• 6 hours ago
Today, we're making the best fish sandwich as judged by Sporked's Jordan Myrick!

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GMMore #2783

Intro Motion Graphics by Fantoons https://www.fantoons.shop/


00:00Welcome to Good Mythical More, we are going to construct an amazing fish sandwich.
00:12We're going head to head. Let's see what happens.
00:15But first, let's name a pet. This one was submitted by Yvonne.
00:21Ooh, look at him, he's a big butterball.
00:26Um... um...
00:29Um... um...
00:31Flea... fl-fl-flea... flicker?
00:34Fleaflicker. A football play we all know and love.
00:37Yeah, yeah.
00:40We weren't close on that one.
00:41Alright, nice blanket.
00:43There's legs under that blanket.
00:45Nice blanket! Let's bring in Jordan!
00:48Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-my Rick. You're Rick.
00:51Everybody's Rick.
00:52Oh, so true.
00:54Hello, everybody's favorite Rick.
00:57Jordan Myrick.
00:58It's me.
00:59Did you lower yourself?
01:01I tried to lower it a little bit
01:03and then really got it down there.
01:05Come on up.
01:08Okay, okay, okay.
01:08And I didn't know if that was an animal,
01:11but it's just a print.
01:13It's a cool print.
01:14I thought it had animals on it.
01:16Oh no, it's like, I don't know,
01:17kind of camouflage maybe?
01:18It's like you're hiding in like a,
01:21what kind of forest would that be?
01:23A forest of animal crackers in the shadows.
01:28Yes, Link.
01:29And that's why I bought it.
01:30Now this, tell us what this is.
01:32Are you a fish sandwich person?
01:33You know, I think I like the best version
01:36of a fish sandwich.
01:38I would say my favorite food,
01:40one of them at least, is a shrimp po' boy.
01:42Ooh, I had the best one I've ever had
01:44out in Joshua Tree.
01:47Yes, so weird.
01:49I know.
01:49I wanna know more about this.
01:50Never heard that before.
01:52It's a,
01:54God, what's it called?
01:57I've been there.
01:58I went there with my mom last time I went to Joshua Tree
02:00and I had this like really good chicken soup
02:02with a biscuit on top of it.
02:03And they're just open like three days,
02:06four days out of the week,
02:07and I think it's woman-owned.
02:11Ever heard of it?
02:13That's incredible.
02:14I have to go back and try that.
02:15You said that like you should get some credit for that.
02:17I patronize the woman-owned restaurant.
02:20And by the way, it's woman-owned.
02:23And I went there.
02:23Do you know who owns it?
02:26And I loved it.
02:28And they might be lesbians.
02:32Let's take me out to the field to find out.
02:34Lots of energy.
02:36Lots of.
02:37Lots of energy?
02:38L-word energy.
02:39Wow, lots of L-word energy.
02:42Okay, explain.
02:43Yeah, I wanna know what specifically, who specifically.
02:46How does that translate to a po' boy?
02:48There's so many characters on that show.
02:50Oh, I haven't seen the show.
02:52He just means the L-word in general.
02:54The L-word in general.
02:55Got it, okay.
02:56Not the show.
02:57Oh, just the L-word in general?
03:00Are we not allowed to say it?
03:01Oh, okay.
03:02What's a lesbian shrimp po' boy?
03:04Like, what's different about them?
03:05The shrimp were smaller.
03:06We're not allowed to explain it on camera.
03:07They were smaller, they were pinker.
03:11I mean, they were.
03:12This is weird.
03:13They, yes, it is, I believe, a lesbian couple,
03:18but the address is on Old Woman Springs Road.
03:24Damn, and serving a pink shrimp po' boy?
03:28Back to this, though.
03:29Okay, these are fish sticks.
03:29So that's the best, that was the best.
03:30Everything there was amazing.
03:32That sounds so good.
03:33I gotta go.
03:34So I like, I feel like the best,
03:35like if I had a really nice brioche bun,
03:37freshly fried, beer-battered fish, I would love it.
