We want to even CREEPIER google maps locations and you have to watch till the end!!
Inspired by: @EllieMarieTV
Stalk me on instagram for more content!
Dom: @DominicBrack
Drew: @DrewBeilfuss
Inspired by: @EllieMarieTV
Stalk me on instagram for more content!
Dom: @DominicBrack
Drew: @DrewBeilfuss
00:00Today I'm traveling to some of the creepiest places I found on Google Maps last time
00:04We found an underwater airplane crash and so much more, but this time we found even crazier places
00:10So make sure you keep watching until the end because we risk our lives to film this video
00:16This first Google Maps location is a sunken cruise ship in the middle of the Pacific Ocean sunken
00:22Yeah, why I thought we were going on a crew. That's bullshit. All right, you know what?
00:27And after a three-hour boat ride around the Solomon Islands, we finally found it
00:40Literally just saw this and just showed up here
00:43After scouting out the entire ship. We found a ladder to the top. Oh perfect
00:47We just have to climb this super sketchy ladder onto the super sketchy ship
00:51You guys can board the ship first and I'll come on a little later. Okay. Oh my god
00:54Oh, we made it on it's crazy up here
00:57And what's even crazier is that we're some of the first people to ever step foot on this abandoned cruise ship
01:03So anything could happen Dom?
01:05We're gonna have to be very careful with where we step because we could fall through the boat anymore
01:09Oh, don't say that right now. You can see in the cracks of the boat. Look at how green it is
01:14Whatever you guys do just don't fall through the boat. Yeah. Thank you for that advice, right? You're not helping right now
01:19They're entering the ship as we speak guys. I don't know what this is, but this is the first room
01:24There's this weird green slime everywhere, too
01:26They're literally in the control room right now and after climbing all the way up to the very top of the ship
01:31Oh my god, bro. This feels crazy. They found a section that was taken over by trees and animals. Yo
01:38Look at this view
01:41This looks insane. This actually looks crazy. This has to be the scariest shit we've ever done
01:45I can literally hear it creaking and cracking this ship can fall apart at any moment. Oh
01:50Be careful the whole front of the ship look at the holes
01:55Guys guys be careful. Yo, look at this. This looks like it was like the engine room, but it's just full of water
02:01Yeah, I don't think the engine works anymore. Oh my god, that's insane
02:05Wait go inside and after checking out the entire top level of the ship
02:09They decided to come down so we can check inside the lower levels. I actually have no idea how they're gonna get down
02:14Oh, oh my god. Oh my god. I'm hanging on by a thread. Just don't let go
02:19Tom be very careful, bro. Watch your step
02:24You don't almost just fell off the boat, okay guys real question, how are you gonna get down?
02:29I don't think we can climb down the ladder. I think we're gonna have to jump
02:32What true is about to jump off of the ship. I'll see you on the other side. Are you actually jumping?
02:37All right. Here we go. We have to three two one. Oh
02:43My god, are you good?
02:46Tom you got to come down bro. What do I do? Jump Dom? The boat is sinking
02:55There's still so much to explore let's check out some of these rooms right here. Let's go
02:59There's a mattress in that one. Actually, that's so that's a room. Oh my god, dude. We're close. What is that room?
03:04It looks like a storage room. It looks like bunk beds, doesn't it?
03:08This ship is so creepy
03:10You know, what's even creepier is this ship is at a 45 degree which can fall on us at any second, dude
03:14Look at this. Look at this view. Why are we under it right now?
03:17We should go he's gonna tip even though Dom and I decided to get off the ship drew wanted to explore a little more
03:22Oh drew, watch out. Oh, there's a bunch of holes in the floor. Yeah, right drew. Be careful, bro. Oh
03:28Drew you're literally sideways, bro
03:33This is such a bad idea we traveled 15 hours for this I'm not leaving without finding very treasure
03:38Dude, is he serious? He's actually gonna get hurt bro. The swimming pool is right there. Oh
03:43You know, there's water in it, oh my god drew there's stuff floating around in here look at this there's like a notebook
03:50Oh my god. Wait, what is that? I see it. I see a notebook a notebook. Wait, that could be a clue rabbit
03:55What is this?
03:57Wait, what is that? Wait, there's a dude. There's something else in the water. It's bubbling
04:02There's bubbles coming out. Yo, oh my god, dude
04:05I found a safe a safe what dude wait, no way he actually found treasure
04:10We're moving our boat closer to the ship so we can get drew and all the stuff that he found
04:19Then we decided to check out Drew's booty no, it's passengers do this is the passenger manifest
04:24Oh my god, and this is a picture of what the ship used to look like before it's saying then we broke into the safe
04:30Oh my god, what's in it? What's in it?
