• 2 days ago
I travel from Dallas, Texas to Tokyo, Japan. This is my first time ever out of the country. I travel on 4 unique modes of transportation, ending with the fastest bullet train in Japan. The name of the train is the Hayabusa. This was such a fun and crazy trip! Arigato!
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00:00I rode the fastest bullet train in Japan that made me feel like I was time-traveling,
00:04and I bought the Grand Class seat so you guys can see the full luxury experience.
00:07I'll also be trying a few other unique modes of transportation as I travel from
00:11Dallas, Texas all the way to Tokyo, Japan. My main goal is to see what riding a luxury
00:15bullet train is like, but I also wanted to see how I'd survive being dropped into a
00:19foreign country by myself having never left America before. And fair warning,
00:23if you ever want to do this, it was much more difficult than I thought it would be.
00:26Bye, I love you, I'm gonna miss you.
00:30So that lady I just kissed is my wife, who by the way played softball for Team USA.
00:34I tell you this because she actually played softball against Team Japan in Japan,
00:38and while she was there, she got me a gift of an authentic Japanese baseball
00:42glove that I still have to this day. So little does she know, while I'm in Japan,
00:45I'm also gonna look for a gift to get her and bring back to the United States.
00:48Oh and of course, we're gonna find a gift for my newly adopted dog Cedric as well.
00:52Ooh, I need to get some yen.
00:55Yeah, in case you didn't know, the currencies are different in America and in Japan,
00:59it's the US dollar versus the Japanese yen.
01:01Guys, I'm officially rich. I feel like such a punk doing this in the airport.
01:05We're now at the gate headed to Tokyo, Japan.
01:07I hope my passport works. It should.
01:11As we board the plane, now's a good time to show you the super aesthetic list that
01:14I made for this video. These are the four modes of transportation we're gonna be taking
01:17as we make our way to the infamous bullet train. Also, for educational purposes,
01:21try to guess how much this seat costs to go from Dallas to Tokyo, choosing the Delta 1 option.
01:26Basically, to go from this emoji guy sitting straight up to this emoji guy laying down,
01:30it's gonna cost you a whopping... Also, please don't judge me. It was for the video.
01:34$15,600. Is it worth it? I don't know. You tell me. But please subscribe to help me come
01:39out of debt. I will say I started getting a food order before we even took off.
01:43Mr. Napolo? No, turd.
01:47Oh. Am I one behind?
01:49Wait, are you 6A or 7A? Uh, let me check my book of pass.
01:53I was definitely out of place both literally and figuratively. But in other news, we took
01:57off and within 10 minutes I was given snacks, drinks, and some various appetizers.
02:07And when the main course came out, I selected a serious film to enjoy while I ate it.
02:13Guys, check this out.
02:14My sweet door is closed. I feel like Ryan Trahan right now. Except I'm not as good at
02:18making videos, but I am taller. Sorry, Ryan. Let me show you in detail more of the cool
02:23things you could do with this seat. You can pull this lever to close your door all the way.
02:26There's a lot of settings to mess with on the chair, almost too many. There's a pull-out
02:30tray for food and a space to put your tripod on, a window with amazing views above the earth.
02:34Look at that. That's beautiful.
02:37Here's some headphones, a cozy zz pillow with slippers, a toiletry bag to hang your
02:42with slippers, a toiletry bag that has things like a toothbrush and also socks and a sleep mask.
02:46Oh, and also the seat came with a sushi bag. Okay, just kidding. I brought this on.
02:50The reason I brought this is to remind me that when we're in Japan,
02:53I'm going to look for the best sushi possible because that is one of my favorite foods and
02:57I've always wanted to try Japanese sushi. Also, there's actually sushi in here. Do you believe
03:01me? I'll give you a couple seconds to answer that. As there's turbulence going on right now,
03:04go ahead and take your guesses. The answer is yes, there is sushi in here, but it's the
03:09candy kind and it was terrible. I hope Japan has better. All right, I'm about to show you
03:12guys the coolest part of this seat. I got to admit for a commercial airline like Delta,
03:22this is sick. The only thing to make this better would be if I had like a sushi pillow, but
03:27they probably don't have sushi pillows on this flight.
