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👊 Fortnite Creator Code: CouRageJD
👊 CoD Creator Code: COURAGE
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⌨️ Edited by Abby & Swpah. Follow them here:
⌨️ Thumbnail By Zas. Follow him here:
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🔴 ELGATO – CouRage uses Elgato products to stream. See his setup and products here: https://e.lga.to/Courage
I’m officially an investor in Backbone! This will change mobile gaming forever. Check it out here: - https://playbackbone.com/courage/
00:00Welcome to a chapter six season two hide-and-seek three two one go
00:07You guys have to hide in shiny shafts
00:09I'm giving you guys 30 seconds and listen this video is very different because we also have
00:14FNCS top three place or never won an FNCS player. Okay?
00:20Yep, I'm here guys
00:21But I don't know all this stuff wasn't needed and listen clicks and I both have three lives and I bet clicks
00:25He because he's me might be better than me at normal fortnight
00:27But in hide-and-seek every single thing every single thing you possibly imagine if you out hide me in this video clicks
00:33I will give you a thousand dollars, but Wow. All right. All right guys ten seconds. What ten seconds? Okay, wait ten seconds
00:40I'm not good. That's not good. I
00:47one first thing I'm gonna do is check the excavator because I feel like some people
00:52Are gonna be sneaky and try to hide in here. I'm going for the secret ball to start
00:56All right, ready or not. Here I come
01:10Okay, okay, okay, that's me
01:15God man, everyone's making so much noise, bro. I already lost a life, dude
01:26Yeah, hey, hey send me the money now courage I'm not sending you anything buddy I'm gonna win this holy crap everyone's just moving around
01:36You send me 500 I'll stream seven. Oh my god
01:40Chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill. I want to get the gold vein. Yep the gold rush
01:46Now I'm running like a madman. Yes, don't understand cuz he's never gonna come back here. I'm
01:50Gonna go
01:53Because everyone's just moving around I know somebody hiding back here. Are you in the PUI site? I'm yeah, I'm underneath right now
02:00I don't I see a pickle guys. This is meant to be serious. Why do I see a pickle riding around on a choo-choo train?
02:06That is such a good hiding spot
02:08Whoever that is that is such a good hiding spot. Oh, I hear him. I hear him shooting clicks. You hear I'm shooting
02:13Yeah, it's like you know, it's like distance like that's why I say, okay, okay
02:22Look at like this is what people get away with bro. That guy's on top of the mountain here
02:26I'm looking at a guy site on top of the mountain. Can you go kill him, please?
02:35Like this guy's finding ways to cheat in these videos already, it's his first time
02:39Why am I looking at a pickle on a choo-choo train? Oh
02:43I just took 20 fall damage
02:45Could have been bad. This is my FNCS right here. Actually, that's when I show up to the buffet
02:52Okay, so I know there's more people here bro, what's going on
02:56There is 50 people on the northernmost part of shiny shafts 50. I
03:02Just scan. I just scan someone's hiding inside this port-a-potty and I can't I
03:08Can't destroy the port-a-potty
03:11Wait, I can break the floor. Oh
03:14No, it doesn't destroy it that you can permanently hide in here. Where even is that? This is the port-a-potty in shiny shafts
03:24Right get away
03:30This dude just killed someone from me who's driving I hear people swimming, bro
03:41I'm kind of going crazy 13 kills already chat. I opened the vault earlier. Here's my game plan
03:46I'm gonna play a right angle peek now on this vault the moment that he starts to show up
03:50I take the port-a-potty and I'm out giga brain giga brain giga brain. Oh
03:55Oh, I just see a scan. They got placed down. I
03:59Mean somebody had to eat it from pretty close
04:05Cipher I am in a spot that is so smart. It's impossible for me to lose another life here
04:09So we're gonna stay here for as long as we can. Okay, I'm telling you I cannot lose it
04:13But it's actually impossible for me to lose another life here, and I'm not just saying that for the sake of the video
04:18Was that courage?
04:20There's always always always people on the outskirts always this was so smart of me to do bro
04:27I'm sorry, so I has tree right now. This is a good spot. Can they see me?
