• yesterday



00:00What is up you guys welcome back to a new vlog with Muriel twins, so today, it's actually not a good
00:07Vlog actually it's not I don't know how to start this um
00:12We got devastating news this morning while I did my mom woke me up and was just hysterically crying and
00:21She just mentioned how had she wasn't feeling well, and like he was just
00:25crying and howling and just like
00:28He was just in so much agony and
00:33He passed away this morning you guys
00:36Gordo, so if you guys don't know who she is that's Gordo's dog
00:40I think Gordo got him when he was around five or six years old and
00:44Gordo's 19 now. He's like
00:46Hachi would have been turning 10 in May so I
00:51Don't know if you guys know
00:52But I recently took care of him while my mom went to Mexico in October, and he legit almost died on me you guys
00:59He's a husky, so he's a menace like you guys know huskies are crazy. They break through everything
01:06they're just crazy dogs and
01:09He got bloated back in October, and I rushed him to the vet. He was like throwing up. He was just
01:15Literally also in agony just crying and I rushed him and we had to do surgery
01:21because if we didn't he would have died and bloat is very serious in dogs where it's always terminal and
01:28the doctors like I'm so surprised he lived through this because
01:31normally dogs don't live through this and so yeah, he survived that and
01:37Four months later today. He passed away
01:40The doctor had told us that after surgeries with bloat a lot of dogs don't live that much longer
01:47He had told us it may be around six months, but we're not really too sure what happened with Hachi
01:53we don't know if he got into something because my mom in her backyard saw a lot of white foam and
01:59He came in a room around 4 a.m.. Last night crying, and she was something's not right
02:04I'm gonna take him to the vet because he was howling and crying and just crying crying non-stop
02:11My mom said that his stomach was really enlarged. It was just really big and she knew right away some things up
02:19So yeah, she took him in and they're like yeah, he's not gonna survive this ache
02:24So two hours later. He ended up dying passing away. She got to say her goodbyes and
02:30You okay, baby?
02:32So yeah, it's just very devastating and I told her to come to my house, so she's not alone
02:39Because mama's in Mexico right now
02:41Vente baby
02:47So mama's in Mexico right now and my mom and Gordo works the construction workers
02:52He's always working so I was like just come over here bring our little Fiji and then the two little dogs
02:58We're just cooking macs. They're like these Yorkies that my mom has
03:03So yeah, he's sick
03:07Very devastating news you guys. I'm so sad. I cried this morning. We had
03:13Special bond we had a special bond with touchy
03:17But obviously when it's your dog your personal dog you obviously feel way different
03:22So I know my mom's going through it a lot you guys like honestly some history like she was hysterical
03:31because I was on the FaceTime call when I heard everything happened and
03:35They try to perform CPR on him the doctors and my mom was just losing it
03:41It was the saddest thing ever you guys but our dogs a lot of people are like oh my god
03:47Dogs are crying over dolly dogs are babies. You know they have no boy
03:51I think they just want to be loved and comforted, and it's just so sad after like 10 years. You know he's gone
03:58I'm currently watching one of his toys
04:00That he had in my backyard that he always played with took a arm off of it
04:06But I'm washing it right on the washer. My mom's gonna get him and get ashes
04:12Yeah, our dogs are babies, and it was just so sad so we're gonna get him cremated and his little animal that I have
04:18He's a little stuffed animal mean that we're gonna put it next to him, but so sad you guys so devastating news
04:23I'm gonna make some breakfast right now before my mom comes, and I'm filling up some beans. I'll have fun
04:30Okay, and I saw that later, so I can make I just want to be there for my mom. It's just like feed her and
04:37I told her that I would take Arlo and Fiji to get groomed because he had a grooming appointment
04:41They were really really bad, and I was a young mom like bring them
04:44I'll just be there for them so very devastating news guys. I'm so so sad what I feel like it was a chicken salad
04:52You think so because why after the chicken salad he started feeling like this
04:57Yeah, right after it nothing before that or nothing like
05:12Balls or anything I don't know maybe I would have seen signs. I didn't see nothing. That's it. I will be totally well
05:24My poor hutch man
05:27And now it's like he's old that would protect all these little dogs now, I don't know what don't do that
05:38See he taught them how to how
05:41Had she taught them
05:43They those dogs grew up with Hachi and that you go. Oh and tell me why those dogs are Yorkies
05:49Well, they're like wannabe Yorkies cuz they're like mutts
05:53And ever since you were little they should work this out
05:58But look it just washed I just think hold on look this is interesting I washed it
06:04Yeah, huh?
