00:00I didn't go to school until I was in 8th grade.
00:04I was bullied.
00:06My dad told me not to worry about my mom.
00:13The theme of this episode is...
00:16I didn't go to school until I was in 8th grade.
00:21I wasn't good at group activities.
00:25I didn't know the meaning of going to school.
00:27It's a closed school.
00:29It's a private school.
00:32I felt like I was in a strange place.
00:34The number of students who didn't go to school is increasing.
00:39According to the latest survey,
00:41the number of students who didn't go to school increased for 11 years in a row.
00:45The number of students who didn't go to school increased for 11 years in a row.
00:49The theme of this episode is...
00:52I didn't go to school.
00:54This woman didn't go to school until she was in 5th grade.
00:58Everyone goes to school in the morning, but I can't get up.
01:01Everyone else can go to school, but I can't.
01:04I blamed myself.
01:06I was worried about that.
01:08My teacher told me to go to school slowly.
01:12My teacher told me to go to school slowly.
01:14My teacher told me to go to school slowly.
01:16I was under a lot of pressure.
01:18I didn't want to go to school.
01:23Her family's response made her suffer even more.
01:27It was hard to be told to go to school.
01:32I wanted to go to school, but I didn't want to go to school.
01:39I couldn't be a decent adult.
01:42What is decent?
01:44It's my life.
01:46It's up to me to decide whether to go or not.
01:49That's how I ended up in high school.
01:52Tonight, we will talk deeply about not going to school.
01:57Welcome to Deep Night!
02:03This is a talk show for adults with deep themes.
02:06Did you ever go to school when you were a student?
02:09I had a childhood friend who went to the same school as me.
02:13But he stopped coming.
02:16I didn't know how to get along with him.
02:19I went to talk to him.
02:22But I ended up going to a different school when I was in middle school.
02:27I see.
02:28You don't know how to deal with people around you.
02:32That's right.
02:33I'd like to learn about that today.
02:36Today, we have a person who has experienced not going to school.
02:40When did you go to school?
02:42Nothing is wrong.
02:44What's wrong?
02:45I've never talked so deeply in front of Mr. Okubo and Mr. Ueda.
02:48I feel nervous when I talk to my parents.
02:52I'm nervous now.
02:54You can say anything.
02:56I'm not angry at all.
02:58I didn't get along with people in elementary school.
03:02I didn't go to school until I graduated from middle school.
03:06I was bullied.
03:08I was bullied hard.
03:11It was hard.
03:14I thought I wouldn't be bullied if I talked badly to people.
03:23But if I talked badly to people around me, I felt like I was going to die.
03:28That's why I didn't go to school.
03:31That's great.
03:32You didn't go to school because you thought you wouldn't be bullied.
03:35That's right.
03:36When did you stop going to school?
03:39I went to high school.
03:41When I was in elementary school, I had a question about group activities.
03:46There was a group of girls.
03:49If I wanted to get along with them, they told me not to get along with them.
03:55Girls have a history.
03:57I didn't know what it meant.
03:59I couldn't talk to my parents about relationships.
04:02I didn't want to go to school, but I had no choice but to go.
04:06I was in a bad mood, so I went to the infirmary.
04:09When I was in high school, I thought I could decide on my own, so I skipped school.
04:15I didn't go to school because I didn't want to go to school.
04:18I see.
04:19I was bullied when I was in the third grade of junior high school.
04:23So I didn't go to school.
04:26I've had a loud voice since I was a kid.
04:30My classmates said,
04:32Isn't that girl's voice weird?
04:34She doesn't have a strong voice.
04:36I see.
04:38So I started to have a loud voice little by little.
04:42I talked to my teacher in a tone that I couldn't hear.
04:51It was so hard.
04:53When I tried to go to school, my legs became heavy like lead.
04:59I couldn't move.
05:01I cried and begged my parents to let me rest.
05:07I tried to tell my parents many times, but I couldn't.
05:11I see.
05:13What about you, Shudo?
05:15I was a girl in the sixth grade of elementary school.
05:18My classmates were boys.
05:20At first, we were like,
05:22We teased our favorite child.
05:24We were like, Hey, you idiot!
05:26But it was escalating.
05:28We started to steal things.
05:30There was a gap after school,
05:32and we were kicked by a school bus.
05:35After that, I couldn't stand it anymore.
05:39I chose to go to a boarding school.
05:41I asked the principal,
05:43Can we make a separate classroom for bullying children?