04:33Keys oh, there's a bunch of money in the wallet
04:35Shut up
04:38There's a ring
04:39Oh my god, that's an engagement ring a diamond ring and after checking out the rest of our booty
04:44It was time to move on to the next Google Maps location and keep in mind these places only get crazier and crazier
04:50So make sure you keep watching until the end. This next Google Maps location is an abandoned plane crash off the coast of the Philippines
04:57Okay, how are we supposed to get there by a plane?
05:00After a 17-hour plane ride a two-hour car ride and a one-hour walk
05:05We found a boatyard only 10 miles from the crash site. Okay, there's a bunch of boats and kayaks here
05:10I say we just ask one of the captains and see if they'll bring us over to the plane. What about that guy?
05:14Yeah, we can ask him. Should we go? Okay. I was wondering if maybe you could take us to like the sunken plane
05:19No, no, no, so dangerous too dangerous. What if I gave you a $250?
05:25Yeah, I'm gonna give you $250
05:33And one by one we got on the boat and started searching for the plane
05:36So we've been searching for about 20 minutes and I still see no place. I have my drone
05:41I can use the drone to find the plane. We remember what happened last time when he used the drone
05:45Drew is not good at flying
05:57Kidding me. Do you think it still works? I know I hope so. I doubt it. Oh
06:02It works
06:05Yeah, I don't think it works anymore
06:07That's my second time doing this and after exploring some more we discovered a clue that could possibly lead us to the plane wreck
06:13This is from an airplane now. Yeah, this must mean we're close and after another 10 minutes. We actually found it
06:23My god
06:27Looks like it carries over 30 passengers. Look at we can almost touch it. Oh, oh
06:32We're gonna look at the windows are cracked out of the cockpit. Oh my god
06:36Be careful drew the captain told us there were sharks and jellyfish all around this water. What's there's jellyfish in here. Yes
06:42Come on, Dom. Come inside. I'm scared. Everything feels so unsteady, bro. I don't feel good. Look at the oxygen mask, bro
06:49Crap, like someone was actually using these before it crashed. This is where they all died, right?
06:54It is so hard to get around. Yes, the metal can like fall through our feet any second
06:58Oh, look how much dust is on the floor. Is that a toilet? I think it's like a bathroom
07:02What we're swimming in toilet water. Oh, I'm trying to walk without falling through the bottom of the plane, dude
07:08Look, it's another life vest. We open it up. Open it up. It's in the package. Oh
07:14Three two one
07:28After that we got back to exploring watch where you step. I swear look at the ceiling is falling through right here
07:34Holy crap, look at Brent. There's a switch
07:49What was that bro
07:51With an oxygen mask. Let's just keep looking around and see if we can find any clues of why this plane crashed
07:55Oh my god, bro. There's a wire thing in the water. You know what that means, right?
07:59What does it mean if it turned on we can all the electric it and this guy's over here flipping switches, bro
08:03Oh, don't flip any switches. Let's just go to the cockpit
08:06Let's see if we can find any clues there of why this plane crashed a good idea. Oh my god. What?
08:12Crazy I'm in here. We're literally in the front of the plane right now. This is what controlled the airplane
08:17What is this? Dude? This was definitely the pilot. This was the flight manual from the plane. Oh my god, bro
08:23What is this? Oh, yeah, that looks like it's gonna friggin explode
08:272003. Oh my god. So it crashed 21 years ago, but after this, I don't think I want to fly back home
08:31Yeah, I don't think so either gonna be scared of flying for the rest of my life. No jellyfish where oh my god
08:37Oh my god, that's a jellyfish. That's a big-ass dude. That looks like a crazy joy. Thank you. Oh, I don't know
08:42All right, yo, I think that's a sign that we are not supposed to be here. I'll leave right next to you
08:46Ah, stop really actually don't don't move. No here grab the camera got the camera go
08:51And after I made my escape drew and Dom decided to climb on top of the plane drew
08:56I wouldn't walk around the wings bro. It's been over 20 years. It's probably gonna fall apart. Oh, oh my god
09:02No, he actually almost just fell through it
09:04No, look at the tail. Wait, what are you doing?
09:08I'm gonna fall any second now, but before he falls
09:12Let's move on to the next creepy Google Maps location an abandoned hotel in Japan. That is apparently haunted
09:19So we're taking a flight to the island where the abandoned hotel is. Are you ready? I'm nervous, bro
09:25We're on like a random island in Japan
09:28That's a volcano by the way, there's a lot of signs that point to not go to this hotel
09:32I'm Billy garage Jurassic Park right now
09:34Then we took a two-hour car ride through a jungle to get to the hotel. Oh
09:38My god, what the hell is this? Yo, this place is huge
09:42No, wait, this used to be the entryway and after hiking through the bushes for 10 minutes
09:47We still weren't even close. How far do we have to go?
