14:04A lot of deaths coming in.
14:0645 players alive in this circle.
14:08Are you kidding me?
14:09There's still storm surge.
14:12I know.
14:13The Switch player is only 20 above storm surge.
14:15And Scythe, it's pulling through those fields
14:18where shockwaves don't work.
14:19And I wonder what players know that.
14:21Some players might try to run through the fields
14:23and shockwave and die.
14:24Oh, yeah, yeah.
14:25This is the best storm circle pull possible for PC players.
14:28But I'm wondering if we're about to see the great rift
14:31from PlayStation players.
14:32Yeah, yeah.
14:33Wait, no.
14:35Scythe, I just watched a mobile player freeze and die.
14:39A mobile player just froze and die.
14:42Oh, no.
14:42All right, this might be it for our fellow Switch player,
14:44bro, I'm watching him.
14:45Here we go.
14:46I'm watching him, bro.
14:47He might just die in a storm.
14:48I don't know.
14:49There's too many builds in front of him.
14:50Oh, he just found somebody.
14:52He just found somebody.
14:54Oh, he just missed all the shots.
14:55He's lagging.
14:56He's lagging.
14:57Oh, my God.
14:59Oh, my God.
15:00He got the kill, though.
15:01He got the kill after the fact.
15:02He killed a PlayStation player.
15:0340 people left.
15:05Mobile players are rotating in.
15:06PlayStation players are rotating in.
15:07PC players are still alive.
15:10Did they hit the rift or are they just rotating?
15:12They're just rotating.
15:13I don't think any of them even had enough to rift.
15:15Got you, got you.
15:16Okay, PlayStation players are in there
15:17rotating on the low ground.
15:19So PC is out.
15:20And they're in circle already.
15:23They can look back and shoot.
15:24Xbox is not in circle.
15:25Xbox is gonna run right through the whole PlayStation team.
15:28They're all about to fight each other, Syph.
15:30There's literally 20 Xbox players fighting PC people.
15:34Down one goes.
15:35I'm watching Xbox player go down here.
15:37Oh, my God.
15:38Oh, God.
15:39Xbox is running right into PC.
15:41PC's going crazy.
15:44Ooh, mobile player just cracked the PC player.
15:46They're getting traded right now.
15:47A couple of these PC players are weak.
15:50This is the best zone pull possible for PS5 players.
15:53PlayStation players are safe.
15:54They're ahead of circle.
15:54They're ahead of zone.
15:56Wait, wait, PC on PC.
15:57PC on PC violence.
15:59PC player just killed a PC player on accident.
16:01See, that's what you can't have.
16:02Okay, PC's gotta begin to move.
16:05PC's starting to move.
16:06They're on edge zone.
16:07They have height right now.
16:09Syph on one.
16:10AnonymousC13 with a fry.
16:11Oh, my God.
16:12I'm watching 10 PC people jump off the edge.
16:1530 people left.
16:16Bro, PC has height.
16:17PC has height right now.
16:19Xbox fighting PC.
16:20Xbox kills one.
16:23Xbox is another one boxed.
16:25Oh, my God.
16:26King for Xbox, yo.
16:27Xbox viewers out there, this is your hero right now.
16:29Oh, my God.
16:30This guy's frying.
16:3129 people left Cypher.
16:33There's still some mobile players alive.
16:34There's still some mobile players alive,
16:35but PC is on height.
16:37I see a mobile player running through with a baseball bat.
16:39PC on height's frying.
16:40This guy's got six kills.
16:42AnonymousC13 is a sweat.
16:44He's the MVP of PC right now.
16:46He's the MVP.
16:47This guy might win the game for PC, bro.
16:49Dude, PC is on ultimate height.
16:51This is so smart.
16:52Oh, my God.
16:54They're frying everyone, man.
16:56Because they're not gonna get confused on who to shoot.
16:59Anyone below them, they're just gonna shoot.
17:01Oh, my God.
17:02It's the best communication.
17:03Bro, they're frying on height, man.
17:06I don't see how PC lose right now.
17:08They need the circle to almost close.
17:10If anyone on low ground wants to win,
17:11they need the circle to almost close
17:13so that PC gets confused or has to drop down or something.
17:15Oh, my God, man.
17:17Someone has to shoot them out.
17:18Dude, PC is full metal tarp up top now.
17:21They've got a ton of mats still.
17:2219 people left.
17:24Whoever made the call for the high ground play
17:26is about to win them this whole thing.
17:28Oh, my God, Xbox players.
17:29They're all killing each other.
17:30Xbox and PlayStation are all killing each other
17:32on the low ground.
17:33Dude, this is so good for PC.
17:35I think simply for going for height.
17:37And no one is looking up to shoot at them.
17:39Oh, no.
17:41Dude, look at how organized they are now.
17:42They're slowly dropping people down.
17:44They're sending waves of enemies.
17:46There's a mobile player still alive.
17:48Mobile player in zone.
17:50This guy's got eight kills.
17:52The final mobile player.
17:53He goes down.
17:54He died.
17:55Is there anyone still alive on the other teams?
17:57I'm swapping.
17:58PC, PC.
17:59One PlayStation.
17:59Wait, someone just went.
18:00He just went for height.
18:01Oh, he just got killed.
18:03He just got farmed.
18:04And there's an Xbox player, Master Chief.
18:06Top 10.
18:07Oh, he's dead too.
18:09Oh, my God.
18:10Wait, wait.
18:11That might be it.
18:12Wait, it's Ezra, LOL.
18:13Is that a PlayStation with a blue hat on height?
18:17Wait, wait, wait, wait.
18:17Oh, my God.
18:18Is that a PlayStation player on height?
18:20They don't know.
18:21I don't know if they know.
18:23This guy needs to be a hero.
18:23Oh, he should have shot.
18:25He should have shot.
18:26They're going after him now.
18:27They're going after him, bro.
18:28It's all PC versus one PlayStation.
18:31He should have made them think that he was still with them.
18:34Bro, he's doing such a good job.
18:36This guy's a sweat.
18:38Oh, my God.
18:39He's going down.
18:42It's a 1v7 for PlayStation.
18:44And he's going back up.
18:44He's going back up.
18:45This guy's insane.
18:47One just died here.
18:48Drew's pulling gravity.
18:49Oh, my God.
18:50Oh, no.
18:51One bumped him.
18:52It's over.
18:52I think that's it.
18:53Congratulations to PC.
18:56They win the Battle of the Platforms.