• 20 hours ago
Today we are the king of baseball, Shohei Ohtani.... which can only mean one thing. BATS ONLY!

Use code tomato because it's cool! (Epic Partner)

Music from epidemicsound
00:00Shohei Otani is in Fortnite, and I got him early.
00:04Let's go swing our way to victory.
00:06Shohei Otani enters the item shop at 8 o'clock Eastern tonight.
00:12Now, I know what you're thinking.
00:14It is not 8 o'clock Eastern right now.
00:16And yet, somehow, I'm wearing Shohei Otani.
00:19What's the deal with that, you might be asking?
00:22I need a baseball bat.
00:23Epic has sent me the whole bundle early.
00:26Shout-out to Epic Games.
00:28Why can't I get a baseball bat?
00:30I've got a crazy challenge for this.
00:32But first, if you're interested in purchasing this bundle,
00:35you should use Code Tomato.
00:38I've opened so many heist bags.
00:39Where are the baseball bats?
00:40Come on, you better have one.
00:42I'm gonna throw up.
00:44I found seven rocket drills.
00:45If only Shohei Otani was a construction person instead of a baseball player,
00:50then I would be good.
00:51Anyways, here's the challenge.
00:52There were two skins that I've released in this bundle.
00:55In this first game, I need to get five eliminations with a baseball bat
00:59in order to unlock game number two, Samurai Shohei Otani.
01:04And that challenge is even crazier.
01:06But in order to unlock that, you know, obviously, I'm a baseball player,
01:10and there's a baseball bat in the game, so it's bat only.
01:12However, I have just opened 450,000 heist bags,
01:16and I have received 28 rocket drills and zero baseball bats.
01:20So let's give a round of applause to heist bags.
01:23Oh, Vayner found one.
01:24We're chilling.
01:25I love Vayner.
01:27Hello, baseball bat.
01:28Time to drop everything else.
01:30It's time to swing.
01:33We have entered the vault.
01:34I don't know why because there's nothing I need in here, but it's fine.
01:38Also, I'm not gonna lie to you, this bundle is pretty huge.
01:41There's two skins, a bunch of emotes, pickaxes, and stuff like that.
01:45If you're interested in seeing the whole bundle,
01:46stay tuned later in the video, I will show you.
01:49I will be honest with you,
01:50five kills with a baseball bat is actually probably not gonna be that easy.
01:54I know this weapon is insane, but I'm bat.
01:56But if I could just channel the inner Shohei Otani, we've got a chance.
02:01I hear players.
02:02It's time for them to get baseballed.
02:04I'm batman.
02:05Wait a second.
02:06Hi, I have a baseball bat.
02:08Yes, they got out.
02:10Oh, no.
02:11Oh, I don't know what's going on.
02:13How are you not dead?
02:17Got him!
02:18I don't know what just happened.
02:19But we got one.
02:21That was wild.
02:22And just like that, I've got one elimination.
02:24I'm gonna tell you right now, there's probably no way I'm gonna get five.
02:28But it's fine.
02:29We need more players.
02:33What are you?
02:35What are you doing?
02:36Vader, we have entered the black market.
02:39I don't know why.
02:40I guess Vader's gonna get some mythics and I'm stuck with a baseball bat.
02:43Why would you get the...
02:45Vader, you could just go into the back rooms and get something crazy.
02:48What a waste of a dill bit.
02:50Ooh, get that.
02:51Now I can launch myself towards the enemies.
02:54Hi, players.
02:55I'm going in.
02:57They must be in the vault.
02:58Oh, they are.
03:01I'm out.
03:02See ya.
03:03Wait, let me heal.
03:04I'm coming back.
03:04I'm going in.
03:06Where are they?
03:12Got him.
03:13Dude, we're insane.
03:15Oh, and a new baseball bat.
03:16We're chilling.
03:17I need to try to use the actual powerful swing option,
03:21because I'm not gonna lie,
03:22baseball bat kind of takes a lot of swings to kill.
03:25Too many swings.
03:26These have been some dangerous fights.
03:29Oh, that's a tree.
03:30But we're doing great.
03:31Honestly, I kind of thought I would have died by now.
03:34I'm pretty sure that's a bot.
03:35I'm going in.
03:38Baseball bat time.
03:40Get destroyed.
03:41Wait, this could be huge.
03:43Vader, do not steal this kill.
