• 12 hours ago
It's like Silent Hill but you have a rat to shake!

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#ratshaker #ep1 #RATS
00:00Hi, you're watching our gaming channel Game Grumps, but you can catch us on The Grumps at youtube.com slash at the grumps
00:06I mean, it's usually Dan, but my friend if he's here, so yeah
00:12And I'm grumpin
00:22Hey, I'm not so grump and we're the Game Grumps
00:31another classic from Sunscore Studios
00:341 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I can count rats
00:42Yes, sir
00:51What oh
00:53Okay meter rule, okay? Oh
00:58Shake okay, what is this?
01:16Is that gonna bring the rats
01:24That's terrific
01:31Is it are are you supposed to fill the the rat yeah, I'm feeling the rat shaker meter
01:45Come on
01:49Wait do you hear that?
01:51Yeah, look around I can't oh you can't
01:58Maybe it'll get louder the more the meter goes up. Oh, man
02:03Are you trying to attract the rats is this bait? I'm trying to kill them
02:11What the fuck shake it okay, all right
02:35Can lose my mind over here
02:51All right Oh
02:57Feel it
03:18Was made for me is brilliant
03:21It's like exactly my sense of humor. It's really funny
03:28Do you hear like the demonic speech behind it I
03:37Like when you're kind of inconsistent about it like it's all choppy
03:43That's a little shake oh
04:21Oh great shaker of rats answers you seek
04:46Seek what you
04:57My god, that's so funny
05:02No, that's your footprints yeah, but you don't hear that I think you're in a weird world
05:14Give me squeeze
05:28Man that's a pretty familiar shape yeah, that's a house ass house one of the most familiar house shapes. I've ever seen yeah, I
05:35Like the windmill oh
05:37There's debris
06:06Who made this look what genius
06:20It didn't tell you to shake are you sure that's what you want to do I mean, that's what I did
06:25It's what you're supposed to do, right
06:36There we go
06:39So I have to fill the rat shaker meter, and then squeeze it to use it oh I say
06:50Find it okay
07:03What introducing rat shaker the fast easy and fun you're under attack
07:09by me
07:13Okay, yeah wait
07:14I think you can move the chair the chair which are the cherry behind you this oh?
07:20I thought it gave you the I think you were squiggly
07:33Well I mean it's like
07:36It's got everything scary about it
07:44Except for this wonderful rat what does that mean does that mean is he talking about me?
07:50Yeah, I think maybe he's trying to send out rats signals
08:02Okay a little water don't mind if I do is there spookiness happening behind the curtain
08:19That is it just does not cease to be funny
08:27It has been a long time since
08:41Sorry, I don't mean to squeeze you so much. I mean friggin top-notch voice actor
08:49And I'm not kidding
08:52Fuck there's nothing in here. What's up with the pictures?
08:55They're just pictures it looked weird to me. I think they're rat people. Oh, maybe they are little tails. Yeah
09:08Sorry I had to had to fill up. Yeah fill up my rat meter. Mm-hmm my shake meter
09:15Okay, oh, it's like to embracing rat people. Oh is it I look like snuffleupagus to me
09:20Yeah, there's it's like here's the head of the lady. Here's the head of the man
09:24the lady's kind of like oh
09:26I see that's her arm
09:29Why it's him holding her his body right here, and that's his hand. I swear to God all I see is
09:35Two eyes a snuffleupagus. Yeah, and an elephant nose. It's like fucking snuffleupagus. Oh wow
09:43This looks like the kitchen of this guy
09:47God, who was it?
09:48He just like he would cook things
09:51Well, then he was cut out for the kitchen no, but
09:55What was the thing about him? It was like it was like who's like fuck. Oh my god
10:00That's just unlocked like a weird memory. I used to follow this guy like crazy like a youtuber. Yeah, but he like clearly was like
10:07Like like his life was falling apart, but he would still film these videos and like his is like horrible house cool
10:13And it was just so fascinating. What's that squiggly? He still had such like a positive outlook on everything
10:19I don't know what the squiggly is okay?
10:23Yawked by some static
10:40Spooky oh about that one. Oh, oh we're getting a PT. Oh, yeah, we are find it. Oh boy
10:48Well, there's one picture that's out of
10:57Harder harder, okay. Well, he's not did I glitch him out. Okay. There we go
11:07Well, we got some pics it would have to be something that would get the lightning go
11:17Pesky rats that just won't leave you alone
11:22Introducing whoa
11:26Found it yeah, I think so oh
11:32No is he dead oh
11:35No, the rats dead. Oh, no. Oh, that's not good. That's not good. Oh, there's rats everywhere now. Oh, man. Oh
11:44This isn't good. Oh, you just died. Oh shit. Well. I didn't know there was a fail state damn, dude
11:53Friggin love that rat
11:58Okay, okay, what do I find here? What do I find? What's the deal? What's what am I looking for?
