00:00Continuing from the last episode, we're back at Nagoya Gimai, the studio we're all familiar with.
00:09Shion, thank you for joining us today.
00:11Thank you for having me.
00:14The people of the city have something special in the Koukai region.
00:18The Cho-Cho-Shin.
00:21In the first half of 2024, more than 1,400 people spoke up and collected 183 thumbnails.
00:32Among them, the Cho-Cho-Shin Award was held, where talents were exploded and people with strong memories were introduced by department.
00:43Last time, we introduced the three departments you see here.
00:46This time, we will announce the remaining four departments.
00:53In the end, the Cho-Cho-Shin with the brightest personality is recognized as the MVP of the first half of the year.
01:01Which Cho-Cho-Shin will be chosen?
01:16Let's take a look.
01:17From the Cho-Cho-Shin department of the Cho-Cho-Shin.
01:22Many Cho-Cho-Shin with the Cho-Cho-Shin were nominated, but the first one that the two Chocoplas chose was...
01:31The first major Japanese man.
01:36When Mr. Dezaji, an expert in Nagoya, was investigating...
01:42No way!
01:46There are a lot of things.
01:47What is that?
01:50I can't see his face at all because of the wings.
01:53I know a Tatsunomiya in Tokyo with that name.
01:58I know a shop called Next Butter Circle, but it doesn't look like a Tatsunomiya.
02:05The wings are in the way.
02:13Hello, father.
02:16You look so funky.
02:20You look cool.
02:22You have a lot of hair.
02:24Yes, everyone tells me that.
02:27You have a lot of hair.
02:31I can't see anything because of the wings.
02:33I'm sorry.
02:35It's in the way.
02:36It's really in the way.
02:39What is this place?
02:40This is a clinic for acupuncture and massage.
02:43A clinic?
02:46I can't imagine from the name of the shop.
02:49This is a clinic for acupuncture and massage called Nanakaiura.
02:55I love Matsuyama.
02:57Matsuyama's bat?
03:04The bat of a superstar who played an active role in the major leagues was shaking.
03:09When I listened to the story, it was incredibly amazing.
03:16The bat of a superstar who played an active role in the major leagues was shaking.
03:22When I listened to the story, it was incredibly amazing.
03:26I'm 64 years old now.
03:30I was in the United States from 1933 to 1960.
03:34I was in the major leagues for about 20 years.
03:37So you're a major leaguer.
03:39Yes, I am.
03:40Do you know anyone who is a major leaguer?
03:43Matsuzaka Daisuke is a Japanese player.
03:46He also has a bat.
03:48Daisuke Matsuzaka.
03:50Matsuzaka Daisuke's bat?
03:52Matsui is the director of the club.
03:59Matsui's bat and goods are displayed in the clinic.
04:02Matsui's bat and goods are displayed in the clinic.
04:07Before he flew to the United States at the age of 33, he was in charge of the care of baseball players for 6 years.
04:16Is that a dragon?
04:17Is that a dragon?
04:18Is that a dragon?
04:19Is that a dragon?
04:20Is that a dragon?
04:22I went to the spring training as an intern.
04:27I went to the spring training as an intern.
04:29When I massaged a major leaguer, he said,
04:31When I massaged a major leaguer, he said,
04:35If we go, he will come to the base.
04:38That was the beginning.
04:40So we got more and more jobs.
04:43Next time, he said he would sign a contract with a team.
04:46So you got more people to talk to in the major league.
04:51I was the first Japanese player to get pension from a major league.
04:58Major pension?
04:59It was early.
05:00I've never heard of it.
05:01I've never heard of it.
05:02Is there a back story?
05:03No, the year after I left, Mr. Nomo came to Japan.
05:09He decided to move to the U.S. because he was getting more and more work from the Major League.
05:14At first, he was in a Major League where there were almost no Japanese players.
05:19For about 20 years, he walked across all the teams.
05:25And he returned to Japan to write his own history.
05:29He opened his dream hospital, Nanakai-Ura.
05:34By the way, what is the origin of the name?
05:37When I came back, I was 60 years old.