03:33My friend Josh and I bought this at Five Below. This is a reenactment of me attempting to sleep
03:37with a sushi pillow and this is an AI reenactment of me flying to Japan.
03:49This is officially my first steps out of America and not going to lie,
03:52I was instantly overwhelmed with all the signs as I went through customs.
03:58I was also delirious because I failed to sleep on the entire 14 hour flight.
04:02I legitimately don't know if I'm going the right way. I guess we're going to find out.
04:07Okay, what was initially a light-hearted attitude quickly turned into genuine panic.
04:10I couldn't read anything properly and after getting on a train connected to the airport
04:14I hoped was going towards Tokyo Station, I got off like 30 minutes later when I realized it wasn't.
04:24Then I ordered an Uber which wasn't working at first because my service was bad and finally
04:27I was headed towards a hotel that I had to book on the way. I'm absolutely exhausted. I'm sorry
04:33I didn't get more cinematic shots coming here to the hotel and I don't know when I'll be waking
04:37up. This will be interesting. It felt good to get some sleep but now it's time to ride the
04:52other unique modes of transportation as we make our way to riding the fastest bullet train in
04:56Japan and it just felt right to have an authentic Japanese breakfast to start our day. Guys, I think
05:00we're getting close to this authentic Japanese breakfast. Let's go. I think I see it down there.
05:06Do you see it? Okay, I know this isn't the most authentic but honestly I was curious
05:12to try a Japanese style McDonald's and it was looking pretty good.
05:16I think I go up here.
05:29Despite being packed, it was super clean and quiet in here and thankfully I found a spot.
05:32Oh and not to be too dramatic but this was the best McDonald's I've ever had in my life.
05:40Folks, we're now headed to ride a truly authentic Japanese rickshaw and real quick just wanted to
05:44show you some good convo I had with my uber driver on the way there. In Japan,
05:48there are many steak houses with the name of Texas. Ah, interesting.
05:57I've heard that the change of prime minister will make meats cheaper.
06:02Ah, okay. And just like that we made it to the Japanese rickshaw,
06:06our second unique mode of transportation. I think I just ordered one. I'm not 100% sure though.
06:14Oh, are you doing that? Yes. Oh, okay. Okay, awesome. I was just setting up a cinematic shot.
06:36What's your name? My name is Kosuke. Kosuke? Kosuke, yes. Nice to meet you guys. Let's go.
06:41Sorry I weigh kind of a lot. Sorry that I weigh a lot. I feel like it's gonna be a good workout.
06:45You're strong. Yeah, I'm strong. Yeah, you are. Yeah. Okay, let's go. Let's go. That's a strong deadlift.
06:55This is a good workout. My guy Kosuke was super nice and absolutely crushing it. I don't know
07:01how you do this all day. You're strong. While I was thoroughly enjoying myself, I also felt kind
07:07of weird just being a single dude getting carted along through the city while everyone looked at
07:11me. Wow. I feel like I'm living too lavishly. After we finished the fun ride, I want to ask my
07:19guy Kosuke a couple questions since he was born and raised in Japan. What is your favorite thing
07:23about Japan? Karaoke. Karaoke? Karaoke. Karaoke? Wait, karate? No, karaoke. Karaoke? Oh, karaoke? Yes.
07:30Like singing? Yes, yes. My hobby is karaoke. Oh, really? Yes. Do you want to sing something now? Yes.
07:36Oh, do you want to sing now? Oh, okay.
07:51That was awesome. Guys, give it up for Kosuke in the comments. He subscribed to the channel and said
07:55he'd be on the lookout for this video. And with the rickshaw done, it's time to check out the
07:58Yokohama Air Cabin right after we pick out a gift for Grace and the baby. I found an authentic
08:03Japanese baby bib, which I thought was awesome. And for Grace, an authentic Japanese-style handbag.
08:10Arigato. Arigato. Thank you. Okay, I know I said I was going to the air cabin, but it got pretty late
08:14and I was hungry. So instead, we're going to get some din-din and hit up the air cabin and
08:18bullet train first thing tomorrow morning. I'm sorry, I couldn't do it. I don't mean to offend
08:31anyone, but the smell in there almost made me pass out. This is an American who likes food and
08:37thought he liked Japanese food, but realized he actually liked American-style Japanese food. Why?
08:47This is an AI video portrayal of my second night sleeping in Japan.
