• 4 hours ago
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Also huge thank you to @KAED__ @Blesiv @FRAASHH and @dessxmx for being apart of the video! Love yall

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00:00What's up, everybody? Welcome back to the episode of BNN!
00:03Come on!
00:04So today we have a really exciting video we're gonna be doing sometime in a while to do!
00:09It's called Improv Roulette.
00:12And to help us out, we have some special guests!
00:16Say what's up to our friends!
00:23The reason why we invited our friends today is because this is like a...
00:26We're gonna go through emotional roller coasters,
00:28we're gonna go through, you know, mental spaces we never had to touch,
00:32just because like, you know...
00:33Yeah, it sounds crazy.
00:33We're gonna start beeping it!
00:35We're gonna start beeping it.
00:36There's gonna be some tears shed today, some blood, everything.
00:39Is this a therapy video?
00:41Nah, nah, nah.
00:42Oh, okay.
00:42It sounds like a therapy.
00:44Today we're gonna hit all our personalities,
00:46and you gotta be able to like, you know what I'm saying, adjust to the situation.
00:50Basically, we're gonna write down a bunch of improv ideas.
00:52So let's say you get...
00:54I'm gonna say a random one.
00:55You cut your toe.
00:56You have to act out how you just cut your toe.
00:58Poor example, but there's a lot more crazy ones.
01:00Show us, I just need the poor example, bro.
01:04Hey, we know you're an actor too, bro.
01:05Did it smell?
01:06We see that Khalid music video.
01:08If you guys didn't know, I was in a music video.
01:09I was background though, I was just like...
01:13Hey, but I'm excited.
01:14We have a whole living room set up for the homies,
01:16and just go ahead and walk in, guys.
01:17Come on, let's go.
01:18I'm scared.
01:19It's always a surprise walking into these.
01:21I know, bro.
01:21They've been acting suspicious.
01:22What's going on in here?
01:23I don't want to.
01:23You go first.
01:26Alright, guys, so we wanted to give you guys the vibe
01:27like we're in a movie theater today since we're acting.
01:30It's like I want you guys to also enjoy watching the homies
01:33at a good environment, you know what I'm saying?
01:35So pull up.
01:36Also, pay attention to detail.
01:57Hey, what's up?
02:24Go check out our menus.
02:25Oh, wait, that's...
02:27What the f**k?
02:35Drama queen, story of love, break a leg in Romeo and Juliet.
02:40Amanda has a surprise for you.
02:42Ah, since you're the only crown drinker,
02:44I brought you a selection.
02:47I got you everything.
02:50So this is an acting video.
02:52You know one of my dream jobs as a kid was an actor?
02:55I was actually on Nickelodeon.
02:57Were you really?
02:57On what show?
03:00Actually, the story of love.
03:01Wow, story of love.
03:04Let's see how that tastes.
03:05I want to know everyone's experience with like theater and acting.
03:09Do you guys have any?
03:13In high school, I did poetry.
03:15It's called poetry out loud.
03:16I'm gonna have to call you out right away.
03:18Don't be lying about your acting experience.
03:21I was like the final 10 in my whole class.
03:23No, you know what I'm talking about.
03:25You know you're an actor before.
03:28We'll put that clip right here.
03:29So I'll just keep almost bumping into your own school event.
03:33Um, pretty much besides being a chef, like what, two weeks ago?
03:39Wait, can you do your interview?
03:39And we killed it.
03:40I was really good too.
03:41We killed it too.
03:42That was about it.
03:43Bonjour, je m'appelle Lumière.
03:45Did you see the chef?
03:46That's right, or something like that.
03:49What about you, Des?
03:50Um, no, nothing at all.
03:52I'm a really bad actor, guys.
03:53I say that sh** all the time.
03:55So I guess we're capping today.
03:57If you guys don't know, Des, she's really good at doing the music video acting.
04:01Okay, I've done music video acting, but not like talking acting, so...