06:07No, it's really good really got done
06:12Yeah, maybe okay, I
06:15Thought that I was gonna go take
06:18Her to the bed, and then we're gonna give a medicine. I was gonna come back home with them
06:23No, no
06:26He was already old, but he was 10 years old
06:30He had got surgery with blow four months prior. Give me a baby
06:44Like you know was inevitable
06:57He was
07:23Yeah, you were my you were there
07:26No, but I wasn't there this final moment. I know my but you he knows that you were trying to help him survive
07:36Just eat your chocolate
07:42Thought everybody needs to be careful and make sure that their dogs don't get both
07:47No, because he could have ate when we went
07:51To take Josiah for his birthday. We ate Lucille's those ribs the doctor thinks that maybe it could have been that he ate a rib
08:00So basically you guys when we went to my mom took him to the vet the doctor did x-rays
08:05And he she he said I don't see no signs of blow at all, but I do see his intentions are all ruptured
08:11Yeah, and we think he has that make you guys was this big
08:16This big like if you had swallowed a rock this big
08:20So I do something was wrong, and it was just it started this big
08:25It was quite like it was just getting bigger
08:27I'm like I gotta take him to the I gotta take him to hospital right now like I don't care like
08:31That and when I get there it was bigger and bigger and even the doctors like the air
08:37It's the ball that is going higher up to the look
08:40He's not even gonna make it for surgery because I had Britney on the phone with me like pretty late
08:45What should we do like help me think I can't think right now because I was like man is gonna be asleep
08:50She has little kids, you know, you're all has been letting you they sleep. So then I was like, I'll just call Britney
08:55So pretty was like, oh my god. Well, this is such a hard call like cuz it's 50-50
09:01Like but it's sure what your dogs get blow forget it because before he would be brutal time
09:06He two times he ate chile rellenos. Yeah with toothpicks
09:12Yeah, he would eat anything
09:15Yeah, but he's a bolt before a bolt I'm like so terrified of both like I have a road the house like
09:22Both I get him. I put him in the back and they throw them away, but I slipped this time
09:28So I I was like I was like I was leaving so I was like I got the bones and I throw the way
09:34I'm gonna go throw out the trash right now
09:36And then when did I swept real quick and while I was sweeping he got into the trash
09:42Cuz what else could it happen? I never poisoned him. Well, no, I think you must say something sure
09:48That's what he said. He says that he thinks that he ate something sharp
09:52Like a metal or something
09:55So are they gonna pay me? Yeah, I already paid for it too. Yeah
10:02So I already paid the freakin
10:0512,500 and then this
10:07All for my dog could just die
10:11But I'm just saying like sometimes we make like we're selfish. We're like, no, I love all I don't want him to die
10:17But your dog is suffering. It's just better to let him go
10:21But I'm glad that I don't have to make that choice to put him down yeah, I just I can't
10:27But at least I wanted to say bye and I didn't even get to say that
10:32But you were there man when he was you know
10:55But yesterday when I came home from Disneyland, he was good
10:59Yeah, I must have been then. I don't know. I'm telling you. I don't I don't know
11:04I could have been a boat the boat was days ago. It's a long time ago
11:07It was days ago. When did we call today? We call this weekend to go eat. Mm-hmm
11:13So the ball must have been like him eating the ball probably like
11:18I don't know like Tuesday
11:20Or Wednesday, why barely now? I don't know
11:25Right when he ate a whole bowl like this of chicken salad this big and I had onions
11:31But the doctor did say that for the onions to be super bad. It had to be a lot of onions
11:37That's something it's definitely not the onions, I don't know
11:41There's something weird that he ate the chicken salad and then he passed
11:44I think it was just also his bloat surgery. Just he couldn't his stomach was very weak
11:50The little thing would have been because he ate so much the chicken salad and he got air
11:54Yeah, and then that but what would puncture his organ like in your intestines?
12:01It's just devastating about getting no more dogs, I just can't and I still have four more to go. Mm-hmm
12:10And he loved cooking back so much that was their dad
12:18I'm so sad
12:26He was getting old too and you know, he went through a lot
12:38For a cheap air
12:44It's okay Papa everything's gonna be okay
12:51Maybe I'm gonna miss him fucking up our backyard. Hey, I think not me
13:02He was a troublemaker, but
13:05It was kind of fun
13:09Yeah, I remember I wouldn't be so mad that he would mess up my flower bed
13:13He would take everything that's like a husky the worst one was when you broke the fence
13:17Oh, yeah, he broke the poor gate man. He was a menace
13:22He was a bad boy, but he was such a cute boy. Like oh my god, I love Hachi
13:27And he escaped on me last night
13:33I'm just happy he's gone probably
13:39Yeah, maybe he did he would always escape that was his thing escaping their escape artist
13:53Yeah, I'm gonna miss him
14:17Okay, so I'm just busy making the kind of salad
14:21sides and
14:24My mom is currently sleeping. She hadn't slept all night because of the Hachi situation and I'm sure she's excited
14:31so she doesn't want to come out of her room, but
14:34Yeah, I'm very devastated I'm very sad but obviously it's always gonna be different when it's like your personal dog
14:41Like you're just gonna take it
14:4350 times harder, you know, so I'm just trying to be there for her and
14:47Make her some food. Hopefully she eats later. She didn't want to eat the taco that I made her earlier. So
14:53Yeah, and then Arlo and Fiji they're getting groomed right now. So I might pick them up later once they're ready
15:04No, Rima, she's gone
15:06She's just running around
15:08I just feel like I don't want Arlo and Fiji next to me right now
15:13I'm worried about Hachi
15:15Like I don't even want to give him a hug or anything
15:18Well, that's normal
15:20Are you sad, mom?
