• 3 days ago


00:00Thank you very much.
00:20Thank you very much.
00:23Yesterday, all of a sudden,
00:26I was sneezing more than the amount of sneezing I've ever sneezed in my life in one day.
00:31What's wrong? Are you allergic?
00:32No, this is...
00:34My nose was running and my eyes were red.
00:43I had a shoot yesterday.
00:45Before the shoot, I had a special shoot.
00:48If you're allergic, please tell me if you're allergic to pollen.
00:54I don't want you to say that.
00:56Oh, I see.
00:58In a medical show I saw a long time ago,
01:00pollen is a water-soluble substance.
01:08It has a lot to do with the mind.
01:12If you admit that you are allergic to pollen, you will be allergic to pollen.
01:15Oh, that's possible.
01:18What if you think you're going to be allergic to pollen?
01:21I was told that I had a stomachache.
01:24Oh, really?
01:26And I heard that only Japanese people have a stiff shoulder.
01:30In Asia.
01:31Yes, yes.
01:32I heard that only Mr. Natsume Soseki and others have stiff shoulders.
01:34I heard that only Mr. Natsume Soseki and others have stiff shoulders.
01:38The number of diseases is increasing.
01:40That's right.
01:41So I'm allergic to pollen.
01:45You don't admit it?
01:46I don't admit it.
01:47But you have the power to resist it.
01:49Yes, yes.
01:51But today,
01:53there was a hairdresser.
01:55When she came in, she sneezed at me.
01:58She said, are you allergic to pollen?
02:00I said, what are you talking about?
02:02She said my nose was red.
02:04Well, I think so.
02:07I think so.
02:11I'm different.
02:13My sleeves were wet yesterday.
02:16Did you have a handkerchief yesterday?
02:18I don't have it anymore,
02:20but when I left Tokyo 25 years ago,
02:24when I was walking around Shibuya,
02:26I was told, Osaka! Osaka!
02:30I was told.
02:31You were told.
02:32I don't care at all.
02:38And the hairdresser,
02:40I have a complaint about the hairdresser today.
02:42It's a complaint.
02:44She said I dyed my hair again.
02:47I dyed my hair again.
02:50My hair.
02:52I've never dyed my hair in my life.
02:57I think it's a special feature.
02:59If I take a picture with my iPhone,
03:01it looks like I'm riding a lorry.
03:03The performance of the iPhone camera is not good.
03:07Your lower half of the face is so white.
03:09That's right.
03:11It's white here.
03:12So everyone doubts me.
03:14Sometimes I get heartless words.
03:17Like, you're such a character, but you have to be cool.
03:21You're such a character, but you have to be cool.
03:24It's natural, right?
03:26It's natural.
03:27You'll be surprised when you hear it.
03:29Actually, there are quite a few people who are white.
03:33Yes, yes, yes.
03:34It's not unusual for people in their 50s and above.
03:38Koyabu is also white.
03:39Koyabu is white.
03:41Osamu Wakai has been white since he was 25 years old.
03:44I see.
03:46Atsushi is also white.
03:47Atsushi is also white.
03:50So it's okay.
03:51I haven't dyed my hair either.
03:53You haven't dyed your hair, right?
03:54But you don't tell me your age, do you?
03:56You don't tell me your age, do you?
03:58I don't tell you my age.
03:59You don't tell me your age.
04:00Well, I'm a little too black.
04:02Well, I'm a little too black.
04:06I've been wondering what kind of person you are.
04:09At a radio station in Osaka,
04:12I was doing a radio show.
04:14At the same time in the studio next door,
04:16Monster Engine was doing a radio show.
04:19We had the same break time.
04:22Nishimori's hair was completely white.
04:26Mr. Moromoroka.
04:27Mr. Moromoroka.
04:29When I saw him for the first time in a long time,
04:30I thought I had met Mr. Onsei,
04:31so I greeted him warmly.
04:33His hair was completely white.
04:35I asked him,
04:36Did you dye your hair?
04:38He said, Of course, I think so.
04:39Because I'm completely white.
04:40I said, I didn't dye my hair.
04:41He said, But your beard is white.
04:44I said, Yeah, my beard is white.
04:46He said, Isn't it coming up from below?
04:49I said, Is that so?
04:51We went to our respective studios.
04:53I still had about 15 minutes to start.
04:55I went to the tobacco store again.
04:57This is already started.
04:59At the smoking area,
05:00the recording of the Monster Engine radio show was playing.
05:10I can say this because I have experience.
