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Produced by @zanehelberg
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Business Inquiries: KevinLangue@wmeagency.com
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2nd channel: @KevinLangue2
Produced by @zanehelberg
Have an idea for an episode? submit it here: https://forms.gle/zFEDK99Bi9eWofzr5
Business Inquiries: KevinLangue@wmeagency.com
00:00Welcome back to the Kevin Lang Show,
00:01don't watch on the internet.
00:01I'm your host, Kevin Lang,
00:02and today we're doing Guess the Secret 30-Year-Olds.
00:05We got five people here, four of them are teenagers,
00:08and one of them is 30 years old.
00:14I've assembled, as always, your favorite paddle baby,
00:17Danny Love, Herman Rice, Aaron Branch,
00:19and our special guest of viral sensation,
00:22currently on tour, Mr. Rene Vodka!
00:30I'm very excited, very excited, very, very, very excited.
00:32I'm very nervous.
00:35Very nervous.
00:35Why are you nervous?
00:37There's a lot of teenagers here.
00:38I don't know.
00:40First of all, we're going off looks,
00:42who we think looks oldest.
00:44Start with Herm, you know Herm.
00:45All right, I don't,
00:46I'm scared to start with Herm on this one, bro.
00:49Y'all need to know, we just playing.
00:51Let's say that out of the gate.
00:53When he says we, he means starting right here.
00:56We are just playing.
00:57We just playing.
00:58All right, off looks, one is a baby,
01:02two is a child, three is an adolescence.
01:05Three might be 30,
01:07cause he got a little mustache,
01:09little stuff going on.
01:11I can see past acne.
01:12Number four is a child,
01:14number five owes somebody money.
01:17That's not the game!
01:19Okay, well then he might be 32.
01:21So my picks are number three and number five.
01:22Okay, okay, Aaron.
01:24I'm pretty sure I've seen number five at Gang Stomp, man.
01:26I don't know.
01:29Yeah, I don't want to be rude,
01:29but number four looks like my tia, my aunt.
01:31I feel like number four is a 30 year old.
01:34I do think number five is the obvious choice,
01:38but he might have been one of,
01:39you know them kids in high school that look grown
01:42while they still in high school.
01:43He might be just matured earlier.
01:47I agree with Herm.
01:48Number three, you don't look like a teenager,
01:52but not 30.
01:54Tia, tia?
01:55You think tia's gonna be?
01:57He might not even be Hispanic, though.
01:58But look at the piercing on her eyebrow
02:03that's very early 2000s.
02:04That's like early 2000s.
02:06But she's old!
02:08That's a good point.
02:09She's dressed like those swap meet cholo pictures.
02:11Oh, yeah, yeah, whatever.
02:13But that Y2K fashion is back in style, man.
02:15Well, she also has a tooth gem.
02:17That's something that the younger generation is seeing.
02:19Hey, but y'all want to know what's crazy?
02:21It's my turn to talk, so I'ma say number four.
02:25I'ma rock with you, Rene.
02:26I think number four.
02:27Two, his parents are definitely in the other room.
02:29One, also, it feels very young.
02:32Like, I don't know, man.
02:34Like uncomfortably young.
02:35Uncomfortably young.
02:37For sure.
02:38If you are 30, I want the elixir.
02:40It's Botox.
02:42That girl is 12.
02:44You know why she gave herself up?
02:46Because no 30-year-old's gonna admit to having the Botox.
02:50Botox in their 20s is very common right now.
02:51No, no.
02:53Can I just say, though?
02:55Let me just say, though.
02:56It's my turn to speak.
02:57So, the reason why I'm with Tia
03:00is the amount of jewelry on her hands.
03:03It's giving Tia.
03:05I totally agree.
03:06She has not moved her feet at all.
03:10She's been in those shoes for 30 years.
03:14But I'm not so.
03:16Number three is my sleeper pic.
03:20He's giving, like, he's old and he just dressed,
03:24he tried to dress younger.
03:26But also, dressing like 30,
03:28you still probably got a young sleeper.
03:28First of all, you guys are assuming
03:30those are his pronouns, it's offensive.
03:32That's crazy.
03:33Okay, well, we don't need that.
03:34You gotta ask.