03:41I'm not like a fish filet guy.
03:44If that makes sense.
03:45Yeah, I get it, I get it.
03:46But if you have to buy one,
03:47Spork is recommending this one?
03:48These are fish sticks that are actually extremely delicious.
03:51They're very tasty.
03:52Okay, so we're building a sandwich with fish sticks.
03:53Starting with fish sticks.
03:54Oh my God, they have a dog photographer
03:57in, that like, is in the patio at the restaurant.
04:00See, I told you.
04:01L-word energy.
04:02I was about to say, you could have just said that
04:03and I would have known it was a lesbian-owned business.
04:05Okay, dog photographer.
04:06You go first.
04:07Oh, I'm up, okay.
04:08Why haven't I looked at my options here?
04:10Yeah, we got a lot of stuff going on today.
04:13So, so bread is part of a sandwich.
04:18What do we have over there, Link?
04:19We have bread.
04:21But what kind of bread is that?
04:23Crafted, nature's own.
04:27It says crafted.
04:29Yeah, so you got like a sliced bread
04:31and then we got like a bun.
04:34I'm going with the bun.
04:35I think a fish sandwich should have the bun.
04:36Well, I'll go with the crafted.
04:39I have to.
04:39No, you could have waited.
04:41No, because I know what he would do.
04:43I would have double-breaded.
04:44You would have taken it.
04:46That wouldn't have been smart on your part,
04:47so honestly, he saved both of you just now.
04:48You wanna make a fish double down?
04:50He just saved both of you.
04:52It's a nice bun.
04:53Both of these breads are absolutely delicious.
04:54I love a soft bread.
04:56Well, very soft here.
04:58That also looks good, but it looks like
05:00we don't have enough fish to span your bread, my friend.
05:04Could be a problem.
05:05That'll be all right.
05:06Can you compensate with toppings?
05:07I can work something up.
05:09Now, a lot of people say
05:14that you shouldn't put dairy products on your fish, Stevie.
05:20I don't think Stevie's the one who said that.
05:23Just a faint sound of offendedness.
05:24I think we, but we're gonna violate that.
05:27Stevie, this is not gonna be kosher, okay?
05:31I think that is kosher.
05:34You can't have fish and milk together, Rhett.
05:35No, you can't have meat and milk.
05:37And then you can't have shellfish.
05:39I think you're conflating all of the kosher rules, maybe,
05:42but I don't know.
05:43From the whole that you've done.
05:46Oh, no, it wasn't kosher.
05:48It was that time we were in Miami.
05:50Right, it was just some French waiter
05:53who said you can't have cheese on fish.
05:56A lot of people will say that, but I think it's crazy.
05:58Oh, yeah, it's crazy.
05:59A little bit like a cheese on a fish taco.
06:03Shrimp scampi.
06:04So what do you?
06:05I'm gonna go with the white cheddar cheese
06:08because Jordan said that they did not like the fish filet,
06:12which uses American cheese.
06:14But I know that Jordan Myrick
06:18loves American cheese in general,
06:20so I am going with that.
06:21He does know that.
06:22It's the best.
06:23It's really good.
06:24This right here, and it's really good for you, too.
06:26Also, I'm just like, this is not gonna melt on my sandwich.
06:31It looked like it was more slicey than that.
06:33And it's supposed to be, and that's not my fault
06:36or yours.
06:37Can you put this on the thing?
06:39Okay, sure, go.
06:39Yeah, this is like.
06:42This is charcuterie board cheese.
06:43Yeah, I got cheesed.
06:45You never know when you're gonna get served.
06:47You wanna taste?
06:48Are you trying to feed us?
06:49You wanna taste?
06:52It's really good.
06:53This is the deluxe one.
06:54It tastes better than the regular.
06:55It's thicker.
06:59It's so buttery.
07:02I am going to go.
07:03Manufacture it in a good way.
07:06I'm going with the coleslaw.
