• 2 days ago
Check out the Intimates Collection at https://www.skims.com/murillotwins #skimspartner






00:00What's up you guys? Welcome back to a new vlog with the Murillo twins. We've missed you guys
00:05We're trying to come back a little stronger and with this video. We probably will yeah, because we have some amazing
00:12Long-awaited news for you guys me and Brittany for the longest time you guys know my mom lives in LA
00:20Maybe like 40 to 50 minutes away, which isn't too bad
00:25But and if you guys know and if you guys don't know we live in the IE
00:31Meaning we don't live in LA
00:32I know a lot of you guys are always coming for us saying you guys don't live in LA
00:36We know we don't live in LA we live in the IE
00:39You know mainly like close to Riverside
00:42This type of areas for the longest time we have been trying to move my mom over here on this side of our hood
00:49And she's always declining. She was no I like where I live
00:53Me and mama we live where we're at mind you guys she's been living in this house for like about 10 years and
00:59She has no AC and I've stayed there before before we moved to um over here to Southern, California
01:06And when we lived up north we would visit her and would stay at that house
01:09And you guys we would come like during summer and it would be so hot like not trying to say cuz I know that a lot
01:16Of people live like that, but oh my god like I honestly feel so much like you feel bad
01:21Yeah, but they have the opportunity to bless my mom then why not so for the longest time
01:27we've always wanted to move her out here and
01:30We officially got a response from her saying yes after so many tries and begging yes
01:37And she'll be a lot closer to us you guys so we're gonna move her out here. We're not buying a house
01:41we are gonna rent her a home because we're not ready to buy yet and
01:47Yeah, it's gonna be near me and Brittany
01:49And I'm just so excited because literally like she's so much closer to us
01:53We can easily drive to her spot now for like
01:56Dinner or like I don't know saw those now and we can just alternate and I don't feel like this has always been
02:03Like a dream of me and Brit. Yeah, I love I was trying to be like
02:06I love the fact that
02:08Gordo mama and my mom could be close to us because I love just spending time with my family
02:12It was just such a mission always driving to LA
02:15Especially gathering all the kids all of us just to go and then I my mom's house. It's beautiful
02:20Don't get me wrong, but it was just so like small and it was so small you guys
02:25Yeah, like my beauty room was as big as like the living room
02:29I don't know if you guys have seen in like older videos with my mom's house, but it was it's just so small
02:35It's just maybe not ideal for her. Maybe like a single person
02:39Yeah, and then maybe we could throw in like a video on our next vlog or something
02:43We can show you guys how my mom where my how my mom was living like how they being situation
02:47So you guys could understand what me and Bri are talking about?
02:50But yeah
02:51I'm just happy I'm so happy that my man Gordo and my mom are gonna be close to us cuz I could always just pop in
02:56Whenever I want to her house
02:59And it's gonna be like an adjustment for them because and then where my mom
03:05Lives at it's like house to house to house house and like there's a lot of Hispanics and Latinos
03:10And that's what they just got accustomed to and over here. It's not like that. It's more. It's more diverse. It's not like
03:17Like house. I mean it is obviously hostess, but it's not like literally you can hear like my mom's
03:23Neighbors she's me I know that's how close it was you guys if you guys are from that area or just live in those LA homes
03:30You know exactly what I'm talking about like we never parking
03:33Huh no parking like you can't park your she has a street sweeper, so literally every
03:40Monday morning, I got so many tickets from that you guys because there's no you can't park your car anywhere
03:45And I'm never gonna forget every time I used to like any time I spend the night at my mom's house the neighbors always
03:50Karaoking at 7 a.m.. Singing is the houses that we're gonna go look at today
03:54They are from right we have two in mind, so we're gonna go see them today
03:58Hopefully we find one that we actually at least light
04:02I hope there's a winner in there because I'm like we have two to choose from today
04:06No, we can still keep looking for me. Hopefully today
04:08There's a winner and my mom is meeting us so she's gonna be able to see the house herself
04:13And we are thinking for mama and also my mom's dogs. We didn't make sure that it's pet friendly so
04:19Because you guys know my mom comes with dogs. I'm like hopefully we find one that fits her
04:25And I know I feel like this has always been like I said a dream of ours
