• 2 days ago





00:00good morning wait what's up you guys welcome back to a new vlog I'm so
00:07excited for today's vlog and so you guys know that we've been applying for homes
00:13for my mom and we finally chose the winner and then they chose us because
00:20obviously we're renting we're not buying but I'm so excited that we found the one
00:26so those first two houses that you've seen we did not end up going through
00:30with it although we did apply but then last minute we're like let's find more
00:34houses because I think we were rushing into it and yeah so we looked a few more
00:40houses after that and we found the one and miraculously we got approved I mean
00:46why wouldn't we we have the good credit A1 and we got the funds to prove that so
00:52we ended up getting approved and I'm so excited guys because this house is all
00:58flooring which we wanted remember guys because we didn't want carpet and it has
01:03a big yard for our little Fiji so it just worked out in our favor
01:09patience is key because being patient got us the house that we were looking
01:14for and yeah so I have my mom right here are you excited mother I'm sad because I
01:21okay then you got people in my committee you guys forced her no they didn't put
01:27actually the girls did want me to be closer because you know like we want to
01:32hang out all the time and I'm always coming and going so this I would say
01:36Brianna's like for three months mm-hmm like during holiday summer it's like
01:40it's so hard in the summer because well Hachi and Arlo obviously were
01:47you know rest in peace Hachi so yeah rest in peace Hachi
01:51Hachi did not make it to the new house I'm just sad I'm gonna get emotional right now
01:56cuz you know Hachi didn't make it to the big backyard and I feel like his
02:03spirits gonna stay there so I feel like that's why I don't want to move but also
02:09it gets really hot in that house cuz I don't have AC so it was tight it's hard
02:16and then I don't know if you whoever I don't know if any of you guys follow me
02:21back to TJ Maxx huh if any of you guys follow me but my garage caught on fire
02:27oh yeah we'll show stuff right here
02:47I caught on fire and I just like that was like that was I sorry that was like
02:54the last of it I was like why I can't I can't do this no more it was really
02:58scary for me guys cuz I was like no I don't want to leave the house no more
03:03because I was thinking what if I wouldn't have been home my neighbors my
03:08neighbor actually called to tell me that shout out to my neighbor thank you for
03:13that by the way to tell me that there was a fire in my garage and if I would
03:19have not been home my dogs would have caught on fire and I would have never
03:25forgave myself for that but so yeah so I'm just like I'm just gonna take it as
03:30a sign and I prayed on it so I prayed on it and I guess it is what it is yeah so
03:38we're gonna be no home goods I me and Brady purchase Gordo and Mama bedroom
03:46sets already so that should be getting delivered we're gonna move in beginning
03:52April so it's a lot you guys it's a lot cuz my mom has been living in that house
03:57for what like ten years so there's like a lot of like unwanted things like
04:01unused things or things that are old that she could have to throw out so a
04:04lot of stuff like it's gonna be in the trash and we're gonna have to pack a lot
04:08of it and a lot of it I don't know if my mom wants to keep or or throw away so
04:13it's gonna be a lot but thank God it's me Brittany Fern the middle and then we
04:18yeah I want to see the boys I want to see what they're gonna be the ones like
04:22moving everything and then we're gonna be like boxing it and then we got beaky
04:25so she's gonna help my mom's old so she can't really do much but yeah I can't
04:29wait to see you guys I was testing her out though today because I think she's
04:33kind of excited because she wants to be closer to the kids but um you guys heard
04:40that from my mom and mama because everybody on my on our last video like
04:44didn't move then we don't just want them closer for babysitters I mean bro my mom
04:48well I babysit regardless cuz I don't like like anybody else babysitting the
04:52kids so yeah my mom I had a nanny which is my housekeepers which I trust a
04:57thousand percent and my mom was like no I'm gonna be babysitting them because my
05:02mom always instilled that and it's like no one should really be babysitting your
05:06kids unless it's like immediate family like for instance her and I know some of
05:12you guys don't have that and you guys do be somebody and which is fine yeah yeah
05:16but since they have me and my mom it's fine and my mom would prefer if I had no
05:22other like anybody else and yes I could resort I mean there's sometimes where we
05:27all go out together and we have gotten the cleanies but as the girl gets older
05:36my mom will be able to like handle handle him so it'll just be like another
05:40year and then that would be it but um no but we I don't like yeah I don't make
05:46anybody babysitting and stuff and you know when I asked Gordo, Gordo was like
05:50the main one that wanted to move. It's because Gordo's getting older yeah and
05:55Gordo's getting older he wants a nicer home like he's like mainly my where I
06:00live like I don't know if you guys know like a lot of the houses in LA like
06:03they're too close together and they're really really old so like that house is
06:09really really old it's falling apart so I knew it was time for me to look I wish
06:14I would have looked in Downey but yeah that's where I'm gonna come back to Downey
06:20once we're rich. See I didn't want to go to Downey what the fuck like where I'm at in the IE but I love my home like oh my
06:28god but I never want to have a ranch home. So we're excited you guys like
06:34we're just excited for the new beginnings. No I'm just never gonna cook I'm always gonna come over for dinner and that's how it's gonna be.
