00:00That's flippin right I got a new personal best now I'm gonna be honest
00:08up front in the beginning it wasn't a crazy drop in time it was only a couple
00:13of seconds but you know what that makes it kind of better because the less that
00:17you personal best by the more PB's you're gonna have you know what I mean
00:21so like honestly I feel like in such a good spot right now where I could I feel
00:26like I could beat this again like right now my personal best isn't anything
00:29crazy it's so before this run I'm not gonna like tell you what this final time
00:33is but my personal best before this one is like 949 and so this is another sub
00:3910 this is my third sub 10 bro oh my gosh I'm actually cranking dude this TNT
00:45placement I remember replacing this TNT here in between three trees 11 wood it's
00:50just off it's off to a brilliant start not the like most insane buried treasure
00:55you know we're only like 40 seconds or something but my crafting is clean I
00:59could have crafted shears but I don't really need them because I got all the
01:02blocks from the the TNT I don't even decide to like grab that last extra bit
01:06of dirt because I'm like you know I gotta go fast screw that I'm actually
01:10really proud of how I play this ocean too I don't know if you guys were but
01:14ice was scanning the entire ocean this is pretty much the only place that
01:18looked good and it's just bad so I really like that kelp there I was like
01:22please please and there was just nothing so there's another ravine a
01:25little off to the side that I decided to push for and I end up seeing this third
01:29ravine even further out so if I had a closer ravine bro oh my gosh I actually
01:34I actually would have been cooking I've just been cooking in general recently I
01:38had my fastest ever enter yesterday one minute in five seconds off of a buried
01:43treasure seed like who the heck do I think I am and in this one I do the cool
01:48door portal from the drip world record that's that's what I always think of and
01:52we're in the nether sub 140 maybe yes sub 140 I actually remember this run too
01:57because on the way to the island I was like hot dang it it's a bit of a far
02:01ravine but you know what it's gonna be like a 140 enter dude it's just like 139
02:05point something something like I'm just I'm just freaking on lock with the speed
02:10running right now this honestly feels really good because I feel like I've had
02:14some really bad ranked sessions recently and I've been questioning whether I'm
02:18still good at the game cuz I I've just I've just had a couple sessions I'm just
02:22getting destroyed you lose elo just have bad matches make mistakes die it's like
02:27ooh it just kind of hurts you know but this one dude I'm freaking I'm popping
02:31off sorry I should calm my ego a little bit I'm playing well I'm proud of how I
02:35played so I get the rune portal before I go to this bastion I actually didn't
02:41remember this I haven't watched this back since the actual personal best I
02:45didn't know it was gonna PB Intel like really late into the run so I feel like
02:50I feel like I just played this really well so we're in a treasure right the
02:54biggest thing with the treasure bastion is there's a mob spawner in it so you
02:57can't use your pie chart debugging menu to locate where a fortress is which is
03:01bad because I kind of just have to send a direction and hope that there's a
03:05fortress there and right now it's a super open nether I can see so much but
03:11I don't see a fortress and that's really bad because in my mind there's basically
03:16not gonna be a fortress on this entire seed so the runs already dead but you
03:20always play it out you always keep trying until the very end where you
03:24either die or you die trying you know what I mean so in treasure I think I've
03:28changed up my treasure route slightly since the last time I showed one off in
03:32a video I mean I keep miss throwing my gold though not because of that change
03:37actually I just like I don't know for whatever reason the past two days I just
03:40like keep missing that gold throw so I got a lock in on that but that's like I
03:44don't know mine is like a second you know what I mean like everything
03:46everything feels very clean up into this point we're routing the bastion still
03:50mid three oh I forgot about this actually this is probably one of the
03:55more messy parts of the run there's just this pig here I heard him as I was
04:00mining the gold and so I knew I wanted to grab it and it just kind of throws
04:03off my whole flow I think the pigs have a little bit where they're actually not
04:07trading because it took so long to get that last guy in maybe it would have
04:12been better to just ignore that pig or kill him I don't really know either way
04:18it would have only like made a difference of a couple seconds or two
04:21I'm getting a pretty good amount of gold here so I'm not too concerned about like
04:25missing out on trades or whatever now that I've been playing RSG more recently
04:31you'll have runs that just feel so good you're like oh my gosh there's a
04:34fortress right there I'm ready to go and you just don't get the pearls and it's
04:38just so sad dude it's just so sad so the fact that I didn't get like trolled on
04:44gold blocks here feels really nice this obsidian chest popped the flip off
04:48actually oh I don't even mind the extra gold blocks there interesting oh I don't
04:52even mind the other backups too dang I'm kind of just sending it go past me