07:09Going with the coleslaw.
07:10Moly, moly.
07:11Get some sauciness on there, get some texture.
07:15I think this is gonna work nicely.
07:17I think this is gonna be great.
07:17Coleslaw on a sandwich is delicious.
07:18There's a couple of things that I really won't.
07:20Talk me through it.
07:21But I'm not, I can't, I'm not gonna.
07:23Oh, strategy, got it.
07:24I can't do that.
07:25Got it.
07:25I'm gonna be slicing these in even smaller.
07:27But I know right now that every time
07:30we start talking about yellow bird,
07:33we just go nuts.
07:34We love it.
07:35So I'm gonna go ahead and go there
07:37so that Rhett can't have it.
07:39I'm trying to shave this cheese down.
07:40Now, I mean.
07:42Just remember this when you're tasting it.
07:44I do like the effort.
07:45And are all of their sauces.
07:48No, sorry, it's just about to drip.
07:50Are all of them good?
07:51I think so.
07:52I mean, I haven't had all of them maybe, I don't know.
07:54But everyone I've had is delicious.
07:55They said it's a bunch of them
07:56and I've tried a bunch of them
07:58and I like all of them.
07:59They're so good.
08:01Oh, that's a good one.
08:05The cheese is gonna be good.
08:07I mean, it kicks.
08:09Spicy for you?
08:10Spicy for me.
08:12Yeah, okay.
08:15Eat some cheese.
08:16Yeah, eat some desk cheese.
08:22Okay, there's no other.
08:23He's echolocating.
08:24There's no other spice up there.
08:26I'm feeling excited so far.
08:28Everything looks good.
08:28Tartar sauce and mayonnaise,
08:30which I'm sure you're gonna go for one of those.
08:33The slaw has mayonnaise in it.
08:36But I'm gonna tell you right now
08:38that I think that this slaw
08:40could use a little bit more mayonnaise.
08:42So I'm going to get the mayonnaise.
08:43All right.
08:44All right, giving the mayonnaise elements.
08:46Are you a tartar sauce person?
08:48Okay, I really feel like that could go either way for you.
08:50Yes, I love it.
08:52I love it, I love it, I love it.
08:53I love shrimp and I love tartar sauce.
08:55I'm taking it.
08:57I'm taking it, I'm taking the tartar
09:00because I need, I needed a sauce.
09:03Yeah, absolutely.
09:04Oh, and this is gonna make like a spicy tartar sauce.
09:06There it is.
09:08Because I hate that you got that slaw.
09:11It's your go again.
09:13Yeah, I got the slaw and the mayonnaise, you see that?
09:15That's why I had to get the tartar sauce.
09:18And now I'm gonna go with pickle chips.
09:24Pickle chips.
09:25Ooh, I love a pickle.
09:26Crap it, where's that, Rhett?
09:28Right next to you.
09:31Oh, oh, I was looking for like potato chips
09:33that were pickled flavor.
09:33Oh, no.
09:34Oh, look at those.
09:35I mean, isn't that beautiful?
09:37Which, have you had the pickled,
09:40pickle flavored rice discs from Quaker?
09:44From Quaker, wow.
09:46We are so connected.
09:47I know, they're so good.
09:49I eat those all the time, they're so delicious.
09:51I'll put either tuna salad on top of them
09:53or I will make ranch with like really thick Greek yogurt
09:56and ranch powder and then dip those in that.
09:58Let me whisper something to you
09:59that everyone else can hear.
10:03I'm listening.
10:04That really wasn't a whisper.
10:05Just put, just take a strip of bacon.
10:09And put it.
10:10Oh, this is nice.
10:11Thank you, they're bolo ties.
10:13Is it, do you think your ear's getting longer?
10:15Because that's heavy.
10:16I don't think so, but you can have surgery to fix that
10:19if the hole gets too big.
10:21Okay, all right.
10:22I know a guy who does that.
10:23It doesn't feel that heavy on my ear.