06:39No I'm gonna go Christmases are gonna be now at your house all holidays you got
06:45the bigger yard no I'm just kidding I love my house that's why I got my house
06:49to entertain but I just can't wait for like the carne asadas at my mom's. I can't even ask Leo to help us because of his leg. I know so I just can't wait you guys like I'm
06:59really really ecstatic right now I'm just so blessed I'm just so thankful just
07:05the list goes on like me and Brittany are literally just so happy that we're
07:09able to do this like I don't know little me would have never guessed that we
07:15would be here in life right now so I'm super blessed I'm able to do this for my
07:21mom so we're gonna go to HomeKits to find like things for my mom's house
07:30because I got Gordo's mom a bed. And she didn't give me shit she said fuck me. Well we got her a whole house. She said no. We got her a house so I was like you know what moms I don't expect them. Don't think that I'm always like you guys gotta give me stuff because you guys talk shit about me too. Oh my god you're always taking stuff from your daughters. No I don't ask my daughters for nothing. We offer. She's the queen. I'm always like no don't give me nothing like I'm fine. Yeah she's the queen so we like to offer and when we can
07:58we'll do it so Gordo's really excited and I don't know guys we're just we're just super grateful but look guys now we're here. Look Mai for your patio. My mom wants patio furniture because this backyard is big too much. I'll just go to Walmart where I can afford it. Look a grill. That little grill. Oh that's dope.
08:25This little barbecue grill.
08:32Huh the whole set that's actually not bad.
08:41No all of it is.
08:46Look for Easter. Oh like a table one. Like to eat outside because I like to be outside.
08:52Well we're gonna need that for the carne asadas especially for this summer. Well the carne asadas I also want at my house okay. Let's not get carried away because what the fuck my house is a shit too. Not just yours mother.
09:10I can't wait for you guys to see it decorated and um and everything guys like
09:14and you guys my mom is only gonna be 10 minutes away driving like that you're gonna only be 10 minutes away driving. Oh yeah. You guys my mom hella wants outdoor patio furniture but we gotta take our time because like not just anyone we gotta go like online or I don't know something but yeah I'm wearing this yellow Fashion Nova set. I have to charge my camera on here guys.
09:44Because I think Georgie irresponsible with me as a vlogger.
09:52You think so? Well you know what stay your ass over there. I need to. I have to sign.
