Today, we're having a prank house competition! Whoever can create the most surprising prank house is the winner! Who's prank house was your favorite today?
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Maizen Merchandise ►
We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day!
Maizen Merchandise ►
00:00Today we're having a prank house competition
00:06Yeah, we'll both build houses full of pranks for the other person then we'll go through them and decide who built the better prank house
00:19Whoa, you're already going for it Mikey. Well, good luck. I guess I'll build mine over this way
00:25Think I'm gonna build a total of six rooms each set up with their own incredible pranks. I
00:31Think I'll put some prank skulls inside my first room
00:35So first I'll start by using a command to build a room
00:39That should be a good size
00:42Next I'll put a door here. So Mikey can't see inside
00:46Now I want to decorate the inside with lots of prank skulls. But first I'll lay out some carpet over here
00:55Then I'll place redstone torches to add a scary ambience
01:01Hmm that looks good
01:03now I can start placing my prank items if I toss TNT and a diamond together like this a
01:09Special chest appears that's full of prank items. I'll take this one. I
01:16Can use this item to place prank skulls over here and if I get close to them
01:24That's really scary when I get close to them like this they turn back into their living forms
01:30I'm hoping they give Mikey a real scare
01:33Well, that should about do it for my first room
01:37Now for my second room, I want to use troll creepers
01:42Creepers, of course are a type of mob that explode when you get too close to them, but these special creepers
01:48Only look like they're exploding they never actually explode so these creepers are super harmless
01:55My plan here is to spawn a huge amount of these troll creepers while Mikey's trapped in the room
02:00I think Mikey's gonna get incredibly scared
02:04So the first thing I need to do is set up a trap to lock Mikey inside the room
02:08I'll place some pressure plates over here like this
02:11Then I'll prepare a command block and input a command to lock it inside the room
02:17Now I'll close this up and it's done if I step on the pressure plates the escape route gets cut off
02:24Next I'll set up some tripwire hooks here and make it so that once they're triggered the troll creepers rain down from above
02:33Then I'll place dispensers that are full of troll creepers into the ceiling and lock it inside the room
02:38Dispensers that are full of troll creepers into the ceiling. I guess I should probably place quite a few up here and spread them out evenly
02:50Then I'll connect all the dispensers with a redstone circuit
03:00All right, it's finished
03:02After Mikey gets trapped inside if he walks over here and sets off the tripwire hooks like so
03:09A ton of troll creepers will rain down from above and even though they're actually harmless
03:15He won't know that and he'll be pretty shocked to see them
03:19With that the second room is complete. Let's move on to the next one
03:24The third room will be a prank TNT room
03:28This prank TNT is different from ordinary TNT if you try to break this TNT by hand like so
03:35This will happen it'll explode
03:37So for this prank, I'll set it up so that when Mikey tries to pick up the TNT
03:41It'll actually set off and cause a huge explosion. I hope Mikey falls for it
03:46So first, I'll make the entire room out of bedrock so that it won't be destroyed by the explosion when all that TNT goes off
03:56Now I'll do the same thing as earlier and set up a trap where Mikey won't be able to escape once he enters the room
04:02All done. Once again, these pressure plates cut off Mikey's escape route. All right
04:07Now we'll start setting up the prank TNT all along here
04:15Nice there. Whoa, that's a lot
04:18I left a hole in here just in case to give Mikey a chance to escape without blowing up the TNT
04:24If you go through here, you can reach the next room safely
04:27There'll be one more trick for this room. I'll add a curtain of sand around here to add another element to the prank
04:36Hmm then I'll place some more pressure plates here
04:41All right now because of this sand curtain Mikey will have no clue that there's TNT in here
04:49But when Mikey tries to pick up the TNT, he won't be able to escape
04:53There's no clue that there's TNT in here
04:57But when he steps on the pressure plates
05:00Whoa, the sand drops and reveals the TNT
05:04He'll be so surprised and if he tries to remove the TNT
05:07It will actually cause a massive explosion which will mean that Mikey fell for my prank
05:13It's gonna be hilarious
05:15With that my third room is complete. I want to make six rooms. So I'm halfway done
05:21Alright I wonder how Mikey's doing. Let's go see
05:25Mikey how's your prank house coming along? Oh, hey, JJ. It's going super. Well, I'm setting up some amazing
