• 2 days ago
Fortnite Clix Icon Skin Chapter 6 Season 2 gameplay with Typical Gamer!


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00:00Fortnite just announced the newest icon skins and it is, drum roll please, Klix. I'm gonna show you guys the brand new skins
00:06There's two of them. Talk about all the cool options and the thought that went into the skin
00:10And then I'll also address something that a lot of you have been talking about
00:13TG, when are you getting an icon skin? All of that in today's video
00:16So make sure watch the whole thing and let's jump right into it. Now I gotta say all this stuff looks really really awesome
00:22We're gonna go into depth into all the features and all the skins and styles for the new Klix skin
00:28But first we're landing Crime City
00:30We got to be quick with it here because I think a couple people will be landing as well
00:34Wow, this guy just landed short
00:38And you're going home
00:40Look at this little jump into a mantle. No fall damage. Easy. What'd you get?
00:44Oh, wow, a blue pump right away. That is just way too kind sir. Let me get these farm like a pro
00:51Oh my goodness
00:53That's way too good I give me this bank
00:55Yeah, honestly, the Klix skin goes totally with this season's theme which is heist and it's actually shown throughout all his skins and styles
01:02As well, that's right. I said skins because Klix is getting multiple skins
01:07Which is something we've never seen before from for tonight icon skins. Somebody over here. Where's the guard?
01:20My crush them we take those honestly we do what these guards doing get out of here
01:26Let's just heal up to max. Let's pop open this ball before we get too crazy
01:29Oh, I forgot the wolf guy spawns here be kind of cool
01:31If there was a Klix boss in the game to wait, there might be a person here. Oh, they're there
01:39I'm actually getting mad pressed here all should open here in a second
01:45Got that guy down. Oh my gosh
01:49He's so mad. This guy is absolutely frying me. We grab this gun real quick
01:56My goodness what a crazy off spawn give me that unstoppable medallion. Give me that pistol. Let me heal up. Holy smokes. Oh shoot
02:17Crazy off spawn I gotta say now I was there watching clicks his stream when he announced the skin that it was really a vibe
02:23Honestly, he's only the second pro for a player to get an icon skin
02:28That is of course the first one being the one and only oh
02:32God, it's really cool because you know comp is such a big part of for tonight and seeing such a iconic player
02:38Like clicks getting a skin is just so cool. So first and foremost big congrats to him
02:43Well-deserved and he has been pumping out content year after year and doing just super well for himself
02:49So congratulation clicks
02:51You honestly do love to see it and he was very very kind in his announcement stream even mentioning me saying that
02:57I'm up next so I really appreciate it. I've talked to clicks in person before he's a good dude
03:01I'm stoked that he was able to get a skin. Honestly, let's go through it though
03:04And so there is two separate skins
03:07The first skin is going to be him kind of wearing just a t-shirt and some loungy pants, you know
03:13And he's got a chain. This is clicks on it. He also has his glasses as well
03:17They did a really really great job modeling his skin
03:19I think it just looks absolutely fantastic and they've gotten so much better at it over the years. Love to see it
03:25Is there a guy behind this tree? What am I looking for? He's right here
03:35What are we doing here bud
03:38Oh, he's above
03:50Where you going dude, what are we thinking? Oh
03:56Mythic pump we take those
03:57So yeah
03:58You got one like super casual style and then you have one style of him wearing a suit and it says clicks on like
04:03The is this called the lapel? I don't remember. You know, I'm not a big suit guy
04:07I think they're cool, but I don't know the terminology now that version the suit style actually has a like ski mask version
04:13I think it's called ski mask and that one looks really really cool
04:16Let me go ahead and buy this Lala shockwave rocket launcher real quick and open this up
04:22now there is a
04:24Mythic enhanced alloy shotgun, but I don't want that. I don't want the mythic over here as well. It's pretty bad
04:29This one's okay. The mythic bumper dump is rip
04:32So if you know clicks at all his main skin is the aura skin so fortnight not only gave him one skin
04:39Which is him in his loungewear and in his suits, but they also gave him an additional skin
04:44Which is aura but kind of you know geared up to look kind of like clicks not like clicks
04:50But to have is like styling, you know, this guy's aggressive
05:06What just launched at me
05:10That hurts
05:12We do this and she looks really cool
05:14She's rocking like a black and white colorway then in addition to that
05:18She also has the option to wear ski mask as well
05:21And I think it can have bunny and I think it's bunny ears, too
05:25There's a lot going on in my game right now, let me try this
05:29Okay, I'm flying a little too much
05:39This guy out we go flying
05:46Tripped see you next fall. Oh wait. Oh
05:52Wow shredded him so that is just the skins
05:59I almost suckled me with that thing
06:06This guy's just he's one with his grenade launcher
06:26Another guy here