05:41I was like, is this the 7th time in my life?
05:45That's why I named it Nanakai-Ura Hospital.
05:48I see.
05:49So, the 8th and 9th floors were extended.
05:54It was extended to the 90th floor.
05:58It's like a house.
06:00It's nice.
06:01It is.
06:02It's a luxury.
06:03There are feathers.
06:04Leave it as it is.
06:05It's a luxury.
06:06At least let me do the feathers.
06:08Is there anything wrong with it?
06:10There's something wrong with it.
06:12It's always carrying feathers around its neck.
06:16Do you always carry it?
06:18I always carry it when I work.
06:20And the boots are only 18cm, so it's full of legs.
06:25I see.
06:27It feels good.
06:29Do you know where it is when you touch it?
06:32I think so.
06:33I see.
06:34Let's do the maximum.
06:40Their muscles are thick.
06:43I see.
06:44I have to go to the maximum.
06:47I see.
06:48My muscles are thin, so it's okay.
06:50You don't have muscles at all.
06:52So you don't have to put that much effort.
06:56It's okay now.
07:04It's really different.
07:08It feels lighter.
07:13I'll do it slowly.
07:14What's this?
07:15The chair from the stadium suits you.
07:18Let's do it.
07:20It's like the chair from Otani Seisho.
07:22It's amazing.
07:23You look like a gyaru.
07:28I don't look like a gyaru at all.
07:31It's amazing.
07:32It's amazing.
07:33I've always thought you were amazing.
07:36You're amazing.
07:39By the way, after the show, he had a surgery.
07:45Yusuke Kamiji, who played the drums in Yokohama when he was a high school student,
07:49went to Nagoya for a concert and had a surgery.
07:54When was the concert?
07:56It was Yusuke's concert, not Yusuke Kamiji's concert.
07:59I see.
08:00It was Yusuke's concert.
08:01The three of them are visiting a famous restaurant in front of Nagoya Station.
08:07This is a restaurant in Nagoya City where you can enjoy fried rice, gyoza, and ramen.
08:16In fact, Niiyama of Taisho made a great fried rice video and it has more than 5 million views on SNS.
08:25In addition, he is a great person who made Taiwan mixed soba, which is popular in the street.
08:33Let's enjoy the food and look at the awards.
08:41Are you hungry?
08:43Yes, we are.
08:44Mr. Kenji, please.
08:47First, order your favorite menu.
08:50I'd like to change the basic menu.
08:55I'd like to order Chinese soba.
08:58That's good.
08:59I'd like to change the basic menu.
09:00I'd like to order char-siu-egg.
09:02That's good.
09:03I'd like to order char-siu-egg.
09:05I'd like to order Chinese soba.
09:07I'd like to order Chinese soba.
09:08Excuse me, I'd like to order fried rice with meat.
09:11I'd like to order fried rice with meat.
09:12The three of them chose the menu you see, but they can't eat it as it is.
09:19Now that the menu has been decided, here's a quiz.
09:23This is Mr. Bawani.
09:27He is a super-superman with a reputation.
09:31What kind of super-superman is he?
09:36If you can answer correctly, you can eat the menu you just chose.
09:40What is Mr. Bawani's special skill?
09:46He can drink 50 bottles of beer.
09:50He is the champion of Bogsley.
09:52Which of the three will be able to eat the super delicious Chinese food?
10:02This is a restaurant in front of Tagoya Station.
10:06This is a restaurant in front of Tagoya Station.
10:08The person who answered the question about Mr. Bawani's special skill is...
10:15The person who answered the question about Mr. Bawani's special skill is...
10:21He can drink 50 bottles of beer.
10:25Is that true?
10:27He is the champion of Bogsley.
10:31Is that true?
10:34I'll give you a hint.
10:36You can ask Mr. Bawani a question.
10:40Have we ever done that?
10:47Have we ever done that?
10:49When did you start doing that?
10:51When I was stressed.
10:55When you were stressed?
11:03He is good at singing.
11:10He is good at singing.
11:14Mr. Bawani is from Nepal.
11:16He has loved singing since he was a child.