03:44I need it with the baseball bat.
03:46We are officially chilling.
03:48And there's more.
03:50Oh, I think they're down here.
03:52Hi, everybody.
03:56And see ya.
04:00There's more, I think.
04:03I am the greatest baseball player of all time.
04:05And we got a new bat.
04:07Let's go.
04:08We're chilling, dude.
04:09Bat only is easy.
04:11This is such a perfect challenge idea.
04:13I wanted to do bat only for so long,
04:16and then when I saw this kid was coming,
04:17I was like, wow, that is perfect.
04:20I don't take fall damage with this, right?
04:22Would have been really funny if I just died.
04:24And stay tuned for the samurai part of the challenge.
04:27That one's even crazier.
04:29And no, it's not bat only, too.
04:34More like go to the lobby ball.
04:37It's a bat versus bat challenge.
04:39And I'm winning.
04:42Oh, they fell off.
04:44Does that count?
04:45That counts.
04:46Victory crown, I want it.
04:47Don't take it, Vader.
04:50This might be the greatest challenge
04:52in the history of challenges.
04:53I knew the bat was good, but not this good.
04:56I see a huge fight.
04:57We're going in.
04:58Don't let them heal.
04:58Run them over.
05:02Hey, wow.
05:04I hit them both.
05:08This is insane.
05:10Got him.
05:12No, Vader, I'm here.
05:15Got him.
05:16Dude, this is actually, oh, Vader's down.
05:18Oh, hey, armored van.
05:20We're not here.
05:21Don't worry.
05:22Please don't get out or anything.
05:23OK, they got out.
05:24Don't shoot.
05:25I don't know why, but we're taking out the armored van.
05:28It's really a horrible idea.
05:30There's only 14 players left, but here we are.
05:36It didn't give us any loot.
05:37Dude, we just got scammed.
05:40Oh, never mind.
05:42It was on top of the tree.
05:43How did that happen?
05:47And that's another one down.
05:49If I win this bat only, that would be actually incredible.
05:55Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
06:00They're flying in.
06:01Oh, Vader got one.
06:02Hey, bud.
06:04Oh, bat versus bat.
06:06Who's a better baseball player?
06:08It's obviously me, let's be real.
06:10One final team, and we just got sniped at.
06:12From where?
06:13I got to find some cover.
06:15Thank you, Vader.
06:16How are you?
06:21I hit him.
06:28Vader, shoot them.
06:30They're hurt.
06:31Vader's actually not shooting them.
06:35Vader, what are you doing?
06:37Shoot them.
06:39We have to kill them fast.
06:40Yes, yes, yes.
06:46They were so hurt.
06:48I did so much damage, and Vader just stood there.
06:52Real quick before the next challenge, don't leave yet.
06:54Let's take a look at the entire bundle.
06:57You get the samurai screamer, decoy, this cool baseball bat
07:01katana, this thing, two emotes, and also samurai shohei.
07:11And for this challenge, we got to go glasses on.
07:14If you're interested in this bundle, or even if you're not
07:17interested in the bundle, make sure to head over to the shop
07:20and type supporter creator tomato.
07:24This challenge is going to be a lot better than bat only.
07:27You know what's better than bats?
07:29Mythic weapons.
07:30And yes, I'm going for the Baron's double down pistol.
07:34Oh, hey, a baseball bat.
07:35That's funny.
07:37Fletcher Kane is down, and we've gotten our first mythic.
07:40Yeah, I'll be borrowing this.
07:44See ya.
07:47Bye bye.
07:49That was weird.
07:54Vader, move.
07:54Vader, Vader, you gotta move.
07:56Watch this.
07:58I missed.
07:59Oh, no.
08:01I hit him a bunch.
08:02Nice, Vader.
08:06He's a better baseball player than me.
08:08But is he better than Vader?
08:10Vader, do it.
08:11Let's go.
08:12Oh, no, there's more players.
08:18Take that.
08:20Um, well, this is bad.
08:24I'm in the trash, so they have no idea.
08:28The name's Shohei Otani.
08:32Yep, I'm not in there.
08:35I'm not in there.
08:36I'm literally not.
08:38I'm not in there.
08:39Okay, I'm in there.
08:42That was a lot of fun.
08:43You should leave a like and subscribe.
08:46Also, use code tomato, but we already said that a bunch.
08:48But I'm gonna say it again.
08:49Use code tomato, okay?