08:53Honestly, AI is low-key unsettling. I should stop using it. Anyway, it's the next day and we're at
08:58the Yokohama Air Cabin, which by the way, is the last unique mode of transportation we'll try
09:02before the infamous bullet train. Ladies and gentlemen, breaking news. Unfortunately, the
09:06Yokohama Air Cabin is temporarily closed. It might be fortunate that I didn't go on it before it was
09:13closed because the reasoning has to do with manufacturing issues that they're looking into.
09:17But folks, don't worry. There is an absolutely ginormous Ferris wheel over there. It's literally
09:21the biggest Ferris wheel I've ever seen in my life. So we're going to go there. It looks like a
09:25theme park. I don't know if a Ferris wheel is technically a mode of transportation, but today,
09:29it is. I was not expecting to do this today. I thought I was going on the Air Cabin, but we're
09:41here. And whether you guys expected it or not, you're at Yokohama Cosmo World too. Well, at least
09:45vicariously through me. Is this your first time here? Yeah. Okay. I'm from China. Okay. I'm from
09:51Texas. Guys, meet David. He's just a chill guy who was touring and he went to this theme park by
09:55himself, but we became friends. I don't know what that means. I want that for souvenir.
10:10All right. Have fun. I'll go in that one too. Oh, okay. Oh, I'm going in too.
10:16Sure. All right. Maybe I'll take your picture. You take me for me. I was happy to take my new
10:21friend's picture, but what I wasn't so happy about was the fact that the floor was clear.
10:25That makes it way scarier. I hope it's well built.
10:31There are not many people, so. Yeah, that's true. Yeah.
10:36You know, I got to admit, this wasn't very exciting, but it was surprisingly very peaceful.
10:40Except when you look down. After the theme park, I was done being a wimp and decided to get some
10:49real Japanese food and got these yummy looking dumplings. Aside from being insanely hot,
10:58these are actually pretty good. I like these. With the Ferris wheel done, there's only one
11:06more mode of transportation left and that's the fastest bullet train in Japan. But first,
11:10we do have to quickly get Cedric a toy like I said I would. And I thought,
11:13what better place to do that than a Japanese arcade?
11:20This arcade had so many cool claw machines and it was multiple stories tall with other types
11:24of games as well. Yeah, I tried to play on the one next to the guy that was going ham,
11:33but it wasn't working. But I found Cedric's potential toy. Cedric would love to tear that up.
11:40That's perfect.
11:48But I wasn't giving up that easy. After all, this is for Cedric.
11:52Grab it. Stay. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold.
12:00I was genuinely so happy and I know Cedric's going to love it.
12:04That guy was nice. And guys, once again it got later than I thought so here's an anime re-enactment
12:09of me going to sleep before we wake up tomorrow and ride the fastest bullet train in Japan.
12:16Hey, it's me, Goku!
12:17What? Why are you looking at me like that? Oh, this outfit? Yeah, in case you didn't know,
12:22I'm dressed up as Goku from the anime series Dragon Ball Z, which was produced originally
12:26in Japan. So, I thought I'd show you guys a little bit of what I'm dressed up as.
12:30Okay, I'll be honest. I was originally contemplating wearing this around as I packed it in my suitcase,
12:35but on second thought, I'm just going to go super sane and get a quick workout before we start our
12:39day. Let's do this.
13:00For my last day in Japan, I figured I'd have a real Japanese-style breakfast from the hotel.
13:04It was actually much better than McDonald's. I should have been doing this. Oh, also,
13:07the hotel has a really cool tunnel you can exit out of, so I used that as I headed to Tokyo Station.
13:16We made it to the Tokyo Station. My bullet train is taking off pretty soon, so I gotta get in there
13:21in a jiffy. Also, if you live in Japan, please explain to me why is the front entrance not have
13:26a lot of people going through it, but people are coming through the sides? That's one thing I really
13:29don't understand that much. Before we go in, these guys needed a pic, so I helped them out,
13:33and they also took my picture, which was nice. How do I look? Have you ever rode the fastest
13:37bullet train in Japan? No. Have you guys ever been to Texas? No, but I like Texas. What do
13:43you think of Americans? Oh, for Texas, I support for the Mavericks NBA. Oh, really? The Mavericks?