11:19He learned Japanese by listening to Japanese songs when he came to Japan.
11:26Mr. Bawani, can you sing a song here?
11:30Can I?
11:33The season of white cherry blossoms is in a faraway dream.
11:45The whisper of the falling petals and the words I can't forget.
11:58He is good.
12:00He answered the question easily.
12:04Mr. Osada shows the correct answer rate of the question.
12:09He got three correct answers in a row.
12:14Thank you for waiting.
12:16This is char siu egg.
12:18I like this.
12:20This is very thick.
12:22I like this.
12:23This is soy sauce and ketchup.
12:25I see.
12:30This is very delicious.
12:33This is very delicious.
12:35This is soy sauce.
12:37I like this.
12:38Mr. Osada is very satisfied.
12:40I want to come here every time.
12:44This is the best.
12:46Next is the award of Shimohanki in 2024.
12:51This award is given by the Future Japan Representative Super Junior High School.
12:55Super Junior High School.
12:59Super Junior High School is a school that has great skills and is active in the world stage.
13:05I was in the world junior competition and became the best 16.
13:09He is the best 16 in the world?
13:12He showed his skills at the world level.
13:16That's great.
13:19In addition to sports.
13:22That's great.
13:24That's great.
13:25This is amazing.
13:27This is amazing.
13:29This is amazing.
13:31This is amazing.
13:32This is amazing.
13:34Super Junior High School has discovered various special skills that can be proud of in the world.
13:40Among them, the two of them chose the best combination in Japan.
13:47Mr. Mai Shiuchi was discovered in Nakagawa, Nagoya.
13:51Excuse me.
13:53I'm shooting a program for Chocolate Planet.
13:57Can I ask you something?
13:59I'm listening to what you're going to say in the thumbnail.
14:05I'm active in the jazz dance contest team.
14:11Are you good at jazz dance?
14:13Yes, I'm good at jazz dance.
14:15Is there a performance?
14:19I'm going to the dance studio now.
14:22Can I go with you?
14:26It's okay.
14:28She went to the dance studio.
14:32I'm going to call a girl who is a pair.
14:35Are you doing it with a pair?
14:37I saw it in the thumbnail.
14:41She is laughing.
14:43Can I look at it?
14:46It's cute.
14:51Currently, Takamoto and Goto are in middle school.
14:55It seems that the two of them are in a pair.
14:58What is jazz dance in the first place?
15:01We do acrobatic movements called freestyle jazz.
15:06We dance beautifully and express various things flexibly.
15:11I see.
15:12What are the results of the contest?
15:15Do you want to go?
15:22Jazz dance is the best in the country.
15:27Goto is 7 years old.
15:29Takamoto started dancing when he was 8 years old.
15:32He felt the charm of the height of freedom and went on the path of jazz dance.
15:38After that, he joined a pair because of the audition in the school.
15:42In 2022, they became the best in Japan and formed a dance unit.
15:50In just one year, they won the national junior competition.
15:55They were a great pair.
15:58Can I see the dance of the winning pair?
16:04It's okay.
16:07What is the ability of a dance pair that scored 100 points in the first place in the country?
16:14This is 100 points.
16:16This is the ability of the first place in the country.
16:23What is the ability of a dance pair that scored 100 points in the first place in the country?
16:37What is the ability of a dance pair that scored 100 points in the first place in the country?
16:43It's the ability of the first place in the country.
16:48What is the ability of a dance pair that scored 100 points in the first place in the country?
16:53It's the ability of the first place in the country.
16:58What is the ability of a dance pair that scored 100 points in the first place in the country?
17:03What is the ability of a dance pair that scored 100 points in the first place in the country?
17:11This is 100 points.
17:13This is the ability of the first place in the country.
17:18Isn't the thumbnail too strong?
17:21Isn't it too strong?
17:23No, this is a great thumbnail.
17:25It's a dance.
17:27100 points.
17:30She was cheerful.
17:32The second person in the super high school student section is a promising baseball boy in the future.
17:39The person who discovered it is Mr. Shutei, who investigates Minato-ku, Nagoya City.