04:29I know I can't keep reiterating that mama would also love to be with her grandbabies. She misses
04:35Kids like she let she FaceTimes us non-stop like he loves me
04:39I was like even saying JJ even if they're more grown
04:42She'll even con like she always just wants to be with them so fake
04:44I feel like it's gonna be easier for me for Ruben cuz you know they have Millie
04:48And they have this ice cream store like if we need like a closer babysitter for my mom
04:52I mean my mom's just on the street for me
04:55Mama is too, and I feel like family should always be a little bit close together
05:00Yeah, I'm like distance wise and we can live in one huge mansion. We would do it guys
05:06probably fuck each other, but
05:08That's how close we like to live with each other, so I'm glad like we're all like literally in a 10-minute radius, so anyways
05:15Like I swear you guys me and Brittany would literally beg my mom and my last year
05:20Come on
05:23So many houses just know I like it's where my mom lives. We're not gonna lie
05:29She has all the good spots like to eat. Oh, she has a commodity schools in like every corner of her house
05:35I feel like that's one thing that I am gonna
05:37That's gonna break my heart is that the food cuz I think what's gonna be the purpose of us going back?
05:41My mom's area in Linwood. I feel like it's the bomb and just anywhere like over there honestly
05:48Just in a lot of
05:51Me and me if we lived in Linwood honestly, and you guys a girl my mom had
05:56A talk I can't talk like five minutes away the one over here is like 24 minutes away
06:02Mine is like 24 minutes
06:04So that is gonna be like a big thing for her
06:06And I know that's and all of her friends is keeping my mom's friends are from out there
06:11She has like no friends on this side, so that also kind of was like holding her back just everything but
06:17I'm just so excited that she finally compromised. I was like yes, I'm finally and you guys this house is so much bigger
06:22She's gonna be able to have her own beauty room
06:25Which she never had I can't wait to show them both of the houses both of the houses you guys are waiting like our both
06:31Five bedrooms mm-hmm, so that's why be saying like she could have her own beauty room
06:35She wants you could have a guest room so any time the babies want to sleep over whoever s does
06:40We're in this room. Yeah, I'll be a guest room mama's in court of the zoom my mom's room and the beauty room
06:45So I like on your face, I'm just like so I don't know I feel like I'm just like that me my city
06:50Yes, I'm happy that we're able to do this and we're blessed
06:53I would have never thought she would have said yes cuz leaving her from then what would have always been like a straight-up
06:58No, but I don't know how we convinced her, but it worked whatever yeah, so before we do get started to go see the homes
07:03We wanted to show you guys our new bras that we just got from skims shout out to skims for sponsoring today's video
07:10You guys know like we're always rocking everything skims from the underwears PJs
07:16Literally, etc. You name it everything we have but there's no bra. I have on it. It's so much a deal
07:22I so before I show you the bra I have on you's gonna be so obsessed
07:26I really love how it fits perfectly you can't even feel like that you have anything on it's so lightweight
07:32But it's the quality is top tier the one I have on is called
07:37Unlined Demi bra in the shade clay
07:41And this is what she looks like do you see how it cuts off just in the perfect?
07:47I feel like you're the perfect amount of cleavage
07:49Look you can't even tell it does have an underwire
07:53But it's so light and seamless like you won't even be able to tell I have a bra
07:58But I love how the girls fit nice and tight because after having kids like obviously I did lose that
08:05You know support and with this they look like they're done
08:11So you guys are able to adjust it to your fitting I also wanted to show you guys the underwear
08:16Oh my god, I your body looks bomb. Oh my god
08:21No, I feel like the underwear everything like the bra shapes you perfectly everything about skin
08:26It's like it really makes you a little bit again. I got clay
08:29I always get clay cuz it's my skin tone color
08:32I love that and I can wear like white leggings, and if it's true, I can get away with it
08:39Literally you need me, but I love that it's so seamless
08:41So if I put like a shirt over you can't even see that have anything yeah on the other hand you guys
08:46I want the shade on it. I feel like I wear a lot of dark clothing, so I wouldn't head
08:50Let me show you guys what I got you guys probably already know my style
08:54Always every time I show you guys what I prefer. It's always the fits everybody scoop brother, okay?