13:51Let's go. Let's go. What did you travel to Japan? To ride the fastest bullet train.
13:58Yeah, I'm vlogging. Just for this? Yeah, you gotta subscribe. That's me.
14:04Okay. You're subscribed? Yes. Let's go. Now, I'm kind of inside the train station, but I have to
14:09buy a ticket if I want to go any further. I'm quite concerned though, because it looks like everyone
14:13is going the other direction, which leads me to believe I'm not at the right entrance. I'm also
14:18concerned, because to actually get my ticket, I'm gonna have to figure out how to use this self-serve
14:22ticket machine, which, after some research, is even considered confusing by some Japanese people.
14:26So, that's all you need to know for how I felt about it. But with enough perseverance, your boy
14:31finally got some tickets. Let's go. I mean, I hope these are the right ones anyway. Great news. I got
14:36my tickets. Now, I have to figure out where to go. Moment of truth. Are these the right tickets to get
14:40me through? Let's go. I think they are, and I'm holding on to these, because you also need them
14:46to exit the station. I faced my fear. I went through there, and now I'm officially in Tokyo
14:52train station. This place is very busy. Guys, I'm waiting in the station right now. My bullet train
14:59isn't here yet, and look what I found. An ice cream vending machine. I'm pretty sure Grace told
15:04me that one of these bar ice creams was her favorite thing when she was in Japan. So, we're
15:08gonna try it. Check out all the unique flavors of ice cream you can get from this vending machine,
15:12and that's the one that Grace told me was the best treat she's ever had.
15:15Let's go. I have a feeling this is about to be unequivocally bussing.
15:31Okay, I don't want to be too dramatic, but this might be the best thing I've ever had out of a
15:34vending machine. I'm officially hooked on Japanese vending machines. I mean, I might come back here
15:38to do a whole video just on that. Please subscribe to my channel, and I'll see you in the next video.
15:46Anyway, I got a refreshing green tea and decided to head outside where the trains
15:49actually are to make sure I was in the right spot. I do not see bullet trains. That is a
15:56little concerning. I just see regular ones, but this is supposedly where the Hayabusa,
16:01the fastest Japanese bullet train, is. So, hopefully I find it. I can't believe I haven't
16:07said this yet, but yeah, the name of the train is the Hayabusa, and we're on a mission to find it.
16:11I think that one pulling up is a type of bullet train, but not the Hayabusa.
16:15Oh, it's still powerful though, it just shook my tripod. So I kept searching,
16:18hoping I'd eventually lay my eyes on the infamous green bullet train that goes the speed of light.
16:28The nose of the train fascinates me because of how long it is, and when I looked it up online,
16:42it's primarily to make the train more aerodynamic and help with making less noise for the passengers
16:47on board. And in case you're wondering, the fastest recorded speed with bullet train technology is a
16:51whopping 375 miles per hour. Okay, I had to transition to the anime version of me at the
16:56train station before I show you this next part because it's kind of confusing. So basically,
17:00I almost missed my train by not getting on it because at first, I literally did not recognize
17:04it and was confused. If that doesn't make any sense, you're about to see what I'm talking about.
17:26Sorry if I made too big of a deal about that, I was just genuinely confused and almost didn't
17:37get on because I thought it wasn't my train. But it is my train, so now it's time to get on and ride it.
17:42We just left and we're leaving a tunnel. I'm going to do a tour in a second and show you all the
17:59features on the chair. There's someone right in front of me. I was just about to give you guys
18:04a tour, but apparently before this thing starts going the speed of light, they decide to serve
18:08you food and drink. And remember, this is the grand class seat, not just a normal one,
18:12which is comparable to a really nice first class seat on an airplane.
18:22I just ordered the Japanese meal. I'm excited. That's right, I was feeling frisky and I got
18:27whatever this is. You can pause and read it if you'd like. Now the food was still on the way,
18:31but I did notice the train was slowly but surely starting to pick up speed.
18:50Okay, just kidding. This is actually really smooth despite going
18:54light speed. Would you look at that? Our grand class gourmet food has arrived.
19:01Here's what it looks like. A bit smaller than I thought it'd be,
19:04and when I opened it up, I wasn't sure what I was looking at.
19:12Just kidding. I know how to use chopsticks.