04:56let's freaking go so I just like yeet a pearl over there while they're doing the
05:00final trade wow that Bastion was clean oh my gosh I can't believe I did that
05:04the thought process here was I'm going towards a bad direction but I'm basically
05:08going extra regional I'm going into like the I don't even know how to explain
05:13that extra regional that's how I explain it but on my first pearl dude I spot the
05:17fortress like I spotted it like 20 seconds ago already it was just like I
05:21landed on the soul sand my field of view goes crazy wide and I spot it out
05:25of the corner of my eye so this fortress I don't even know how far this fortress
05:29is but I have to throw three or four pearls just to get here and it ends up
05:35being I think a 522 fortress so nothing like insane dude if this fortress was a
05:41couple hundred blocks to the side and like just on the treasure that's like an
05:45easy 30 seconds of time save you know what I mean it's insane I decided to
05:49block off this wither skeleton here with some drac looking that always feels
05:52good and I see two spawners now I had a chat message to ask me afterward why I
05:57didn't go and play the second spawner it's because I saw two skeletons I only
06:01have one piece of salmon left and I I have the TNT on my hotbar so I'm
06:06thinking I'll just like get these TNT going ASAP I can overlap pre crafting
06:12I'm gonna have to deal with this pig cuz he's gonna be mad at me but I just want
06:15to keep myself safe so I have food and I'm prepped for the endgame this allows
06:18me time to like craft all my beds and whatnot and if worse comes to worse I
06:22can always just go to the second spawner after I've hung a pearl or like measured
06:27my eye or something so I'm not too worried about it and that ends up
06:30working out really well for this run so I've actually been just been doing
06:34really well in general speedrunning I had my like fastest blind time ever
06:39which is where you leave the nether with like your blaze rods to measure the
06:42stronghold oh I knew that skeleton was gonna shoot me there I was just like
06:45really hoping that he wouldn't I was really scared I was gonna miss place but
06:49I didn't so that was really good but yeah so this is a 632 blind and my
06:55fastest ever is I think like a 514 blind so just over a minute faster than this
07:00one but there's so much variation that can happen towards the endgame and like
07:05it's rsg right random wait rsg random seed generation is that what it is I
07:13messed this up last time I don't remember but like random is in the name
07:17you know so it's all about managing your luck dealing with what you've got and
07:20like making the most of it you know what I mean like it's it's like that quote
07:24when life give you lemons make lemonade when speedrun gives you bad seeds do
07:31good with it you know what I mean I'm pretty that's how the quote goes so I I
07:35could have left right now at like 713 but I wanted one more blaze rod there's
07:40actually so many mobs your bro it's actually it's actually insane because I
07:44load more energy but I spend another 20 seconds to get another rod because I I
07:49don't want to be playing for like that super high roll especially cuz there's
07:52just blazes right there this pearl hang absolutely beautiful I think I'm 18
07:57block no no I think I'm just yeah I'm just on coordinates right now digging
08:01down I think I almost light myself on fire yeah dude I almost kill myself
08:04right there like how insane is that imagine I die in the portal animation
08:08basic because I lit myself on fire that would be so sad but we're entering the
08:12stronghold I think this is my third ever sub 8 stronghold I had one yesterday
08:17there was really hype and I died on a zero that would have been like a low 9
08:22it would have been like a 910 speedrun but this one here I'm in the stronghold
08:26I'm like freaking lock-in Parker oh crap you're not locking in you went the wrong
08:30way don't go that way where am I supposed to go I have to go straight the
08:34spike is really hard right but this is pretty much the only path that goes this
08:38way dodge the two creepers there's a third creeper here I want to go down
08:42there but I just can't so I go even lower there's just nothing here I'm like
08:45frick that's the end of my speedrun my run is just over I've taken two wrong
08:49turns at this at this like high-level speedrunning like you just got to be
08:53one-shotting it and there it is insta pearl sends going for the hunger reset I
08:58have zero prepped I'm gonna freaking crank this zero no matter what it is
09:02there's three eyes of ender I only need to craft one one eye boom drag clicking
09:06everything in mess up the drag clicking I'm in the end eight minutes 44 seconds
09:10if I had a clean zero this should be like a 944 or something like that I
09:16can't really remember going for this front tower buried but I mess up oh my
09:21gosh I had a heart attack there my bridging it's so sketchy because I'm
09:24getting a little nervous and I'm like oh I almost fall off I'm not even sure if
09:29I'm at the right coordinates but I'm there and I have reaction so enjoy the
09:34zero cycle don't die now Parker don't die now does that even PB does anybody
10:00please does somebody know my baby I don't think it breaks it does it what's
10:07my baby let's go four seconds clutched up though I feel like I should be really
10:22loud right now but