THIS GAME IS INSANE. THERE ARE 89 ENDINGS.... The Easiest Game on Roblox..
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00:00Today we're getting every single ending in the easiest game on roblox. Here we are
00:04I did part one you guys seem to really like it, but you wanted me to get all the endings 11 on trending
00:10Let's go guys hit the like button. Let's get this video on trending too
00:12We ended up getting 34 out of the 89 endings. So let's calculate how many endings we have left. I'm so big brand
00:19I don't need a calculator 55. We need 55 endings. Holy what the heck?
00:24Okay, so let's do this. I know one already
00:27I think you just push the yellow ball into the trophy and that's an ending. Oh, geez
00:33Oh my god, why'd that scare me so much? All right. So let's try it push this in there. Boom. Oh
00:38It has a face on it. Let's go. I think that's an ending. Yes super win. Let's go
00:43All right. So there we go. We have 35 endings keep that endings counter on the screen
00:48That's another one for the books. We have to get all in today and I will freaking do it
00:52Okay, some of you commented saying I should get the party pooper ending which is right here all the ones in green i've gotten red
00:58I have not gotten and to get this apparently you just have to do slash e dance like this and then just
01:05Reset while mid dancing. Oh, I turned black away. No way. This is an ending bro. What no way?
01:13Another ending let's go. We have 53 more endings to get a hold. I'm gonna be here all day dude guys
01:19Hit the like button just 20k likes please for my pain and suffering from this freaking game. Okay, I have an idea
01:24We get the cheese. We then go over here to the rat area thing
01:29We give the rat the cheese like that. We take the key, but we don't unlock keith, right?
01:35We don't unlock him. We go up because guys there was a door underneath. How do we do this? This might be tricky
01:41I'm gonna attempt this might be tough. We push this in here and then we go in here. We click that
01:46Okay, jump down here it unlocks this hole, right?
01:50So we go down here boom and then we should be able to open this door. Oh my god. Oh my god
01:55There's a portal what what is this? What what do I do? Nothing's happening. Hello. What unstuck?
02:02Okay, let's go dude another ending. Okay this next one I had to look up this one's insane
02:09And I don't know how anyone would find this just naturally go to the rat area first
02:14And then you have to click on the rat. So we clicked on the rat and then you have to click on the money bag
02:20So we'll do that boom and then you have to click on the yellow ball
02:24You have to just click things in order like what how are you supposed to do this, bro?
02:28Click the ball and then I have to click the cheese once
02:34And now I have to get the red ball and click the red ball
02:37Okay, click this and then I have to go to regular world and now I click the trophy and I guess that's it
02:43That's the ending. There's no way this works, bro
02:46My god, it worked
02:49That's insane, how were you supposed to do that bro, jesus, okay, that one was tough that one was tough
02:54Okay, so we have all of these endings. What's gold bar? Okay, this gold bar ending might be the hardest one yet
03:01I'm gonna attempt it once if I can't get it then i'll leave it for later
03:04But yeah, okay, this is going to be like actually insane. Okay, so we have to get the cheese
03:09I'm an idiot. I fell before the freaking thing. God, okay
03:14Now I have to feed the cheese to the red ball and not die
03:17So to not die I have to sit in this corner and it almost touches me. I think please don't touch me. Please don't touch me
03:24Oh my god, that was
03:26Insanely close. Okay. So now to get the gold bar ending. I have to grab the cheese. We don't eat it though
03:32We put it in our inventory and what I have to do now is click the apple and do the counting segment
03:38Which I did in the last video watch i'll show you so I click this it'll give me a number 25 to 30 1
03:442 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6
03:497 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 guys
03:53I definitely messed up multiple times because it's not turning gold frick
03:56So i'm literally using a stopwatch now, so this should be more accurate 41 to 46. I did it. I did it
04:00Oh my god. Okay, that took a while that actually took a while
04:03So now what I have to do I have the golden cheese. We have the golden apple. I have to time
04:09This is just nuts for this ending, bro
04:11I have to time myself eating the cheese while falling on top of the apple