09:50This used to be the pool right here. Oh my god. How long has this place been abandoned 25 years?
09:56Oh, and they say that this hotel is haunted. Oh my god. This car is abandoned
10:03Completely smashed what happened? That's not a bad sign. I don't know what it guys look another abandoned car
10:08Something had to be so bad to where they got out of the car and left it Tom. What are you doing right now?
10:13Oh, I have to go
10:15Do you think the bathrooms work in there?
10:17So this is the front entrance of the hotel and little did we know we were about to discover some things that we wish we did
10:23It man my god
10:26There's like broken glass everywhere left our shoes here. So it seems like everyone just like evacuated out of nowhere
10:32Why is there so much stuff?
10:33Yeah, dude, even the phones are still here and look at this is where they used to have all the key cards to the rooms
10:37Why is there a phone booth here? Oh
10:40There's dusty in there. Why did you take us here?
10:42Do you mean Lexi would never take us here that she wouldn't right you guys are obsessed with my sister
10:47Oh, she's the better sibling. Yeah, come on. She wouldn't bring us here
10:50No, you know what people like me more than Lexi. That is not true. Subscribe for Lexi and like for Brett
10:56Like like please
10:58I just wanted to notice that the roof is currently like this. It's folding down. What is all this stuff?
11:05Oh my god, this must have been from when they're open after searching around for a little bit
11:10We found something that was pretty cool. Wait, this is like an old sushi bar
11:15Wait, what?
11:17What's weird about this is that some rooms seem like they got destroyed and some rooms seem perfectly intact
11:23Then we made our way to the east wing of the hotel
11:26Oh my god, it just keeps going. I thought this was the end of it guys
11:29There's the Venus Garden restaurant. Literally everything is still here the vacuum cleaner the buffet
11:36We have silverware right here. Soy sauce is in the fridge right there
11:40They didn't even have time to clean out the tea kettle and after checking out the rest of the buffet this happened
11:47Wait, where's Dom Dom Dom's trying to scare me. I know he is Dom. Where are you?
11:57Look who's scared now
11:58Is there really the time to be doing this then to finish up the first floor? We headed to the West Wing
12:03Yo, let's explore this room drew. I don't think we're supposed to go in there. Look private. What are they gonna stop us?
12:08It's abandoned
12:09Yo, there's a safe. Yo, what what's inside?
12:14Nothing, they're strong winds on this island. So this hotel
12:17Creaks and it's so scary. Dude. I feel like we're actually in a horror movie right now. Look how old this computer is
12:24Oh my god, holy crap. And look, this is a VHS. I wonder what's on here, bro
12:29Seriously, and before making our way upstairs, we decided to go downstairs to the basement. Where does that lead? Oh
12:37My god
12:40The wind is like coming from here what oh my god
12:50Swear I don't see it's like dark, but I saw movement. I swear I saw something. Okay, go go go upstairs
12:56I don't wanna go on the base. So we explored the downstairs. Now. I say we go upstairs. Yo, this is so creepy
13:08After finding a pool table playing some pool and finding a balcony we made our way to the bedrooms
13:14What happened to this room, oh
13:16My god that can happen to the whole hotel. Look at the roof fell in on that room. Oh my god. It's windy. What's the
13:25Yeah, I can't even open it bro, I literally there feels like there's a ghost like
13:31After checking out over 100 bedrooms, we found an entrance to the roof of the second floor. I drew I wouldn't go over there. Oh
13:40My god plants are growing in here this actually looks like the end of the world is out. Wait, what is that?
13:47This is slipper. Why would there be a slipper here? Who's is it? Okay, let's let's get out of here
13:51Let's get out of this room. Then we went to the final room on the second floor
13:56Yo, what this is like the suite yo, this is a suite. Oh my god
14:02There's still poop in the toilet. You wrote 25 year old poop. It's like three minutes old
14:08I had to go
14:12And now it's time to check out the third floor it's blocked off wait what why why would this be here and you wouldn't believe
14:19What we found in this next room. Oh my god. It looks like somebody's sleeping here. Oh my god
14:38What are you laughing what are you laughing because that was a skeleton that we brought from the ship what that was a prank I
14:50And after doing a little more searching we started hearing noises
14:56What was that what was that
14:58Did you hear that do that? I was downstairs. It sounds like a TV or something. It turned on down there
15:02You know way there's electricity. Please like music. Is this someone we don't hear which
15:07Somebody's talking dude, where is that coming from?
