about the roblox the hunt mega edition infection gunfight drama
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00:00So I just woke up, and I want to make a video real quick talking about the drama that happened yesterday during the roblox event
00:06If you're watching the stream yesterday, you probably know what I'm talking about
00:09I'll put footage up on the screen throughout the video as well
00:12But basically for the people that don't know right now
00:14There is a roblox event that's going on and the top 10 players in that event the top 10 players who finish the event
00:21They get to compete for 1 million real-life dollars like an actual 1 million dollar paycheck
00:26It's a lot of money right life-changing money and to complete the event
00:29You have to find these tokens called mega tokens, which are hidden in a bunch of different random roblox games
00:34You have to solve puzzles and solve clues in order to get them like for example in the game chained you and another player had
00:41To complete this really difficult obby and if you were able to complete it then at the end of the obby is a mega token
00:47Or like in the roblox game pressure you had to complete this which if you've played pressure
00:51You know exactly what this is this is very very difficult, but anyway yesterday
00:56We were playing a game called infection gunfight
00:58That's where the latest mega token was found and in order to get the mega token in this game
01:03You had to find some goggles that were hidden around a map and then these goggles would put letters above players heads
01:08You had to use these letters to spell out the word mega hunt and essentially what you would do is you would attack a player
01:14That had a letter and then that would give you that letter and you have to do it in order
01:18So you have to go M E G A H U N T
01:21It sounds simple, but here's the problem all the letters were random, right?
01:26So sometimes you'd need a letter and well it wouldn't be there
01:30You would have to wait for another player to get the letter you need or for the next round to start
01:35But on top of that at least for me
01:37I don't know if this was a bug or not
01:39But if the game ended and another game began then it reset all of your progress
01:44Which means we had to do all of this in one game
01:47It was very annoying very infuriating and if you accidentally hit the wrong player or get the wrong letter
01:53You have to restart the entire process as well needless to say this entire endeavor took way too long
02:00It was probably the most annoying Roblox event
02:02I've ever done and it wasn't just me that felt that way a lot of people in the community were really upset
02:08I think it was even trending on Twitter and while all this was going on
02:11People started raiding the discord server of the developers the discord server of the game saying really bad things
02:17Threatening the developers trying to dox them you get the idea like I can't even show footage
02:23It's that bad what was going on in the discord and then one of the discord staff members said this message here
02:28And I'm gonna blur out the name because I don't want anyone attacking this person
02:31But um, yeah, this wasn't the greatest thing to say and that just made everyone even more mad because it's like look
02:38This isn't a game. We're just playing for fun. This is a million dollars. This is life-changing money
02:42There are kids out there competing for this because their family is struggling and this 1 million dollars will change their life
02:48So that statement was just completely uncalled for now. I don't know if they deleted it. I can't find it anywhere
02:54If I can't find it, I'll put it up on the screen if there's nothing on the screen, but my face
02:57Well, then I didn't find it
02:59But essentially there was some staff members saying that Kreekraft is a really big problem in the Roblox community
03:05He's ruining Roblox and all of this hate is is my fault
03:08Basically it was my fault that the game is getting a bunch of hate and the discord's getting raided and and all of this
03:14And and that's what I kind of want to talk about today. Number one
03:17I never condone raiding discord servers or harassing developers or being mean or anything like that shoot
03:24I don't even like mass downvoting games, but here's the thing, right?
03:27I've gotten this far as a youtuber by being open by being honest by being real, you know
03:33As real as you can be online. I'm not gonna sit here and sugarcoat stuff
03:36I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that everything is rainbow sunshine and unicorns if I don't like something
03:41I'm gonna say I don't like it if I like something. I'm gonna say I like it
03:45For example the Roblox event the haunt last year. I think that was the worst Roblox event
03:48They've ever done this event the one going on right now
03:50I think this is one of the best Roblox events they've ever done agree with me disagree with me
03:54That is your opinion. You're allowed to do that
03:56That is just what I think but I just want to make it clear going forward into the future guys
04:00If I don't like something if if something's annoying if a game is bad, or it's frustrating or unfair
04:08Don't like raid the discord server. Don't harass the developers. Don't say mean stuff complain about it online
04:14Sure, tweet about it. Put it in comment sections. Make your voice heard. Maybe they'll nerf it
04:20Maybe they'll fix it right and actually they did they did nerf it. They they fixed it
04:23It's good now, but there's a line you don't cross and harassing people is that line? Okay?