03:35Well, speaking of asking,
03:36let's go into the questions round.
03:38But we're all set.
03:41Since when do we clap?
03:42It was epic, you did it so nice.
03:44Y'all have never clapped for me on this show.
03:47What is your name, where are you from,
03:49and what does your TikTok For You page look like?
03:52Good question.
03:53My name's Naliyah, I'm from San Diego.
03:55Hold on, hold on.
04:01You know how to spell that?
04:03No, but see, that was some school shit.
04:04Where are you from, Naliyah?
04:05San Diego.
04:06Could you describe your For You page for us?
04:08A lot of makeup, clothing, and yeah.
04:15It's yeah?
04:16Makeup, clothing, and yeah.
04:17Naliyah gave it away.
04:19Ain't no Kevin Lang?
04:23You know how I know she young?
04:24She got this little mysterious vibe.
04:26You know the young kids always wanna
04:27never give the right answer.
04:29Right, right.
04:29They never just say what they think.
04:30There's always gotta be a little something to it.
04:32But which teenager's rocking a Van Cleef though?
04:35Ooh, good eye.
04:36Number one.
04:37What is that?
04:38Van Cleef in it?
04:39Can we see what kind of watch it is too?
04:42Is that the chain?
04:42Is that a Rolex?
04:43Is that a Rolex?
04:45Oh, I don't know.
04:46This might be our 30 year old.
04:46Is that a Rolex?
04:47And a Van Cleef.
04:48With the pink face?
04:5130 year old, she came here with Rene.
04:53Hey, you come at me.
04:54You know what time it is.
04:56All right, number two.
04:57What is your name?
04:58Where are you from?
04:59And can you describe your TikTok for your page for us?
05:02My name is Tikoa.
05:06Oh my God.
05:07Why is the gaze over here though?
05:08Yo, relax.
05:10Big energy.
05:11I was gonna say big nose energy.
05:13You and me.
05:15He don't like you.
05:16He don't watch the show.
05:17What'd he say?
05:17I'm from San Diego as well.
05:18Sorry, what's your name?
05:22Yes, sir.
05:23That's a sick ass name.
05:25Nah, he got one of those like creative white families.
05:28Yeah, I could tell.
05:28I'm white and Mexican, but my family's primarily black.
05:31You Mexican?
05:32No, that's not the interesting part.
05:34Did you just say your family is primarily black?
05:37Yeah, that was tough.
05:38How is that possible?
05:39Who in your family is black?
05:41Stepdad, younger brother, younger sister.
05:43That doesn't make you black.
05:45I didn't, I never said I was black.
05:47He just said he was, he just said he was black.
05:49He said most of his family is black.
05:51If you listen, escucha.
05:55What does your TikTok for you page look like?
05:57I'm not really on there, but probably like I sing,
06:02so it probably.
06:02I knew it.
06:03You sing?
06:04He sound like Luther Vandross.
06:06Can you say this?
06:07Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
06:10Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
06:14That was great.
06:14That was good.
06:15He can sing, yeah.
06:16He got it, he got it.
06:17Now we know you can sing for sure.
06:18Number three, what is your name?
06:19Where are you from?
06:20Can you describe your TikTok for you page for me?
06:23I am Harry.
06:24How do you spell that?
06:28This has got young people.
06:29What are these names?
06:31All these young people got weird names.
06:32From Sofia, Bulgaria.
06:35You're from Bulgaria?
06:37Whoa, I've been there.
06:39Like on Google Maps and shit.
06:42When did you come to America?
06:43Like two years ago.
06:45You guys have great chemistry.
06:48Everybody on my ass today.
06:53Can you describe your TikTok for you page for us?
06:55League of Legends.
06:58Is that a video game?
07:00Yeah, yeah, we knew that.
07:02What's your sexual orientation?
07:05Let me tell you, let me tell you, are you serious?
07:08Did you mean his pronouns?
07:10I had that written down.
07:11I was asking, was that a bad question?
07:13Why would your TikTok be LGBTQ and you not a partner?
07:17Maybe you're an ally.
07:18What the fuck?
07:19He's inclusive.
07:21Oh, so I should only see things for me, like black shit?
07:26I can't see other people's shit?