05:17My beard comes from above my head.
05:22My hair was white, and my beard was white.
05:25I've had that experience.
05:27It seems that there are people in the world
05:30who say,
05:32You're a liar.
05:34You're a liar.
05:35You're a liar.
05:37Don't say my name.
05:39You're not a man.
05:41You're a man, aren't you?
05:43Get out of here.
05:45He's not good at all.
05:47It's a game of flying gods.
05:49That's right.
05:51I don't mean to be rude,
05:54but I don't want you to decide on your own.
05:57I see.
05:59What do you think about this?
06:00Is this an infiltration?
06:02Did you spill the mud, too?
06:07That's black.
06:08It's white.
06:10He said it was white.
06:14Chance Oshiro
06:16moved to an expensive residential area.
06:22If you say it's an infiltration,
06:23I thought you did something bad.
06:24It's an expensive residential area,
06:26but it's a cheap property.
06:28It's a cheap place.
06:29That's what I was looking for.
06:31So I went there to shoot.
06:35It's a new house.
06:36It's a new house.
06:37I had some time,
06:38so I looked it up.
06:39There's a cafe.
06:40I went there with the staff.
06:42I went there with the staff.
06:44Then the cafe was gone.
06:47I said,
06:48It's time to go back.
06:50I said,
06:51Let's go back to the expensive residential area.
06:54The cafe we went to earlier
06:56was also close.
06:58He was wearing a hat.
07:01It's the same phone
07:03that his brother bought
07:05when he was 16.
07:07when he was 16.
07:11So, I think
07:12he was given about 30 phones.
07:16I don't know which one he gave.
07:18He brought the phone.
07:19What kind of child is that?
07:20What kind of child is that?
07:22I'm a boy.
07:23I'm a boy, and I'm wearing a hat and glasses,
07:25and I'm wearing a 16-letter pattern and I'm walking around in a high-end apartment.
07:28And I'm walking around in a high-end apartment.
07:30You're an oddball.
07:31I'm definitely an oddball!
07:34I mean, I can't call the police or anything.
07:39But isn't it weird?
07:41I'm in a high-end apartment with a pattern on my face and I'm walking around
07:44with a given number on my phone.
07:47I mean, I...
07:51I wonder if it would have been better to tell the police.
07:56If there was a police officer, I would have been a little worried, so I would have asked for a voice.
08:02It's a little difficult to make a phone call.
08:08I'm afraid I wrote a number.
08:12Please tell me the location later. I'll look around.
08:17I love that kind of thing.
08:20If I were asked who was the most suspicious person in a day, it would be a good chance.
08:31I went to a restaurant with Taku Suzuki the other day.
08:35He was Sakana-kun right behind him when he was in junior high school.
08:41In the same class.
08:43I've heard of it.
08:45When I looked at him during class, he was scratching under the desk all the time.
08:52It's like he's really doing 1P.
08:56There were a lot of people like that in junior high school.
08:59When I asked him what he was doing during class, he was touching the fugu all the time.
09:06He was touching the fugu all the time.
09:08He's a weird guy.
09:10The teacher read Sakana-kun's mother.
09:13I know she likes fish and knows a lot about fish.
09:17I'd be happy if you could distribute this energy to other teachers.
09:23When I said that, my mother said,
09:25What's wrong?
09:27Why can't you do one thing?
09:31That's the kind of teaching method.
09:32That's great.
09:33It's great.
09:34I think it's a pretty difficult choice for the time.
09:37A few years later, when the TV champion, Taku, was watching,
09:40he said,
09:41Let's play a final match.
09:42Three people will come out.
09:44Everyone will wear eye masks.
09:46Please touch it.
09:47Which fugu is it?
09:49Sakana-kun will guess.
09:50You'll be the champion.
09:52I can guess it all.
09:54There's no one else doing this.
09:56No one would have thought that a few years later, it would be the final question.
10:02That's right.
10:03That's great.
10:06I'm a three-way talker.
10:09Sometimes I remember.
10:12I don't mind.
10:15There are still people who get caught.
10:17I've been called out.
10:19When I was in elementary school, my mother.
10:21The reason is that the teacher of the single woman at that time was pretty old.
10:29She was a teacher who was close to my grandmother.
10:33I've been a teacher for decades.
10:37I've been a teacher for decades, so I know.
10:40In my decades of history,
10:43she's a kid who doesn't cry when she's supposed to.
10:47That's why my mother called me out.
10:49Oh, you're supposed to cry when you're a kid.