10:25I know a guy who does that, but it's not,
10:27insurance won't cover it.
10:29Do you have, you don't have your ears pierced.
10:29And it's in his house.
10:30It's in his house.
10:31You don't have your ears pierced.
10:32You don't have your ears pierced.
10:34I did.
10:34You did?
10:35Both or just one?
10:36Both, can you see the hole?
10:37Yeah, I can see the hole.
10:38Yeah, the holes never go away, that's what they say.
10:41I think you would look cute pierced.
10:41I have one of these.
10:46That tracks, that tracks.
10:47He did, he did, yep.
10:50Would you get any other piercings?
10:56No, no, no, no.
10:57Right at the top of my butt crack.
11:00Like a dermal piercing?
11:01What is that called?
11:02I think it's called, isn't it called a dermal piercing?
11:03Sounds right.
11:05Well, I don't really know.
11:06I really think of it,
11:10I really think of it as a functional piercing.
11:12Oh no.
11:13It's one of those things that,
11:14so your butt crack doesn't get any deeper.
11:17It stops at right.
11:17Oh, it holds your cheeks together?
11:21If you're ever in one of the situations
11:22where you're being drawn and quartered.
11:25It would help without?
11:26I think it'll help.
11:27It'll help with that.
11:27I think it'll help.
11:28Wow, scary.
11:29I have nightmares about being drawn and quartered.
11:32Yeah, I've seen too many westerns.
11:35Is there a surgery that, you know,
11:38that can decrease your butt crack?
11:42Yeah, oh no.
11:44The butt crack peeking out of the shorts is a thing
11:48and people are getting butt crack extensions.
11:50No, like crack cleavage?
11:53I don't like that.
11:53Yeah, I think they just add fat deposits
11:55on each side of the top of the butt
11:57and so it creates a little thing
11:58and then you can get a row of piercings of that.
12:00So if they draw and quarter you,
12:02it just sticks right when they get to that point.
12:06Whose go is it?
12:07It's mine.
12:08It's definitely mine.
12:09We're just having a round table about something important.
12:12Okay, well.
12:14I didn't go as much.
12:15Oh, he didn't go?
12:16What did I just get?
12:21What I mean.
12:23I'm just trying to figure out,
12:25I don't have like anything substantial.
12:28Like, there's nothing else like, oh.
12:32Sweet pickle relish.
12:34I don't know if I need that.
12:36Hey, I have one word for you
12:40and I'll whisper it where everyone can hear.
12:44No, I'm whispering.
12:44Yeah, I'm listening.
12:45No, you're gonna kiss me.
12:52That's what I said to you earlier.
12:53I know and it's up there.
12:54I know that.
12:55Yeah, but it's turkey bacon.
12:56It's fun, it's a call back.
12:57Can you whisper something to me?
13:01Let me see, okay.
13:02I think, actually, if you wanna be really psycho.
13:06Well, psycho.
13:08Good, psycho.
13:09Psycho positive.
13:10You should do shrimp.
13:12Yeah, I thought about it.
13:13It's so crazy.
13:14It's a bit redundant.
13:14How fun, though.
13:15I like the idea and I'm gonna do it.
13:17I'm glad that you did that
13:18because now that frees me up to go,
13:21first of all, this turkey bacon here, let's try it.
13:23Sexy, right?
13:26It's not as good as regular bacon.
13:27I know that already.
13:28You could've used the shrimp to fill out
13:30the fish space on yours, but you didn't.
13:37Yeah, it's not bad, it's just.
13:39It's not bad, he just spit it directly into a trash can.
13:40What do you mean?
13:42It's like tasting smoked plastic.
13:47You made it sound great.
13:50But it's salty.
13:52I think it gets the job done.
13:53And that will help us.
13:54It's not as good as normal bacon, of course.
13:57Oh, crap, I'm kinda torn.
14:00That jalapeno ranch is interesting.
14:02It's delicious.
14:03Why is that laying out there so long?