19:17First on the menu is some type of gelatinous yellow ball.
19:21I'm sorry, I'm sure that's actually good. I just don't have the palate for it. Okay.
19:25Up next, we got, um, yeah, I don't even know how to describe this one. Maybe some type of sushi?
19:30All right, here goes nothing.
19:51Guys, my palate is way less diversified than I originally thought,
19:57but thankfully this apple juice was very refreshing.
20:02This is the best apple juice I've ever had in my life.
20:06All right, I'm going to give you guys a quick rundown of all the amenities on this chair
20:10and train. And yeah, I took my jacket off because I'm hot.
20:13Okay, for starters, there's ample legroom as well as cabin room above the seats for
20:17any storage needs you may have. There's also many adjustments you can make on your chair,
20:21such as bringing your legs up. There's this tiny pullout thing to set stuff on.
20:24There's a bigger pullout tray to set stuff on. Sorry, we entered a tunnel,
20:27which is why it got darker. You can see me in the reflection. Oh, now we're out of it.
20:31Next, we got this adjustable lamp. Sorry if I shined you right in the eye there.
20:35A super comfortable head flap that is also adjustable.
20:38Completely leather seats for that luxury touch. Here's some outlets on the side and a hook for
20:42your jacket in case you're hot. Also check out these views we're getting. It's a very beautiful
20:46and scenic route. It's so cool how fast we're moving. The scenery is beautiful too, and I don't
20:51know how it's this smooth. Okay, you also get some cozy slippers along with a warm blankie in case
20:56you're cold. And I even noticed they supply you with some sweet reading material. In fact, I don't
21:03know what I'm reading. I also don't know what I'm reading when looking up there. Honestly,
21:07not sure where I'm going. Okay, now let's check out what the restroom looks like.
21:17While this bathroom is small, there are some things about this toilet that makes it special.
21:21I'll let you go ahead and read that if you can.
21:26I tell you, they're doing toilets right in Japan. As I head back to my seat, someone else was also
21:30walking by shortly to sell me something. It's crazy how fast we're going. Although it's smooth,
21:35I can feel the force of this train. I don't know if Spider-Man himself can stop this thing.
21:39Also, I bought this speed radar gun. I was going to point it at the train when it was coming in,
21:43but I figured that might have looked weird and I'd want to get in trouble. Okay, this guy popped
21:50up out of nowhere to sell me things, so I got an iced coffee as well as a cute penguin keychain.
21:54Thank you. Wow, that's cool. And before I show you the next part, fun fact, in Japan,
22:01people always exchange money on a tray, never hand-to-hand, which I didn't know.
22:06Arigato. Thank you. Okay. Uh, what do I need? Huh? Oh, oh, sorry. Okay. Thank you.
22:17I get it. I get it. I'll get it. I'll get it. Bro, this reminded me of dropping a french
22:20fry in the crack of my car or something, and not going to lie, I was pretty sad to lose my
22:24yen change. But I was even more sad about what was happening to me as I tried to make a cinematic
22:28reenactment of me napping on the bullet train. Update, my ears are popping really bad. I don't
22:33know if it's because we're going warp speed or if it's just because we're going higher in
22:36elevation. Either way, my hearing is kind of going, which is slightly concerning. It honestly
22:42was concerning. I don't know why my ears were hurting so bad, and chugging that water didn't
22:46help. So I decided to ask the attendant if I was able to get off before my final stop. Guys,
22:52I think I'm getting off at this stop. I think the light speed of this train was getting to me
22:55because I felt pretty lightheaded and honestly just out of it. But thankfully, I was able to
22:59mosey my way off this epic train and now I get the privilege of bringing home my loved ones some
23:03authentic Japanese gifts. Hello, I got you guys presents. Not to sound too cliche, but one thing
23:10I learned on this trip is that even when there's millions of people around you, you can still feel
23:14all alone. That's why I'm so grateful for my family and the fact that I have people who really
23:18know and love me. And if you don't have anyone, remember there's a God who loves you and if you
23:24know Jesus, you're never truly alone. He is always there for you and offers you eternal life and
23:28forgiveness of all your sins through belief in him. If you liked this video, odds are you'll
23:33like the one being recommended on screen right now. Please check it out. Until next time,
23:36Lord willing, grace, love, peace, and mercy.