17:44Hello, I'm Shunpei.
17:46Nice to meet you.
17:47What were you doing?
17:49I'm a student at a baseball school.
17:54We are coaches.
17:57You're a coach.
17:59There is a baseball facility near here.
18:02Middle school students are practicing there.
18:06It's an official baseball team.
18:09It looks interesting.
18:11Are you already practicing?
18:13I'm practicing now.
18:14What kind of player are you at this stage?
18:19When I was in elementary school, there was a monster that threw me into the Jingu Baseball Stadium.
18:31His name is Kokubo.
18:34What is this facility?
18:38Hello, I'm Shunpei.
18:41Haichi Meiko Boys is a strong team of junior high school official baseball that won the 4th place nationwide last year.
18:48They have 66 players.
18:52Who is Kokubo?
18:56Kokubo is here.
18:58Kokubo, please come here.
19:01This young man is rumored to be the most embarrassing player in the team.
19:07When he was in elementary school, he was a member of the junior team of the Shunichi Dragons.
19:13When he was in the 6th grade of elementary school, he played in the Jingu Baseball Stadium.
19:21The distance of the homerun was incredible.
19:26That's amazing.
19:29The homerun at a estimated distance of 120 meters went over the junior team's fence and went to the stadium.
19:36Then, he was talked about on social media.
19:44I'm glad you showed me your batting today.
19:47Are you ready, Kokubo?
19:49Thank you very much.
19:52I'm sure he's a reliable player.
19:59Is there anyone who can hit such a fast ball?
20:03Kokubo's swing speed is 147 km, which is more than the average of professional players in junior high school.
20:11No way.
20:13Are you a pitcher?
20:15Yes, I'm a pitcher.
20:17What is the speed of the ball?
20:19137 km per hour.
20:21Kokubo, let's see if you can hit a fast ball.
20:29You're a junior soccer player, aren't you?
20:31Yes, I am.
20:35I'm the best in Japan.
20:37Kokubo's batting speed is 137 km per hour.
20:41Kokubo's batting speed is 137 km per hour.
20:45Kokubo's batting speed is 137 km per hour.
20:53Wait a minute.
20:55It's very fast, but it's not fast at all.
20:57It's not fast at all.
20:59It's very fast.
21:01It's very scary.
21:03It's very scary.
21:05Kokubo's batting speed is 137 km per hour.
21:07He is a kid who is really excited about the future.
21:09He is a kid who is really excited about the future.
21:11Next, the first place.
21:13It's okay if you say anything else.
21:15It's okay if you say anything else.
21:17Do you have any recommendations?
21:19This is the one.
21:21I was the first place in the Grand Prix.
21:23I was the first place in the Grand Prix.
21:25You are amazing.
21:27You are amazing.
21:29And also.
21:31I see.
21:33And also.
21:35I ate it!
21:37Is this going to stand?
21:39What's going on?
21:41Chocopla is also surprised.
21:43It's a huge parfait.
21:45It's delicious!
21:47Chocopla chose from a number of nominations.
21:51The mysterious number is 2024.
21:55It was found by Magical Lovely Mr. Murakami.
21:59It's a special taste.
22:01I'll go first.
22:03It's amazing.
22:05It's delicious.
22:07It's fragrant.
22:09It's fragrant.
22:11What do you do?
22:13I have a shop nearby.
22:15What kind of shop?
22:17It's a restaurant.
22:19It's like a restaurant in the sea.
22:21It's like a restaurant in the sea.
22:23There is a double fan on the shelf.
22:25What is this unique restaurant?
22:29What is this unique restaurant?
22:31What is this unique restaurant?
22:33There is a shop.
22:35Is it here?
22:37It's amazing.
22:39It's amazing.
22:41It's amazing.
22:43Do you go in from the shark's mouth?
22:45It's beautiful.
22:47Is it okay?
22:49There are fish.
22:51I like the sea.
22:53It's amazing.
22:57It's amazing.
22:59It's like a restaurant in the sea.
23:01It's like a restaurant in the sea.
23:05Are you a wife?
23:07I'm sorry.