07:27Yeah, like barbecue and all that stuff?
07:30See, you almost got to ruin it.
07:32I'm on your side, I'm on your side.
07:33You're on my side, but you're not really on my side.
07:36H-A-R-I, okay, League of Legends, LGBTQ.
07:40That was the last part, that was the last part.
07:42Don't write that down.
07:44He said it, he asked.
07:46Write it down.
07:46There you go, there you go.
07:49Look at Aaron's sweat.
07:50Aaron's forehead's so big, when you sweat,
07:51it dries before it gets to these eyes.
07:53You start right here and it dries about right here.
07:56It don't make it to your eyes.
07:58Kevin's skin is so dry that he can't sweat.
08:00Aaron got a forehead, before head, and after head.
08:03Oh, see that?
08:04That's what I'm talking about.
08:05That's what I'm talking about.
08:05Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
08:07They fight.
08:08Kevin got nose, nose, nose, and more nose.
08:10It's a piccolo.
08:12Okay, well, moving on to episode number four.
08:14Number four, what is your name?
08:16And can you please describe your For You page?
08:18My name's Naomi.
08:19I'm from L.A.
08:21Eee, I can tell it's L.A.
08:23My TikTok, fashion, because I sew and stuff.
08:27She might be Latina.
08:31She wifey, for real.
08:34She might be a teenager, Rene.
08:35Yeah, I ain't gonna lie.
08:36This whole teenage generation.
08:38She said sew, and he goes, huh?
08:38No, no, she's giving a wife quality, like a wife aura.
08:42Are you Latina?
08:46I'm black and French.
08:47I told French.
08:49Here we go again.
08:50Tu parles français?
08:51Belle au revoir, Baba.
08:54What did you just say?
08:55Laissez compter temps.
08:57I heard that at home alone.
09:00You're what the French call, laissez compter temps.
09:02Ta mère est Française, donc t'as appris français à la maison.
09:05Hey, croissant.
09:08Y'all thought she was Latina the whole time.
09:10Black and French.
09:11And we back, Kevin's corner, baby.
09:14When was the last time you needed to go to the doctor,
09:16but you pushed it off?
09:17I'm too busy.
09:18It'll heal on its own.
09:20Or, I don't need your help.
09:22I think we've all been there.
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10:01I always say that point,
10:02because to me, that is the best point.
10:03Like, when you need a doctor sometimes,
10:05you're like, man, if somehow they can squeeze me in
10:07like today, that'd be amazing.
10:09So the fact that they can do that is killer.
10:11So stop putting off those doctor's appointments,
10:14and go to zopdoc.com slash lang, L-A-N-G-U-E,
10:17to find and instantly book a temporary doctor today.
10:19That's Z-O-C-D-O-C.com slash L-A-N-G-U-E,
10:24zopdoc.com slash lang.
10:26Enjoy the video.
10:27Did you guess who the secret 30-year-old was?
10:32I gotta find one of the NBs like that.
10:33Number five, what is your name, where are you from,
10:36and what does your TikTok For You page look like?
10:38My name's Martell, I'm from Oakland, California.
10:45White mom, black dad.
10:46Rene, that's not the game.
10:47Martell from Oakland.
10:50It doesn't matter that he's black,
10:52you're crossing the street.
10:53Rene, it doesn't matter that he's black,
10:56we're trying to figure out if he's 30.
10:57Is that a piece?
10:58Is that your real hair?
10:59Yeah, it's my real hair.
11:00That's nice.
11:01We can't hire him for that.
11:02More than that.
11:06What does your dad do for a living?
11:08My dad just got out of prison.
11:10Hey, my father's in prison.
11:12What does your TikTok For You page look like?
11:14I'm sorry.
11:15It's a bunch of inspiration.
11:17I also watch tarot readings and stuff like that.
11:19Oh, he's smart.
11:21He's young, bro.
11:22He's in touch with his soul.
11:24I have some questions.
11:25Number one, if you could cancel a celebrity right now,
11:28who would it be and why?
11:34I think she tired, she needed a nap.
11:36I would cancel Tyra Banks.
11:41Because she put a bad image
11:43for women who are doing modeling.
11:45Number two, if you could cancel a celebrity,
11:47who would it be and why?
