• 3 days ago
Fortnite Random Cracked Crimson Chapter 6 Season 2 gameplay with Typical Gamer!

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00:00I unlocked all of the Cracked Crimson super styles and I thought of the perfect idea.
00:03I'm going to randomize them all and only use one color of weapon depending on which skin I get.
00:07If I get Joss, it's going to be green weapons only.
00:09Keisha Cross will be blue weapons including exotics.
00:12Big Dill is going to be purple.
00:14Valentina is gold weapons.
00:16And finally, if we get Fletcher Kane, it's going to be mythic weapons only.
00:19To complete this challenge, I'm going to have to get a win with two of these skins,
00:21so make sure to watch the whole video because things get crazy.
00:23Let's jump into it.
00:25First up, we have Fletcher Kane in the Cracked Crimson style.
00:28With him, it's going to be mythic weapons only.
00:31It's time to loot some vaults.
00:33Okay, I'm going to actually start off by doing a little bit of a different strategy.
00:36I'm going to head over to the black market near Crime City over here.
00:39Okay, hopefully I nailed my drop.
00:41I'm riding a wolf into battle.
00:45All right, let's open up this door.
00:48There you go.
00:49And let's go ahead and open up this chest over here.
00:51Please give me a Dilbit.
00:53I did not get a Dilbit.
00:54All righty.
00:55Well, I want this mythic weapon.
00:56I need to get Dilbit.
00:57And to do that, I need to rob a vault.
00:59So let's go ahead and talk to Skillet, see if he gives me anything.
01:02Wait, a sticky grenade launcher, mammoth pistol, kneecapper, chug jug, and two boons.
01:055,000 gold?
01:07What the heck?
01:08I can also get a mythic pump and dump here.
01:10Okay, let's focus up and get some heals.
01:11Then I'm going to grab some shockwaves.
01:12They're really cheap, so I'm just buy three of them.
01:14And now we're good to go.
01:15Let's go in and rob this vault, I guess.
01:20Okay, Crime City is looking pretty unlooted, which is nice.
01:23I need to go ahead and grab this to get the thermite going.
01:27Right down and thermite the vault.
01:30There we go.
01:30Remember, if there's any people, I can't eliminate them with weapons unless they're mythic.
01:34But I can take out guards just fine.
01:35Oh, shoot.
01:39That's not good.
01:41Oh, this is so bad.
01:44He's jumping up walls.
01:45I'm hiding.
01:46This is a stealth ops mission right now, right?
01:48I literally can't do damage to this person.
01:50Looks like they might be fighting the guards.
01:52I need to get some materials and I just need one dill bit.
01:54I've farmed a lot of materials.
01:57Oh, he's running.
01:58Give me that dill bit.
01:59Give me both those dill bits.
02:03Oh my gosh, I'm out.
02:04Oh my goodness, I'm out.
02:06I am actually way too good at doing that.
02:07Okay, we are taking our beautiful dodge charger out of here.
02:10Now I need to spend my dill bit.
02:11Give me that mythic pump and dump.
02:14Okay, perfect.
02:15Now I can actually fight back and I can get the item I truly want.
02:18But I need to go to a different black market for that.
02:20Okay, I think the first...
02:22What did I just get stuck on?
02:24Oh no.
02:25Okay, I shockwaved it out.
02:26Ooh, there's chug jug here.
02:28I'm taking it and I'm booking it over to the other black market.
02:31First, I want to get involved here.
02:32This is the guy.
02:35I'm axing him.
02:36He doesn't even know it.
02:37Rough go for him.
02:39Jumping on his head.
02:40Oh my gosh.
02:42He got absolutely deleted.
02:44Going again.
03:24got him.
03:25Absolutely demolished.
03:27Absolutely crushed.
03:28Went on a little terror here, didn't I?
03:29Collect all this loot.
03:32I'll grab my car.
03:32Okay, let's book it.
