00:00I should have been recording because I need I want to make a commentary video and I need I need footage
00:04So can we can we get a seed, please? I need to talk about swimming. And so I got a seed
00:11I've been a little distracted recently and I just want to get back into the flow of
00:16Commentaries. So this was some footage I had from earlier today. Maybe it's cuz I I'm not like sleeping bad
00:23but after going on a
00:25Trip my sleep has just been like slightly off. Like I went to bed last night at
00:3111 and woke up at 7. Wait, no, that's like 8 hours. No. No, I woke up at 6
00:36I don't remember when I woke up, but I remember it was like an hour earlier than I normally do and I was like
00:43Body, why I didn't have a lot an alarm. I woke up an hour earlier
00:47Maybe you know schedules just like thrown off because I was in a different time zone. I don't really know
00:52Maybe it's also cuz like I tried to record like a main channel video thing today and that kind of went
00:59Kaputsky and then I played some ranked like speed running and wasn't totally locked in and
01:06Now I'm like a little sleepy. I don't really know. Maybe I'm just making excuses. Just like lock the frickin Parker
01:13But what do I want to talk about today? Oh, that's right. That's right
01:17Swimming, I don't know if I talk if I mentioned this in my last video
01:22But I have tried swimming for like the first time in my life
01:26Granted I took swimming lessons as a kid to learn how to swim. That was awesome
01:30I think that was like a really good thing to do
01:33But as an adult, this is the first time
01:37Yeah, it's the first time I've ever swam
01:39so I was thinking about it for a couple days before I did it when I was on the the trip with Leo and
01:45Jaron because I was talking about it and I just hurt my knee and so I was like
01:49Trying to come up with other things to do we went rock climbing
01:51I went on some walks, but I wanted to stay away from the walks because that also hurt my knee and you know
01:57What wouldn't hurt my knee swimming? So in my head I was like, okay, there's a gym 10 or 15 minutes away
02:04I know my brother goes to it. My cousin goes to it
02:06I might as well just like get a membership there and and and just go so that's what I did
02:13Became the swimmer person. I went down to the gym. I was like, yo, can't we set up with this?
02:17a nice lady set me up with an account showed me the swimming pool and then I was off to the races and oh my
02:25Gosh, there's definitely a learning curve
02:27I knew I was gonna be bad at swimming and that's what I was expecting
02:30but I just
02:32It was it was a little worse than I thought not like worse, but I guess I was worse than I thought
02:39Mainly cuz I'm breathing bro breathing while underwater. It's like impossible. So you have to like
02:45It's just like hard to breathe while swimming because I think I was just um
02:50Now that I've swam like two or three times the first time I just was not breathing enough
02:56And if you're trying to exercise while not breathing, well, it's just like it does not work, bro
03:01Like I was just I was like kind of dying
03:04I couldn't really like push myself that well because I was just like constantly gasping for air
03:09but you know, that's what's gonna happen when you start something new you're always gonna be bad at it and
03:14I think a big skill of swimming is
03:18Like being comfortable and learning how to breathe like I think the strat is to like have your lungs
03:25more full like never like fully breathing out your lungs like always having a little bit air because then that helps you float and
03:33Also, you just want to make sure you're like maxed out on air all the time
03:37So I'm breathing like every two strokes and it's still like it's hard bro
03:41But today was my third swim day and it was so much better than the other two. I swam further faster
03:48less breaks
03:50Like I was it actually felt like a workout because I was able to push myself
03:53I'd watched a couple videos on like swimming techniques. Oh and and and I
04:00Got some earplugs because my ears hurt the first like two times that I went swimming things called swimmers ear
04:06I don't know just like the fact that you're going in and out of the water
04:09There's like a water slapping in and out of your ear and like not making your your canal and your drum feel super great
04:17That didn't happen today because I got some
04:20What do you like wax ear plugs?
04:23To just like waterproof my ears and it worked it worked. It actually worked beautifully. I was a little nervous
04:29It wasn't gonna work, but I'm gonna do that every single time and then I also have a swim cap
04:33I've been slowly leveling up my my swimming setup as I've been swimming more
04:39I got a swim cap like after the second one. I actually lost my goggles the first day
04:44They were actually my brother's goggles. So sorry about that, but I got I bought new ones
04:49So I guess technically I'm still using his but I bought a new pair
04:52I should probably buy another pair so I can like give him back not that he's like planning to swim
04:56I guess it probably could be good to have two pairs. Maybe that's what I'll do tomorrow
04:59I've been like stopping up Walmart a ton before
05:03Swimming like well, I've done it three times like the second time I wanted to get or no not even the second time
05:09But one of the times I wanted to get a swim cap or no, I wanted to get goggles, man
05:14I'm I'm actually just so all over the place today. Am I tired? Do I need to sleep?
05:18I do need to sleep but it's not my bedtime yet. I'll sleep in a little bit. I
05:23Needed goggles and I was really excited to go swim for like the second time and Walmart just didn't have power
05:29So I show up in the parking lot. All of the employees are sitting outside and they'd say
05:36sorry, get back in your car like
05:38we actually just like can't sell anything because we have no power for the
05:43Whatever you call the things cashiers check register cashiers, man
05:47I think I might really be out of it right now, but it's okay to be out of it sometimes
05:51I kind of like embracing being out of it sometimes especially especially when I'm sleep-deprived, bro. Oh my gosh in Japan
05:59That's the most sleep-deprived I've ever been and it just gets to the point where I'm so sleep-deprived
06:03That I just don't even care anymore and I'm just it's not like I'm playing into the sleep depriveness
06:09I guess kind of I am I'm just like I just fully embrace it and I'm like
06:12I'm so out of it man, and you just like starts learning words, you know
06:15And it's like it's like chill, but I do have a swimming story to finish
06:19I guess not is it really even a story? I have a swimming yap session to finish. Okay. All right
06:26I should probably start stretching my shoulders and getting some better shoulder mobility, especially for doing backstroke
06:33I I mainly do front crawl
06:35But I think it's probably good to learn some of the other strokes like breaststroke
06:39Back, what do you call it backstroke?