04:05Yeah, yeah.
04:05Oh yeah, we just did a promo for Sad Boys.
04:09You know how hard we're fighting with each other.
04:11But that sh** is easy.
04:11We do that sh** all the time off camera.
04:15That was really awkward.
04:17What about you, baby?
04:17Any acting experience?
04:18Uh, when I was a kid, I was in a racist commercial.
04:24I was like five years old, but yeah.
04:30Racist plus, racist plus.
04:31Beat him up, beat him up.
04:32Wait, eat him up.
04:34Yeah, I don't know what racist commercial that is.
04:39Ash, Ash, cheers, cheers.
04:41Y'all got water?
04:42Can I have some juices?
04:44So this is the selection we got for Ash today.
04:46We have Blackberry.
04:48By the way, Ash, this is a new flavor.
04:50It just hit the market, I swear to God.
04:51Oh, I was just gonna say,
04:52I think I tried it already.
04:53Okay, yeah.
04:55So we got Blackberry.
04:58We got a peach over here.
04:59We have the apple.
05:01And that's about it.
05:02But it's a good amount of selection.
05:03No, that's a good selection.
05:06All right, so Brian actually hit someone up
05:08and they lent us this popcorn machine.
05:11So I better see y'all with popcorn in there
05:12because I'm not gonna lie,
05:14we did forget some seasonings,
05:15but we got some butter.
05:16And that's the first thing I smell while I walk in.
05:19Hey, what it is?
05:19How what's up?
05:20It's Karen back on the channel here
05:21right here in Viennese.
05:22You know, let me just give you all some updates about me
05:24just in case y'all didn't ask.
05:25Um, update number one,
05:27I have allergies right now.
05:28My eye almost dead ass fell out.
05:30I was holding it like this before I came here.
05:32I had to reapply concealer under my eye
05:34because it just kept crying.
05:36And that's why I sound like a 40-year-old smoker right now.
05:38Like, you know, like me?
05:40But yeah.
05:43All right, so before we start,
05:45I want everyone to have some input in this.
05:46You know, I want you guys to get creative yourselves.
05:48I want you to come up with your own ideas.
05:50You know what I'm saying?
05:51So me and Amanda had a bright idea
05:52that everyone just give their own improv,
05:54you know, like to put in the bowl.
05:55Write your own scene.
05:56All right, guys.
05:57So my favorite kind of like movies are like thrillers.
06:00So like, I want to see somebody like act scared,
06:01like something like,
06:03That's how you take it off.
06:04I feel like hopefully I can get it
06:05because I feel like you're really lucky and good at shit.
06:13All right, guys, this is mine.
06:14Oh, wait.
06:16Since you only want to take shots,
06:17I got a game for you.
06:18Me and Eddie just played.
06:19I lost a lot.
06:20Come through.
06:21So we're gonna go five times in a row.
06:22And every time you lose,
06:23you right away have to take a shot.
06:24Only five times though.
06:25So it's either you take five shots.
06:27Who's video game already?
06:28Me and Eddie.
06:28I lost three times, right?
06:32All right, ready?
06:33And fast two way.
06:35He texted me.
06:35There's a whole bartender.
06:36I'm like, I thought we were doing an acting video.
06:40This is like a process to get there
06:42because I feel like once we're drunk
06:43and we have alcohol in our system,
06:45we'll be able to let those tears.
06:47We'll be able to let the tears drop,
06:49you know, the blood come out.
06:50All that.
06:51All right, ready?
06:53Rock paper, scissors, shoot.
06:54Go. Take a shot.
06:55Fast, fast, fast.
07:01Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
07:05Go, take a shot, take a shot.
07:15Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
07:19You're on tight breaker, too.