05:35Whoa, just imagining you falling for all my pranks makes me laugh. Hey, you're pretty confident
05:41Just know that I'm making some fun pranks, too
05:45Well, I'm pretty experienced with pranks
05:47So no matter what it is, I won't be surprised at all
05:51Well, then let's get back to it
05:55Mikey seems extremely confident, but I can't let myself lose. So now I'll get right back to building my fourth room
06:04This next room will have prank floor tiles
06:08For that I'm gonna set up a jump scare. Here it is
06:14If you step on this cloudy section of the floor
06:20The jump scare will go off just like that. I think it'll really scare Mikey
06:25I mean, it's probably scary enough to need some sort of warning for people with weak hearts, but that won't be everything
06:31I think I'll also set up another prank further in I'm gonna set up a lava pitfall trap by the exit
06:38I'll start by digging a pit for the trap like this
06:44Hmm next up I'll fill it with lava and then I'll place cobwebs above the lava like this
06:54Okay, it's done once he falls in there he'll be a goner now, I'll cover it all up with these prank ghost blocks
07:04These look like ordinary blocks of stone, but when you walk on them, whoa, you fall into the lava
07:11So you see the jump scare prank is actually a hint for Mikey
07:15It's a warning that some floor tiles in this room are pranked and wonder if Mikey will get the hints and avoid stepping on the stone blocks
07:24So now I'll put a door here but the thing about this door is that it's actually a dead end
07:30I'll instead build the real exit over here on the side. I think I'll use sticky pistons to make a secret exit
07:41Okay, how's that
07:44All right, it's done when I flip this lever the secret exit will open and I can go to the next room
07:51And with that my fourth prank room the prank floor tile room is complete
07:57I think I'll make my fifth room a fake diamond room
08:01First I'll start by placing some fake diamond or right here
08:05These are fake diamonds
08:10Then I'll place a chest here and I'll leave an iron pickaxe inside of it
08:14I'll trick Mikey into thinking that these diamonds are a reward I'm giving him when actually all the diamond door is fake
08:21No matter how many times he minds he won't get any diamonds from them. That's the prank
08:27Mikey will think he's getting a lot of diamonds. So we'll probably be a little upset
08:31But this is a prank room competition after all. I hope there are no hard feelings
08:35I can't wait to see him fall for this prank. All right, it's finally time for me to build my final prank room
08:42I'll make it over here
08:44My sixth and final room will be a prank treasure room
08:49So now I'll build a passage that leads to the sixth and final room
08:53I want Mikey to think he's getting lots of treasure. So we'll make this passage a trap
08:58I want Mikey to think he's getting lots of treasure. So we'll make this passage as exciting as possible to hype him up
09:05I'll make the entrance out of blocks of diamond and the passage out of blocks of gold
09:10This is gonna make Mikey so excited for the treasure
09:20All right, I finished making the passage out of blocks of gold
09:24This is gonna be so exciting it really feels like there's gonna be treasure up ahead now to make it even more exciting
09:31I'll set up a minecart in here to do that. I'll place a button here and then I'll lay out the rails
09:38Oh, and I'll also put a chest here with some minecarts inside
09:44Now I'll go on and place the rail
09:49Okay, just like this
09:52Hmm looking good when he comes in here, he'll take a minecart from here
09:59And move through the golden passage like this
10:05Riding in a minecart definitely makes it more exciting
10:09All right, the passage to the sixth room is complete
10:13Now it's time to build the sixth and final room the prank treasure room
10:18Okay, I'm gonna make it look like there's lots of incredible treasure
10:22But because it's a prank Mikey won't be able to get any of it
10:26So the first thing I'm gonna do is place a block of emerald down here then put Mikey's favorite food cake on top
10:33But the thing about this cake is is that it has the cake is a lie written over it
10:38And that's completely true because this cake is actually a prank if Mikey tries to eat it
10:43It'll cause an enormous explosion
10:46Still it does look pretty suspicious the way it is now and Mikey might realize that it's a prank
10:52Huh, so I think I'll tweak the setup a bit
10:56First I'll place some blocks of emerald along here and then I'll put prank sounds on top of them
11:05Now when I step on these blocks of emerald
11:07Wow, as you can see it sounds just like TNT right before it explodes. That's wild
11:14Still it only makes the sound of TNT. It won't actually explode
11:19So hopefully Mikey will set off the prank sound on his way to the cake and that'll bring his guard down
11:24He'll think that the TNT sound was the whole prank and that the cake is completely safe
11:30But will he actually end up eating the prank cake?
