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00:00Is a Cybertruck really bulletproof?
00:02That is the question that we are here to answer today.
00:04We have a brand new Cybertruck door here ready to go.
00:08It's not, okay, it's not brand new.
00:11It is a little scuffed.
00:13We bought it used off of eBay, but it is going to get the job done.
00:16It's still got the same materials and it's going to tell us all that we need to know
00:20about the durability of Elon's Finest.
00:22It looks brand new to me.
00:25Maybe our sponsors will start pitching in.
00:27Still no sponsors.
00:30Yeah, okay.
00:31So we've been really excited to do this for a long time.
00:34It's like impossible to find Cybertruck parts.
00:36Zach has been scouring the internet for months now.
00:39We were finally able to find one.
00:41Was this like from a dealer or just like some guy in his garage?
00:43I think it was some like body shop that sells used parts on eBay and they just had a Cybertruck
00:49door that must have been part of an accident or something.
00:52Okay, you'd never catch me dead driving one of these one of these city boy mobiles.
01:00This is Frederick.
01:02He is ready to go.
01:04He's going to be our dummy for the day as usual.
01:07He's hoping that the door stops everything.
01:09We have done door videos in the past.
01:11Let's go over to them.
01:12What is that?
01:13It's weird.
01:15These are 1980s F-150 doors and the only thing that they stopped was birdshot and the arrow.
01:24Did they stop it?
01:24Yeah, I think even the 22 went through them.
01:26What about that massive gaping hole on the right?
01:29This hole?
01:32I honestly don't remember.
01:36We strapped Tannerite to it?
01:37Wow, that'd be cool.
01:39These tests have been done before but we do things a little differently around here.
01:43We are also going to throw the bow at it and different types of shotgun rounds to try to
01:49get a good wide variety of testing for the door.
01:53All right, we are starting off small with our Ruger 10-22.
01:56We have a bunch of other guns and a bow that we're going to throw at it but we're starting
01:59with the 22.
02:05I can't tell at all.
02:06It kind of looks like it went through to me.
02:08All right, stopped it.
02:11I can see some streaks around it but it stopped it.
02:14It's already doing better than the F-150 door that we shot in the Tesla Model S.
02:21Just whatever the Tesla car is, the 22 went right through both of those.
02:25That's good.
02:25This is going to be fun.
02:33All right, moving up to our Glock 19, shooting around a 9-millimeter hollow point.
02:36Shoot a hollow point because that's realistically what most people are going to be carrying around
02:42and so full metal jacket probably has more penetration power but this is a test to see
02:47what the door would stop against most people who would be shooting at it.
02:50We will shoot FMJ at the end just to see.
02:53Let me guess.
02:54Test is void.
02:55We didn't have a new door for each shot.
02:58Next time, we will buy nine Cybertruck doors for you guys.
03:05All right, a little bit bigger dent, kind of flaking on the edges.
03:08Stopped the 9-mil.
03:10I am so pleasantly surprised right now.
03:11Fred is just doing fine back there.
03:13He might be taking a nap.
03:16All right, we have our 1911, shooting around a 45.
03:19That's what we're shooting.
03:23I thought I was going to sneeze.
03:25All right, 45, very similar to the 9.
03:32A little bit of a dent there.
03:34Bounced right off.
03:35Elon, man.
03:36Elon, Elon, Elon.
03:38They are kind of bulletproof.
03:40Yeah, that's pretty impressive.
03:41Yeah, I was not expecting this.
03:42I thought the 22, it would maybe stop the 22 but I thought the 9, the 45 would go through.
03:46We're going to move up to the shotgun now.
03:48Are we going to shoot with birdshot?
03:49We're going to do birdshot, buckshot, slow.
03:51All right, we got our birdshot.
03:52Going to hit it with the 12-gauge.
03:53Going to make it rain BBs.
03:55All right, we're doing shotgun now.
03:56I got to zip this up, man.
03:58I was trying to look cool like you, but it's too cold.
04:09That is-
04:10This is-
04:11Sorry, what were you going to say?
04:12Oh, I was-
04:12I'm sorry I interrupted you.
04:13You're like-
04:13No, no, no, you go ahead.
04:14What was your reaction?
04:15No, I want to hear.
04:18I'm sorry, Zach.
04:18I guess this is your channel.
04:20All right, so there are no dents in this at all.
04:24It's just weird.
04:26I mean, the whole thing is kind of pushed in a little bit,
04:29but the seal itself didn't dent at all, which is crazy.
04:35It's a huge difference from the-
04:38Oh, you want to finish it for me?
04:41Oh, I thought he was going to be happy yet.