12:22Like tapes are always important in these kinds of games right tapes
12:26Can always watch things on them tapes and CDs?
12:30Tapes and CDs yeah
12:35Why don't you take my dick to your forehead and see these nuts I always forget that that's the
12:40The limerick limerick yeah, that's a limerick right there once was some tapes and CDs
12:50Eat the mold oh
12:56It's filling up with blue
13:01It's gonna over is it gonna over I don't know oh it didn't over it stopped right at the top mm-hmm stopped at the top
13:15Okay, that's
13:21Super silliest yeah
13:24But it's not super silly. Yeah, that's what I that's what I like to consider myself on game
13:28I truly radical is mcturn of events. I'm the super silliest one. Oh, no
13:32Da baby
13:33There's a baby. Well. There's a crib
13:36Guess I should find it
13:41Kitchy-kitchy-koo oh
13:49Will take that okay now I have two pictures
13:54And it's coming together real nice
14:01What a weird-ass game
14:03Well you have a problem with it. Just the tone like it's two completely different tones at once
14:09Hey horror is funny I
14:12Guess so comedy is horror. What is this a little writing on the walls?
14:18Hey, what got activated? Oh was it the door?
14:21Was it dead door?
14:23Kittick oh there you go. Hey
14:26It's Pluto eating a rat
14:29rat Pluto eating some cheese
14:32What that rat do his cheese, son?
14:37Good store again
14:39Don't mind if a ding-dong
14:42Wait, so does that mean that there was supposed to be?
14:47Did I miss one of those things
14:54Ran on a rat shaker oh
14:59What's going on there blood
15:05Into the black boy, it's getting Derek. Oh, nope still here
15:21Freaky deaky
15:24Find her find her
15:27I don't see anybody
15:30She oh tape no look straight above you yes, I gotta go, okay
15:35It's I think this is one of those like transitional right that's I got like a like an Epcot when they have like the whole
15:42This room is crazy. Oh is that somebody that seems like a like a man he can okay?
15:49Well actually kind of fleshy. Oh
15:55Yeah, it's getting spooky
15:57It's getting a little spooky
16:02You can always uh can always take yourself out of it by shaking the rat
16:09Find it all right, I'll find it goddamn
16:13Careful those rats well, I think if they only matters if the rat dies
16:19Okay, oh
16:22Okay, moving bottles. Oh
16:25New room that's different. Oh
16:28No bathroom. I
16:31Will take the pan and I bonk
16:38Shut up, I know they have verdant consequences or whatever vermin and vermin and not verdant
16:47Lost toilet oh, oh no. Oh dear. Did you find her? That's a body?
17:01Well the waters getting filled up, so that's fun. Yeah, it's relaxing
17:07Man this is one of those things where it's just like
17:11Two dude wouldn't be funny
17:13Yeah, oh
17:15Dear is that the baby do I have to like is this on like streamer mode or something or is this just how the game?
17:21Is I think it's how the game is I think it's actually creepier if they mosaic it out
17:30Maybe I'll check inside the L closet a closet. Oh, I don't think that's the word for it. I
17:37I think I think I know how to speak Spanish
17:42Sopranos Spanish I speak Sopranos. Hey, yo
17:54You find it I'm finding I'm finding it
18:06Shake me
18:14Okay bottles
18:18Bottles and cans I used to clap your hands. I straight-up love this game, dude. It's awesome. This is terrific
18:24This is like game of the year for me 2024
18:27Sneak right in there at the end. Yeah, but by the time this episode comes out. I'll probably be 2025
18:44Not a mortal I killed you earlier
18:47Accidentally, yes, I didn't mean to of course. I didn't mean it
18:52Where the frick am I go go going?
18:55Dog, I feel so trapped in this. I feel lost too
19:05Feel trapped in this world
19:08No, oh, there's the tub
19:12Hi doggie, you're my favorite customer. Oh
19:17Does he say I feel so trapped in this world? Yeah, he says he's like, oh why?