04:28I just want to make that clear now a few things
04:29I want to get off my chest real quick number one the developer of the game issued a statement apologizing
04:34I just want to say like we're good, right? Like I I'm not upset about it. It's cool. It's fine
04:39I'm 28 years old, right if someone on a random discord server says something mean about me
04:44Like I I do not care right as soon as I do this and get off the computer the problems gone, right?
04:50I got better things to do than worry about what people think about me on the internet
04:54I also want to say that if this staff member was like
04:57I don't know if the staff member was hired if they get paid or anything like that
05:00But I don't want anyone to lose their job over this
05:02I don't want anybody to get fired over this or anything like that right like look everybody apologized. We're cool
05:07We're all adults apologize move on done solved. It's in the past we can move on we can forget about it
05:13It's not that big of a deal number two
05:14I want to talk about a lot of roblox players saying that this event is
05:18Too hard right a lot of people were saying hey this event is supposed to be hard. Why are you complaining?
05:23There is a difference between something being hard and something being unfair pressure is very very hard
05:29It's a difficult challenge to complete and that is the point right we're competing for a million dollars
05:34It's not supposed to be easy if it was easy everybody could do it right somebody has to lose there can only be one winner
05:40In life sometimes you have to lose not everyone is going to be able to do this and that is okay if you're not good
05:46Enough to do this challenge if you're not good enough to do these games or a beat the boss whatever it is. That's fine
05:51That's okay
05:52Maybe this challenge isn't for you this challenge is for the best of the best of the best of the best of the best you
05:57Have to prove yourself right like that is the point the thing is though
06:00There's a difference between something being challenging and unfair in infection gunfight. It was random
06:05It wasn't challenging at all you just had to attack players. That's easy
06:08It was just random right if the game lags
06:10He hit the wrong person and it resets the whole challenge or if the game ends and a new game began it reset the whole
06:16Challenge like there were times where I was just sitting there waiting for more letters to pop up because it didn't generate the right letters
06:23I needed it was just completely random right that's not fair. That's not challenging. It's not it's not you know skillful
06:29It's just unfair. That's the difference right. That's the difference
06:33I want people to understand that and the last thing I want to say is this right when it comes to a roblox event as
06:38A developer this is your chance to put your game out there in front of millions of players and make a good impression a lot
06:44Of games on roblox are remembered by how they make you feel right. I love playing piggy. It makes me feel good
06:50I like it, but whenever I see this game here
06:53I never want to play this game again
06:54And the reason why I never want to play this game again is because during the last event it made me wait 40 minutes
06:59AFK just doing nothing it was the most boring thing ever and I'm always gonna remember that game as hey you remember that one time
07:06It was in that one roblox event. It just made you afk for like 30 to 40 minutes
07:09It was just super boring like it's okay to make things hard
07:12It's okay to make things challenging
07:14But you can't make things unfair or disrespect the player base because they're just always going to have that
07:20Impression of your game if you do it's like when blade ball started out
07:24I loved blade ball blade ball is one of my favorite roblox games
07:27And then in every single event blade ball has been the worst quest over and over and over and over and over again every time
07:33Blade balls in an event I have to spend like two hours
07:36Doing the same thing over and over and over and over again in the game. It's not good
07:41I don't like blade ball anymore all because of what they made me do during events, right?
07:44I just I don't want played anymore. I don't want to see it. I don't want to talk about it
07:47I don't like blade ball anymore. No offense to blade ball
07:49I have friends that work on blade ball, but yeah, I don't I don't I don't really like the game anymore, man
07:54It made me so mad all these other events now for the most part
07:58This event has been fantastic all of the games all of the developers, right? It's been
08:03Magnificent untitled tag game crasher spongebob tower defense. I didn't think that game was gonna be good. It's great. It's amazing
08:09It's fantastic. The developers did an amazing job chained the basketball game, right?
08:14I'm probably forgetting a bunch of others Hell's Kitchen even it was good. It was great. I loved it
08:19They did a great job fantastic round of applause
08:22You did good and I'm excited to continue streaming the event. The next part opens up tomorrow. I'll be live tomorrow streaming more of it
08:28I can't wait. It's a lot of fun. Thank you guys for watching. Have a great day