23:11I'm glad to see you on TV.
23:13I'm sorry.
23:15I talked to the staff of 7-Eleven.
23:17I'm sorry.
23:19I brought you to the restaurant.
23:21How do you keep your interior?
23:23I do everything by myself.
23:25Are you doing it yourself?
23:27There is no mickey mouse master
23:29There is no monkey master
23:31There is no monkey master
23:37I like diving so much
23:39I want to keep the restaurant like the sea.
23:41I want to keep the restaurant like the sea.
23:43I like the interior.
23:45Arai the master who makes all the interior
23:47Arai the master who makes all the interior
23:49Since he was born in Nagano Prefecture where there is no sea,
23:53he became addicted to diving and fishing since he became an adult.
23:59It's a restaurant, so what is the selling point of this restaurant?
24:04There are a lot of menus.
24:08How many types are there?
24:102024 types?
24:12Oh, menu?
24:12Menu, menu, menu, menu.
24:152024 types.
24:16What is that?
24:21Why is it 2024?
24:23It was the Olympic year in 2020, right?
24:26Yes, it was the Olympic year.
24:29There were originally about 1,300 types,
24:32but we increased it to about 740.
24:34It's not a little, it's not a little.
24:37There must be some people who don't know.
24:38There were already 500 types of menus since the opening,
24:43but Mr. Arai, who has a strong sense of curiosity, developed the menu at a high pace.
24:49Since 2020, he has increased the number of menus one by one,
24:54and now he can cover almost everything he wants to eat,
24:59regardless of the genre.
25:02Would you like to order something?
25:04Can I?
25:05Of course.
25:06What is your favourite menu?
25:11Let's go to the billiards room.
25:12That's a good idea.
25:13Billiards room.
25:14Recently, curry.
25:15Billiards room.
25:16Where is it?
25:17It's a hassle to find it.
25:21It's a hassle.
25:22It's a hassle.
25:23It's here, it's here.
25:24It's here, it's here.
25:25Wow, wow.
25:28It's huge.
25:29It looks delicious.
25:31Let's take a look.
25:32It smells really good.
25:35I'm addicted to it now.
25:37I eat it every day.
25:39I want to eat it every day.
25:40There are various flavors.
25:41Let's try this one.
25:42Thank you for the meal.
25:43Thank you for the meal.
25:44This is the world's third largest meal.
25:50It's delicious.
25:54It looks delicious.
25:57Mr. Marakami was able to confirm that the taste was no doubt.
26:02However, there is one thing that bothers him.
26:06Mara Shibireru Ramen with Shibire Sancho Oil that makes your lips tingle.
26:12What's that? It looks really good.
26:143D Chicken Karaage.
26:16Chicken is coming out.
26:20A menu with too much personality that comes out from time to time.
26:25Here, Mr. Murakami.
26:27Do you know all 2024 types?
26:30I know.
26:31Can I ask you a question?
26:35I don't remember the number.
26:37It's called Kamino-ku.
26:42I've never heard of it.
26:49Destroy the enemy.
26:51That's close.
26:52That's not it.
26:56Destroy the enemy.
27:00I'm sorry.
27:02I'm sorry for pretending to be trying.
27:07That's amazing.
27:09I didn't expect it.
27:11His skills are good.
27:15Next, the two people who chose Chocopla.
27:18The person who discovered it was Mr. Nishimura.
27:22Mr. Yoshinoya.
27:24It looks good.
27:26I thought it was a doll.
27:29I was surprised.
27:31It's scary.
27:33Excuse me.
27:34Can I ask you a question?
27:37Thank you very much.
27:38What is this mannequin?
27:40This is a famous store in Aichi Prefecture.
27:42There is a big store called Dakka.
27:45It is said that it will close soon.
27:48It was a symbol of that.
27:50Is that so?
27:52I received it.
27:54Is this Kyonshi?
27:56This is Kyonshi.
27:59This was originally there.
28:02Immediately, Mr. Nishimura discovered a suspicious atmosphere.
28:07There are noodles in the pitcher.
28:11Is that a pitcher?
28:13This is a little good.