04:18Don't die here. That would be really unfortunate. Okay, so now that i'm up here watch I have to literally time myself, bro
04:24Okay, so we get out this let me shift lock we get out the cheese and we eat this
04:29Mid-fall ready like right here. Boom. Eat it. I missed I missed landing on the apple, bro
04:34Okay, we're gonna move on and do that one later. Jesus, dude
04:37That actually took like 15 minutes and I just messed up
04:40Okay, this one's really easy
04:41But apparently if you just put I love paint you get the paintbrush ending like what what even is this bro? Yay
04:48paintbrush ending
04:50That's another ending. Okay, by the way, please subscribe to the channel hit the subscribe button
04:54Just do it trying to get to two mil. All right, that was easy enough
04:57Okay, next ending involves keith so let's go get the cheese feed it to the rat we have to unlock keith
05:04This is called ghost ending or whatever. So we become a ghost down for that. All right, we feed it to the rat
05:10Enjoy the cheese appreciate that. Thank you for the key
05:13We hand this to keith keith escapes and all we have to do is go back here grab this skull and then
05:19Reset with it and I think this should work. Yeah, you've 15 seconds of life remaining. Oh my god. Look at me, dude
05:25I'm a freaking ghost wait, I bet you there's more endings though because I have this time
05:31So I wonder what I could do, but let's just not do anything ghost. Yes, dude. There's another ending. Okay, perfect
05:36Okay, next ending is the golden rat ending
05:40I don't even know how many endings we're on but I hope we're close to being done. Probably not
05:43We probably have 40 more. Okay. So for this one, we have to feed the cheese the rat or what?
05:48Did I just feed the rat the cheese? Yeah, we have to unlock keith. There you go keith
05:52Enjoy grab the skull. So pretty much the exact same ending
05:55But apparently if I just go over here and then reset here I can walk through this. Oh my god the golden rat
06:05Let's go dude. All right, cool. There's another ending. Perfect. Okay
06:08So for this one, you have to get the cheese and the plank
06:10so I got both and now we have to go get the moldy cheese and
06:15The skull and then feed it to like a trash can I don't even know dude
06:19These endings are insane. We feed this to the rat
06:21And I accidentally took the key too soon. Alrighty, that is my bad
06:25You can make so many mistakes in this game so easily. It's so tough
06:28We give this to keith boom and then what we have to do is grab the skull and the moldy cheese
06:34So we have skull plank and cheese and then feed it to a trash can which try I think this one
06:39No, it's this one. Okay, so we'll feed everything to this trash can boom boom. Yo, wait, why did I say yo?
06:45I don't feel very no. I didn't mean to eat the
06:49I did not mean to eat the wait. I never got the sick award. Oh, okay. Perfect
06:52We did an ending that I thought I already gotten. Okay, cool. I didn't realize I never ate that. Let's go
06:58All right. I didn't mean to do that though. I was trying to feed the trash can
07:01It's because I clicked on the trash can and that ate the thing. I have to drop it I think which is backspace
07:06Okay, let me do that. We go here. We drop the cheese like this. Boom. Yeah, it worked
07:12Drop the plank and then drop the skull. Oh my
07:15Why is this like glowing now, what did I do? Okay, i'm i'm getting eaten by the trash can
07:20What is this ending engulfed engulfed? Hey, what my light turned off? What the heck? Okay, that's another ending though
07:26Okay lamps being stupid. Let's continue. Okay, the next ending's called sad right here sad jesus
07:32I've oh my i've so many more to get so apparently for this one. We first of all have to get the cheese
07:38There's so many endings where I have to get the freaking cheese stupid cheese stupid
07:42Cheese stupid cheese stupid. I hate the cheese and then what I do is I take this over here
07:47Go to the rat and then we take the key, right?
07:50And then when the rat brings out the sword, I have to click the sword. That was my favorite key
07:55Yes, I got the sword. Okay, so I take that. Hey, you took my sword
07:59Okay, we have the sword now, which I didn't even know you could do but with the sword you can slice the ball
08:08My god, and there you have it. We have the sad ball and then we jump down here. No, no
08:18Hey, that's another ending wait guys, I just realized it's raining now what the heck interesting
08:23Okay, the next ending we have to kill keith with the sword. Is it just gonna rain forever now?