05:49If the child is not there, the daughter can go to school.
05:52The principal said,
05:54Both children are important students.
05:59The child who is being bullied doesn't want to go to school.
06:03But the principal can't say,
06:05Please take a class separately.
06:08If the child can't come to school,
06:10I respect it as a teacher.
06:13So I chose a boarding school.
06:18I was also bullied by my classmates.
06:23You were bullied.
06:25That's right.
06:26That's why I was surprised.
06:29I didn't think there was a problem with the bullying side.
06:34I felt that there was a weakness in the bullying side.
06:38I felt that there was a weakness in the bullying side.
06:40But I'm actually close to the child who bullied me.
06:45How did you get along?
06:47After I graduated from high school,
06:49I was asked to gather with my classmates.
06:51I was told that I was reflecting on my behavior at that time.
06:54I heard a lot.
06:56The child was in a difficult situation at home.
07:02I heard that the child was very upset.
07:05I thought that the child was doing it because the mental state was unstable.
07:10I thought that the child was doing it because the mental state was unstable.
07:14I thought it would be better to go to a different school.
07:20Some people say that there is a cause for being bullied.
07:25Even if there is a cause for being bullied,
07:28I don't think bullying is a good thing.
07:31I agree.
07:32There is a questionnaire asking why elementary school students who actually became ill-educated became difficult to go to school.
07:38There are 25% bullying.
07:42There is also bullying against teachers.
07:46Is it because you don't like your teacher?
07:52I totally understand.
07:54There was bullying, but I didn't get along with my teacher.
07:59I couldn't run away because I was a teacher.
08:02I was a teacher at the gym.
08:04I was a male teacher.
08:06Basically, I was a teacher who obeyed everyone.
08:12I was a teacher who controlled everyone.
08:15When I looked at the flag, there were so many people that I pulled the flag.
08:22I told my mother that.
08:24I told my mother that I didn't want to go to school because it was too painful.
08:27My mother helped me.
08:29When I was in the third grade, my teacher was a kind teacher.
08:34I was a gym teacher.
08:37When I was in high school, I was called out in front of everyone.
08:42I was told that I had dyed my hair even though I hadn't dyed my hair.
08:48I told my teacher that I hadn't dyed my hair.
08:53But my teacher said,
08:55When I was in high school, I was called out in front of everyone.
08:58I was recognized as a bully.
09:03I was often called out in front of everyone in high school.
09:08I was worried about my teacher's response.
09:13When I was in the infirmary, I thought it would be good.
09:18My teacher took the children to the infirmary and made a place for them to make up.
09:25I thought it was a nuisance.
09:29The children were in front of my teacher.
09:32I thought, Are you okay? What's wrong? Cheer up!
09:35I thought, Are you okay? What's wrong? Cheer up!
09:38I thought, What kind of joke is this?
09:41I thought, What kind of joke is this?
09:44I thought, What kind of joke is this?
09:47I thought it would be good for my teacher.
09:50I think it's very difficult to get 30 to 40 people together.
09:58However, SNS has developed a lot, so I can't see it.
10:03I think there are many teachers who think, What should I do?
10:09By the way, we received a letter from a 40-year-old woman who has a child in the infirmary.
10:14When a child says he doesn't want to go to school, what should he say? I don't know the answer.
10:19I understand that if you want to rest with respect for your child's feelings, you should let him rest.
10:25But I understand the desire to want him to go to school.
10:28I can understand my parents' feelings very well.
10:31Is the child simply spoiling?
10:33Is there a fundamental cause?
10:35If I let him go, will it be a big deal?
10:37Don't you think I'm a mother?
10:39I don't know if I'm telling my parents.
10:42There are kids who don't talk at all.
10:44How did you deal with the fact that your daughter didn't want to go to school?
10:48It was her first time, so it was the first time for me, too.
10:54So I was worried at that time.
10:57Looking back now, I think I talked to her because I wanted her to go somewhere in my heart.
11:07Now, if you have a strong reason to go to school,
11:12such as studying or hanging out with friends,
11:16you don't have to force yourself to go to school.
11:24It's only for a moment in a long life.
11:30How did your parents react?
11:34My parents never told me to go to school.
11:39But I felt sorry for my parents.
11:45There are more and more books about bullying at home.
11:51My dad told me not to worry about my mom.
11:59But my parents respect me and care about me.
12:08I think I can tell them how I feel.
12:13I can't force her to go to school.
12:17But I told her that I would try my best to go to school.