11:33Will he actually end up eating the prank cake?
11:36Well, I think I'll also set up some treasure chests further inside
11:40I'll put the chest up against the back wall like this and then I'll fill them up with stacks of diamonds
11:47I think I'll also fill some of them up with stacks of real emeralds
11:53Then I'll copy these chests and fill them up with lots of different types of treasure
11:57Hmm, sweet, there's so much treasure
12:01To make it stand out even more I'll put up item frames around them like this
12:06So it really seems like there's treasure
12:09Looking good
12:11The truth is there's real treasure in all of them
12:15However, Mikey will be unable to get any of it out
12:20That's because I'm now going to lock each and every one of these chests
12:24That's because I'm now going to lock each and every one of these chests
12:28The prank item for this room is a locket chest
12:31Alright, check it out
12:34None of these chests can be opened now because they're all locked
12:38Whoa, this is awesome
12:41Even though these chests are filled with treasure Mikey won't be able to get any of it
12:46This is such a great locked chest prank
12:50Since this is a prank house building competition
12:53Even if Mikey beats every room there'll be no reward for it
12:57And with that my sixth room is complete
13:00I'm really proud of it
13:02I hope Mikey falls for all my pranks
13:04So now let's take a look at how Mikey's doing
13:07I wonder if he's finished his prank house as well
13:13Are you done Mikey?
13:15Oh, hi JJ
13:17I just finished it right now
13:19I made an awesome prank house
13:23If Mikey gets so surprised he'll start crying
13:26It's that good?
13:28It sure is
13:30But why don't you see for yourself?
13:32Well sure, I can't wait to find out what kind of pranks you've set up
13:35Well, it's my turn to try out Mikey's prank house
13:38Come on JJ, open the door already
13:41But get as close as you can to it when you do
13:44Huh? What do you mean?
13:46Will something happen when I open the door?
13:48What? No, I don't think anything will happen
13:51Just hurry and open it already
13:53But get really close to it
13:55Huh, this is really sus
13:58Oh well, I might as well open the door
14:01Is this close enough? Open up
14:03Ah! There's a skeleton just past the door
14:08You fell for my skeleton right when you opened the door prank
14:12Well, I didn't expect that
14:17Right? There's more where that came from
14:19So be ready
14:21Well in that case, I'm going inside
14:25Oh, there's a chest here with a symbol of a diamond over it
14:29What could be inside?
14:31That's right, there's something good inside
14:34So try opening it
14:36Hmm, huh
14:38Uh, isn't that a dispenser right behind the chest though?
14:44And wait a second, this is a trap chest
14:46Ah! No!
14:48Mikey, this section is red, making this a trap chest
14:52Which means this is another prank
14:54It's not! There really is something good in there
14:59Hmm, it's sus
15:01I'll open it carefully
15:03Do it!
15:053, 2, 1, open
15:07Ah! Hang on! Whoa!
15:11It released a creeper, so it was a prank
15:13That's right!
15:14I made you think there was treasure in the chest, but there was actually a creeper
15:19Hmm, oh, and there's a door over in the back
15:23So I'm guessing there's another room
15:26Well, let's check it out
15:28There's a great prank in there
15:31Open up
15:35Hmm, what's this room?