06:34Oh my goodness, I'm out
06:39Was almost bad
06:42Fly over here. Perfect
06:45We'll take a chug jug in terms of like back blings and emotes
06:48He has like a teddy bear back bling. He always has like a teddy bear in his background. So make sense
06:53He's got a pickaxe which uh, you know for lack of a better term. They call him the big pooper
06:57all right, that's his name and
06:59it is a pickaxe with toilet paper, so you can use your imagination and
07:05Yeah, apparently the more you hit it the less toilet paper like it flies off
07:10Which makes it look cleaner and cleaner as you go ahead and use it more and more time to heal up
07:14Now he's got two emotes ones like him like whipping a towel
07:17And then the other one is him doing this like clicks dance like this with its own custom music. It's pretty funny
07:24he also has a rap with a bunch of
07:26Symbols on it representing a lot of things that he loves and then finally there is a clicks keyboard back bling
07:32so he actually has his own official keyboard and
07:34This is it looks pretty sweet and it has the name of his clothing brand, which is dreaming
07:38Now this skin will be coming to the item shop on March 22nd 2025
07:43There's actually just one day before my birthday
07:45But you can actually get it early by taking part in the clicks icon Cup on
07:49March 21st now the top of the top teams. It's a trio's tournament
07:53They're gonna be able to unlock the click skin early and not only click skin, but both of the skins
07:58Yeah, I mentioned this earlier
07:59But he is the only person in the icon series for like youtubers and streamers that has gotten two skins
08:06When their icon skin has released so it's a really really cool thing
08:17It's one down two down. Oh my what a shot
08:26Yeah, he knows he's dealing with a psycho now
08:30That's why he's going back to the lobby now again, I want to reiterate that I think this skin is awesome
08:35I think they did a fantastic job and I will be rocking it when it comes out
08:39I think the whole icon series is absolutely fantastic. I got love for clicks. He's a he's a good dude
08:43Now the number one question that's been posed to me since he released his icon skin or he announced his icon skin is TG
08:51When are you getting yours? Which is a great question. Honestly, it's a great question question
08:55I mean, obviously if I was getting a skin, I wouldn't be able to tell you guys until you know
09:01It's announced and I'd probably have to lie and say I'm not getting one which everyone always says when I say
09:06I'm not getting one. The truth is I'm not getting one and epic can do whatever they want
09:11I think they do a fantastic job in releasing these skins and if they ever wanted me to be in the game
09:15I would be honored. So again, it's out of my control. I can't do anything about it
09:20I would be honored to be in the game and I appreciate everyone
09:23You know that really wants me to have an icon skin. It really does mean a lot. So thank you now
09:28The question is can we do anything about it? Can we make epic go? Hmm? Yeah, maybe we should give him a skin
09:33I mean, I think so and here's the number one thing that I think we should do
09:35So when you load into fortnight go to the left of play and hit the search button type in
09:39Typical gamer here and then head over to the creators tab. Click on that and then click on my icon next
09:44You're gonna want to hit the giant favorite button as you can see
09:46We're getting closer and closer to 1 million
09:48Followers in fortnight the most out of anyone if you want to help make history then do me a favor and hit that favorite button
09:54And then next up you can go over here and go play super
09:57Versus blue. This is gonna give you a ton of XP
10:00It's an easy way to complete these spring raid quest to unlock the skin for free
10:03If you like you can also use my code in the item shop
10:05Just go to the bottom right support a creator tap on that and then type in typical gamer
10:08It's search and you'll now be supporting me for free goes away every two weeks or so
10:12So if you do want to continue support me make sure it says typical gamer in the bottom, right?
10:15Before you cop anything big shout out to everyone who's in my code. Oh
10:18Two hundred six splashes Wow now
10:21I still think there's a lot of people who do deserve icon skins some people that come to mind or courage JD
10:27Mongrel, mr. Savage, but I want to know who do you think should get an icon skin next? Let me know in the comment section
10:32I saw some pretty funny comments
10:33Like what did typical gamer do to make epic games so mad that he hasn't got a skin yet
10:38The answer is no, I haven't done it, but I think it's funny that people are looking for an outside reason
10:43Yeah. All right now let's hit this
10:50It's got no sculpt oh
11:00No, it's not the right way
11:08That's a big drop oh
11:12My goodness absolutely destroyed. Give me that. I'm gonna take that. I'm gonna take this and that's a 1v1
11:17I've no heels though. I'm gonna go in here grab heels real quick. All right, where's the last person at? Oh shoot. I
11:24Almost hit that. Oh
11:28Snappy with it. They're chillin on that ramp. Look at them
11:41He doesn't want to trickshot him going up
11:56He's a vicious one. Oh
12:04My goodness, I gotta send that to epic games GG and congrats clicks