11:48I have no idea.
11:49What the heck?
11:50You want us to come back to you?
11:51We'll come back to you.
11:52Do you want to just say the obvious ones
11:53that are in trial right now or something?
11:54No, we'll come back to you.
11:56Number three, can you tell me what Sigma means?
11:59He is a foreigner, though.
12:01Oh, you're right.
12:03All right, Martel, what does Sigma mean?
12:05I don't know.
12:06If it's not four, it's number one, that's 30.
12:09I don't know.
12:10I just, I've seen enough.
12:12Wait, no.
12:13Elanore Khan, why are you saying that?
12:15She's clearly the youngest looking person.
12:16The celebrity that she's trying to cancel is Tyra Banks.
12:19No, no teenagers looking at Tyra Banks like that.
12:21I thought about it.
12:22She was older.
12:23The jewelry.
12:23Can I say this about Tyra?
12:25I feel like the younger generation wanted to cancel Tyra.
12:28You're not even in the younger generation.
12:30What are you talking about?
12:30Yeah, but I've raised them.
12:33Let's go back to the last one with you, Martel.
12:35Tell me what your Friday night or Saturday night looks like.
12:38Just be driving around all night, smoking.
12:41Just driving around all night.
12:42He might do Uber.
12:43Do you do Uber?
12:44Yeah, do Uber.
12:45There it is.
12:46Ah, okay, say that, bro.
12:47And you gotta drive Uber all night?
12:49He an older dude.
12:51I've never met a teenager that does Uber.
12:53Yeah, literally.
12:54Everybody that picked me up was like 20, 30.
12:55He could be 19 hustling and up.
12:56I would say I've never met the police.
12:58His father was in prison.
12:59And it could be Uber Eats or like Uber Proper.
13:02Just Uber Eats.
13:03Uber Eats is a young thing to do.
13:04Uber Eats is a young thing to do.
13:06Naomi, what does your weekend look like?
13:08Hanging out with my friends.
13:10Going where?
13:11Going to eat.
13:12What are you eating?
13:14Boiling crab.
13:16See, that's different.
13:17I just had that.
13:18You know what I'm saying?
13:18You go to the highlight room or you go to boiling crab?
13:21She's black.
13:22She's Mexican.
13:23She's not Mexican.
13:24I don't care what she says.
13:25She's Mexican, bro.
13:26She's going to boiling crab.
13:28She's doing all these things, bro.
13:30She's Mexican, bro.
13:30No, I think Kevin was trying to say
13:33if she was a younger chick going out,
13:35a younger woman going out,
13:37would probably be more like to a party or something.
13:41Not to boiling.
13:41Wait, go ahead.
13:42I do that too.
13:43What's your favorite club to go to in LA?
13:44Catch One.
13:45Yeah, she might be 30.
13:46That's an expensive club.
13:47But you could also get into those places if you plugged in.
13:50Harry, what do your weekends look like?
13:52I'm at home with my cat and my boyfriend.
13:56What do you and your boyfriend do?
13:58We play games.
14:00Oh, s***.
14:01Wait, what are you doing, Rene?
14:03We watch anime.
14:05What's your favorite anime?
14:08Oh, yeah, that accent.
14:11He pronounced it.
14:12I almost saw the subtitles when he said that.
14:14He also said an older anime.
14:17Naruto came out a long time ago.
14:19I was thinking the same thing, bro.
14:20That's an older anime.
14:21That's what I was going to say.
14:22You weren't thinking that.
14:22You took the words out of my mouth, bro.
14:25Takua, what does a Saturday night look like for you?
14:28I live alone now, so probably I might swim
14:32or just come home and cook,
14:34or I might visit my siblings and my niece.
14:37Tell me about that tattoo.
14:38It's religious.
14:39It's like God is greater than highs and lows.
14:42My sister has the same thing.
14:43Nice, man.
14:44So my name is Hebrew.
14:46Okay, that's dope.
14:47See, that's a deep meaning.
14:48Most young kids ain't gonna get no tattoo
14:51with a whole lot of Hebrew.
14:53Nalia, what does your Saturday night look like?
14:56Usually, I'm working on the weekends.
15:00What do you do?
15:00Can we ask what she does?