15:38Oh, there appears to be stone pressure plates hidden around the room
15:42That's your prank, isn't it?
15:44No, that's not a prank, just keep moving forward
15:49Yeah, this is definitely a prank
15:51Still, I'm curious what it'll be, so I think I'll get caught on purpose to see what happens
15:59Here I go
16:01Alright, what's gonna happen?
16:04Whoa! I knew it was a prank!
16:08So this was a TNT landmine prank?
16:11Wasn't it great?
16:12Did I get you?
16:14Mm-hmm, that really surprised me
16:17Try the next room
16:19Oh, thanks for the staircase
16:21I wonder what the next room is like
16:23Let's see
16:25The next room is…
16:27Huh, I'm seeing that there's a tripwire here
16:30Huh? You saw that?
16:33But still, it might not do anything, so it's best to just ignore it
16:41Whoa, there's anvils up there, lots of them
16:45Oh, I get it, the tripwire triggers the trap, which then drops the anvils on me from above
16:51Huh? You think so?
16:54I guess I'll try setting it off
17:00I knew it!
17:02Aw, you avoided my prank
17:05I guess I figured you would
17:06But JJ, now try out the next room
17:10Hmm, alright
17:12Oh, there's the door
17:14It leads to the next room
17:16Sure, but this is pretty sus, no matter how you look at it
17:20What's all this?
17:24Oh, it's a pitfall trap
17:26If there's redstone dust here, then…
17:29I knew it! It was a pitfall trap prank!
17:32You figured it out!
17:35But when the door is open, so is the pitfall trap, so you can't move on
17:40It's an awesome prank!
17:43Actually, I can just do this
17:46Huh? You can do that?
17:49Well, that wasn't too hard to solve
17:52Let's give the next room a try
17:54In here there's…
17:56Oh, there's some gold ore, and there's also a chest
18:00Let's see what's inside
18:04An iron pickaxe!
18:06That's a present from me to you
18:08Now you gotta mine the gold ore
18:11That's super super sus
18:14If I mine the gold ore, that'll activate a prank, won't it?
18:18No, definitely not!
18:21That's just a present for you, JJ
18:24Hmm, I'm pretty sure some TNT will explode or something
18:29But I guess I'll let myself fall for it
18:32Mine it!
18:34Huh? What's that noise?
18:37Woah! I knew it! It exploded!
18:41How did you know? I hid it perfectly!
18:45Well, it's weird for there to be just one ore sticking out
18:49Well, whatever! Congratulations, JJ!
18:52Next up is the treasure room
18:55You'll get a prize for making it through all my pranks!
19:01It's a great prize!
19:02That sure sounds exciting
19:04But wait, this is another prank, isn't it?
19:07Of course not!
19:10Really? Well, if this is the treasure room, then I'll go inside
19:14Woah! Awesome! It's all covered in gold!
19:18Because it's the treasure room!
19:23And your reward is the stuff inside this chest
19:26You're sure? Thanks, Mikey!
19:28Oh, this part isn't red, so it's an ordinary chest, not a trapped one
19:33But I still think you're hiding something
19:36Huh? No, I'm not! It'll be fine!
19:40Just open the chest! Come on!
19:43Hmm, this won't turn out to have something awful inside
19:47Huh? Of course not! It's just full of awesome items!
19:51And they're all yours!
19:54Well, I do want to know what's inside
19:563, 2, 1...
20:00Woah! Hang on! It's full of rotten flesh!
20:04That's right! You fell for it!
20:07The truth is, there's no reward
20:10Because it's a prank house!
20:12So this was a prank!
20:14I didn't expect it to have this much rotten flesh
20:17Your prank house was a lot of fun, Mikey!
20:20Wasn't it great?
20:22Now it's my turn to take on your prank house, JJ
20:24And I'll definitely get through the whole thing without getting surprised even once!