10:52My mother said,
10:53Isn't that a little strange?
10:55What's wrong with that?
10:57My father told me not to cry when I was a boy.
11:02She doesn't cry.
11:04But she really doesn't cry.
11:06There's a lot going on at school.
11:09I can see it all.
11:11There's always a boy or a girl who cries.
11:15She doesn't cry in that scene.
11:18What's wrong with that?
11:20My mother kept saying that.
11:21I thought it was strange.
11:23I bullied Kobayashi once.
11:26I told him I wouldn't cry.
11:28At that time, I accepted it.
11:30But that teacher was crazy.
11:33He bullied me to make me cry.
11:36But I didn't cry.
11:39But my mother was very worried about me.
11:41She told me to take me to the hospital once.
11:44I think it was a run of the times
11:50to be sensitive to that kind of thing.
11:53I was called out for painting the sun black.
11:56I noticed that, too.
12:00I was like, what?
12:02I think it was a run of the times.
12:05It's like trying to change the times.
12:08Let's take good care of each child.
12:10It was normal to get in trouble.
12:12The teacher said,
12:14I won't forgive you for that.
12:17When I was in elementary school.
12:19I won't forgive you for that.
12:21There were five of us.
12:24We all clapped our hands.
12:27Seiji was tied up.
12:29He wiped his hands and left.
12:34He wiped his hands after he got on the train.
12:36I won't forgive you for that.
12:42Seiji's son has been looking at Chance since he was a kid.
12:50Oh, Chance.
12:52He knew Chance when he was desperate to drink.
12:58He was like, go home!
13:01Is he still drinking?
13:04He hasn't been drinking at all for seven years.
13:10Seiji and I were cut off.
13:12He stopped drinking.
13:14Until then, he was like, Seiji!
13:17In the residential area.
13:19Seiji's son,
13:21I don't know if it's right to say this,
13:23but Seiji's son was like,
13:25I won't forgive you for that.
13:27He said, I'll kill Chance.
13:34Since he was a kid,
13:36he took care of Chance.
13:38He played with Chance.
13:40I don't know what happened to Chance when he was a kid.
13:44He went to the R-1 final.
13:46I was so happy.
13:48I don't know what happened.
13:50Chihara family,
13:52Chihara family, Seiji family.
13:54If Chance won the R-1,
13:56everyone, Chance, Chihara family,
13:58three people, and Chance, four people,
14:00would go on a hot spring trip to Atami.
14:03That's what happened.
14:05My wife was so angry.
14:09My wife was like,
14:11I won't let Chance win.
14:14She was so angry.
14:16That's true.
14:18I don't care if he wins.
14:20I don't care if he doesn't go.
14:22Why do I have to keep that promise?
14:24What is that?
14:26I won't let Chance win,
14:28but I won't go to Atami.
14:30I don't care.
14:32I won't let Chance win.
14:37Anyway, I don't know
14:39if I would go on a trip with Seiji.
14:43So you don't care if he doesn't go.
14:45I don't care if he doesn't go.
14:47I don't care if Chance wins.
14:49But if you leave yourself alone
14:51and go to Atami to eat delicious food
14:53and soak in good hot spring water,
14:57That's right.
14:59I don't like that.
15:01What is that?
15:06wait a minute.
15:08Wait a minute.
15:10Can I have some time?
15:16What do you think?
15:18Let's hear from everyone.
15:20I think there are various opinions.
15:22Chance Oshiro
15:24was in R-1
15:26in 1935.
15:28He was in R-1 in 1936.
15:30He was called a genius student.
15:32He was called Tomoda Ore.
15:34That was his third year.
15:36He was so far away from his father and son.
15:38In that history,
15:40Chance changed the record of R-1
15:42and went to the finals
15:44in 1936.
15:46He was the most successful
15:48in his career so far.
15:50That's right.
15:52I'm glad.
15:54I'm doing YouTube.
15:56Chance Oshiro R-1 Finals
15:58I'm going to have a show
16:00to celebrate the success of the show.
16:02I'm going to invite the members.
16:04I joined the show when I was 15.
16:06I joined the show when I was 14.
16:08I invited Fujimon.
16:10I'm on the same team with Fujimon.
16:12I invited another member.
16:14He is a right-handed guy.
16:16His name is Takeshi Intadesuki.
16:18I'm going to use this show
16:20to get his name.
16:22We are going to have a show
16:24to celebrate the success of the show.
16:26We are going to use this show
16:28to get his name.
16:30When I go to a restaurant,
16:32I want to have Kushi-Katsu.