15:02Can we ask what they do for work?
15:03What do you do for work?
15:04She's a model.
15:04I model, but I'm also a nursing assistant.
15:09That's the model we want.
15:11Because don't they got like different categories of nursing?
15:13Yeah, but they still all fall around there.
15:15But that's like one of the more base level nursing jobs.
15:19Like, it gets, it's the complication.
15:20But to be fair, based on his age,
15:22RM sees a lot more nurses than we do.
15:24Do you think this next generation is lazy?
15:31It's them damn phones.
15:33Oh, that was an old woman thing.
15:34Takoa, do you think this next generation is lazy?
15:37For the most part, but it's probably like individual.
15:40Hari, how do you feel?
15:48Because everybody would rather just like
15:49rot in their bed on their phone.
15:53I don't think we're lazy.
15:54You don't think so?
15:55We appreciate everyone that rots in their bed
15:57and watches us.
15:58We appreciate all y'all.
15:59What do you think you'll be when you're 30 years old?
16:01Hopefully doing my music and spreading out myself
16:06of what I want to do.
16:07Opening businesses.
16:10Have a home.
16:12I want to be a stylist.
16:13And I want to have my own, like, house.
16:20I have no idea.
16:21I'm living for today, but I want to like,
16:23open my own store, maybe.
16:29I like food, so it's going to be food.
16:34I think they call that a restaurant.
16:36Hold on, what was that?
16:38Have you ever seen the Zohan?
16:39Don't miss it.
16:42I love that movie.
16:42A hundred percent.
16:45Maybe to stay comfortable, like, financially.
16:50I just want to make sure all my family is like,
16:54repaid for what they've done for me by that time.
16:59All right, I'm going to do this.
17:00I want you guys, one by one, starting with you, Nalia.
17:02I want you to read me the last text you sent
17:05to your mom or dad.
17:07Well, I haven't replied, but she said,
17:09do you have my laptop?
17:11Do you have her laptop?
17:13Hey, they probably live together, bro.
17:16Do you have my laptop?
17:16She might live with her parents.
17:17Like, why, exactly, why would she have her mom's laptop?
17:20Yeah, she might live with her parents, bro.
17:21Bro, I'm telling you, I'm doing work over here.
17:25I was the one who said that.
17:26I don't really talk to my mom,
17:29but the last thing I said is, I have to work, I can't.
17:31Was it a bad relationship between you and your mother?
17:33It was complicated.
17:34What about, do you have a text that you sent your dad?
17:36He said, I'm tired of this house of black people.
17:41I just emailed the receipt of the copay
17:43for the initial visit with the dermatology place.
17:47Yeah, you paying bills, you paying bills.
17:48But that also means that he's still on his parents' side.
17:51Yeah, which means he's younger than 26.
17:54Yeah, he's still on his parents' side.
17:55He's younger than 26?
17:57Get the fuck out of here!
17:59I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
18:00No, that's it.
18:01Okay, Harry?
18:01Said, last week, I was in a commercial, a movie,
18:06and a project, and I made 500 for one week.
18:11Bro, just stun on his mom.
18:12Okay, Naomi?
18:14Love you.
18:15Love you.
18:16You sent her that, or she sent you that?
18:18I sent.
18:19She didn't say love you too?
18:20She said love you more.
18:22I said, enjoy your holidays throughout everything.
18:24You still deserve joy.
18:25Your son, Martel.
18:29Martel's a keeper, man!
18:31Back with you, Nelia.
18:31I want you to read me your screen time.
18:33Four hours.
18:34Four hours?
18:36But you work.
18:37You work a lot.
18:38Yeah, and she's in school full-time.
18:39Four hours today, for?
18:41Average per day.
18:42That's not a lot.
18:43That's not a lot at all.
18:44That's not a lot.
18:46Six hours?
18:47Six, three.
18:48You on there.
18:49How you on there for six hours?
18:50He don't even be on TikTok.
18:52What's your top used app?
18:56So he do be on social media.
18:58He try to trick us like he don't be on social.
18:59Not TikTok though.
19:00How are you on social?
19:01Instagram, Instagram, other things.
19:03Nine hours a day.
19:05Nine hours a day?
19:08Bro, that's the day!