06:42I guess so and then there's probably like one more. Oh butterfly. I don't even know how that one works
06:48But when I try to do
06:50Backstroke in particular. I'm like, oh wow. It's like you really want to like reach as far
06:57Like past your head and in line with your body as you can
07:00And so I should probably I should probably work on that
07:03but my shoulders did get a really good workout today, which is which is really good because
07:08I've been doing like some sort of
07:10exercise or activity every single day, even though I have stopped my
07:14Running streak whether it's like a walk or a workout and I had
07:17Um, like a full body lifting session with my brother the other day. It's the first real
07:23lifting session that i've had in
07:26A couple of years honestly, I I work out
07:30but it's mostly
07:32Pull-ups and push-ups, which is good and I like it and it's like good for my needs
07:37But there's something different about like using machines and free weights to just like lift stuff like there
07:43It's a different toll on your body. And so my body was just like
07:46Not used to actual like hardcore
07:49Lifting I almost threw up bro. I almost threw it actually destroyed me
07:54I had to I had to lay on my bed when I got home for like 30 minutes
07:59And then I was oh my gosh
08:00We were driving home from the thing and I just like pushed myself so hard
08:04My body was just not used to it like it's good to like push myself
08:07Maybe I push myself too hard, but like my body was just so not used to it
08:12It wasn't even like a muscle like that just like destroyed me in particular. It was just the whole like
08:19effort that my body has to like put through oh my gosh when I was doing my second set of
08:25Leg press I just hadn't done a leg press in so long and I don't really do like
08:30Like a leg weight lifting because I just like do a ton of running and cardio and stuff and so i'm like
08:35That's like already kind of burnt me out, but I did this leg pressing
08:41on the second set
08:43Dude, my neck hurt like the back of my head hurt because I exerted myself so much, you know
08:48Like when you when you like hold your breath and you really give like a a good concerted effort
08:53I just tensed up my neck so much that it hurt and that's that's why that's why I stopped
08:59Like early on the third set because my head was hurting because I I like pushed too hard
09:04And then we finished the set and we just did it wasn't even like that long. It was like, I don't know like 45 minutes
09:11somewhere around there
09:13But we just like worked a ton of muscle groups and I was just so cooked at the end, bro
09:18I almost didn't do our last exercise. Our last exercise were like some
09:22Seated uh lap pulls and I I freaking just sent it on those man
09:27and that was the cherry on top that really just
09:31Kind of destroyed me like oh my gosh. My body was just so not used to it
09:36I we walked out thankfully my brother drove so I didn't have to do anything and I was like dude
09:43Just be like this is like I might roll down the window and throw up as we're driving home
09:48and then um
09:50We stopped at a maverick or seven like at a gas station and he got me a uh, a gatorade
09:56I drank that oh my gloriousness. That was so good
09:59I needed that so bad, but it didn't fix it entirely
10:02I drank most the gatorade and I was still cooked. I was less cooked but still cooked
10:07And the gatorade had fulfilled its purpose. I I couldn't drink anymore
10:11So I left the last couple of sips to him and I literally just went I laid on my bed
10:17I put a like a a mask over my eyes
10:20So it was dark and I just laid on my bed for like 20 minutes
10:23No watching a phone or listening to music. I just laid on my bed. I was cooked bro
10:27I was actually cooked not in any way that was like dangerously cooked like in japan, dude
10:32Maybe I have an issue. No, I don't it's fine. I know my limits. I wasn't gonna die. Okay, we're totally we're totally chill
10:39But it was it was a really good workout and so like 20 or 30 minutes later
10:42I got off the the couch or off my bed and I was like, okay
10:46I feel a lot better. It actually felt strangely good to
10:51Just sit up have an upright body position compared to laying down. I don't know what that is
10:55maybe it's like something about digestion or about your circulatory system that just makes it a little bit like, uh,
11:02Easier on you, but i've been having adventures with exercise and it's been cool to try out a lot of different stuff
11:07I feel like I should talk about this speedrun a little bit because I was trying to get footage for a commentary video
11:13Where am I?
11:16But I thought that was so funny bro, oh my gosh, I just got freaking
11:21Donked on by that creeper. I was trying to get a completion today to make a commentary video
11:26But that felt like a good enough ending for it that i'm actually kind of happy to turn this into a commentary video man
11:33Whenever I record commentary videos my mood goes up man
11:37It's weird like i'm smiling right now. I was like so apathetic when I started this thing
11:42today's just been a
11:44Been a blah, you know what? I mean, but it was good to yeah for a second
11:48I hope you guys are doing like super epically fantastic. I'm gonna go to bed pretty soon here. Can I like recover?
11:54It's gonna be nice
11:55And then i'm gonna wake up and eat some good food and work out and life is gonna keep going on be good
12:00So yeah, have a wonderful day guys. I'll talk to you later. Peace