04:43Oh, we weren't on the same page.
04:47I feel like we're in a game of tic-tac-toe right now.
04:50This is where it gets interesting.
04:51Just judging by the 9 and 45, I got to say the buckshot's not going to go through.
04:55I don't think it's going to do the job.
04:57I don't think so either.
04:58You don't think so either?
04:59No, dude, we can agree on this one.
05:03All right, we're moving up to this critical defense double op buckshot round,
05:08and we're going to shoot it at the door.
05:10You think it's going to get the Fred?
05:12I don't think so.
05:12I think it's going to bounce back and hit us in the face.
05:15Should we shoot it behind the barrier?
05:21Yeah, stopped it.
05:26Look at that.
05:27Get a close-up of that thing.
05:30Didn't do any better.
05:31Oh, we got a little crack, but that's kind of just like the steel flaking, I think.
05:36That's impressive.
05:37How's Fred doing back there?
05:38Fred thought it was a touchdown.
05:42All right, I'm shooting the 12-gauge shotgun slug.
05:45I think we're going to see Fred's little hands fall away after this shot.
05:51All right, here we go.
05:59I wanted to hit it to where it had the best chance of stopping it possible,
06:02so I aimed a little bit higher so that this back wall could have a chance to hit it.
06:07And we have a clear entry through the front, but then there's no exit on this.
06:12I don't even know if you're going to be able to see.
06:14It came through the first wall and then hit the second.
06:16The force of it just knocked Fred back, decapitated the poor guy.
06:19And then here's our slug right here.
06:21Dude, that's crazy.
06:24Hey, who's that?
06:28Earl Dibbles Jr. just randomly rolled up on us here.
06:37I don't know what they're doing.
06:38All right, we are moving up to our AR here.
06:41It has stopped everything.
06:43So we have a green tip 556 that we're going to throw at it.
06:47I'm going to aim right for Fred's head right in this area
06:50and see if it goes through both layers.
06:54Hold on, Fred.
07:00Fred, we got a clean entry in through our first wall.
07:04It broke through our second wall and it went through Fred's Vietnam helmet.
07:09Put in like both of these holes somehow.
07:11I guess the bullet like blit once it hit the steel.
07:14It went right through Fred, man.
07:15How's the back of his head doing?
07:19All right, we are moving up to full metal jacket of the 9 and the 10.
07:22We have two rounds chambered here.
07:24I'm just going to shoot them at the same time at our door here
07:26and we'll see if it stops the full metal jacket also.
07:31This feels so weird.
07:33I like it because I'm just having to like eyeball it.
07:36I can't aim down the sights.
07:37It just feels wrong.
07:38I just got to make sure I don't aim high, obviously.
07:41Bro, this is so weird.
07:42I don't even know if I can hit it.
07:43All right.
07:46All right, here's our 10 mil on the right.
07:48Stopped the full metal jacket 10 mil.
07:49Looks great with your shadow on it.
07:51Looked really great shot.
07:53And then this is the 9.
07:54Pretty similar.
07:55Stopped both of them.
07:56So there's no difference between the hollow point and the full metal jacket.
07:59They both got stopped.
08:00We're going to hit it with a 44 magnum real quick and see if it'll stop that.
08:04All right, we got our Ruger Redhawk 44 magnum.
08:06See if we can stop it.
08:12All right, 44 magnum.
08:13Poured through the first wall, but it got stopped at the second wall.
08:20Can't even see a dent anywhere.
08:21So it stopped everything except for the green tip 556.
08:25We're going to throw a 70 pound bow at it.
08:27See what happens too.
08:28They did this on the Joe Rogan experience and it did stop it.
08:31So it stopped the bow.
08:33Did it even like go through the first wall?
08:35I think it just completely deflected the air.
08:40All right, we got a 70 pound bow.
08:41We got a field tip on it.
08:42I feel like I'm getting back to my roots with the bow, man.
08:44It feels good.
08:45This is where it all started.
08:52Let's see where it hit.
08:53Oh, here it looks like.
08:55Barely did anything, man.
08:56So it's tiny.
08:57I mean, they didn't even come close to going through.
08:59Field tip broke off and just shattered the shaft.
09:04Look at that.
09:04There you have it.
09:05That was our Cybertruck bulletproof test.
09:08It stopped every single thing that we threw at it except for the green tip 556.
09:13This thing is tough.
09:14It officially gets our Yee Yee bulletproof stamp of approval.
09:20Did you show like a cool stamp?
09:22Yeah, I think I'm going to put a stamp like right there or something.
09:25That would be cool.
09:27Thank you guys for watching.
09:28We'll see you in the next video.