15:24I'm not sad, baby
15:26Why? For what?
15:28Because you know what happened? Hachi died, baby. He's gone
15:31Do you remember what happened?
15:33He's gone. He died
15:35He's in doggy heaven
15:37Doggy heaven?
15:39Who is doggy heaven?
15:41With Yosito
15:43Remember in the sky with Yosito?
15:45He has animals up there
15:47I have God
15:49Yeah, God has animals
15:51What the heck?
15:53So give Ma a huggie. Maybe she needs a hug from you
15:55Say I'm sorry, Ma
15:57Say Hachi is always gonna love you and take care of you
16:02She's so sad
16:04She's so sad
16:06It's because you're doggy time, baby
16:10It's okay
16:12I miss you
16:14I miss you, baby
16:16Hachi, give me
16:18I miss Hachi
16:20I miss Hachi, you guys
16:22But I feel like Hachi took it harder with Saya
16:24I miss Hachi
16:26I miss Hachi
16:28I miss Hachi
16:30Hachi took it harder with Saya
16:32JJ was in denial
16:34Like, nope, nope, it didn't happen
16:36You know what he gets?
16:38They both took it hard, but
16:42I was like, I was like
16:44I have horrible news
16:46I got awful news this morning
16:48And then JJ goes, nothing's more horrible than this
16:50And he would sign his report card
16:52Oh my God
16:54That's true
16:56I love that
16:58Put your report card down
17:00I was asking you to take it
17:02But I just wanted to let you guys know
17:04Try not to take it
17:06Put this over there
17:08I'm here for you guys
17:10Hachi passed away this morning
17:12And Saya started tearing up with his eyes
17:14And JJ's like, nope, no he didn't
17:16Nope, nope, nope
17:22My mom's trying to look at footage
17:24Just to see him at her house
17:26No, like
17:28Cause she has a camera in her backyard
17:30So right now she barely thought about
17:32Like, let me see what he got into
17:34That made him, like, die
17:40I was telling my mom
17:42Cause like, you know, we all had our moment this morning
17:44Like we were all hysterical
17:46We were crying, you know, finding out the bad news
17:48But I started
17:50I started hurting like so bad this morning
17:52Because I started thinking about like
17:54Hachi, that we've seen him as a human
17:56Like a sibling, or a son
17:58Or just like a family member in general
18:00I can't even
18:02Fathom the thought that
18:04When that happens to one of us
18:06And it's gonna happen
18:08That's taking him to the hospital
18:16He all got in
18:18He couldn't even get in
18:22Did you see if he got into anything?
18:24He all got in
18:28He was always very cooperative
18:32He's like, I don't care, like someone save him
18:34Pobrecito, my baby
18:36He fought
18:38He fought really, really hard
18:42I know, but he fought
18:44For him to step inside the car
18:46He wanted to keep fighting
18:48He knew that he was gonna go get help
18:50From the doctors
18:52Cause he knows from when we took him, remember?
18:54But I was telling my mom
18:56It's gonna happen
18:58This goes for everybody
19:02Never promise
19:04But like
19:06It's gonna happen to each of us
19:08And it's either gonna be like
19:10One of the family members, and then the next
19:12And the next, and the next
19:14And it's just something that we just
19:16Have to just try to
19:18Go through with life
19:20And it's hard
19:22It's hard
19:24I miss my baby
19:26It's okay, man
19:28We're all destined to leave
19:30It's really hard
19:32It's really, really hard
19:36Don't watch this no more, man
19:38Cause you're only like killing yourself harder
19:46I miss my baby
19:48I will say the last time I seen him
19:50I'm so happy, I was so like
19:52Attentive to him
19:54And I was petting him
19:56And just dandole cariños
19:58And I know he knew I loved him
20:00We love my baby
20:04So I'm gonna take a shot for Archie
20:06And we have to do his calling
20:08Which is a help
20:10So wait, when we take
20:12This is gonna be our baby shot
20:14No, go outside and do it on top of the pool
20:16Oh, that's what he loves
20:18He loves being on top of the rocks
20:20He was like a supermodel posing
20:22On the rocks
20:24And he looked cute, like he looked handsome
20:26I know Emma has a video of it
20:28She just picked up
20:30Fiji and Arlo from getting groomed
20:34My baby
20:38Okay, come on
20:40Wait, okay
20:42For Archie
20:46But it doesn't even matter
20:48It's like half way gone
20:52Babe, you better for Archie
20:54Go, by yourself, just sit down
20:56I don't
20:58I wanted to take it by myself
21:00You did that to your house
21:02You have to
21:04It's for your dog
21:06I don't know how to do it
21:08Okay, go babe
21:12Go what?
21:14No, longer
21:20First shot, okay
21:22First shot of the night
21:24Oh yeah, ten beers
21:26I had two
21:54I love you Archie
21:56You're a good boy
22:00I love you Archie
22:04You love your blue eye
22:06And I love your brown eye
22:08Let me see, show us
22:18You're not going to walk
22:20Archie, you're not going to walk
22:22You're not going to walk
22:24Archie, you're such a
23:02It's too late
23:08I love you
23:12I do
23:14I love you
23:18I love you