09:00So or this one this the fits everybody scoop bra this one's my favorite. This is it
09:07It's like there's nothing there. Oh like you can I've seen Brittany even like I like anywhere
09:12We go she like I'm hot then she takes off her whole shirt and my bread
09:15What are you doing?
09:16And then I'm like oh you can get away with it cuz it really looks like a sports bra do
09:21Like you know these
09:23Looks like you can just take it off and you're fine with it
09:26Yeah, basically about one time. I went to the club because it was so hot I end up taking my shit off
09:30I wear this and nobody at the club even knew and it's just it's so perfect you guys so this one
09:35I have no hooks to the back. It's just it's it's very comfortable think of it as a sports bra
09:41But it's just so seamless like it feels. It's so thin it's like nothing's there. This is the back of it
09:47Yeah, so comfortable has no underwire bra anything
09:50It's just it's it's just right my even like jump in this workout makes you stay in place
09:55I think comes out yeah, Brittany uses those to work out. This is like an all-in-one bra
10:00I also heard it with the fits everybody thong. I love this thong
10:05It's kind of like a high waist thong, but it's so comfortable you guys I like to be comfortable in my jeans
10:11I don't like when my underwear lines show. This is perfect. It's like almost like if nothing's there
10:17It's like I cannot wear any other underwear if it's not skims like this is the most comfortable
10:24And that's what we love about skims is that they have everything for everybody like if I like something
10:31They have it for me if Brittany wants a thing to have it for her there
10:34I just love the quality like look at the quality to say
10:38Oh, yeah, go ahead and click the link in the description box down below to shop skims best intimates including the fits everybody collection
10:45And after you place your order make sure to let them know we sent you select YouTube in the survey and make sure to select
10:50Our channel in the drop down menu that follows and I will mention just make sure to click the link down below
10:56Anyways, I'm so excited for this video so continue watching
10:59Okay, so we are on our first house. We're gonna see a second house
11:05So I'm excited. We did bring Eero because Fern and Evy are getting haircuts right now
11:13Fern gets them from home, but he won't be able to take care of Eero at the same time
11:18He's just getting haircuts. I was like I'll just take him plus. He's he's due for a nap so hopefully on the way
11:26He knocks out and you guys what I love about these houses that they're so close to me and Britt
11:31They're in between me and Brittany. Yeah, it's a middle. So this is just so perfect. I'm excited
11:36My mom's about to drive us. So we'll see you guys
11:41Okay, the entrance is 96 tonight, yeah, I mean very I love this
11:49Beautiful and the tossing that's one thing that I always
11:59What do you think so far
12:07No, there's another living room this is like there's like two living room this is like the dining room area right here
12:17See that's the main living room right right or no
12:24Like the table would be right here and then over here would be like
12:32Yeah, you're conscious I think the only one you just got from this way and then the TV feature this way
12:41The kitchen is nice, they left the microwave nice
12:45Yeah, this will probably be the main living room cuz like that's where the TV things are
12:56This is the back here, okay
12:59Three dogs
13:02Oh, yes, we're just gonna start having our parties here instead so we can look at your house
13:08Yes, we're just gonna start having our parties here instead so we can look at your house
13:39Like a little chair, huh? I really like the backyard map
13:48Yeah, me too you can find a black stone or like a grill
14:08Little outdated, but I mean way better than what my mom has now
14:22No, this is bigger
14:27And like directions right here for her
14:39I have it. So can be hearing up in my room. Yeah. No in LA
14:55Yeah, nice
15:01Okay, I don't have a man cuz that would be his dog house actually there's a dog house in the back
15:06Did you guys see it? No watch come there is
15:13No kidding, I don't have no one more on that literally
15:26Me too, I'm like going like this. Oh
15:32That's perfect open it don't you have shoes on
15:37No, it's all
15:44Yeah, the yard isn't I mean, yeah, I think this yard is always
15:57Okay, so now we're gonna go upstairs