07:22Two more
07:25Wow, this is a shoe
07:27The last one four shots
07:33Coffee shot y'all said y'all gonna have which invitation was that on because that's not the one I said
07:39Lady needs help crossing the road
07:42And then trips window cleaner who is afraid of heights
07:47I hope I get it. Hey, so as you can see Karen, these are all Karen's costumes, too
07:52All these bins are Karen's costumes. He's my I know that we role-played in almost all of them
08:08Hope you get this one
08:12Shout out to the bartenders
08:13They always ask us what kind of drinks you want and I don't know why I feel like this is always mandatory to have on
08:17The menu, but I got this for me and Eddie cuz Eddie likes to drink Irish trash cans, too
08:22B-dubs is my favorite place to go to a Karen
08:25Irish trash can is a mandatory drink to get if you're eating wings at Buffalo Wild Wings. Oh
08:33Yeah, I'm ready to act
08:57Seen this handshake around here partner. I make everyone
09:04Cooked they're cooking good
09:12I know
09:13All right. So right now is about the time everyone just grab their popcorn take a seat grab their favorite snacks and let's get this
09:24It has a you can pick it up and it narrows down so you can drop it in all like this
09:37All right guys, so everyone's late we're ready to start so I'm gonna explain to you guys the rules, okay
09:44So basically you're gonna pick a scene from here. The scene next to it is gonna have a number
09:49That's the number of people in your scene
09:52How much the number is out of this if you pick because you guys are double names in here if you pick double just pick
09:57Another one, but so you're gonna pick the name and those are the people in the scene you guys go in there
10:03Discuss your scene for two minutes, and then you come out and you do your scene
10:09Yeah, you have to put on it cuz some of our costumes some don't if it doesn't involve costume
10:13You don't even have to go back there
10:14Hey, but we want you guys know if you guys want to use a costume for any scenario that's up to you
10:17Yeah, you guys can go back there and use it. You guys get creative as you guys want to get. Yeah
10:21Hey, remember, this is a room for the content creator
10:33This is funny cuz this is gonna really prove who really got the content creation
10:37Hey, trust you're gonna you're gonna choose the losers the loser of what I'm about to say goes first ready
10:54Was ready already
10:57I was ready. All right, so Eddie, you're gonna choose your scene and if it involves having other people in it
11:04You can either choose or randomly choose through here one more rule if you guys break character, you have to take a shot
11:14Then you have to do five push-ups
11:23Let's get it started go ahead
11:30Open it up and see if you need people if you need people then choose them. If not then go back there
12:14Hey guys, so the scene that we got says a dog that can suddenly talk English parentheses accent
12:20You guys gonna make me be the dog
12:24Do a good accent
12:29British today I went to the mall
12:46That's crazy
12:54So like, okay, we're just dogs, okay
12:56I should be like on the phone and be like, I don't know where and be like and be like, uh, hey
13:00I'm gonna take a shit here. I'm gonna take a shit here, too
13:03All right. Hey, how's it going? But what if we're walking and you autumn it like you just randomly start running?
13:08I'd be like, what are you running?
13:18You move out the way I'll take a business to
13:24Dogs are so annoying. Come on. Hey, I'm gonna like run and then you like follow me. What are you running? I'll be like
13:34Come on
13:47Oh, yes, but use that one
13:55So the rule is you have to go for two minutes, so if you guys stop early you guys to take a shot man continue
14:00Okay, so when you hear it
14:03Yes, you're done. Tell me when to start
14:38Need to another bush
16:21Think it was pretty funny very creative. I wish
16:24I heard you guys talk more dogs since you guys were able to talk, right?
16:32She was like wondering I'm while we were talking
16:46I'm just curious. What was the scene?
16:55That's played a good character I liked it I just wish the dogs did like more realistic shit like y'all peed but like
17:01I don't see no pee on the floor
17:05Sniff scratches that takes a shit
17:09Like I was trying to like rocket just like sniffing on you
17:27Was a poodle that got half-dyed green I dyed his hair and then he was a shih tzu
18:17All right, well
18:31So, I think since this one is like it's like a runoff one just give us just kind of down for a minute
18:38All right, so you're gonna go here. Wait, we're just gonna go straight to it. Yeah
18:41Wait, can I see it?