08:28Yeah, I don't like this. Shut up yellow ball. No one likes you. No one asked also. No one cares
08:34Okay, we have the sword let's go kill keith, what is he saying stop killing me
08:39This might take a while, but he's just gonna keep spamming stop
08:44Sorry, keith had to be done. R.i.p. Keith. Okay, that's it. Wait, what?
08:48I was so close
08:51Another ending it's freaking go dude. Okay, here's our ending counter. We got a lot
08:55I don't know how many but we have a freaking lot. So what else gold bar is the one that that was so tough
09:01We got forest burger burnt spawn trapped color like jesus there
09:06Okay, we gotta get the sword again from the freaking rat. How many times i'm gonna have to do this the next ending
09:12I'm gonna be creating a forest. So what I do is I grab the sword from the rat
09:17I go up top and cut the tree because yeah, technically this does look like a ball
09:22So we cut the tree and then oh my god. No, no
09:26Guys, that was not supposed to happen interesting. Okay, wait, I can still fix this I can still fix this
09:30I was supposed to combine that tree ball with the yellow guy
09:34So, let's see if this works and it's going too fast. It's going too fast. Dang it. No, dude
09:39No, I gotta restart. That's so unfortunate. The tree ball just freaking fell. What am I supposed to do?
09:45I just realized I don't even need to go into yellow world. So I don't need the cheese technically
09:50So i'm just kind of wasting my time because all we need to do is grab the key
09:53Okay, let's try this again. I need it to be a yellow ball though. It's freaking red
09:57Hold on and you know what before we do anything?
09:59Let's push the yellow ball over to here so that we can get ready. There we go. Boom and stop stop stop good
10:06Okay now combine it. Oh, there we go. There we go. We combined it and now what now we push this down here and fall in
10:13Yes. Yes
10:14It's the forest
10:17It's like so random, but there we go forest ending. Sure. Why not? We got it
10:21Okay, all I have to do for this next one is copy the ball but just stay under the tree
10:27Yeah, this will be interesting and the lightning strike should hit the tree and not me
10:32So let's let's just copy the ball, but I can't see the ball. No
10:37So far now, huh? I hate that. You can't run in this game. Okay, here we go. Here we go. Hi there
10:42Stop copying me. I said stop copying me
10:47Stop it now
10:49Oh, oh my god, so now I touch the tree and there we go
10:54This is insane. Oh my i'm burnt to a crisp. There we go. We got it burnt easy peasy
10:59Okay, guys, remember when I saw the number 27 like down here? Well, yeah, that was obviously an ending
11:04Let's go, uh do this ending real quick
11:06All you have to do is push the ball back into here, right?
11:10And then I think it should say a number does it or no, maybe oh 30
11:15So what I have to do now is click on this 30 times 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
11:22Now what and then I have to hit respawn
11:24Huh? Oh and then rejoin and it should be red now. Oh my god. It is it actually is. Okay
11:31Okay, so I did it right so now we just have to do it again. Whoa, it's pink interesting
11:35We got the rare pink ball. Okay, so push this in there. Oh my god. Come back here, bro
11:40Stop saying bro to me. Oh my god, you're so annoying ball
11:45You might be the most annoying ball to ever exist. Jesus
11:49And I missed it again. Oh, I despise these balls. I don't think i've ever said that sentence in my life
11:53Okay, we're pushing it. I don't care. I don't want this to do with pink ball. It's actually so annoying
11:56Just go in the hole. Okay. Now we have to just do it again
11:59It seems so we click this and then 27 1 2 3
12:04Okay, and then I have to reset again and rejoin and then I should be good. Yes
12:10Yes, dude
12:12The spawn point ending that's another ending spawn. Let's go dude. We are just flying through this
12:19Okay for this next one, we're trapping keith apparently so we have to do this grab the plank and the cheese
12:25Perfect. So we take the key and then we drop the plank like this
12:31And then we give the key to keith I think like this boom
12:36What does that say? Oh, could you do this to me? Why would the door open?