16:07I didn't know
16:13See you mind you like the room small no, this is huge for you
16:19This is what you need whether you see
16:23See my you don't have nothing. This is probably her room right now. Yeah in where she lives humble yourself
16:29Oh you which an upgrade you mother
16:33Look, you finally have a bathtub
16:36In my room, that's why I don't have no room. Yeah, you see the
16:43Everything. Yeah, it's just
16:46Let's see
16:49Okay, yeah, this is big right yeah, it's really spacious like for it being like another room. Mm-hmm
16:57Just go to have a twin bed or a queen
17:03What he does need to
17:06So this is kids can record ease room
17:17Yeah, I think online they this is a little bit maybe smaller but I still big but the closet's really big
17:25Yeah walk in oh
17:27Wait, did you record on your phone? So yeah, I just sent it. You mean summer and then this is a lot for sure
17:33This is the bathroom
17:47So how many is up here for her
17:51That'll be the guest room in case we're in this room tonight
17:54If we're too drunk to go home because we're in this we're gonna start having the cut
17:59That's a reason we team up. We live down the street. It was literally like five minutes
18:05What do you think what this can can this be your potential home or
18:16Mine is I love the yard. It's cuz I have
18:21I just I'm just and I go outside a lot and sit down with the dog
18:26That's important having like a big yard. You can put like stuff right here in my butt
18:30You like it went through you move you need to throw it like shit. Do you know everything in the house?
18:40Yeah, and then I can put my bed in and you should buy a new my blood for it
18:44Oh, yeah, that one's like already done
18:55Yeah, I
18:57Like this one, this is a win-win for me. I like it
19:05That's not how do you say you would need
19:09Chima that's why I don't even buy shit. I mind because I think you should replace this line
19:17Okay, mother so what did you think about the first house I love the yard you love the yard
19:24Do you think that one's a good one for you?
19:27Yeah, the only thing I don't like is that it has
19:29Carpet, I know but I
19:34Feel like you can't really be too picky right now because
19:43It was cramped up small you don't have space your kitchen wasn't even really like a kitchen
19:48I feel like honestly anything is you know, I know that's where your heart is
19:57Anything is better than what you're living in is
19:59Like we're burning said man, because even her house right now guys doesn't have a scene
20:03We've been trying to convince him up for years. Come on, and she would not let go of LA
20:08I love no whenever I come up and I I'm gonna put a business and I do good. I'm going to down me
20:17Come to a like she practically would be in my house for months you guys and I mean my you do love that
20:23Just come over here you're always with this be with your kids your grandkids
20:27No, I love your house because there's a lot of space there. There's like the Renault I can like walk around there
20:35Exercise there the dogs everything. Yeah
20:42But the 1% that hurts my little heart is
20:46That we won't be having a reason to go to LA anymore
20:49Like once a month mean I'm you know would be like let's go to LA and we were saying my mom's hasn't go eat all the
20:55father's food
20:56I'm still gonna be doing that cuz I'll go with you my friends are over there
21:05It's your um washer and dryer gas, yeah, okay cuz that it is guys the laundry thing
21:23Kitchens big
21:32Um, I don't know I don't think so so baby see this is like the same concept of that other house
21:46Let's look at the backyard
21:51Look but there's a pet thing. I
21:56Mean can we let her dog outside?
22:20Come on this is a laundry room
22:26Why do you have a birthday
22:29Look at the board
23:02Okay, so we just seen the second house, what do you think let's let's hear your thoughts
23:07Which one do you see yourself living at and the first one? Yeah
23:11Okay, so I told me this the only thing I don't like about the first one. There's only one thing. It's just the rug
23:18That's it. Yeah, that's it. Don't that I'll talk is a puppy. Yeah
23:22But what I like about where there's only two things I liked about this house the kitchen and the floor
23:28I love how there's floor everywhere. But yeah, I like this the space in the guest bed
23:33I mean the master bedroom for you man in the other one. Yeah, the master bedroom when this one looks smaller, huh?