18:43Start the first line and you're just gonna go off his line. Yeah
18:50Hey and remember every time we break character we have to take a shot you guys I gotta take a shot take two for me, bro
18:57All right. So this is my runoff right here. I have to start off with this right here. I don't know how this is gonna go
19:07Gotta help me. What's wrong?
19:10Everything's wrong. I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel so weird inside. Did you take anything? I think I took acid
19:15Why would you take acid? Would you get it wrong? Oh my god, my girlfriend's session. It was cool
19:19Amanda said that could just take it off. Oh good. Where's the man? Where's your phone my phone?
19:23I don't have my phone frame. Oh my gosh, we gotta find some help Frank. What do we do? What do I go?
19:27I think this one right there
20:03Think about was like, okay, how can it how can I just trip myself? I like how can I really fuck him on acid?
20:33I think you're just like like like a candy
20:45Like I really believe that Brian was on acid because he started trying to eat Frank's ear and
20:51Can I rate you guys I mean
20:57You look very concerned for him
21:04I thought
21:17It was funny what Brian he's like laid out everybody was like
21:29I'm gonna throw it back in and then I have to pick a scene, right?
21:38Okay, all right
21:45This is a whole plot
21:52Okay, it's to this
22:00Cute like he's really the best. I think I'm all about the ugly. I don't know what you see him, bro
22:09I'm like, oh, I like he's the best thing. Look at what he did for me for Valentine's Day and you're be like, oh girl
22:14I have some boyfriends talking shit about me behind your back. Okay, or do you want to be the girlfriend? I'd like yeah
22:24We're gonna start off with this right like I'm saying well, honestly, I heard your boyfriend was talking about you
22:29Be like I say that about you so you could be like, oh my god, what the fuck so it's cuz it's your scene
22:33I don't want to
22:59Say you heard
24:19Feel like you guys both played your roles very well, I feel like this is really getting mad
24:29That was really good I give it 10 out of 10 was very interesting
24:33I wish I had popcorn right now, but I really wish I would have seen y'all like rip a wig or something
24:43I give it a 10 out of 10. I really want to know what the talked about like I want to know what the
24:48I was interested. I was like, okay, so what the fuck about
24:57Think I say was 10 out of 10. I think Frank looks beautiful in that way. Look at him. I
25:04Was actually really intrigued and it was funny because I could tell Franklin's being scared because he was
25:08When she was getting mad, he's like what time is it?
25:18So I'll be throwing them wings
25:26So I have to pick somebody
25:42Okay, Amanda
25:54And Brian
26:07Babe you both
26:20Feel like all of us know English
26:24Yeah, thank you why'd you smoke my dad
26:30We should really their heads and we should be like hey mate, are you checking on my girl?
26:36Hey mate
26:39I don't know how to do that. You just did that one. Hello governor. That's all I know
27:05Hey man, what'd you say go take a shot the bar? Yeah, there's a ball right here. Oh my god
27:10How you doing madam, how do you do can I please get a chaser chases are for women take a chaser you okay
27:24Hey mates, where's your eyes wandering to that's my
27:35Mates where's your eyes wondering that did you not know that's my which one is your woman? It's clear the woman
27:41That's mine. It's the one you're looking at
27:46I'm just letting him know he's looking at me wrong. Oh look once you look away respect. Hey
27:53You are
27:54Pretty far right now. Do you want to catch a fade if we catch a fade? It's not gonna be friendly fade
28:00It's gonna be a real thing
28:03Do you really want to catch a real thing?
28:34Judging based on our acting. What do you guys think? We're doing Australian Britain?