19:09That's my guy.
19:10No, today is only three hours so far.
19:12Well, this don't count.
19:13Bro, it's 9 a.m.
19:14What you talking about?
19:16Mine's like five.
19:17Like five?
19:18Yeah, because my phone just updated
19:20so it deleted all my screen time.
19:23Oh, very convenient.
19:24Well, she is the one that said
19:25that people be rotting their brains and-
19:27Updates her phone.
19:28Mine says 12 hours, but I don't know.
19:2912 hours?
19:31What'd you say, Montel?
19:3212 hours.
19:32Oh, because you got the maps pulled up.
19:36What's your top app?
19:37Scroll down.
19:38Is it Google Maps?
19:41Got you all figured out.
19:41Number one, what's your favorite cartoon?
19:44That's a young answer.
19:45That's a-
19:46No, it's not.
19:47No, it's not.
19:48That's a 30-year-old answer.
19:50That's a 30-year-old answer.
19:51Yeah, SpongeBob is-
19:52I feel you.
19:53SpongeBob started in the 90s.
19:54What about you?
19:56I would watch that with my siblings, too.
19:56That SpongeBob.
19:58He's trying to sound old.
19:59Yeah, he's trying to flirt.
20:02You, Harry.
20:03Gravity Falls?
20:05That is the youngest answer that you could say.
20:08But I have a friend also that's in their 30s
20:10that still watches Gravity Falls.
20:12What was your favorite Disney show?
20:13I don't know if this is Disney.
20:14Wizards of Beverly Place?
20:16Mm, that's my generation.
20:19No, that's older.
20:21I mean, I'm 28.
20:22Yeah, we're the same.
20:23Oh, damn.
20:23Damn, I really thought she was like 36.
20:25She looks so old.
20:26I thought you were dead.
20:29What about you, Martell?
20:30What was one of your favorite Disney shows?
20:31I didn't really watch Disney.
20:32I watched Cartoon Network, so Adventure Time.
20:34You seem like a Cartoon Network kid.
20:35Adventure Time is a new one.
20:36All of this is very-
20:37Newer to an extent, but yeah.
20:39We're gonna move on to the activity round.
20:40This next round is the My Report Card.
20:43Here's how this works.
20:44All of you guys are teenagers,
20:45and I'm sure you've recently were in school.
20:48And so you've had times where you had bad grades.
20:51So I'm gonna go up there,
20:53and I'm gonna be your dad.
20:56Nobody's excited about that.
20:58Nobody was.
20:59We all look like them.
20:59It felt like a clapping moment to me.
21:01Nah, okay, cool, whatever, whatever.
21:03Yo, so this is your report card,
21:06and it's full of Fs.
21:09And you're gonna come tell me
21:12that you failed out of school.
21:13I told you not to buy her that Rolex.
21:15I know.
21:16That's so crazy.
21:17She works hard.
21:17She deserves a Rolex.
21:18Does she really?
21:19If she wants to get the Rolex,
21:20she can get the Rolex.
21:21Dad, you can see Kevin.
21:23I'm good.
21:25Don't get mad.
21:29Oh, she got that thing folded.
21:31Come on now.
21:32What is this?
21:33She folded it up.
21:33I'm sorry.
21:34I'm sorry.
21:36Oh my goodness.
21:37Oh my goodness.
21:38Yeah, does she deserve the Rolex now?
21:39Oh my goodness.
21:41Does she deserve it now?
21:42No, no, no, no, no, no.
21:44I didn't cheat though.
21:45I can tell.
21:46You shoulda.
21:46You shoulda cheated.
21:47I'm sorry.
21:49I will.
21:51That whole situation was so uncomfortable.
21:55I was gonna have to call him.
21:57It was so uncomfortable.
21:57When I thought it was like dead at home,
21:59it made sense.
22:00It was giving, like,
22:00it was giving a fuck vibe.
22:02It was giving fuck.
22:03I was like,
22:04do, do, do, do.
22:05And like, I was like.
22:07You got six D's.
22:10I just wanna see you do it with number three.
22:12No, I ain't doing nobody else.
22:13I'm done.
22:14Do number three.
22:15No, you gotta do number three.
22:15That's the end of the round, bro.
