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Do you think it will make it 200 days?👇🏼👇🏼
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All our videos are filmed on our private gun range in Texas where we are taking all of the proper safety precautions. Do not try anything we do on our channel at home.


00:00150 days ago we threw a Glock aka Dwayne the Glock Johnson into this pond with
00:07one goal to see if it would fire after 30 days and then and then it did fire
00:13and then so then after that we saw if it would fire after 60 days and then it did
00:21Should we start over? And then after that we also tested it again at some
00:29number of days and then it fired so now today is day 150 and we're gonna see if
00:36a Glock would fire after being underwater for 150 days you may be
00:41asking yourself where's this pond you're talking about Parker you're in one
00:47Pirates of the Caribbean anybody you best get used to ghost stories you're in
00:52one yeah so this used to be a pond it is now dried back in December of 2024
01:00this was a pond full of life and water and now it is dry and sad and dead but
01:07there is water in the middle of it thanks to us we created our own pond for
01:11Dwayne which has been his home and here is all dude check it out there's life
01:15yeah all right so it's been underwater for 150 days yep let's get it out and
01:20see what it looks like yeah dude that scared me not bad
01:28it's pretty legit I think it's more rusted than last time yeah so the last
01:32time mag did the mag come out after the last time we tested I don't know let's
01:36see yep came out okay well that's good news all right so we will be using this
01:39mag but we will be we will we will be what we will we'll be doing it drying up
01:45dude we we cool so we will use this mag but we are gonna put fresh ammo in it
01:51the purpose of the test is to test the Glock not necessarily ammo after 150
01:55days all right let's see if this slide will come back I'm really doubting it
01:58will nope gotta get the hammer again last time the last time we tested it
02:04after 30 days and 60 days the slide came back after the last time that we tested
02:07it which was 90 days I think the slide did not come back we had to hammer it
02:10back but then once we did and it did end up firing so we're gonna go get this
02:15cleaned up and we'll just see if we can hammer the slide back see if we can put
02:18fresh round into it and then we'll go to the range see if it fires let's go
02:24clean it up okay welcome back to the warehouse smells good in here smells
02:29yep I'll clean up the mag a little bit in the mud out there and yeah we'll see
02:34what we can do here so each month when we check on this thing we just give it
02:39like a surface level clean just in the sink we don't use any like special
02:43equipment or anything but we just get the gunk out of the barrel try to
02:47remove any obstructions that way it just like remains a test of water on the gun
02:51rather than like mud getting in the barrel and messing up the test so it's
02:55like a true water test I think that's as good as we're gonna get oh look at that
03:00little guy no hammer needed she's cleaned out I mean he excuse me
03:08Dwayne is cleaned out he's dripping and he's ready for a fresh round let's go
03:12feed him I noticed the berm looks much bigger man yeah it's like it's growing
03:16yeah we added some dirt to it it's coming along thanks to our sponsors we
03:20have sponsors though right sponsors yeah for this channel million subscribers no
03:26I think it looks good there's literally like a what is that in the middle of it
03:29looks like a little push mower or something is that doing there
03:32archaeologists are gonna be very confused here one day all right we made
03:38it down here at the EE range starting to green up here spring is spring has
03:43sprung as the French say and we're gonna rig our Glock up to our thingymajig
03:50it's Fred down here yeah he's here find Fred piece by piece set him up these
03:54spools have been really great if you guys have a private range I'd recommend
03:58them because they're just so easy to move around roll around pretty durable
04:03all right we got our Glock set up here on our pulley system we got a little
04:07string around the trigger we put a fresh round in it Fred has his helmet on
04:10he's hoping it doesn't work we are hoping it does let's see if it fires
04:14three two one it's not firing we're just gonna take it off the rig unchamber the
04:25round and see if it'll even dry fire because I haven't even seen if it'll dry
04:27fire yet to see if that firing pins working see if it sounds like it's
04:30supposed to so I'm just gonna take it off see what happens all right so I was
04:32able to hit that slide back and get the round out of the chamber so I'm just
04:37gonna hit the slide for and see if I can even get it to dry fire and see what
04:40this triggers doing it's just like squeaking I just doesn't sound right I
04:56don't really know exactly what's wrong I just know that doesn't sound good I'm
04:59just gonna chamber another round bring it back up and I'm just gonna try to
05:02make sure that the string is like on the safety and I'm just gonna yank and
05:05just see if we can at least get the whole trigger to come back and then that
05:09way we'll know for sure if the Glock only lasted 150 days Dwayne might be
05:13done now we got two bullets back in our mag
05:15here see if we can chamber this puppy
05:23just like grand ball used to do tap tap tap the old tap tap taparoo all right
05:27take two see if it fires three two one all right it fired I did not have much
05:36hope but man that trigger was sketchy but it did fire surprisingly put a hole
05:42through Fred yeah man 150 days Dwayne was able to make it happen it took some
05:47more hammering took some more tapping and the trigger does not sound like it's
05:52doing too hot but it did fire so let's go back to the pond throw it in the
05:55water and then we'll check back in at day 200 all right Dwayne you got to go
05:59back man I know I know it's scary but we believe in you day 150 he fired but this
06:04is the sketchiest day yet I don't know if it's gonna happen man day 200 it's
06:08gonna be tough all right so Dwayne going back in the water we'll come back for
06:12him in 50 days and we'll see if he'll still fire