09:59Okay and you know since my mom's house was really small guys she didn't have any room anywhere like for her stuff even her closet was so small like if she lets me show you guys her house and I'll show you guys the before and after but
10:13I don't know if she's like don't show that because you know how like hispanic parents can be like
10:21but it was really bad so um with her new house me and Brittany are gonna help her organize everything
10:27even like clothes wise um shoe wise the pantry the um you know how me and Brittany like love to be
10:34organized with the kitchen with like the pantry everything so I want to get her like cute little
10:39organizers and all of that and I just want to have her like be in a like better you know setting
10:48and in her home so yeah that's what we're trying to shop for this for the foods this bottom one
10:56like for the fruits put it out
11:01like you can put your fruits inside here did you feel that like you can put this on the island and
11:06have your food so you're like how I have mine that's a cute idea is that what that is
11:13well you could do like a salad bowl like pretty much whatever but because it has legs I think it
11:19is see look this one over here I don't know because I want to make sure everything goes
11:34like aesthetically this one will be for my salad yeah that's a good salad one
11:42wait is it like these two as big
11:46yeah and you guys the kitchen they just remodeled it like they put new brand new countertops so
11:55I'm so glad we were patient with this house because it's because the other house was really
11:59nice but I didn't like it because I had a rug and the kitchen was still outdated even though it was
12:03white like I had the tile pieces this has brand new countertop and they they took out all the
12:10rug from upstairs and put new tile so do you guys know who this is I love her yeah right in rainbow
12:17break yeah I love her I can't believe I found this and this of her and I found the doll
12:26well I won't use I won't get a used doll because they're possessed let me see
12:32what is she talking about in the vlog since like your house didn't have no space for anything
12:38and this house is like three times bigger but I want to help you like be organized so when you
12:43move in I want to like you're gonna organize everything like your even your closet your
12:48kitchen I don't think this is a salad bowl yeah you can use it as a because it's not deep like
12:53well this is better but it's it's it's more expensive no it says it is a salad bowl yeah
13:04you know what I need I need I need I think yeah this one so I want you to get this one
13:09because this one is nice because it's a team and then like this you can get and you can put
13:18like we need to get an oil dispenser I have one I just bought it you did but it's a glass one
13:25yeah yeah that's fine and you can put like your salt and pepper shaker do you have you do you
13:29have salt and pepper shaker you give me this white with one one oh yeah so see that'll go on top of
13:34it you still have them yeah okay you guys my mom's like I'm thinking if I should get a bigger bed
13:42because she has a queen-size bed right now or if she should get a a cow king a cow king or stick
13:49with the queen I was like I think you should get a cow king so when you get a man you guys you're
13:54thinking for him your future man and she goes we're sick you still believe in miracles yeah I do
14:00talk to guys you guys I just don't bring them over to my kids look guys this patio furniture set
14:06it's a seven outdoor set and it has like this glass top I really really like it
14:14but I was telling my mom I think we should wait just to see if something else arises
14:22but I got Gordo and Mama's bed because I'm trying to get the bed set up so
14:27Gordo and Mama's beds and then I got Gordo's bathroom stuff
14:32oh sorry
14:35so Gordo needs a shower rod I got him the whole set to this and then I got him and Mama some sheets
14:49off of Amazon and Mama always needs this for when she showers so she doesn't slip
14:57and then just like here um
15:00this is what I want that's a warm
15:02I was warming it
15:04I was warming it
15:06what the heck
15:08that horse is so cute look at that did you see it look at it yeah it looks like he's on steroids
15:14he's so cute
15:16come on
15:20okay guys so we just left home guys we got a few things we're gonna go to Target because
15:26I'm getting Gordo's bathroom set up and then Mama's bathroom set up along with uh their rooms
15:31and then I feel like once we actually move into the home we can start deciding like what we need
15:37what we're missing right because right now I feel like it's just like hard to like
15:43know if you know everything's not moved in officially
15:47for sure I need to buy another tv because I'm gonna put that lady in her room
15:52she takes over the tv you guys I could never put a tv in my room none of us she will never let none
15:56of us not Gordo it's because right now her room is so small that she don't even have a tv in her
16:01room because the way her tv's set up like like the way that her room's set up like there's something
16:06like this to towards that wall that's where she would have to have the tv and yep nope I'm putting
16:13the stuff to her which I'm still not gonna get her out of the living room but that's okay yeah
16:18well you you have like two living rooms what are you gonna do with that loft room upstairs
