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00:00I'm finally back from the UK and yes, I am milking it by wearing the all-stars jersey
00:04If you guys didn't watch Simon's charity match, then you're honestly living under a rock a big
00:08Thank you. Everybody who supported me though was an insane experience
00:12But for now, we've got a brand new fortnight update and there is so much stuff in the game. I just landed
00:17I haven't played for nine two weeks. This can only go great because there's Crocs now in the game. Yes. Have a look
00:23All right. Here we go
00:24We got all the Crocs right here and this crazy too because you can edit them to be like chill mode or sport mode
00:29And for these ones you can also add in your gibbets. That's pretty cool. I'm gonna go sport mode with the gibbets on let's go
00:36Okay. Now that is swag, but it's not just Crocs that we've got in this new update. We've got two new shotguns
00:41We've got the pump and dump which is finally the game key to check that out
00:44And then we got the outlaw shotgun as well
00:47I think we're gonna start this game off with a train heist
00:49First off though
00:50If you guys are picking up Crocs or any other skins in the item shop
00:53Make sure you use code locky or code power whichever one you guys want to use
00:57Make sure you're using one of them because we are officially back on the grind from traveling
01:02I was gone for like ten days, but we got some big big bangers coming out
01:05Oh and the rocket drill is in the game to the thing I'm using right now
01:08I think you can actually open vaults with it, but I'm not sure. All right, let's actually test this out
01:14So is it exactly?
01:15Hold button to travel further. Oh
01:18So it doesn't lock you in anymore. That's kind of dope. Let's blow this one up and let's get our loot now
01:23Someone might be trailing me with a truck
01:25So I guess the rocket drills actually not bad because it like allows it to work in stages. I guess that's kind of cool
01:31We've got no mats at all
01:33Bosses are in let's loot. Let's get our good stuff. Yeah, what do we got here? Is that?
01:38Yep, deal bit. Let's get rid of these guys
01:41200 200 I thought you were real
01:43Okay, all dead. What do we got? There's a gold here. Okay, it's a mammoth pistol
01:47I thought it was the pump and dump. It was not Oh mythic pump shotgun
01:52It looks like the mythic pump might be in the train because it got moved out of the black markets for the new items that
01:58We are gonna be using. So yeah, the drill works like that can stop it at any moment. Do we take damage?
02:03No, and then we've got the attack which is like that and somebody's shooting us over here
02:08Oh, he's got the invincible skin on. So yeah, we got some collabs to talk about. I've also got to talk about the
02:13Brand new like key card thing. So that's a whole new mechanic
02:17Okay, why isn't that shoot? Oh
02:20Yeah, I forgot that it's only like one
02:23All right, and you're dead GG
02:25Yeah, so you can only shoot one at a time. Let's grab these and there's a sniper rifle
02:30There's so many things in the game. Okay outlaw shotgun. Let's see. It looks like double barrel. It's a double barrel shotgun
02:37All right. I'm not jumping. I can't drop the mythic bro. Like it's the mythic like what are you talking about?
02:42All right, so let's go check out the black market and see what's in there. All right, there it is
02:46The mythic pump and dump so we're gonna trade this out for that which feels illegal
02:50So that's the dump and that's the pump
02:55Okay, it feels kind of weird. I'm all it will have to give it a shot like we need to be illegal not to oh
03:05Wait, why can't I edit it?
03:13Okay, he is really bad he had a legendary one that he was trying out it feels weird though
03:18It kind of like changes your camera as well and zooms you in which I'm not sure if I like
03:29China oh, it's very weird with the camera
03:36It zooms you in massively
03:48Honestly, I really don't like it. It's really jarring. Oh, yeah, that was someone with power back bling
03:53So at least there's that I'm leaving a negative review on the pump and dump
03:57Don't know what your plan was there boy
03:59Anyway, we are back and we are robbing the train once again. Yeah, we're not picking up the pump and dump
04:05I actually just think it's trash like after that whole like kind of display. Why do I even pick it up? It's so bad
04:11All right
04:11I'll pick it up one more time
04:12But I want to test something because I really think that that thing automatically spawns here every time
04:18But I could be wrong
04:20Let's go check it out. So let's take these body boys out. There we go
04:24Out of the game. So I think it was this chest here. I think every time
04:29Yep, as a mythic every time without fail you'll get a mythic pump
04:34It makes sense
04:35The train looks kind of hard to get now you got a mythic pump for it
04:38And this thing is definitely better than the mythical pump and dump. Alrighty, and that is the loadout. I see somebody here
04:45Yep, I did
04:50Wait, the cars make noises now
04:52my crazy
04:54Like the cop the cars make noises now. Anyway, I got to show you some
04:58We're gonna go to the other black market because I got to show you something
05:00That's a new update and it's a weird type of like new quests. They've added to the game
05:05So essentially if you go into your map and go quests and go outlaw keycard, this is like a community challenge
05:11so it's essentially a community challenge where us the players have to go around and loot all of the
05:17Vaults on the map and do it quickly and then we'll unlock something in the game
05:21It's kind of like nothing but like, you know, cuz they set these arbitrarily as like, you know something that you can do
05:28But realistically fortnight fix it to a certain time and date when it will actually work. Yes
05:33I just dropped my mythic pump for this pump and dump the thing
05:35That's the most jarring about this is that you've got to use the right click to pump which you never do in fortnight ever
05:41That's just like the super jarring part of it all
05:43Yeah, after you do that, you'll unlock the key card and you can level up the key card you get different rewards
05:47They put these rewards on the blog post and what you'll get but looks kind of cool
05:51Like you'll get access to this secret base in the black markets and you might get bonus legendary items and stuff like that
05:58So that's cool. I remember which one's the shotgun. It's like
06:01It's it's just so weird bro. What's the mythic? It's the collateral AR but where's the door? There's a door somewhere
06:09Yeah, here it is
06:09So to get this you have to put in the key card
06:12You know
06:13You get it by doing this and we were at 0% so guys lock in and get this done so we can open up the door
06:18Behind it. There's a bunch of stuff in there, but I guess for now we'll take the mythical collateral AR
06:22Pretty sure this one's a bot, but I don't care. I'm gonna try and flip it
06:32You can hold both down and maybe that's the strat
06:35Okay, I
06:37Know what it is
06:38I don't know why this is bad now because it like changes your whole perspective of your zoom so it zooms you in more
06:43Which just makes this gun inherently the worst gun in the game. It's guys hitting 91. I'm not going out like this
06:48Yeah, Peter boy. I see in your dreams. Okay. Yeah, the pump-and-dump is officially just the worst gun in the game
06:53Like it changes your whole edit like you miss your edits because you're more zoomed in. What are we doing here?