28:40So many accent changes I heard me I heard Bella I heard crikey
28:47You just looked at my girl
28:50That's a funny
29:00That was 10 out of 10, I was super funny the accents were a little
29:06But that was funny
29:10Amanda's accent was really fucking good
29:14It was funny as fuck and our initial plan was to take serious, but honestly was
29:20Because we're like, let's stay serious. I'm not gonna reaction
29:27We're like no, let him just keep going
29:38Hey, but I do feel like carrying this in a word
29:53So now it's time for Karen to choose the next person next one is
30:02Don't get it mistaken for us tribunal, okay
30:19No, all right
30:36You know the scene when Heath Ledger was walking waiting for the explosion and doesn't and he turns around he's like
30:43pressing the detonator
30:44the the stalled explosion was actually a misfire and
30:49He improvised him acting mad
30:54the explosives not happening question piece Heath Ledger girl and
30:59Hi, how can I help you today?
31:03Well, I'm a little busy right now, so if you want you can try to like go around the corner
31:09Yeah, just follow the little the little line
31:22So I have a customer who's actually trying to get life and car insurance, how do we go about that?
31:34But like come back when you're done
31:42Hey, so I told him now what no one's in the store anymore. Oh, well, there's like another worker. They can like help
31:57Yeah, my best employees here
32:12Yeah, I am
32:20We're actually going on four years
32:26I'm pretty serious. Yeah, why do you ask?
32:31We're having like a company dinner
32:33You know, I don't even know if you wanted to go or not
32:37Yeah, I don't mind going, that's fine, right?
32:44Well, when is it?
32:46We can go after
32:48Yeah, we can go after
32:50Actually, we can go right now
32:54Do you have to go anywhere?
32:56Nah, she won't care
33:07Hey, that was so good that the timer rang and I let them I know we're like
33:30Hey, I knew y'all gonna do good too because obviously you guys are comfortable each other so I was excited
33:35Uh, that's
33:37As good as 10 out of 10 actually did it Frank did it you guys know how to play a character always
33:48One piece two people that I know how to play a character and I'm known for years is Frankie and Ashley
33:53They know how to play
33:56Like I said you guys already do you guys will do good so you guys you guys surpassed my expectations
34:04Let me tell y'all I had the golden buzzer. I'll be eating right now right now. I
34:10Didn't want it to end you guys. They felt like
34:21I kid you not that it rang and I hit it. I hid that it rang. So no, I see doesn't lose them
34:27We're like no no
34:29I want to see what I want to see the ending
34:31I want to see if he goes if he stays like what's going on?
34:33Y'all should have got a third person and the third person could have walked in when y'all was walking out and that could have been
34:38his wife
34:42Say it was 10 out of 10. I just definitely would never let my girl work at Progressive
34:50Because if that's just going down this
35:08Need three people it says here
35:12Yeah, I
35:21Guys so pretty much the one I got said be a captain and
35:28Give a motivational speech before the game
35:31But we're gonna switch it up a little bit because we don't have any costumes for a game
35:34So what we're gonna do is I'm gonna give them a motivational speech before we go fight
35:39to the war
35:41You get what I'm saying
35:51Explain the new plan now. So because I said captain I'm gonna be the captain of the ship
35:58So we're gonna be in a boat
36:36Just want to say that before we go over there
36:37There's one thing that we have to do before
37:37The signing of the day of the declaration and that's what he said, no
38:32From your guys's performance 10 out of 10, but like I did it from what you guys said the what the paper said
38:37I I didn't comprehend that but the performance is 10 out of 10, though
38:41I'm not gonna dim that at all. Like that was beautiful. You guys made me laugh a lot. It was really funny
38:46The performance was 10 out of 10. Yeah, it was really really really funny
38:49I didn't really understand the concept of what was going on. I knew declaration and dependence was involved in it
38:55Somebody got ritualed and blood
38:58Right on the contract. Yeah, I thought I was like the first person or signing a part of the story is
39:05Didn't I didn't understand I didn't understand the story but it was entertaining so 10 out of 10
39:11Yeah, 10 out of 10. That was hilarious
39:15Brian with the with the hammer
39:23I think these were like the perfect people to go to get
39:27I'll give it a 10 out 10. I was confused, but I loved it. I just wanted to know more
39:32Blood I was wondering how he was gonna grab his blood
39:43Hey, what do you guys be doing these costumes I'm itchy as fuck up here
39:46Yeah, don't you say I got chlamydia and shit you gotta clap around. No, I'm saying you have bills
39:51You all right. Look and that's my pig is Eduardo Dean
40:00You see what we got
40:14Was like hopefully we could like run this back and we could show that we have different times as well
40:18We can't just act like dog. Yeah, the scene is is
40:22Old lady needs help crossing the road then trip
40:32Lady needs help crossing the road then trips. No life on their own. You want to be the only oh
40:40Not this again, I'm done. I'm gonna be I'm gonna be only to be door. Do you ever do this?