28:15Why did you put it in this?
28:18The pitcher was sold cheaply.
28:21Is that the container of the pitcher?
28:25I thought it would be interesting if I put noodles in this.
28:32This store is run by a strong menu and a typical owner.
28:37This is Yoshinoya, a noodle shop that has been around since 1989.
28:42This is a store where you can get familiar menus such as udon noodles and oyakodon.
28:50You can get a cold miso udon with ice in it.
28:54You can also get a limited Valentine's Day chocolate udon.
29:00You can get a unique menu.
29:10This is amazing.
29:13What is this?
29:15This is a pitcher.
29:17Did you hear that?
29:19I'm excited to see this.
29:23The owner, who is a baseball fan, made this.
29:26This is a pitcher with cold noodles in it.
29:33Udon noodles, soba noodles, and kishimen noodles are 1 kg.
29:38If you add water, the total weight will be over 1.5 kg.
29:45There is a rule.
29:48This is a chopstick.
29:50Please eat with this chopstick.
29:53You don't have to complain if it's hard to eat.
29:55I don't complain.
29:57I ordered this.
29:59When you drink soup, you have to put it in your mouth.
30:02There is a fine rule.
30:04I understand.
30:08This looks delicious.
30:09It doesn't look good.
30:12The noodles are smooth.
30:14It smells like a pitcher.
30:17I want you to hold this.
30:19How much is this?
30:21This is 1,000 yen including tax.
30:23This is cheap.
30:25This is provided for 1,000 yen.
30:27I hope the customers will be happy.
30:31Mr. Kuroyanagi, who is a big fan of cold noodles, was impressed by the miso soup udon he ate when he was 20 years old.
30:40Mr. Kuroyanagi was 22 years old when he entered the road of cold noodles.
30:44He opened Yoshinoya here.
30:46He has been running this shop for a long time.
30:48Originally, it was a shop that served a general size.
30:52However, he wanted customers to eat a lot.
30:56So it gradually became a large size.
31:00He has been running this shop for a long time.
31:02I increased the amount little by little as a service.
31:07Customers eat this.
31:09So I increased the amount little by little as a service.
31:11In the end, it became a large size.
31:14This is a big deal.
31:18How much is this?
31:22If you eat this, it will be 1,500 yen.
31:28This is a big loss.
31:30This is a big loss.
31:32This is a big loss.
31:35I thought it would be amazing if he had been running this shop for a long time.
31:37However, this is because he has been running this shop for a long time.
31:41Next, let's talk about the shape of love.
31:45This is Sugimoto, the owner of Ajidokoro Kano, which is said to be the origin of miso katsu.
31:54Are you his wife?
31:56I'm his daughter.
31:58How old are you?
32:00You are 54 years old.
32:02I'm 24 years old.
32:05They are 30 years apart.
32:09I live in Japan with my wife.
32:14I live in Japan with my daughter.
32:16I'm the only one who lives in Japan with my wife and daughter.
32:22Bodybuilders who love muscle have various forms of love.
32:27Among them, Chocopura chose the form of love that cannot be seen without tears.
32:35The person who discovered it was Fruits Ponchi Murakami.
32:42He asked the people in town about the butterfly scene.
32:45I'm sorry.
32:47I'm sorry.
32:49I'm sorry.
32:51I'm sorry.
32:53I'm sorry.
32:55I'm sorry.
32:57I'm sorry.
32:59He went up to his house and asked.
33:01He went up to his house and asked.
33:06You look great.
33:08I heard that there is an old man who is an Instagrammer in this town.
33:12Do you actually watch Instagram?
33:14Do you actually watch Instagram?
33:16Everyone can see it.
33:18Everyone can see it.
33:20Everyone can see it.
33:22This is my page.
33:24This is my page.
33:26This is my page.
33:28This is my page.
33:30This is my page.
33:32He posts pictures every day.
33:35He posts pictures every day.
33:37He posts pictures every day.
33:39Do you do this every day?
33:41Do you do this every day?
33:43He uploaded pictures on a perch called PENTSTAR every day.
33:50He posts about 1,200 types of pictures.