12:22So I got in the car and went to school.
12:26But I couldn't go to school because I felt it was a big step for me.
12:31So I couldn't go to school.
12:33On my way home, I went to McDonald's and bought some fries.
12:38I said, let's eat together.
12:40When everyone was eating lunch,
12:44I was watching a variety show while eating McDonald's fries.
12:49I still can't forget that time.
12:55I made a song out of it.
13:01It became a tie-up song with McDonald's.
13:07Here is the song.
13:11I ate those fries while watching TV in the afternoon.
13:16I can't move from this room.
13:20Escape from reality.
13:23I can go to school a lot.
13:27But I can't feel what I see and feel only because I go to school.
13:32I have a lot of time to face my mom.
13:35My mom doesn't know what to say.
13:39Even if I don't talk to her, I can feel her.
13:44So I think I don't have to try to solve it.
13:48My mom knew what I was worried about.
13:54But she didn't rush me to tell me what happened.
14:00I was bullied by my mom.
14:05She said I had a strange voice.
14:07I cried and talked to her.
14:11But my mom said,
14:13I love your voice.
14:16I almost cried.
14:18I'm sorry.
14:20You are not bad at all.
14:22There will be a lot of people who need you someday.
14:28My mom knew what I was worried about.
14:34But she didn't rush me to tell me what happened.
14:39Even if I was in my room,
14:41she invited me to her living room and said,
14:44Lisa, there is a delicious apple. Let's eat it together.
14:48So I was bullied by my mom.
14:54She said I had a strange voice.
14:56I cried and talked to her.
14:59But my mom said,
15:01I love your voice.
15:04I'm sorry. I almost cried.
15:07You are not bad at all.
15:12There will be a lot of people who need you someday.
15:18So don't give up or want to die.
15:23She said I love you every day.
15:30I was saved by her words.
15:34She didn't force me.
15:36She didn't rush me.
15:38She kept waiting for me.
15:40She stayed with me.
15:42She was a support for me.
15:46You are great.
15:48You are strong.
15:50I was worried.
15:52I was in a hurry.
15:55I didn't know what to do.
15:58My mom is a teacher.
16:03I have three siblings.
16:05My older brother is older than me.
16:07He was strict to me.
16:11I was watching him.
16:13I was afraid to tell my mom that I didn't want to do this.
16:19I wanted to talk to her more.
16:24But I didn't have the courage.
16:27Did your mom tell you to go to school?
16:31She didn't tell me to go to school.
16:34I wanted to study and get a good job.
16:38But I didn't have the experience to get a job.
16:43That's why I'm doing this job.
16:49If I could talk to my mom and go to school,
16:54I wouldn't be where I am now.
16:56I want to make good use of this experience.
17:00I think it's important to create a new place.
17:04For students, school and home are important.
17:11But if you don't want to go to school,
17:14you can take good care of your home.
17:17I learned a lot from this experience.
17:21I don't think school is a bad thing.
17:27Even if I look like I'm having a hard time,
17:30I'm moving in a different direction.
17:36You can watch this program on TV.
17:39Please subscribe to this channel.
17:41We are looking for your concerns.
17:44If you have any concerns, please let us know.
17:51If you want to go to school, you should go.
17:56But I don't think you should go to school.
18:01There are many other worlds.
18:04If you like something, you can learn a lot.
18:08You can learn more about yourself.
18:12Even if you look like you're having a hard time,
18:21you're moving in a different direction.
18:26So you don't have to rush.
18:30For example, running away from bullying.
18:33You might run away from this world.
18:36But I think it's a start for a new world and a new future.
18:41I don't think running away is a bad thing.
18:44It's a positive thing.
18:46You can go to a different environment.
18:49I think running away is also an activity.
18:53It takes courage and power.
18:56I want to be able to accept them as they are.
19:02Your position will be a source of encouragement and hope.
19:06You're doing a good job.
19:09You're having a good time.
19:11I think you'll be able to say,
19:13I'm okay, my child is okay.
19:16This is a message from Nagao.
19:18The movie, which was the first support,
19:20will be released on April 4th.
19:23It's a sad love story of 30 years.
19:26It's a sad love story of 30 years.
19:28It's a sad love story of 30 years.
19:31Please watch it.
19:33Next time, we'll talk about One Take.
19:36The bath was really hard.
19:39I had to take a long bath.
19:41I was naked for about an hour.
19:43What am I doing?
19:45Please look forward to it.