20:32Woah! So this is your prank house?
20:35It looks fun!
20:37You might not think that once you see all the pranks inside
20:41No way! I'll get through the whole thing easily
20:44I won't get surprised even once!
20:46I'm going in!
20:48Go for it!
20:54This is your first room?
20:58The decorations are really nice!
21:02Oh, there's something here
21:04Huh? Are these...
21:06Skeleton heads?
21:08That's right!
21:10Well, I guess these might be scary for a little kid or something
21:13But these skeletons don't scare me at all!
21:16They will prank you though, so watch out!
21:19No way! Those can't scare me!
21:22This'll be a piece of cake!
21:24I'm going in!
21:28What was that?
21:30Did you get scared?
21:32Just a little!
21:34Try getting closer
21:39They turn human when you get close to them?
21:44This prank did scare me just a little
21:47Nice! My first prank room was a success!
21:51On to the next room!
21:52Go ahead, Mikey
21:55How's the second room?
21:57Are you being careful?
21:59It's all white
22:01There's nothing here
22:05Huh? Am I trapped in here?
22:08Yep! When you enter this room, your escape route gets cut off
22:12So I have to move forward?
22:15Well, yeah
22:17Well, it's not like I was running away
22:20There's nothing in this room, so I guess I'll move on to the next one
22:29No way! Creepers!
22:31They're all going to explode!
22:33It's all over for me!
22:39How am I still alive?
22:41That was the prank, Mikey
22:45They're called troll creepers
22:47I spawned a bunch of them, but they don't actually explode
22:48Oh, seriously?
22:50So all the creepers were actually fake?
22:55Well, they barely scared me
22:57It looked like you were really scared
22:59Nope, only a little bit
23:01Your prank house is so much fun, though
23:06I'm going to beat all the rooms
23:08All right, on to the third one
23:13This room is much smaller than the previous room
23:16Is it made of bedrock?
23:20Huh? Am I trapped again?
23:22That's right
23:24You're not allowed to run away, Mikey
23:26I'll have to move forward
23:30Well, I won't get scared no matter what
23:32Good luck
23:36I'm surrounded by TNT!
23:39That's right, Mikey
23:41I filled up this entire room with TNT
23:43And it's a special type of TNT
23:44that explodes when you touch it
23:46So be really careful
23:48Huh? What are you talking about?
23:50I just have to pick it up like normal
23:55All right!
23:57Huh? What?
24:03That was incredible!
24:05I told you, Mikey
24:07Oh, what just happened?
24:09When you tried to break the prank TNT to gather it up
24:11it actually exploded instead
24:14I didn't know that would happen
24:18I may have fallen for this room's prank
24:20but I won't fall for the next one
24:22Good luck
24:24All right
24:26Just open this, right?
24:28Yep, all right
24:30Huh? What's this room?
24:32It's kind of long
24:36And there's nothing here
24:38Did you forget to set a trap?
24:40I guess there's nothing to stop me
24:42Ah! Stop!
24:44Did that scare you, Mikey?
24:46What was that?
24:52Was that a jump scare?
24:54That's right
24:56So then, all I have to do is
24:58avoid stepping on the black, smoky part of the floor?
25:00I guess
25:02Piece of cake!
25:04You figured it out
25:06Now I can move on to the next room
25:10It turns out
25:12that there's a trap
25:14All right
25:18What is this?
25:20You fell for my trap again, Mikey
25:24What happened?
25:26Look here, Mikey
25:28See how it's made of stone?
25:32When you step here
25:34it collapses into the pitfall trap
25:36Oh, I see
25:40This gave me a bit of a surprise
25:42It's not fake
25:44It's just a dead end inside
25:46It is?
25:48I had no idea
25:50So that means there must be another way to move on
25:58Oh, I've got it
26:00If I pull this lever
26:02I'll be able to reach the next room
26:04That's right
26:06All right, I knew it
26:08Now I'll beat this next room easily
26:10Do your best
26:14There's so much diamond ore
26:16This must be my prize for making it this far
26:21You can keep everything you get here
26:23Oh, woo-hoo!