03:33As much as I like the mythic pump and dump, which it is pretty darn good.
03:37I need to go ahead and get some more mythics.
03:39Oh, look at this guy over here.
03:43What are we thinking, buddy?
03:46Yeah, I was thinking that too.
03:47Okay, we're going to be right along the zone here.
03:49I think somebody probably already went into this black market and took what I wanted,
03:53but I got to check it out.
03:57No problem.
03:59Oh, there's somebody here.
04:10You're looting up a storm, huh?
04:12Ah, this is what you're looking for.
04:13Brutus' mythic minigun, eh?
04:15Oh, don't mind me.
04:16I will be taking that.
04:18And darn, do I look good using it.
04:20Oh, yeah.
04:21All right, let's splash it out.
04:22Get some more over here.
04:23Spent a lot of my gold, but I think it's worth it.
04:25I'm going to go ahead and rift.
04:28And now we have a very beautiful mythic loadout.
04:31I'm looking to upgrade it a little bit though, so I want to get over to that train.
04:34If I can land on it, that'd be great.
04:35Somebody on it?
04:36Oh, they are.
04:44These turrets hurt.
04:48All right, both turrets down.
04:49Let's pull this apart.
04:53There we go.
04:54Now it's time to heal.
04:54The train is coming to a screeching halt.
04:56And I can actually change my pumping up for something else.
04:59Oh, boy.
05:04All of y'all getting clapped.
05:06If I open up all these chests, I should be able to find my mythic that I want.
05:10Oh, no.
05:11I dropped my mini gun.
05:21Going for it.
05:27What are we doing here?
05:30What are you thinking?
05:31You want to confront the big bad wolf?
05:33The Baron himself?
05:34Well, I got a lot of gold, buddy.
05:35He'll try to take me down.
05:36And on top of that, got a lot of money in these bags.
05:39Oh, crap.
05:41I'm going at this guy.
05:48Another one bites the dust.
05:49Now, these shockwaves are really working out for me.
05:51But I mean, I can use something else if I want.
05:53I'm going to take more dill bits just in case.
05:55Give me all this gold.
05:57I'm going to go at a shockwave over to this car.
06:00Look at my mythic Jeep Wrangler Rubicon.
06:02It's looking fancy.
06:03Now, don't forget, even if I get the dub here,
06:05I have to get a win with another one of these skins.
06:07So make sure to watch this whole video.
06:09All right, let's bolt it towards this other black market here.
06:12We also have the person with the medallion in this area.
06:14Let me go with a little bit of a stealthy approach.
06:23Absolutely fried.
06:24I'm a menace.
06:25Okay, this guy had Baron's Double Down Pistol, which is cool.
06:28I mean, of course, this thing is insane.
06:30It can shoot twice, which is nice.
06:32He also had Midas's Gilded Eye Drum Gun, which is very interesting.
06:36It shreds, what?
06:38Okay, this is bonkers.
06:39I have the craziest loadout right now.
06:41I don't have any mobility though, besides the medallion, but that's all right.
06:44Let's just say that you would not want to be fighting me right now.
06:48Oh, it highlights something gold, pretty cool.
06:50I think this calls for me to fight the big boss here.
06:54Two people fighting, coming down in style.
06:56Hit this roof.
06:58That's one down.
07:01Wow, this thing is really good.
07:02What the heck?
07:04It's actually way too good.
07:05I could probably shred the boss easily with these two weapons.
07:07This is what I'm going to do.
07:08I'm going to minigun him until I run out of minigun, or I overheat, rather.
07:11Then I'm going to Midas's Drum Gun.
07:14I'm going to switch back to minigun because it was finished overheating.
07:17This is the fastest anyone's ever taken down the boss.
07:19I just want to put that out there.
07:20Wow, give me both medallions now.
07:22All right, we're crushing it.
07:24Oh, more people over here.
07:30Nobody can escape me.