33:55He must have seen it somewhere.
33:57He must have seen it somewhere.
33:59He has a unique style of drawing and writing with a pen, and he has 34,000 followers.
34:08Sometimes, his humorous comments go viral.
34:15This one has more than 10,000 likes.
34:21Why did Mr. Uchida start this unique style of commentating?
34:29When I was at home, I couldn't cook at all.
34:33So, I made comments while putting frozen food in the fridge.
34:36I thought it would be interesting to make a comment with extra seaweed.
34:44Mr. Uchida, who has two daughters, started to make commentating comments
34:51because his eldest daughter entered junior high school in 2019.
34:57During the day, he works at a post office.
35:01He writes ideas during commuting time.
35:05I have to pick up ideas and have a conversation.
35:09I don't know what to do with my father.
35:12He's so passionate.
35:14And his commentaries for his daughter became a hot topic.
35:18In 2021, he won a special award for his commentaries for his daughter.
35:30How did his daughters react to his commentaries?
35:35Did your daughter like it?
35:37My eldest daughter doesn't react to my commentaries at all.
35:43So, I made commentaries only for her.
35:45Is that so?
35:47What about your younger sister?
35:49My younger sister doesn't react to my commentaries.
35:52So, I told her that I didn't like it.
35:55At first, you told her not to make commentaries for your daughter.
36:00Yes, I told her not to do it because I was sad.
36:03I told her that I would graduate from high school.
36:05Then, your daughter would stop making commentaries.
36:07I didn't know what to do.
36:09Mr. Uchida wants to make commentaries for his daughter.
36:13He will persuade his daughter with the help of Mr. Murakami.
36:18I don't like this coat.
36:22What do you mean?
36:24I don't like it.
36:26I can't help it.
36:28I don't like it.
36:30I don't know what to do.
36:32I'm embarrassed.
36:34Which one?
36:36I don't like it.
36:38You've done too much.
36:40I've done too much.
36:42If you want to make commentaries for your daughter,
36:44I want to give her something special.
36:46But, I don't want you to do that.
36:49You don't have to make fun of her.
36:52That's right.
36:54You're so cute.
36:56I give her a score every time.
36:58I try not to be mean to her.
37:01You're so cute.
37:04The people who support me on Instagram enjoy my commentaries.
37:09That's right.
37:10You've changed your style.
37:12You change your style every time you meet someone you like.
37:16I don't know.
37:18I think so.
37:21I'm glad to hear that.
37:24Mr. Uchida was able to continue his commentaries.
37:29He has one more thing to say.
37:32He couldn't hear his daughter's commentaries for 6 years.
37:37Have you decided what to make for your daughter's last lunch?
37:43Yes, I have.
37:45I'm still thinking about the last one.
37:47Take your time to think about it.
37:51I'm sorry to bother you.
37:53Can I talk to your daughter?
37:57What does Ms. Goyo think about her father's commentaries?
38:04You said you didn't get any response from your commentaries.
38:08I think it's because of the salt.
38:11I've never heard her commentaries.
38:13What did you think when you saw her commentaries on Instagram?
38:18I didn't think much of it.
38:21But people around me told me that my commentaries were great.
38:26I didn't know that.
38:28I've never heard that.
38:30How do you feel about your commentaries for 6 years?
38:35It's normal for me now.
38:37But I'd be sad if I lost my commentaries.
38:40She's so brave.
38:45Noriben has been making commentaries for her daughter since 5 a.m.
39:00She's been making commentaries for her daughter since 5 a.m.
39:10Do you remember what impressed you the most?
39:14Yes, I do.
39:16I remember.
39:17It was a firefly.
39:19A firefly?
39:20This one.
39:24What do you think?
39:25You don't have to be so realistic.
39:29That was a good one.
39:32That was close.
39:35Only the MVC will be announced.
39:40But before that...
39:43We have a quiz for you to eat delicious food.
39:49We have a quiz for Taisho Niiyama, who has over 5 million views on SNS.
39:59We have a menu and a lot of postcards.
40:03What is your favorite menu?