19:23He's talking about like shooting himself. I did not like oh
19:26What is this world or something it's something like that it's pretty great there's so much pain in this world
19:33It's very profound. It is I would assume
19:39Why not follow that flashy thing
19:43Yeah, that's a mosaic to man
19:49Many mosaic to man. Oh
19:52What is this spooky McDookie don't mind if I do
19:56a new picture oh
19:58She's smiling
20:06What's right else to go
20:10This is very silent hell. Yeah
20:14Like it gets more organic the more you get into it. It will with the cages the depths of your own psyche
20:20yeah, and then and the the red and the
20:24The the googly stuff the spaghetti stuff
20:28It's fun. The walls are peeling. I'm assuming I love it. At least they're a peeling to me
20:36Barfed barfed my own mouth. I swallowed it. That's unfortunate. There's something in the bed. I
20:44Mean there's something in the bed whether or not it's important for me to interact with I cannot tell you
20:56Don't know why that's in my head at the moment
21:10That's pretty good
21:12Feel like making love
21:18Don't waste your rat shaky powers. I can just regenerate it dude. I'm a mortal rat shaky powers. Nope. Oh, oh, oh, oh
21:26I think we're they were coming to a head here. Let's do it. Let's let's come to a head. It's
21:32All the pictures that we saw earlier. Oh
21:38There it is
21:42I wonder if she knows what happened under her own floorboards. Uh, I don't know what
21:52Your iniquities have Oh
22:03What's that Oh
22:12It just came back to me how funny it is I've never seen any game quite like this
22:18Except for every game. No, and it's the rat. Well, that's the thing the rat like changes everything
22:41Inside bring me in the fridge
22:46We're not oh
22:49I've never seen a game that allows you to
22:53To like de-escalate the horror at any second just by squeezing the rat. Yeah
23:00It's kind of fascinating I
23:02Don't I I've sort of lost
23:05I mean, maybe this is intentional where you are. I've just sort of lost the plot
23:10I'm like
23:11What is I think it's supposed to be a little bit mysterious direction? What is like forward?
23:20But there was a fridge that I opened and then closed
23:23Yeah, I have left it open for something to walk out of I do not know dramatic Holly
23:32Dramatic Collie like a dog
23:40I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts and the infinite sadness
23:54Name one song from melancholy. Do you really want to do this again? I don't know do I
24:02Try me look inside my mind and see if you can find something deep dark and twisted
24:10Wait, I'm not interested. Was I here already? This is where I came from. I
24:15Remember this room. I remember this room. This is where the fridge was
24:21Dang it. I didn't go this way
24:23Maybe I need to turn the fridge on maybe I need to rub the freezing their nipples. Okay
24:31Yeah, stand back
24:35Nothing, okay
24:38I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I need to
24:43Whoa, oh we got him it got him. Oh god damn it
24:49You killed the rat son of a bitch you're done son
24:52Damn it. I didn't mean to
24:55You should know better. No, I
24:57Wasn't doing anything
25:08Rats eat other rats, is that the idea? I don't know. Sorry. I have to shake you to get sorry
25:21I think he's saying you like killed your wife or something. Oh, so what started in love ends up wrapped up in plastic get out of there
25:35Blow up. Hello. There you go
25:40What do we got we got some kind of thing going on here or what in the TV, I don't think so
26:04Wife shaker. Oh, that's not good. I like the name of a sword or something
26:18Who's this guy that was scary
26:22Damn rat shaker. Well, was that it? I think so. It was all the fuck with us
26:31Maybe I just didn't do well enough. Maybe there's multiple endings. Oh my god that oh my god, that's crazy
26:39That is different ways to play this
26:41How we oh my god rat shaker. You got me. Yeah, dude
26:45Hold on
26:47rat shaker multiple endings
26:52Calm down calm down buddy. Come down. It's okay
26:58Shut up
27:03I just love how he looks at you like
27:08Alright rat shaker theories theories. Oh god
27:12I don't I don't need to look at the the wiki of this fucking game. Okay, the fan fix
27:19Okay, the is it one of those like things where the games 20 minutes, but then the YouTube theories are like three hours long
27:25I think so
27:27Clearly in this area you can see the wife and
27:31Also daughter. Here's rat shaker game ending explained by a guy wearing a rat costume
27:37Well that I feel like that's almost appropriate. Yeah, so that's good under any other circumstances. I wouldn't trust rat costumes guys
27:46like Avengers endgame
27:49Not that there's much to interpret but
27:52Midsommar I wouldn't trust his midsommar
27:57Hold on
28:04Yeah, there's a much different ending
28:06Okay, so we got we got a shitty ending hold on I got a commercial for Fred Meyer stop watching Fred Meyer
28:14I love Fred Meyer. What do you mean? I don't know. I'm just kidding
28:18secret true ending
28:23This is this is spoilers this yeah, I'm watching it. I don't want to see that. Okay. What do you want to play rat shaker again?
28:29Well, we got a next time on game grumps. What do you what do you think? It's nobody can see this
28:34He's watching an ending. That's like three hours long. That was fun. Good for you, man
28:40Really happy for your your course in life. All right. We'll see you next time
28:47Sorry, we couldn't beat rat shaker I feel bad that I didn't know what to do you got a spooky and at least we got
28:55Yeah, we did that