14:05Well, you both already got sauces,
14:06so you have to decide if you wanna double or triple sauce.
14:10Now that I've gotten the salt from the bacon,
14:11I'm going with the sweet pickle relish.
14:17Is it delish?
14:18It's very good.
14:19I don't really like sweet relish generally,
14:21but this one is very good for a sweet relish.
14:25I'm more of a dill person, you know?
14:27A half sour.
14:28Yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:29Something like that.
14:30Rhett, it's down to the.
14:33This is gonna get super, super weird
14:36if I do the potato chips,
14:37because I'm gonna have so many different textures.
14:41It feels like you have so much more than he does.
14:44I know, huh?
14:45But you don't.
14:46I think you just have more stuff in bottles.
14:47The jalapeno ranch is interesting
14:50in that it might bring a little spice.
14:54But you don't always have to have spice.
14:57I feel like mine has spice conceptually,
15:00so I'm gonna lean into that.
15:02What does spice conceptually mean?
15:04It just means that there's so many
15:06strange things going on in this one.
15:08I'm gonna just build on it,
15:09and I'm gonna do the chips.
15:12Ooh, all right, give me that jalapeno ranch.
15:14So yours is more savory and textural.
15:17We're gonna try this.
15:19It's really good.
15:20We need to try this.
15:23Get in there.
15:24You wanna try it?
15:25I would love to try it.
15:30There you go.
15:30Oh, thank you.
15:33It is nice.
15:35It is nice.
15:36It's so good, it tastes like real jalapeno,
15:38which is what I like about it.
15:40I like jalapeno flavor, for sure.
15:41It's good.
15:42You even get like a little fruitiness.
15:44It's also very peppery.
15:46Mm-hmm, ooh, I love a peppery salad dressing.
15:48Like a peppercorn in this is kickin'.
15:49There's a lot of light jalapeno flavors on your side.
15:53This is my story of this video.
15:57That's your story?
15:58This is my takeaway right here.
15:59I love that.
16:00It's very good, I'm glad you like it.
16:02I think I might be taking that away,
16:03is what I mean by that.
16:06That's yours, it's going home.
16:07Okay, so what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna start
16:10to construct.
16:11He's ahead of you.
16:12I am.
16:12Listen, I do need to figure it out.
16:13We've never incorporated a time element,
16:15but maybe one day there will be.
16:17If you guys would like your cheese heated.
16:20Do we have a distance?
16:22Yeah, come on.
16:23Oh, but heated, that's gonna be burnt.
16:24Cheese blowtorch.
16:26Just a little bit.
16:27Yes, keep your distance.
16:28Oh, we're gonna have Damien do it.
16:30I know how to do it.
16:57It's not really melting.
16:59Oh, I wanna do that, that made me scared.
17:02It's just like one sneeze and you're blowtorching my crotch
17:05and that's why it's scary.
17:08Hold on, I think I'm gonna need that.
17:11Whoa, confetti fell.
17:12Where was that from?
17:14Look up there.
17:15It's just waiting to come down.
17:16I see, I see.
17:17You guys are doing some kind of,
17:18you're gonna carry me with confetti at the end.
17:20All right, okay.
17:21Now, crap, I'm gonna cook my slaw.
17:23So what did I do here?
17:25Oh, that's nice, look at, it's releasing.
17:27That's really melting.
17:28Oh, yeah.
17:31Ooh, ooh, the sound.
17:35I needed this.
17:38Yeah, that's good, this is really good for you.
17:40I needed that.
17:41That's good for you.
17:42That's a lot, but I think I'm okay.
17:45Tartar sauce and ranch.
17:49All right.
17:51Don't forget you have another slice of bread.
17:53Yeah, I got another slice of bread.
17:55This right here.
17:57Oh, I've also got this relish.
18:00This is gonna be a saucy guy.
18:02I think we are,
18:05this is gonna be competitive.
18:07Yeah, this sandwich is gonna be very serious.
18:09I'm excited.
18:10I think both of these could be really good.