22:16You gotta do it with number three.
22:17You going up for number three.
22:18You going up.
22:19Yeah, go ahead.
22:20You go up.
22:21All right.
22:22I ain't know my dad was Sammy Sosa.
22:23What's up with you, man?
22:24What's up?
22:25Hey, dad.
22:26What do you want, man?
22:26What is this?
22:29Yeah, you should be used to this.
22:31It's Mexican.
22:32What is this?
22:33You stupid?
22:35There you go.
22:36This is about right.
22:37This is about right.
22:37What happened?
22:38Well, it's actually a blank paper.
22:39I don't know where mine went,
22:40but I don't know.
22:42I just, I've been, like,
22:43stressed and stuff and I can't.
22:45You're stressed?
22:46Look at your mother.
22:47She looks stressed.
22:51This is what happens when I leave you with the kids.
22:54Hey, man, I told you.
22:55I told you not to take him to that camp.
22:58What's up, son?
22:58This class is ain't good,
23:00but you know, it'll be better in the future, you know?
23:03Well, we know he has an F in English.
23:05What Fs?
23:06It'll be better in the future.
23:07So that's once.
23:09It's just once, man.
23:11It's just once.
23:12It's just once.
23:13It's just once.
23:14He's hard to be mad at.
23:16What are we going to do with him?
23:17What are you going to do?
23:18This is your son.
23:19This is...
23:22All right, Naomi.
23:23Talk to me again.
23:24Give me something I can give you now.
23:28He's wilding.
23:29I have something to show you.
23:31You failed all your classes.
23:33Yeah, but it's not my fault.
23:34How do you get an F in special ed?
23:39I'm going to have to take away your pants.
23:45First of all.
23:46I'm sorry.
23:47Girls like dressing up in, like, pants
23:48You're going to have to stop wearing your mother's pants.
23:51Now you're a scary father.
23:54Unfortunately, Rene,
23:55you will now be going to Hollywood.
23:58Hey, Rene, you're killing it, bro.
24:00Yeah, you're...
24:01I could watch this for days.
24:02For hours.
24:04I'm going to just drop out.
24:05They gave me all Fs.
24:09Hey, son.
24:11I always thought you were a little bitch,
24:14but the fact that you just came up to me like a man
24:16and said you're going to drop out.
24:21Now you're black, son.
24:23They look alike.
24:25Because I'm black.
24:26He says, that's black.
24:26I'm being his dad.
24:27And you're proud that he dropped out as a black dad?
24:30That's kind of crazy.
24:31What are you saying about us?
24:32This is a rude stereotype, man.
24:33You can't come back and do it again.
24:36I'm going to just drop out because I didn't do it.
24:38You ain't doing shit, motherfucker.
24:41What the f*** you talking about?
24:41Get over here, son.
24:42Son, you're stealing my wigs and I'm so upset.
24:47I'm tired of this.
24:48You're stealing your mother's wigs, son.
24:50I got to sleep with that.
24:53I'm not doing this anymore.
25:00Do you want to do the first one too?
25:01Do you get a full plate?
25:04You got to live with that.
25:06Rene, how you feeling?
25:07What did that do for you?
25:09Did it confirm or deny anything?
25:11Yeah, it made me think less.
25:13But no, I think number four still,
25:15but number one is ranked higher now.
25:17So it's number one or number four to me.
25:19Number four still felt older to you.
25:21I feel number one is a 30-year-old,
25:23but I still think number four is 30.
25:24But if I had to choose right now, number one is 30.
25:26What about number five?
25:28He feels like a teenager.
25:29Number five is a teenager.
25:31He felt older when he came out.
25:32I think he's my age.
25:33He's 28.
25:34I think he's 28.
25:35That's a very mature place to be in life
25:36to just be like, hey, this ain't for me.
25:38I'm going to come back.
25:39He could be 28.
25:40Everybody else tried to explain themselves
25:45there was always a reason for it.
25:47A grown man going to be like, hey, it is what it is.
25:50This ain't for me.
25:50When did your father go to jail?
25:53Were you young or like very young?
25:56Yeah, I was like six.
25:57And he just got out.
25:58See, that's something where at that age,
26:01you grow up and you become a man.