15:12It's downstairs for sure right here
15:18Wait, is that the hotel or the discovery of seven unidentified human remains nearby
15:26It's a human remain, okay, absolutely not, but we need to leave ghost ghost
15:30I told you lucky for us drew brought his ghost kid
15:33Bro, if this was built where it said it was then there's definitely ghost. Okay, wait, let me see that
15:37No, I'm gonna turn it on. Let me see. No, I'll turn on. Oh my god. You do you broke it?
15:42Oh, did I now now we leave? Oh, let's go. Let's just get out of here. Let's go. Okay. Yeah, go go go. Go
15:51Now it's time for the fourth creepy Google Maps location an abandoned city full of UFOs
15:57And we had a walk through a jungle to get there. Okay, we should be here, bro
16:01This place is so hard to get to you. I bet you no one's actually explored it yet. Um, Brett. There's a problem
16:06Whoa, there's caution tape. We came here for nothing. No, okay
16:10I didn't take a plane a boat and a three-hour car ride for nothing. What where'd you get those?
16:15Right this way. Oh, you can't do that. Dude. This whole place is abandoned. Are they houses?
16:20They look like houses, but there's no one here. Yeah, this is so weird. Why would this just leave this here?
16:24Wait, what is this? Dude? I am NOT going in there
16:27What the heck is this place
16:30Okay, you know people say aliens are like short and skinny look at this door
16:33This is either made for an alien or for Drew
16:39Abandoned UFOs this place looks like a whole ghost town. That's a bad
16:47Then we made our way outside and now it's time to check out an actual UFO. I think I see the UFO
16:52Oh my god, what is that? Wait, there's so many of them. Oh my god. That is not man-made
16:57Something like that is an alien spaceship. Whoa, look at this door. Oh
17:03Not sir, look at the floor is falling through be careful. Look it's a kitchen Oh guys
17:07I found the bedroom. This ceiling is literally falling down. Oh, and since this one was literally falling apart. Let's check out another UFO
17:17Sure, you good. Oh the frickin floor just fell. Oh my god. I almost fell. Okay, we gotta get out here, bro
17:23But the next one was in even worse condition. Oh my god, but what happened to this one?
17:28The roof fell through and destroyed the house
17:30You can see like clothes and a bed like that's people stuff, but roofs just don't fall like something happened here
17:36Like why would everyone just leave the village? Why do these actually look like spaceships?
17:40Wait, why are we going inside?
17:42Open it the doors locked. Wait, what's it's literally locked? What do we? Oh my god the windows open true. What is wrong?
17:50This one looks like someone actually lives here
17:56Why does the water work in an abandoned town I have no idea drew someone probably lives here
18:03Okay, we should go we should get out of this one for sure who would live in here
18:10Did you just use the bathroom in an alien house then we escaped through the window and went to the next UFO
18:15Okay, that one's still there. This one took off. What it's probably in space. It didn't take off bro. Where's the house then? Oh
18:23My god, yo, this one's messed up
18:27What is that? What is what?
18:30It leads to inside though. Oh god guys guys guys. Look there's caution tape
18:36Stop letting the caution tape stop you. All right, bro. This green stuff is everywhere. Look at it on the floor
18:41We drew this is not safe. Look at the ceiling, bro. What the hell is this?
18:47What is that?
18:49That's a hand that's a hand. Oh
18:53My god, I don't want to touch it. I do stop messing with it, bro
18:57Okay, if that's an alien hand there might actually be aliens here
18:59We should go and before going to the next one this happened. Well, this one looks so sketchy
19:03Okay, literally all the windows are broken out drew. We're not going in this one. Come on. What's the worst that's gonna happen. What?
19:11Was that is that you know that just fell don't drew drew I'm gonna check it out, bro
19:15I wouldn't go. What is he doing? I do not want to go down here drew
19:26I didn't know it's afraid of aliens until now. Did you make this fall?
19:29I did not make that fall. And after that we found the creepiest UFO in this entire ghost town. What is this? Oh
19:38It's like one of those like conspiracy theory boards, but he's linking everything to like aliens
19:42Look at there's a UFO area 51. Wait, what does all that say that and that wasn't even the weirdest thing this place had?