23:40And it looks like so beat up the house. They didn't really take care of it
23:45But I think it's just when you live in the house for so long, yeah, that's what happens whether you want to or not
23:51It's just wear and tear after the me
23:54so yeah, we'll see which one we end up getting for my mom you guys and
24:02wishes luck
24:05Another thing that I didn't like about the second house is that there was no light coming in and like I don't like that
24:11It was very dark, yeah, and that makes me depressed like I need to have like yeah, I'm like coming through yeah
24:17I don't like that. I don't like yeah, I don't I like how it's bright
24:21Very bright second one kind of disappointed of the pictures to see yeah, I'm ready with Amy for the second one
24:27She really wanted was rooting for that one pictures when I looked at in person the pictures were really deceiving
24:32I didn't like it was kind of beat up the house
24:35like a lot of stuff of the house was like broken and messed up and like
24:41Yeah, I don't know if it's cuz like their belongings. We're still in there. I mean it like yeah, I think so
24:45That's what I imagine it empty, but still no like I still say in their furniture was nice like dad like they decorated nice
24:53It's just that the house kind of looks beat up, but it's because it's regular wear and tear if you've been there for so long
25:01It's normal dude our house right now, but you've heard of Raul
25:05Our house would be all beat up, too
25:08We try to take care of it. I think we do take really good care of it. No, it's cuz it's normal
25:12It's regular wear and tear after a while. You know you have to paint that over and everything so
25:18Okay, guys, so we came to have some lunch
25:21with the girlies
25:23And we have we will with this
25:25And what do you want to eat? We will?
25:28Tell them hi, you know
25:30We will you want my to come closer so you can see my mind and my every day
25:35Yep, we're dropping this baby off in the doorstep and running off in the
25:44Are you scared about that? I'm gonna drop off side DDT to well time did you're older already?
25:52This one it's we will and baby mini
25:58Mean to have another baby then if you can just you're just right next door. All right, we'll start. I don't gotta worry anyone
26:05Start I don't see it. I
26:08Don't know about anything soon, and then I go along with you and now you're trying to back out. Oh, this is I don't
26:14Read what it was good here. Yeah, I like this up in Kenya. Hey, I like the ceviche empanadas
26:21I think I want to do it. So it's a beach and what else I
26:24Kind of want to dump you can you buy just had it? No, but this one's like good
26:29All right, so should I get that one then?
26:31Let's go. Yeah
26:34Okay, then we should it's come to the like a big thing
26:50Take it
27:00So we got me
27:01No, never not from here. We got the tepee Kenya and I really wanted to order it because basically give you a papa
27:08So I'm excited about the buttery
27:14Okay, so we just got back home from eating the dinner was great and I'm full
27:20Me bring have been like trying to work out. So we're really sore. We did it almost seven mile hike
27:26Yesterday and then today we also worked out
27:29so we're literally so exhausted, but
27:33So excited for my mom's new journey and we want to show you guys so much more
27:37Like if we do end up getting a house for her over here, which that is the goal. We are gonna apply
27:44Let us know down below which your house was kind of your favorite
27:49We're kind of aiming for the first one. So we'll see what we end up getting
27:54But yeah, what do you think about my moving closer to us?
27:58And mama you want them to live next door?
28:01Okay, maybe he's gonna America. You look so cute. Oh, yeah. Say, what do you think?
28:09Say comment down below
28:13Oh, yeah, so that's gonna end our blog and
28:19Yeah, go ahead
28:22Subscribe from our video subscribe. Oh subscribe for it for more videos. You're right
28:30Subscribe we're almost at 600k like a year or two. Why I don't know why we've been stuck. No one subscribes no more
28:38Please subscribe for me. This is quite for me. That'll make my day
28:43That's what I'll make my day. Say do it for Ash. Do it do it for
28:51Do it for Evian you guys cuz we just been stuck
28:54But yeah, stay tuned for more videos and I can't wait guys
28:59We're gonna be and my mom moves closer. That means more footage for you guys and more content. I want more video content
29:05Okay, more mama content
29:07I got it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, let's do another day. Yeah, what did you say? Yeah, but
29:15Okay, bye