26:03Yeah, like me.
26:04That is a good point.
26:05Well, not everyone, but most people become.
26:07It's gotta be three or one.
26:08We need your help.
26:09And number three, the only reason why
26:11is because you're from another country.
26:13I don't know how it goes over there
26:15and you just come over here and you know,
26:17you made $500 in a week.
26:20He was happy about it.
26:22He's over here like, was it fast?
26:23He's out here hustling, making things happen.
26:24I never worked in my life.
26:30Your laugh is unbelievable.
26:32What do you mean you never worked?
26:33You never had a traditional job?
26:35Like, do you come from money?
26:37Does your family have money?
26:41This is going to blow the whole thing up.
26:43What's her name?
26:46How old are you?
26:50Let me get close to him.
26:51He definitely young.
26:53Stop, don't do that.
26:54He's doing the nose thing.
26:56He young, bro.
26:57I'm telling y'all, and I'm the person who called him.
26:59Y'all locked in?
27:01This is it, bro.
27:02We are, we figured it out.
27:03We've never been more in,
27:04like we've never had this many disagreements.
27:05When you get mad, you look like Joanna man.
27:08I had to say it.
27:09I had to say it.
27:10It's him, bro.
27:12It's him.
27:12It's definitely him.
27:13I say it's her.
27:14I should've stuck with my gut.
27:15She look young, bro.
27:16Yeah, she looks very young.
27:17I'm getting close.
27:18He's just scruffy.
27:19He's just scruffy.
27:20If you were to shave all of that,
27:21I feel like he would look just like number two.
27:23Are we respecting these teenagers?
27:25I kept saying,
27:27I'm going to sit down,
27:28because I don't want this spot on.
27:28Yeah, sit down,
27:29because right now we're about to choose you.
27:31All right, let's lock it in.
27:32Watch y'all's faces.
27:33Watch y'all's faces.
27:33I'm going to sit down,
27:35All right, let's lock it in.
27:37What y'all think?
27:38Okay, Herm.
27:39I'm going three.
27:42I'm going to say Harry.
27:43I'm going to go Martell, bro.
27:48I'm going to go with number one.
27:51I'm going to go Martell.
27:53You have to break the tie, Rene.
27:54Oh, come on, man.
27:55No, I got to be wrong with y'all?
28:00You want to leave it as is?
28:01I want to leave it as is.
28:02All right.
28:03He's the guest.
28:04Why don't we all just rock with him?
28:08No, no, no.
28:09He's wrong, man.
28:10I'm not doing that.
28:11He's wrong.
28:12We're so indecisive.
28:13If you're watching right now and you're also indecisive,
28:16don't cheat.
28:17Comment who you think it is.
28:18We're not even going to lock someone in.
28:20We're going to go individual.
28:21You guys should do the same.
28:22Don't cheat.
28:23Some of y'all, I know y'all be cheaters.
28:26I'm looking at you, Sophia.
28:27Naomi, starting with you.
28:30How old are you?
28:31I'm 18.
28:37How old are you?
28:39I'm 19.
28:42Your voice is 30 for sure.
28:44So we have it down.
28:47I mean, now it's about who right on this side of the table.
28:51It's about who's going to stand up at the end.
28:53Is it going to be Kenny?
28:56It's always Kenny.
28:57Is it going to be, what was your name?
28:59It's going to be Heron.
29:01Or is it going to be the special guest?
29:03We got N'Leah, Harry, Martell.
29:07Will the real secret 30 year old take a step forward?
29:17Damn it!
29:18Let's go!
29:19Heron's always wrong.
29:20Heron, I'll be your b-roll.
29:22Heron's always wrong.
29:23Heron's always wrong.
29:25Yes, get a job.
29:27Get your shit together.
29:28Get a job.
29:29I do gigs.
29:30So what you've been doing?
29:33And I'm a content creator.
29:36Look at that laugh.
29:39Martell, how old are you?
29:43So we got it right.
29:44We nailed it.
29:46Hey, let's go guys.
29:47Well done.
29:48Well done.
29:49Wait, wait, wait.
29:50Did you say we?
29:51We got it right.
29:52That's going to be all the day's work.
29:53Good day!
30:01All right.
30:02Bye bye.