12:39There we go another ending trap keith is stuck in there forever gg keith you're done
12:44All right. The next one is called colorful and to do this ending have to do the obby
12:49So let's do that
12:50This should respawn us up there and then we have to go to the next obby because there's like a rainbow thing that I have
12:56To click so we'll do this and then all we have to do is jump down and do it again
13:02So now all we have to do is click on these in order which is red orange
13:08Yellow green teal violet. Why doesn't that work red orange yellow green teal violet? Oh, it did work. Yes
13:15Yes, dude, let's go. Oh
13:19And then I just wait here I guess shout out to all the people who figured all the endings out without any help
13:24Honestly, you deserve an award as another ending colorful. Okay, this next one. It's just gonna take so long, bro
13:30So I have to go get the key from the rat. Thank you so much
13:34We have to let out keith because we need the skull. So here you go keith enjoy being free
13:39I guess and then what we have to do is grab the skull go up here
13:42And this is going to take a long time because what I have to do now is
13:46Constantly drop down here and click this and this was the moon ending but doesn't matter because we just have to
13:52Constantly drop down here and click this over and over again over and over again. I don't even know like 20 times
14:01My god, okay that literally took like 20 attempts you clicked me too many times we broke the clock. What is that?
14:08Shattered ending. Let's go. Okay. There's another one. Oh guys. How many freaking endings do we have left?
14:13We obviously have gold bar which we'll get but oh my burger ending. Okay getting there. My god
14:19This is gonna take so long, bro. I'm done for next ending. It's called the sun ending
14:24We got the moon ending before we'll get the sun ending now
14:27So all we have to do is grab the skull and basically just do this once right you go down here you click on this
14:33And then you go down here. That's the moon, right? The moon ending is that one, but we do it again
14:38That should be the sun ending. Let's try it. Hey
14:41Sun ending let's go
14:43All right. There's another ending guys. Look how many endings we got bro, bro
14:47This next one is called storm cloud ending. Remember when we did the cloud ending in the last video?
14:54Well, we have to basically get the blue sad thing. Remember when it was raining?
14:58I didn't know this but yeah, you can do the storm cloud ending when it's raining when you have the sad ending
15:04So we have to get this sad ending. So let's go do that. There we go. We got the blue sad ball. We'll jump in here
15:12And now what we have to do is it should be raining correct it is
15:16Okay, so now that it's raining we have to go I should have known bro
15:19I should have known that there was another ending connected
15:22So now that it's raining we have to climb the tree and climb up here to the cloud the storm cloud. Let's go
15:31There we go. The storm cloud. Wow. I like this song. Yo low key. Oh, hold on
15:38Okay, we got to do it before it like changes
15:40I don't know how long the storm lasts boom storm cloud ending easy peasy on the next this next one is a mission
15:47Holy some of these endings are like so intricate
15:49So for this one, we have to grab the moldy cheese and then we have to push the yellow ball down here
15:56Boom click that so we have the moldy cheese. Now. We have to lead keith down into I gotta be careful though
16:03I don't want to kill him. All right, we lead keith down under here. Let's bring him under here
16:08Come on, keith. Come on. There you go. All right, so we lead him down here
16:12Now we have to get him in the chair. This might be tough. Oh my god this might no
16:16Holy, of course I do that bro. Why why why does it auto i've spit on my mic? Ew
16:23Why does it auto make me sit on the chair, bro?
