00:00Today we are here at the Fashion Place mall and what we're going to be doing is
00:04checking out the fire alarm system here so let's get into it.
00:31Starting off with a Wheelock speaker strobe.
00:35Here's another one, maybe I can get a better view of it.
00:40So just like anywhere else in Vegas, this place does have a voice-back system.
00:45I'm going to go see how much I can find.
00:48There's a clean one right here.
00:50Not exactly sure of the model, but it looks like this is what this place mostly has.
00:57There's another one down there.
00:59There's another one.
01:01Here's something weird. It's a vertically mounted one.
01:04Even though it's supposed to be mounted horizontally.
01:07Here's one mounted correctly.
01:12Here's two more E70s.
01:15So it looks like this place does have a Wheelock voice-back system in total,
01:21but I guess maybe in the stores there is some Android stuff,
01:24so we're going to go see what we can find in there.
01:26Let's go into Dillard's first.
01:28We're inside Dillard's, and what I'm seeing in here is some Spectralert classic horn strobes.
01:33Ceiling-mounted is all I've been seeing so far.
01:36Another exit sign, and another Spectralert over here.
01:41Here's another one, and another one down there.
01:44We're going to go back inside the mall and check out the rest of the systems in there.
01:50Here's a red exit sign that's hand-dangling by the wires.
01:53And here's a green one.
01:56Looks like this one's like a glow-in-the-dark type of thing or something.
01:59And another green one over there.
02:03So, I do apologize... Oh!
02:06Some... I think Edwards smokes.
02:11So I do apologize, the microphone quality isn't great,
02:14because it is only my iPhone that I am recording on.
02:18And it's very awkward for me to record in public spaces,
02:22so I'm trying to be careful with other people's privacy,
02:25but I figure this is what you guys want to see.
02:29Here's one with an X on it.
02:32Might be a non-functioning alarm, maybe. Who knows?
02:38I want to see if I can find a pole station somewhere.
02:41It's like, holy shit, it scared me.
02:45Yeah, I'm not seeing anything interesting down here.
02:48But I think what I did see, that thing right there,
02:52might be an Edwards smoke detector.
02:54Oh, what's down here?
02:57There's another E-70, another smoke.
03:03Am I allowed in here?
03:06I don't even know if I'm allowed in there,
03:08but there might be some good stuff in there.
03:10Oh, God. I don't even think I'm allowed back here.
03:19Yeah, so, video quality might be pretty poor,
03:22so I'm sorry about that.
03:24But I'm going to try my best to make it the best I can make it.
03:32So, we're going to go back into the mall
03:34and check out more of the systems in there.
03:37So let's go do that.
03:39Another hearing-mounted speaker strube
03:41and a transparent X sign there.
03:48Emergency lighting fixtures here,
03:50and Edwards horn strobes.
03:55There's another one down there.
03:58More emergency lighting fixtures and all that.
04:00I'm not seeing anything too interesting in here.
04:04So, I might leave.
04:05We're in Dix, by the way.
04:08Here's our X sign.
04:12And the alarm is sounded over there.
04:15Burglar alarm.
04:16Burglar alarm.
04:18So, the sprinkler system type of thing right there.
04:21We have an annunciator right here.
04:22This might be, looks like an Edwards annunciator.
04:25It might be for the alarm system in here.
04:27So, that's pretty neat.
04:29Looks like everything is in good condition.
04:32We are walking past that vertical speaker strobe again.
04:35And then another normal one above it.
04:37Next to it, I mean.
04:39So, this is also where I filmed Vlogs of Parker episode 3.
04:43Unfortunately, Vlogs of Parker has come to an end.
04:46Because I figure that's not what you guys wanted to see.
04:48You guys wanted to see fire alarm systems instead.
04:51So, that's what I finally decided to go back to.
04:57So, we're gonna go into Macy's now and see what they have in there.
05:02So, I just went through Macy's and I searched everywhere in there
05:04and I could not find any alarms.
05:08At least in this floor.
05:09So, I just went back out.
05:10There's another Edwards detector and wheel lock speaker strobe on the ceiling.
05:16It's very empty over here, luckily.
05:17So, I can do a little more filming.
05:20But, it's all just kind of the same stuff.
05:21So, I don't want to film all the same stuff.
05:24So, I'm gonna try to go into more stores and see what other kind of different alarms I can find.
05:31Here we come.
05:32I found a Simplex TrueAlert strobe.
05:36At least, looks like that's what they have in here.
05:40Oh, look.
05:42Simplex speaker.
05:44That's pretty nice.
05:45And another Simplex strobe on the wall right there.
05:48One here.
05:49Another one over there.
05:51And another one right here.
05:54I finally found something.
05:58It's kind of pulled a little.
06:00Probably don't want to...
06:01I don't...
06:02Probably don't even want to touch it.
06:08Yeah, I'm not even gonna mess with it.
06:11Even though I just did touch it, so...
06:14Yeah, I have to be careful.
06:16So, this one's kind of weird.
06:17It has that grill.
06:18I'm not exactly sure of the model because Simplex model numbers are weird.
06:21But, it looks like it's still a remote strobe.
06:26So, that's pretty neat.
06:27And we have another regular one right next to it.
06:29We're in Macy's Men's and there's an Edwards system here again.
06:34I'm not exactly sure how many other different systems I'm gonna find.
06:38But, hopefully, I can find something else.
06:41We're in Nordstrom now.
06:42Here's a Speckler and it's really dirty for some reason.
06:47They're the same ones I was selling Dillard's.
06:50And if that's the case, I might actually just go back out.
06:52I finally found something different.
06:54It's a Wheelock RSS remote strobe in white.
06:58I have the red one.
07:00And then, I also have the red one of these too.
07:02It's just another P70 speaker strobe.
07:05It's a walnut one.
07:06It's more kind of on the ceiling.
07:08Well, that was this system tour for the fashion show mall in Las Vegas.
07:15Subscribe, please, or something. I don't know.
07:18And I'll catch you guys in the next video.
07:20See ya.