40:48Right paper scissors shoot or just won't be only loser loser was what old lady. Oh
40:54Oh just both people ladies be besties walking out of the retirement home in both the art room. Oh
41:00Yes, and then I'm on trips each
41:04And I'm another old lady
42:57I was gonna be like the like another person more like what if we're just both old ladies and
43:27Definitely took the expectations a lot better than what it had said
43:33Talking about all the guys
43:41Did you guys just kept sleeping every time
43:47When Eddie took up less is weak is
43:56Entertainment wise it was 10 out of 10. I honestly thought the the theme of the scene was just some ratchet
44:01I can grab us cuz you guys are some whores
44:05Yes the same guys
44:19I need two people
44:34Miss couples therapy go to therapy Kim and Kanye
44:38Oh, you want to be cameras, you know, maybe get me up. What would you do? I think the therapist and you guys just impersonate Oh
44:47Connie for president
44:50You know, what's the funny part is that I'm wearing Yeezy's I'm already in the part. I just won't need to make myself
45:33All right, welcome to couples therapy
45:39Yeah, I
45:43See that you guys are trying to get back together after the divorce. Yeah, it's been really hard. Yeah. Yeah
45:53What initially attracted you to your partners
46:08How do you typically communicate when you disagree about something I can't just cry and he doesn't really like
46:38Oh, okay. Well what I mean, let's take a darker approach. What do you dislike most about him?
47:14Love this short boy and a girl customer you wait that one you ate that one up
47:20Y'all both y'all y'all. How do you see to that shit?
47:28I'm not gonna lie. That's a really good Kanye outfit. I feel like that's something he would really wear
47:46Feel like it was very spot-on. I feel like a if Kanye and Kim were in a couples therapy session. This would be it
47:53The whole outfit that Kanye is wearing Kim crying
48:0210 out of 10 is a good scene. I thought it was super funny. I think Frank
48:07I don't know what is what's up with Frank?
48:09He just walks in once he locks into a character is like no going back like he sees it to the end and Frank
48:15I probably
48:19Think you guys were all really committed and I really do appreciate that you guys all change your outfits
48:24I was really fired. And my favorite part was when Frank started joining in when I
48:34Thank you guys so much for watching how you guys experience was doing this would you guys feel great
48:40I actually have so much fun and I don't really like acting so
48:45Yeah, I feel like I underestimated everybody in here and I feel like everybody
48:49Exceeded my expectations and it was actually fun to see everybody. Yeah
48:51Yeah, I don't have I feel like everybody in here was a really good actor and they're really funny with the things that they got
48:56Frank and Ashley were funny
48:59I'm gonna give you guys your
49:06More fun videos
49:17I feel like Cartoon Network Disney Channel. Like this is the new show, right?
49:23Which I need
49:25sweet life of
49:28Thank you to all my friends who put up participate in this is really dope to see that they came and like, you know
49:33Really showed out. We'll see you guys next week