04:31Yo, as this zone closes everyone needs to go to crime City once the zone closes, okay
04:35I'm sitting on my spot. I go my wake cyphers
04:41He's gonna look at my spot. Oh, that's a good spot my boy. That's a good spot for one minute left
04:46I'm so safe where I am right now. Yo clicks. Yeah, I guess where I am bro. Guess where you are. Yeah
04:51I don't care where you are
04:53Do you have two lives and I have three so it doesn't know but actually clicks guess what though what?
05:02It's on humor
05:08Everybody go to crime City. I'm not gonna shoot. I've set up a launch pad. Oh, man all the ramp
05:14Oh, man, you guys okay? I might have lost a life there. That's rough, but you know what okay?
05:18Everybody just running out of the bike is it correct?
05:23Yeah, what I got what I got
05:26Who's driving around on the outskirts guys? What's going on? All right crime City give me you 15 seconds, but it's good fun
05:34This is probably this is probably stupid for you to do. That's probably dumb for you to do
05:37I shouldn't do that. You gotta get down when I'm seeing me. Yeah, I've mats though
05:39I could run in like I could run in like spam. You might find me straight away if you guys in four three
05:47one zero
05:53My god, I'm just right wait you are flying people bro, definitely in I'm fine
05:58Except you ride on the edge right there in the edge right here like right here
06:01Like did you go to your old spot where you were why would I tell way and why would I answer that I?
06:09Don't know maybe you maybe you would I don't know maybe you're just a nice guy am I allowed to do this courage what?
06:14I'm standing on top of a hill near crime City. Just like making it rain. I mean, bro
06:19You're it's it's it's lawless. He's maybe break any of the rules you want
06:22I got to get closer because I'm like running out of ammo now cyber you look good running down that mountain oh
06:27Yeah, yeah, oh you see him clicks the stairs and
06:32Get over here. That's a nice kill with your pickaxe
06:36Rose watching me. This is crazy on those stairs and Collins and
06:43I'm wondering if anybody hit in my spot. Yeah, people are smart not to hide in the spot that I hit it
06:48I see him chat. He's right up there. He's out there up ahead. I'm the room who's going on a running spree right here. I
06:54Feel bad for that guy I see cypher right now
06:57He wasn't moving but somebody was doing someone's in the garage go back right go back right? Oh, yeah
07:01Yeah, I think someone's in there. Don't hit the pad though
07:04Where's clicks that sparkles crazy chat don't want in there clicks what I'd like to be able to watch him
07:09It's key to be able to watch him. Let me check the trash
07:12I'm in a really good spot. Yeah. Yeah, go go go in that room right there
07:15Was you're in the city right? Yeah, I'm in the city. Is he cheating gene? No one
07:23I'm Lincoln. I'm Lincoln. I'm Lincoln curse on the pig on the pig behind the pig man, dude. I love how cool these gold
07:28I love how cool these gold glowing trees are
07:33These aren't don't you think these go
07:37You know that pig that you're on right now right right behind you
07:41gold glowing trees
07:44Cyber Devon's ever deaf and that's weird. I was ever done. He doesn't want to lose a rack
07:52Tell them that I'm by the pig, huh, are you saying that the pigs my icons gonna call me fat?
07:56Yeah, I am. I am a beast monster. Good luck
08:01Send me the rack now money changes people. Oh my god. I'm joking. I'm joking my bad
08:08By the way, the people that are hiding inside like the porta potties that you can't break that's like you realize that that's like you're
08:15Not even actually playing the game, right?
08:18Courage customs you're going you're gonna do you're going to you're going to fortnight jail, bro
08:22I don't know why people start moving when I get close to them. Like what is that gonna do for you?
08:27It says give away your oh my god. I just found a bunch of little rats here. Oh my god
08:33People left I have two lives clicks is three lives. Oh
08:38My god, it's literally a firing range
08:40My god
08:44Everyone you can now start rotating from here on out cipher has to find you wherever you are, bro until the end of the game
08:49Good luck guys. Please don't say in the chat clicks is in a tree guys. We're not trying to grief clicks
08:53We're trying to keep this legit. Thank you
08:55Yo, what's going your tooth?