16:25It auto freaking makes me sit on the chair stupid little idiot. This game is insane
16:30I just want to get the endings. All right, please leave a like if there's one video in the world to leave a like on
16:35It's this one already been recording for an hour for this video and I still have so many freaking endings left
16:40This is actually difficult, bro. This is actually difficult to not freaking sit in that stupid chair. Okay, let's be careful here
16:47That was scary. Okay, not gonna sit in the chair
16:49We're gonna make him sit in the chair boom and now we sit we sit with him or we just go down with him
16:54Wait, what the oh my what now what i'm lost
16:58What the okay, we did it. We did it. We did it lost. Okay. That was a pretty tough one. Let's go
17:02Okay, so there's another ending where we have to get keith in the same exact spot and not go down with him
17:08So I have to literally do the same thing. I just did but don't go down with him this time
17:13Wait, oh my god, we lost keith. Wait, what keith isn't even here? Wait, what wait what guys? I don't know what to do
17:20Keith doesn't exist. Where the heck's keith. I can't even do the ending. No. Okay, let's just hold on
17:26We can do a different ending. Okay, this next one. This is going to take so long
17:30It's called mirror ending gonna be a fun one, especially if the ball won't cooperate
17:36So we have to do for this ending is go up to the clouds five times. This literally might take 20 minutes
17:42So yeah, you get here and you have to do it again five times. I'm gonna cry. I'm gonna cry bro
17:47I'm, literally gonna cry
17:49There's one out of five. Oh my god. It is becoming mirror. Look. It's all like wait
17:54What did he just say? He just said a bunch of emojis. I've never seen him say that. Is this it?
17:57Did I do it? I did it. I did it the mirror ending now guys
18:01There's even another ending where if I go up again, there's another ending so I would have to do that again
18:07So i'm gonna basically cry but yeah mirror ending there you go. There's another ending jesus
18:12Okay, keith is back. So maybe let's do the other ending real quick
18:16So we have to get him back in the chair. So I gotta be careful again. Okay, there we go
18:20Now we do not go down with him
18:22So he goes down the thing will close and then I think it should reopen. Yeah like that and then we go down. Whoa
18:31What is what is this 41 son apple 41 enter code what's wrong code nine attempts remain?
18:37Oh, it's definitely an ending to get the attempts, but what's the code what's the actual code? Okay, let's just get it wrong god
18:44So there's another ending so I have to get holy. This is just insane, bro
18:49There's so many endings. All right, two attempts remain what's gonna happen?
18:53Oh, hey too many attempts lockdown initiated. What are you doing? Nothing? Nothing. I'm not doing anything. There you go lockdown
18:59Okay, what's the code though? Okay next ending look how many endings we have guys
19:04We have so many I don't know what burger is but we still have all holy
19:08Maybe I should do a live stream doing this. Jesus. Okay. This is an ending
19:12We have to get keith and then you just dance with him. Does he dance too? Oh my god
19:17I might not be close enough for him to start dancing. No way, bro. I have to be close to him
19:23I gotta redo that whole thing because I wasn't right by him freaking keith. Is he blind?
19:27He couldn't see me dancing. Come on keith. Come dance with me. Okay, so let's get right next to him
19:32There we go
19:34I'm gonna go insane playing this game. Let's
19:37Go dance moves. Okay. This next one's called deforestation
19:42We have to get the tree or the forest ending and then cut down all the trees
19:46We do this go down here and now cut down all the trees
19:51boom stupid trees stupid
19:54stupid trees
19:56How are you supposed to get to those though? Oh from the obby? That's crazy, bro
20:01How am I supposed to get that tree over there? Okay, we have cut down every tree except the wind one
20:06We do have to cut that one down. How am I gonna get that one?
20:08I think I actually have to go back to the obby. Wait, let's try this
20:13Yeah, now it'll lead me over here and I can jump there we go. Okay, cool
20:16Here we go. And now I just have to not touch the tree because if I touch the tree
20:20Whoa, jesus, you almost pushed me off pal. Don't touch the tree. How do I do this? We did it you killed the trees
20:27And now what and now I just walk into the tree yes, dude, that one was kind of tough. Okay. Oh, okay guys
20:32I'm gonna end it there. I've been playing this for almost two hours now
20:35I think i'm gonna maybe do a live stream with the next part of completing all of the endings
20:41This game is freaking tough. Leave a like I got so many endings
20:44This is the final ending counter that I have as you guys can see here is all of the endings
20:50I've completed and here are most of them. I haven't completed. We have a lot left
20:54We have a lot left anyways, like and subscribe. Goodbye