16:34Sometimes I want to go there.
16:36I have to go there once every three months.
16:38Kushi-Katsu is delicious.
16:40I love Kushi-Katsu.
16:42I come from Fukuchiyama
16:44where I'm from.
16:46I happened to go there
16:48and drink the cloud beer
16:50made in Fukuchiyama.
16:52When I went there,
16:54I was like, oh, that's the Kuchikatsu place!
16:59So we connected.
17:02I was eating Kuchikatsu all the time when I was young,
17:06so I asked if I could book a restaurant there.
17:09They said, yes, of course.
17:12My wife was watching YouTube,
17:15and she was like, I'm watching that too.
17:17It's that beer over there.
17:18I was like, really?
17:19So I asked if I could book a restaurant.
17:21I was working in Osaka.
17:23We had the same chance.
17:24I went there with my manager.
17:27Fujimon and Intake were working in Tokyo,
17:30and we were going there.
17:31It was around 8 o'clock.
17:32We were a little late for the flight.
17:34We got there around 8 or 10.
17:36We were in front of the restaurant,
17:38and we were thinking about the opening.
17:40I asked my manager,
17:41Fujimon and Intake, are you coming?
17:44He said, yes.
17:45We got in a little early.
17:47We were hungry,
17:48and we were eating inside.
17:52Even if we were on YouTube,
17:54we couldn't turn the camera.
17:55It was work.
17:57We were eating there,
17:59and we were like,
18:00this is so good.
18:01This is the second one.
18:02We were introducing the restaurant.
18:05We got in there,
18:07and we were hungry,
18:08so we were eating.
18:11I was so hungry.
18:14You had the love of KUSHI-KATSUYA.
18:15I had the love of KUSHI-KATSUYA,
18:16and the chance was the main thing.
18:18Congratulations on the chance.
18:19Let's eat here.
18:20We were eating KUSHI-KATSUYA,
18:22and we were like,
18:23this is so good.
18:24Don't rush the chance.
18:25This is the second one.
18:27We were eating KUSHI-KATSUYA,
18:28and we were like,
18:29are you crazy?
18:32My manager,
18:34and I,
18:35we were like,
18:36let us go home.
18:39I can't forgive you.
18:40I can't forgive you.
18:41I can't forgive you.
18:43My manager was like,
18:44it's okay.
18:45It's okay.
18:48It's okay…
18:53he just wanted to
18:55distribute the consciousness of sin.
18:57He just brought us here,
18:58and we were eating.
18:59And the big man,
19:00who was saying
19:01we should eat here.
19:03He was hungry,
19:05and he was eating there.
19:07He was like,
19:08I'm sorry, I can't stand it.
19:10You can have a rice ball
19:11in Lawson,
19:12and we can go.
19:13It's normal.
19:21He bought a fried chicken and ate three of these.
19:28He was really hungry.
19:30That's a Lawson-only job.
19:33Family Mart and Seven Eleven are fine, too.
19:39I was so angry.
19:43I wanted him to go home.
19:45I said, I'll give you both a chance.
19:47I mean, come on.
19:48You were so eager to do that?
19:50You were looking for a partner?
19:52So I got there, and my manager was probably already in touch with him.
19:57There was also a YouTube staff here.
19:59This is pretty much a junior.
20:01It's a mess.
20:02This is a really angry pattern, isn't it?
20:05I don't know what happened.
20:08I got in the taxi.
20:10I got off the taxi and as soon as I got to the right foot, the camera was rolling.
20:18You can shoot a movie.
20:20This is...
20:21This is a staff I've been working with.
20:25I got away with it.
20:26This staff is close to me, but not close to Fujimon.
20:30I don't know him.
20:31You don't know him that well, do you?
20:33In terms of experience, he's a lot older.
20:35When he said he was going to eat, I said,
20:37I understand why he didn't tell me to wait in the car.
20:41I mean, I'm not going to eat here from now on.
20:44What am I going to eat there?
20:46At the restaurant I run?
20:50I don't care about that.
20:52So, before the final round, I'm pissed off.
20:57I read Fujimon.
20:59What are you doing to me?
21:00I can pretend to be straightforward.
21:04That's not what I'm talking about.
21:06That's why you hit me and run away.
21:16That's why you're a coward.
21:22I grew up a little because I didn't eat and run away this time.
21:26Because you fell.
21:28I read Fujimon before.
21:30I'm running away because of the bad atmosphere.
21:36I'm running away because of the bad atmosphere.