08:57Wait, what is this ending bro? Okay, wait, I have an idea
09:02Everything's fine. Everything's fine. I'm shooting people who just got clicks just ran over someone with a car. No, I did
09:09He's lying. He's lying. He's lying. He's a little liar. I put that little scanner
09:14That's minus $500 for griefing one of our members over your poppin minis relaxing, dude
09:19I'm in a good position now now I can now I can finesse bro. Now we're in the endgame. I can finesse
09:23This is where I take over clicks and he doesn't hold the candle
09:27That's a big POI to get to everyone's hidden man
09:30The pace of this games gonna slow down a lot now you're gonna have to work for each person you find from here on out
09:35I don't know about that. I'm built iffy
09:46Scanning people
09:52Clicks for you just in a car. No, were you seen an SUV? No tell the real truth. No
10:03Cipher click just took a launch pad towards his own. He just took a launch pad towards his own
10:06He's flying. I don't know why we're lying Kurtz. He just took a launch pad into the zone. He's flying in
10:10There's not a family friendly out of you courage courage is in a black G wagon
10:14No, I'm not. Yes. He is. No, I'm genuinely not anymore. I've moved out of it. I'll put my mother's life in the line
10:20Wow, okay fine. I'm still in it
10:25I feel like this is like the competitive side of clicks and I come it out right now
10:29You you put some price one line. It's different. Where is everyone at? All right, I'm dropping down. I
10:35Just say that why did I just say that? Why did I just say that? What am I doing? Am I stupid it?
10:40There's 31 people alive, and I don't see anybody
10:46As their cones over here
10:49Who's in that car courage, it's courage. It's courage. It's courage. Go get him, please me
10:55It's not me in the car I see you
11:00Can't I hit a shot bro. That was a huge sneak. That was a huge sneak. That was a huge sneak, bro
11:06Oh everyone's moving
11:0827 left
11:19Oh, you know what if I hide in a bush people won't know
11:23No, I just had to do it. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. What is that you behind a tree?
11:29No, that you're on courage is looking pretty nice, huh?
11:33I don't know. I saw superhero skin. No, you know, you're not the superhero skin. Never mind. Maybe I am maybe I'm not that
11:42Got him 24 left 24 left
11:53What if we just shot me
11:58What just hit me I'm running in a car, bro
12:01I'm I'm flying around in a car right now who just built 20 cones, bro. It was great. We not do that, please
12:10What this guy threw an air air
12:13Air sprite clicks you actually still have three lives cipher. You've got to find clicks, please for the sake of the video
12:17What are you for the sake of the video? I'm looking for him maybe get in zone and shut up courage
12:21How about that who built all these cones?
12:26Get away from me all of you
12:34Who's building no building guys
12:39What I did what I just hit my legs my two loves
12:43Click just out of two lives. This is huge. This is huge. This is huge. This is huge. This is huge
12:46This is huge from out of a our ammo you to kill somebody with a are
12:52Right now we're the late stragglers. Where are they?
13:08Who's back here who's in that car
13:14Top 14 situation
13:17I think about it's kind of it's not a little bit
13:27Oh my god
13:31Peter Bob is this video? Yes, it's him
13:37Both of two lives that man had shields, bro
13:47He's fully target he wants courage to win
14:02Blinks you down a one-liner
14:13Saw two lives right? Yes. No, you have one life left
14:17Yeah, I didn't
14:24One life left between the two of you right now, okay fine. Wait courage. I already find you again
14:28I don't think so. Oh, so you have two lives. Well, I haven't been shot again
14:34Okay, you know what okay, bro, I'll do one life
14:38Shut up
14:43This is between you two close my eyes and close my eyes no clicks just died in the storm. He's that bad wait
14:55Let's go
14:59Clicks you are as you died in the storm. That's why you never made it
15:03I got fourth. Let's get clicks gets fourth in the comments down below