18:13There's a lot of tit for tat happening,
18:15like pickles, relish, mayonnaise, tartar.
18:21Because typically I would do the two pickles,
18:23but I'm doing a four pickle quadrant
18:25so that you get a pickle bite.
18:26I think that's what makes the most sense.
18:28I hate it when you get pickles on something
18:30or something comes with pickle,
18:31and then you look at it and there's just one pickle chip
18:33in the center of it.
18:36Bad form.
18:37It feels really wild.
18:38I'm super impressed with this stuff.
18:41Okay, chips.
18:42I love a chip on a sandwich.
18:43Yes, right on the pickle.
18:45I really wanted to do that.
18:47And then it was taken from me.
18:49I'm sorry about that.
18:50You know?
18:52And then the tartar sauce.
18:53We don't need to be shy about this.
19:02Someone behind the camera went, ooh.
19:04And then that right there.
19:05And then what I'm gonna,
19:07what I'm gonna do is I'm going to do a little,
19:12do a little.
19:14This is not, I thought you were gonna cut it in half,
19:16not put a napkin on top of it.
19:18Oh, you're doing the press.
19:19A press.
19:20I'm doing a no-touch press.
19:22A heat-free panini.
19:23Do you prefer the press?
19:24Because this, mine definitely needs a press,
19:26but I'm, you know, I can do the press for you.
19:30I can let you do the press.
19:31It's a table-side decision.
19:33This is what I'll say.
19:34I feel like, as an impartial judge,
19:37you have to decide and then I have to consume it
19:39whatever way it's served to me.
19:41So, Link is doing a lot of stuff right now.
19:44And I'll, you know, you have a couple more seconds
19:46and you can do whatever you want, too.
19:47I'm gonna press, but I'm not going to cut.
19:52I'm not gonna press too hard
19:53because I want you to have some of the satisfaction
19:55of breaking the chips with your own mouth.
19:56Okay, great.
19:59Oh yeah, it almost looks like a Smashburger now.
20:01Pretty cool.
20:02These both actually look good.
20:03The last time I ate fish here, it was very upsetting.
20:06So, I'm glad that we're back and we're doing it right.
20:09We're back, we're doing it right.
20:11He might get some of his own blood on your sandwich.
20:13And a little paper.
20:14At least paper towel.
20:15I mean, I'm definitely eating some paper towel, I feel.
20:22Wow, these both look really good.
20:25All right, so now, we are to it.
20:27This is beautiful.
20:28This is like one of those viral sandwiches you get in Japan.
20:30You know what I mean?
20:31Oh, really?
20:32It's red and it's cut very specifically.
20:34There it is.
20:35Feels like it's inspired by that.
20:36Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:38At no point during this process did I give up.
20:40And I love that about you.
20:42This time.
20:44I think it's good.
20:45I think you've turned a new leaf.
20:46And you've been doing really well on these.
20:48So much so that now I've seen some criticism
20:50that people are like,
20:51well, you know Jordan's gonna pick Link.
20:53Oh, I do know that.
20:54Before, people were like,
20:55you know Jordan's never gonna pick Link.
20:57So, you know, the tides have changed.
20:58People like to think things, don't they?
20:59The tides have changed.
21:00Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.
21:01People do like to think things.
21:03Who started?
21:04You started?
21:05I started.
21:05Okay, so I'm gonna try yours first.
21:07Because that feels fair.
21:08That's hardy.
21:09Oh, it fell apart.
21:10I'm sorry, I cursed.
21:11Oh my God.
21:12No, no, no.
21:13No one knew.
21:13Oh my God.
21:15We bleeped the hell out of it.
21:16I'm so sorry.
21:18I don't think I've ever said the F word on this.
21:21Well, that's not what you said.
21:22No one knows what you said.
21:23Oh, there you go.
21:24It was quite an overreaction
21:25to just a little piece of fish falling out of a bun.
21:27Okay, all right.
21:28I'm not taking notes right now, but thank you.