07:32Nobody can escape me.
07:34It's way too much fun with all these mythics, I got to say.
07:37We are crushing it.
07:39One of the opponents here.
07:42I mean, I have the best loadout you can get, I think.
07:44Only adding exotics to this loadout would make it even better.
07:47Golden Llama.
07:49Oh my goodness.
07:50Look at my lineup of cars here.
07:52You ready?
07:52I got the Jeep Rubicon, and I got the Dodge Charger Scat Pack.
07:57Holy smokes.
07:58The Daytona Scat Pack, to be exact.
08:001v1 situation.
08:02I'm trying to close this out strong.
08:03There's a big possibility that they're in the bottom of the black market here,
08:06but it's really risky for me to go down there, and they'll be forced out in the next storm.
08:10Oh, just kidding, they're right here.
08:13Can I get a 200 pump?
08:18205, let's go.
08:21All right, that is just win one of two.
08:23Let's go ahead and see who we get next.
08:25Next up, we have Keisha Cross, and with her, it's going to be blue weapons only,
08:29including exotic weapons.
08:31Let's get it, Keisha.
08:32Now, start at the top right.
08:33I think I'm just going to drop right away and head over to Mass Meadows.
08:36I need to find myself a blue weapon, so let's go ahead and pop this open.
08:40That is a baseball bat.
08:41Okay, that is also not a blue weapon.
08:44All right, I'm moving.
08:45There's two people up there.
08:46Oh, they are brawling.
08:47Still have not found a blue weapon.
08:49That's all right.
08:53Okay, that guy doesn't know that I can't use any weapons against him.
08:55There we go.
08:56Let me throw this over here.
09:00That's not good.
09:04This is not good.
09:04I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.
09:06Okay, I'm moving.
09:11Oh, my goodness.
09:13Risky, risky fight right there.
09:16But I took the fight and I won.
09:17Let me heal up a little bit.
09:18I want to check this vending machine, see if I can buy a weapon.
09:20Come on.
09:21It's all purples.
09:22Come on.
09:24Give me a shotgun or something.
09:26There's a guy beneath me.
09:30I got him down.
09:38That was rough.
10:00I am in such a bad spot.
10:13Come on.
10:14Give me minis.
10:15Oh, my gosh.
10:16That's huge.
10:25Bob and weave, baby.
10:26Bob and weave.
10:29Sub-Zero is pretty good.
10:33Oh, my goodness.
10:34The hip fire absolutely demolished them.
10:37Let's focus on taking out the vault.
10:38Pop this thing open.
10:44Come on.
10:52Drill, baby, drill.
10:54Drill, baby, drill.
10:56I'm focused.
10:58I got vaults open.
11:00Give me those dill bits.
11:01Give me a blue shotgun.
11:02Come on.
11:03I got two dill bits, which is nice.
11:04Truly everything else is shambles.
11:06Let's take our dill bits and get to the next order of business.
11:09Oh, my gosh.
11:09You know what?
11:10I will take the outlaw shotgun, I guess.
11:12I feel forced flying over here.
11:14I think somebody's here.
11:15They must be further.
11:28Oh, got them.
11:31And look at that.
11:32We have the lawless heavy impact tracking rifle exotic.
11:35Oh, this thing is so good.
11:36I'm excited to use it.
11:37We also have Midas's gilded eye drum gun mythic, but can't use that.
11:42And there's a llama over here.
11:43Oh, it marks them when you hit them, which is bonkers.
11:47Throw one of these down.
11:48Reload this thing.
11:49That is the one downside to it.
11:50It takes a while to reload.
11:52We've got some motion now.
11:54I wouldn't mind slowly transitioning my whole setup here.
11:57Just have all exotics.
12:02Well, that is rough for you, chief.
12:03That is a rough go, Lottie.
12:05Completely deck them out.
12:06I mean, this thing is so good.
12:07It just marks people wherever you shoot.