16:22I told Gordo he can make that a room if he wants you think he'll say yeah he said he wanted to see
16:27it so we'll see damn that room's ginormous are you gonna leave or what
16:36if that's it if that he's planning on using that room that room's ginormous
16:41tell me if I hit that car if I lived there I would get that out that room because you could
16:47you couldn't really put your beauty room in there ma but I'm not gonna have a closet or a bathroom
16:53so no I know why don't you make it your beauty room I can I can tell Gordie bear psychs
17:02psyche because your master bedroom isn't like I was thinking of putting that that room I was
17:07gonna make it my beauty room and then put like the shoe rack that you bought me that I never put up
17:13remember you bought me one at Ikea what the fuck see a long time ago like when you bought me like
17:18my some of my furniture um yeah well good to know that you don't be putting this shit in
17:27I told Gordo to put it up for me and then he's like yeah like later later later
17:31and then I was already thinking like I'm not gonna last here like I want to move out
17:36so then yeah that's why but now I have that brand new shoe rack
17:42hey you I've been seeing you at all the stores
17:46okay he's with his mom and he looked at me did you see how he looked at me yeah he's like why
17:53are you following me I'm not following you but yeah we got it we got look at this big ginormous
17:59vase right here that I bought for my house my mom was gonna take I wanted that vase and she's
18:03being greedy with it I saw it first with it okay let's go we will just break it you know that
18:11uh my uh with my tickets what we wanted today we will got on top of Rihanna's table the big round
18:20one in the living room with like a toy or something and he was banging it like this
18:25why were you letting it I was telling you but you were on your phone not paying attention
18:28so I was like whatever he messed up my table and he made all kinds of lines on the table
18:33just so you guys know he's not welcome to my house
18:37okay so we just pulled up to Britney's house because she made barbecue chicken and I'm just
18:43gonna take Fern a plate um because we were already near her house so yeah let's go see her
18:51hi baby
18:56hi you oh my goodness hi mama
19:01hi Ashley how are you I missed you my love
19:09I didn't bring you good tits too but we're gonna go home soon okay
19:13but my cookies are in the oven your cookies are in the oven yeah that's okay we'll wait for them
19:21hey we just oh my god look at Britney's plate I don't know what to eat I'm starving
19:27don't do what I did I'm like so full because you know you're so hungry yeah you start going in
19:33I went in but like I'm so full like well that's a big ass plate she made mashed potatoes salad
19:40barbecue chicken macaroni corn biscuits gravy yum yum yum yum yum
19:49beat him up yeah I'm so much grab that chicken that one's good this one I am
19:54wait just took it out because I accidentally left it in there sorry but it's gonna be dry okay
20:01it's okay it's so good
20:03no I haven't tried it but where's you
20:07all right so guess what ma got a house over here next to you guys she's a married neighbor
20:14so guess what no more ditching school because I'm gonna show up unless you pay me not to like last
20:19time oops so what do you think about that and you're gonna help us move out
20:26um our secret is out I think it's nice so she doesn't have to drive all the way over here
20:34what are you guys doing are you always taking
20:37no thanks I know I'm not doing it's time too because now where am I gonna go when I'm drunk
20:42I know but now we're gonna get a hotel
20:45oh we spent the night in Massachusetts and the day in L.A.
20:49man look guys
20:50we're gonna get a hotel
20:54hmm why are you throwing up yeah do you have something to tell us I just have so much
21:01let's start a rumor she just threw up her mac and cheese that's racist I I keep telling them
21:07like I don't know why I just do not like the mac and cheese like lately I've not been making lots
21:10of cheese I just feel like I have ascope I just I'm telling you just the mac and cheese
21:16your baby doesn't make the cheese that's why my mom keeps saying I'm pregnant
21:20that's weird because you always eat mac and cheese huh
21:24I want to say bread so not got me sick remember I told you guys I had
21:29both pregnant yeah maybe
21:34and I could still get I would I would jump off a bridge it would be over for me at my age
21:41oh my gosh
21:44you guys look at Benji no look at you go my mom's baby Benji like he's so jealous
21:52he's so jealous oh let me see call my baby Benji
22:01you're so heavy oh my Benji bros
22:04oh oh I'm scared he's a big ass oh my Benji my Benji my Benji I love you my little puppy my first
22:14born no he only does it with my no like you only kiss me my life like come here Benji Benji come
22:26here my baby come
22:33go my call Benji Benji go Benji
22:47he puts his head like this sure he's doing that all right
22:52I'm doing it it's not working
23:00does he know you're his dad or not really yeah
23:09you go so cute and Fernando doesn't doesn't even pet dogs
23:15you can have you guys you can never trust somebody that doesn't like it
23:18but he's like that too you don't like that yeah Abby's the same way today when he got here
23:24Abby went off on you go yeah Abby he licked him yeah Abby gotta be like his dad just like his dad
23:34let's go we're going back home