19:51Dude I don't think anyone lives here. There's a freaking radio
20:02What sounds like he's in trouble something recording wait, what would it say? He said get away from me
20:07He said you cannot take me away from here. Someone was taking up
20:10No, it was probably like the cops or something. They came because they this guy was obviously crazy
20:14I mean look at this play this conspiracy board this astronaut suit the radio this place is crazy. Yeah, this is actually really weird
20:19Okay, here guys personally. This is what I think happened. He was at home chillin next, you know
20:39Let's just get out of here quick. I agree. Let's go go go go now
20:42It's time for the final and creepiest Google Maps location a town with over
20:471,000 residents, but they're all scarecrow spread. Where is this place? It's been like 10 minutes
20:52It says that it was supposed to be straight ahead
20:55It's not okay, well, can we ask someone there's literally no one here wait, dude, there's someone on his bike
21:00Oh my god, he's right. Yo, wait
21:03That's not a person. Oh, that's a scarecrow. I literally thought this was a person from the back dude looking from the back
21:09It looks like a like a person look around
21:12You were surrounded by more
21:20Whoa, wait, is this a bus stop? What bus are they waiting for first?
21:25Was this kind of funny and now I'm kind of freaked out. Yeah, this is creepy. All right guys
21:29Let's keep exploring. Come on. Wait, why does his hat like that?
21:32Excuse me, sir. Oh my god. He just bleeped
21:35We did it
21:39Wait, what are these ones doing? Why are they just waiting here?
21:43Okay. Oh my god. I'm actually not convinced. So that's not a real person. Oh, no, of course. It's it's a fake person
21:48Why does this look so real? Oh my god. Look at this guy. Oh, this one looks like drew
21:52He's tiny. He has his haircut
21:55Yo, look at this. This guy's in the tree. Wait, what this one's riding his bike and now it has a skateboard
22:01We've been looking around for 30 minutes and we still haven't seen anyone actually real how big is this fake town?
22:07Wait, this guy looks real. Wait, what? No, but he's fishing. Oh my god. What this is the most realistic one by far
22:15It's weird. There's like stuff here. There's cars like who's driving the cars. I'll tell you for a fact
22:20The scarecrows are not paying rent for this place. It's gotta be someone. Oh
22:25My god, dude. Okay. I don't want to go in there. You go in first. What look at they're looking at us
22:30Yeah, we might get karma for this like we might be haunted. Oh, what is going on right now?
22:36Why are there so many like this is actually really creepy
22:39I don't want to show how we haven't found a single real person yet. Yo, look at how scary these ones are
22:43What is wrong with these? Oh my god. This is crazy. Drew. What are you doing? I'm cuddling for warmth
22:49Oh, don't cuddle the scarecrow. You don't know who this is
22:54Okay, this is sad these scarecrows are looking at us really weird. Let's just get out of this room. Okay, I agree
22:59Let's leave this place, right? Is it a real person? Okay. Oh my god. She's real. Wait, who is that?
23:05She might be the one behind this I'm making you so you think she is the one that made this entire village
23:10She's the only real person we've seen all that. I mean look there's a newspaper too. What if this says something?
23:14Well, it's in Japanese. What does it say? Okay, what does it say population dropped from 8,000 to only 34 people in just 10
23:22What? Why? Okay, um this girl a Yono
23:25Tsukumi the mother of scarecrows vowed to save her village from being abandoned by filling her village with over
23:31300 scarecrows what so she replaced the people that left just with scarecrows I guess that's insane
23:37That is so weird. Okay, but we have to get to the bottom of this because why did everyone just abandon this town?
23:42I have no idea and there's a school across the street. Is that abandoned too if I had to assume?
23:47Yes, it's only one way to find out we then made our way outside and found the school
23:52Okay, wait, this is probably the playground and then this is the school and after walking around the whole building
23:57We finally found a way inside. This is so creepy
24:01It's open what?
24:03We shouldn't go inside but we have to get to the bottom of it. Oh
24:07My god, there's literally hundreds of scarecrows in here. This is not real. This is literally not real
24:13Oh, who would do something like this? Oh, they're literally everywhere
24:18What where's Drew? Wait, he was literally with us like five seconds ago. That's a stupid plan to do again. Oh my god
24:24Wait, look, these ones are like looking at like a map or something. Yeah as if they can read
24:35Bro, my god, what are you doing? What is wrong with you? I brought this so I can break you guys
24:42You're actually gonna give me a heart attack one day. There better not be any more scarecrows that jump out of that
24:46I hate you bro. No, no, it's just me
24:51Dom I don't think anyone else is real. I'm making sure bro
24:55Dude, I did not like that bro. No, wait, wait, there's someone. Oh my god a real guy
25:04Wait, what is he saying? I have no idea. We're supposed to leave?
25:07Okay. Okay. Yeah, we'll go we'll go. Sorry. We're sorry. We're so sorry
25:11Okay, sorry, sorry, sorry