40:10Please guess what it is.
40:13What is that?
40:14Why do you like it the most?
40:17It's a memory.
40:18You said it's a memory.
40:20When was that?
40:21It was when I was a trainee.
40:24About 20 years ago.
40:26Is it like the food you ate at that time?
40:28That's right.
40:35Please give us the answer.
40:39That's right.
40:40Otsu-san, cabera.
40:41Matsuo-san, rice.
40:42Shibata-san, cabera.
40:44Here are the answers.
40:46What is Taisho's favorite menu?
40:51Taisho, please give us the answer.
40:54It's cabera.
40:56That's the worst.
40:58He's talking while looking at the camera.
41:02The answer is cabera.
41:04It's a menu that used to be served at the restaurant where he used to work.
41:08It's said to be the oldest and most memorable menu.
41:12What does it taste like?
41:14I'll eat it.
41:17This is delicious.
41:19The rice is delicious.
41:21The rice is delicious.
41:26This is really delicious.
41:30At first, it's spicy.
41:32But when you chew it, the sweetness of the cabbage spreads.
41:36It's the best match.
41:38It goes well with alcohol.
41:40Matsuo-san, please give us the answer.
41:44Now, we will announce the winner of this competition.
41:54All right.
41:56The winner of this competition is Honoka, a three-year-old teacher in Tenpaku-ku, Nagoya.
42:08Honoka is cute.
42:10Honoka is cute.
42:12Honoka is cute.
42:14The person who found Honoka is Murakami, a Magical Lovely.
42:20Let's go inside.
42:22There is a camera.
42:29After this, two chocoplastic girls came to the three-year-old girl.
42:34That's fast.
42:36She is three years old.
42:42The most memorable scene chosen by the chocoplastic girls in the second half of 2024 is the scene when the teacher is three years old.
42:53The person who found Honoka is Murakami, a Magical Lovely.
43:00Let's go inside.
43:02There is a camera.
43:08She is three years old.
43:10That's fast.
43:12That's amazing.
43:14She is three years old.
43:16I was born in May.
43:18Did you remember?
43:20I haven't told you my name yet.
43:22My name is Honoka Ishihara.
43:26Do you know me?
43:28I don't know you.
43:31I don't know you.
43:33Do you know me?
43:35That's it.
43:41I like Sanrio.
43:43That's amazing.
43:45What is that?
43:51Snack roll.
43:55That's amazing.
43:57That's true.
43:59Honoka is three years old.
44:01She is good at introducing herself.
44:04She loves Sanrio characters.
44:08She has a lot of Sanrio goods at home.
44:12Honoka loves Sanrio the most now.
44:17I have to have a birthday party with Neko-chan nursery school.
44:23Neko-chan nursery school?
44:25What is Neko-chan nursery school?
44:29Neko-chan nursery school is a nursery school where Neko-chan is a teacher.
44:39Neko-chan nursery school is a nursery school where Neko-chan is a teacher.
44:49I'm going to cry.
44:52Today is Iri-chan's birthday.
44:57Let's celebrate together.
44:59Happy birthday to you.
45:07Thank you, Neko-chan nursery school.
45:09Good luck on your birthday.
45:12You are cute.
45:15You are cute.
45:16I want you.
45:18He wants her.
45:20I'm scared.
45:22She is too cute.
45:24She is very cute.
45:25After this, Honoka appeared.
45:28She is very cute.
45:30Happy birthday.
45:32She came.
45:34I'm glad.
45:36We are looking for people around you.
45:39We don't ask for money.
45:41Please apply from the official website.
45:43You can't apply from the official website.
45:46Please don't do that.
45:55Honoka came to see Neko-chan.
46:03Honoka came to see Neko-chan.
46:12She came.
46:13I'm glad.
46:16We asked the characters in advance which characters they like.
46:21They prepared gifts for each.
46:24There is only one gift.
46:26Which do they like?
46:29You like it, right?
46:31I came to see you.
46:33Which do you like?
46:37I don't like it.
46:39It's a cinnamon roll.
46:43Thank you for the gift.
46:51Congratulations, Honoka.