21:31You're also eating it upside down.
21:33No, that's perfect.
21:34What's going on?
21:36That's perfect.
21:36Just giving you notes.
21:37You're doing perfect.
21:38You're doing great.
21:39I would say I probably almost
21:40always eat my sandwich upside down
21:41because that's the natural way to pick it up.
21:44What do you do?
21:45You pick it up and then you turn, why?
21:47I slide the thumbs underneath.
21:50It's like this motion right here is something.
21:53All right, okay.
21:55This is nothing, but this is something.
21:56What do I do?
21:58I'm telling you what I do.
22:04You're messing up the sandwich experience, okay?
22:09Yeah, you have to keep him in line
22:11during your, because it will affect the taste for me,
22:13so that feels like strategy on his part.
22:20We got pickles, we got chips.
22:22We got slaw, we got mayonnaise.
22:24It's crunchy sounding.
22:25We have a sharp cheese that was melted.
22:31Okay, you really get the cheese.
22:37Hold on, I have so much in my mouth.
22:40That's the worst part of this.
22:41Okay, you really get the cheese,
22:44which I think is very nice.
22:46You get the sharpness.
22:47I'm not getting a lot of fish flavor,
22:49which is shocking,
22:50because you have two different types of fish.
22:54I will say this is very mild in flavor in general.
22:57It's very savory, it's very salty, which is good.
23:00I think maybe if you had gotten the jalapeno ranch,
23:03it could have taken it to the next level,
23:05but I think it's a really delicious sandwich.
23:07I'll take it.
23:08Nope, nope.
23:09I think it's a very, very good.
23:10Nope, nope.
23:11Okay, ready?
23:11And this is how I pick it up.
23:12Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
23:20It just started coming out.
23:28What are you getting?
23:31A lot.
23:33I'm getting no jalapeno ranch,
23:37and that makes me sad.
23:38I saw you putting it on, you did a very thin layer.
23:41You know why?
23:41Because I'm taking this home, and honestly.
23:43You didn't want to use it, you were saving it for yourself,
23:45and that is showing in the sandwich.
23:48I'm getting a lot of tartar sauce,
23:50and then a lot of the sweet pickle,
23:51because my guess is that the tartar sauce
23:53also probably has sweet pickle in it,
23:55so I'm mostly getting sweet pickle.
23:58That being said, I am getting a little more
24:00of a fish flavor, it tastes a little more
24:02like a fish sandwich, and this is a fish sandwich challenge.
24:04Oh gosh.
24:06And the bread is very soft, and I think that's nice.
24:08American cheese?
24:10Getting almost none of the cheese whatsoever,
24:12but you kind of like that, right?
24:13The American cheese is just for texture.
24:14It's soft, it's nice, it's comfortable.
24:20I think I'm ready.
24:24A winner is?
24:25I think I thought there was gonna be like drum roll,
24:26or something.
24:27There was, there was.
24:28They added it in post.
24:29Oh they added it in post, okay good.
24:29It's in post, you guys heard it when I before,
24:31so this is weird that I'm doing this,
24:32it doesn't even make sense.
24:34Rhett, you are the winner of this challenge.
24:36Yeah, you know what?
24:37I think the things that really secured it for you
24:40are the chips and the bun.
24:43I think that really did it for you,
24:45but you know, I, hey, hey.
24:48Too much pickle, not enough ranch, yeah.
24:50I'm sorry.
24:51Yeah, it'll be okay.
24:52I'm sorry, but both tasted nice.
24:55Well thank you for joining us for this.
24:56Thanks for having me.
24:58How are you guys feeling?
25:00I feel great, but I feel bad for my friend.
25:01I'm focused on the next.
25:03What's next?
25:04He's always in the future.
25:06Next of these.
25:08Yeah, yeah, yeah.
25:09This is pretty much all we think about.
25:12I always got that feeling,
25:14but I didn't want to say it
25:14because it feels presumptuous,
25:16but I always got that feeling.
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