06:58Why are we making the worst gun in the game? Why don't we do the zoom in?
07:00We didn't have to do the zoom in on our thing
07:02See I'm missing all my edits not because I'm bad because it's so zoomed in
07:09It's not it chat it's not it I'm going back to get my mythic pump says the key card
07:13There's our new drill bit thing that we can fly around the map with I'm trying to think of is anything else
07:17I think those are the three main things that are in the game. So let's go new outlaw shotgun
07:22It's a double barrel might be situational and calm like endgame might be decent pump-and-dump
07:26I think is just the worst gun in the game. I'm gonna try and flip it
07:29Like endgame might be decent pump-and-dump, I think is just utter trash and then all the new drill cannon drill cannon big upgrade from
07:37It's predecessor. That's for sure
07:41Yeah, my snipes
07:42Not money. Hey, he's got the mammoth pistol. He thinks he's the one or we might be compared to me
07:47That's for sure. I think he is cutting this so I got a yeet
07:51360 oh that was close
08:01Shot through the tree. Look at this mythic loadout looking sauce right now
08:04Okay, I wasn't able to find any big pots, which means I'm one hit which is great, but I hear oh
08:17There we go, what's that is gonna get away
08:21Forgot this two in this pistol. Oh
08:24Oh, okay. I've literally got the right way. No here the right hand this is times like this. I wish I had a sticky nade launcher. Oh
08:34That was like not clean for tonight at all
08:36Okay, yeah, but yes, he's playing with a pump-and-dump like he would never gonna win with that
08:40He was just never gonna win. Oh another bad boy. This is an end before I update big content
08:45Who's got a sticky nade launcher for me? That's what I need to know. You know
08:48Now it's pistol headshot. We're dead big me
08:53We've been in better situations
08:58Okay, where's the desync on this like what why have I got 50 ping or I'm feeling that 50 ping right now
09:04What the hell seriously? I've been shot around the corner like that like what so I'm just trying to grab that med kit
09:09Is that is that possible?
09:11Yeah, no, probably not a yeah. Yeah, cool. No, I love that
09:14I'm just trying to grab a med kit and having the absolute worst time doing it. It's only a one tick. It's fine
09:19Wait, it's a one tick and there's that many people up. What the hell?
09:21I'm afraid we might need to lock in a little bit because we're playing very sloppy here. See a solo cash cup Friday
09:27I'm playing for content and then Saturday. There is the
09:30New icon skin solo cup. So I'm playing that I'm gonna try and win the skin
09:35No, Mickey Mouse pull up the power pro type deal for that one because it is a solos tournament
09:42But I'm trying to get better for night anyway, because if you guys didn't see the announcement
09:45Your boy is playing another pro-am and I don't know who my duo is
09:50So I'm excited for that. That is gonna be in LA. What was the date May 10th?
09:55Um, you can actually buy tickets right now as well
09:57I've put it out on my socials on Twitter and whatnot if you guys want to come through I'm super excited for it
10:02It's gonna be fun. Don't know who my duo is. Hopefully it is someone cracks. It will be it's gonna be a pro
10:07It has to be a pro. I am the am in this situation. I am the amateur. It's a guaranteed lock
10:12Me and Peter bot pull up. It's over for him
10:14I'm scared of this 50 pink decent going on here. Like what is that even about though? Okay, you're in zone
10:24That was actually nasty I apologize you've got the mythic sniper and you've got the gold outlaw shotgun
10:31So I'm not touching that cuz I don't need it. I got the best mythic in the game. Oh gold llama
10:37Okay, that's new
10:40Okay, actually kind of needed that so they dropped chug splashes, all right sick, okay, that's actually sick what the hell cold llamas
10:48That's sick. Okay, so that's in the game. I imagine they give you the effect to like a being gold could be wrong though
10:54All right to up who's left
10:59Yeah, okay good we killed the bot just me and him now real player no sticking a launcher on me
11:14Oh messed it up
11:25It's better I don't even know I'm doing half the time, bro
11:34When you're moving this fast
11:41No one including yourself knows what you're doing
11:44Like I'm missing all my crucial placements
11:51What am I doing, bro
11:57Like the gold splash is fun until you've got it with the other thing
12:00You just go a million miles per second and you don't know where you're moving. Now. I'm hitting my edits, bro
12:04That's so annoying. All right. Well, that's it brand new update. It's lit
12:08New go around the rat thing pretty good everyone do your mission because I want to use the secret door. Catch you guys next time. Puss