26:25There's even a pickaxe in this chest
26:27Thank you so much, JJ
26:29All right!
26:31I love diamonds
26:33I'm going to get a whole bunch of them
26:37All right!
26:40Thank you, JJ
26:50It doesn't matter how many I mine
26:52I'm not getting any diamonds at all
26:58Oh, this is a prank
27:00Isn't it, JJ?
27:02You figured it out
27:04These are actually fake diamond ore blocks
27:06That never give out any diamonds
27:08I knew it
27:12Don't be discouraged, Mikey
27:14There's a proper treasure room with your reward in it
27:16Just up ahead
27:18Oh, really?
27:20Uh-huh, take a look over here
27:22Oh, you're right
27:24Go on in
27:28This next part is made from blocks of gold
27:30And it looks amazing
27:32Congratulations on beating my entire prank house, Mikey
27:34You did it
27:36Your real reward is just up ahead in the treasure room
27:38And this time I'm not making it up
27:40There really is a ton of treasure waiting for you
27:44Thanks, JJ
27:46Go ahead and open this chest
27:49Oh, mine carts
27:53All right
27:55Put it on the rails and push the button
27:57I can't wait
27:59But there could still be more pranks ahead
28:01So I'll try to stay sharp
28:05All right, let's go
28:07I'm coming, too
28:08I can't
28:10I'm definitely getting the treasure this time
28:15Oh, wow!
28:17The treasure room is made out of blocks of diamond
28:19As you can see, Mikey
28:21There's your beloved cake
28:23And a ton of treasure in the back
28:25Go ahead and get them
28:29I love cake
28:33That sounds like TNT
28:38There's no explosion
28:40There might be
28:48Oh, I know what this is
28:50It's another prank
28:52These blocks of emerald are pranking me
28:54When I step on them
28:56By sounding like TNT
29:00You figured it out
29:02But still, it just sounds like TNT
29:04It doesn't actually explode
29:06In the treasure room, too
29:10But now all I have to do is avoid these blocks of emeralds
29:15But still, there may be other pranks
29:17So watch out
29:21Oh, it says the cake is a lie
29:23Oh, you noticed that?
29:25Oh, I know what this is
29:27It's like the fake diamond earlier
29:29So no matter how much I eat
29:31It'll never run out of cake, right?
29:34Unlimited cake!
29:38Huh? It exploded!
29:44Whoa! That was quite the explosion
29:46The truth is
29:48That was actually a prank cake
29:50That exploded when you tried to eat it
29:52Ah! That's a thing?
29:54Well, whatever
29:56It's fine
29:58There's still real treasure for me, right?
30:02There's lots of real treasure inside those chests
30:06There aren't any wires
30:08Or pressure plates
30:12And the chests don't have any red parts
30:14So they're not trap chests
30:16Oh! That means they're real treasure chests
30:20And there's actually lots of real treasure inside of them
30:22No rotten flesh
30:24Or anything like that
30:26No, it's true
30:28There are real diamonds, gold, and emeralds inside
30:31Seriously, tons of them
30:32Well, if you say so
30:34Then it must be true
30:36Then I guess I'll go get my reward
30:38For beating your prank house
30:40I'm gonna be super rich
30:44Heh heh heh
30:49It's like
30:51They won't open
30:53And that means my final prank was a huge success
30:55The truth is
30:57These chests are all locked shut
31:00No way
31:02The part about there being treasure inside was all true though
31:06But there's no point if I can't get it out
31:10I fell for your prank
31:12Still, your prank house was so much fun, JJ
31:17I've just come up with even more fun ideas for prank houses
31:19So let's do another prank house building competition right away
31:23Oh, another one?
31:25Well, sure
31:27I have some new ideas too
31:30If you enjoyed today's adventure, make sure to like and subscribe
31:34Plus, you can check us out on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok whenever you want with the links in the corner
31:40Thanks for watching! See you next time!