12:09So you can see an NPC over there.
12:11Heck, it even marks the ammo crates and chests.
12:13I know I say this every time, but I love these challenges because it makes me use combos that
12:17I'd never used before.
12:18Look at my inventory.
12:19I have an outlaw shotgun and the new sniper.
12:21I pretty much would never use that unless I had to, which is so much fun.
12:24I'm looking for a super car.
12:25There we go.
12:26Got me an Azura.
12:27This thing looks sweet.
12:29Cool boost too.
12:30I love the blue motif.
12:31I didn't even have to spend a dill bit yet.
12:33It looks like a person with a medallion stuck in Magic Moss's black market.
12:36Let's go pay him a visit.
12:37We're going double time.
12:38Oh my, we're going to break this fence.
12:40Oh, now we're on through.
12:43So they're stuck in the basement for sure.
12:45They could heal pretty much forever in there.
12:47Luckily for me, I can go ahead and snipe this.
12:50Didn't skin anyone.
12:52There we go.
12:52Mark them.
12:53Got them.
12:58That scanning sniper works so well.
12:59Give me that unstoppable medallion.
13:01I'm going to go ahead and take the Lawless Slap Cannon and let's grab the Lawless Trinity
13:04Assault Rifle Exotic.
13:05Actually, you know what?
13:07I think I'm going to take the kneecapper and the gold splashes still.
13:09There you go.
13:10My inventory is a nice blend of things.
13:12I'm going to throw two of these down and go ahead and rift.
13:15Oh, she disappeared.
13:16Are you kidding me?
13:17Well, let's do it again.
13:18We have actual motion right now.
13:20Let's take our car.
13:22Oh, there's our other car.
13:23We got our blue Jeep Rubicon and we got this nice car over here.
13:26Fancy, fancy, fancy.
13:28Let me go ahead and get this healing grenade.
13:30Throw it on the car.
13:30If you didn't know, it heals you while you drive.
13:32Pro tip for you there.
13:33Also pro tip here, as you can see, when I go on all three pads, look how slow it is to
13:37But if I get out and get back in, it fuels up almost instantly.
13:40Some people didn't believe me when I showed them that trick.
13:42It's a good trick and I think I invented it.
13:45I think.
13:45I haven't seen anyone else talk about it.
13:47Hey, the train again.
13:48How you doing, train?
13:49Oh, there's a guy over there.
13:52I hit that guy so hard.
14:07How he sprayed can't do anything in this water.
14:13It's not there anymore.
14:16I don't mark where this person is, but they're there.
14:21I don't know how I took him out there, but we'll take it.
14:32Oh my gosh.
14:32We have the exotic pump and dump.
14:34I'm taking it and I'm taking this rocket launcher.
14:37It's so good.
14:38All right, we're going to go hunting.
14:39They got to be over here somewhere.
14:41Now you got to aim down sight, actually, for this to work.
14:44So I'm trying to mark them.
14:49I don't see him.
14:55Good way to be safe.
14:56Good way to check things.
14:57Oh my gosh.
14:58Sheep is wanted.
14:59Top 10 situation.
15:00I think they got to be over there somewhere.
15:02They're there going to battle.
15:05Oh my goodness.
15:06I fell off the side.
15:06This AR is basically a shotgun, truly going up.
15:15Oh, there's a guy right there crossing the street.
15:18Completely missed them.
15:19Same does not do that much damage from range, but it's also less bad than I thought.
15:27I think I was the tag.
15:28One view on situation.
15:30Now, where is the last guy at?
15:32So a lot of builds over here.
15:34Oh, there, there.
15:47Got him, 1v1 situation, now where is the last guy at, I'm seeing a lot of builds over here,
15:56oh there they are, alright here goes something crazy, nevermind, I was going to weaken them
16:08so that I could get a trick shot, but it is what it is, alright love to see it, challenge
16:13is complete, gg, let's go!